dozens of upvotes dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about empathy deficit entitled babies grandiosity kitties men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains jokes post contains sarcasm PUA reactionary bullshit red pill reddit self-congratulation we hunted the mammoth

“Without men, our species returns to the muck,” dude sitting on his ass posting to Reddit declares

Man building civilization, in his basement
Man building civilization, in his basement

There’s some classic we-hunted-the-mammoth-ing going on in the Red Pill subreddit today, with some dude calling himself HumanSockPuppet reminding his fellow dudes of all the fine work done by the dudes of the species over the years, with regard to raising civilization from the muck, holding back chaos, that sort of thing.

In a heavily upvoted comment crying out for a dramatic reading, HumanSockPuppet declares that

Men must understand that WE are the valuable half of a relationship.

We are the designers, the workers, the innovators, the protectors. Forty-thousand years of our species’ dominance on the planet is built upon our efforts.

So declares a dude sitting on his ass posting to Reddit, in a message aimed at other dudes sitting on their asses reading Reddit.

Without men, our species returns to the muck, ill-equipped for survival in a harsh and unfettered world. We are the sex that battles against chaos. WE ARE ORDER.

Dude, it’s not just men. Everyone who owns a cat fights the forces of chaos on a daily basis.

Seriously. The story of civilization has basically been a 10,000-year-struggle against cats knocking over our crap.

A bitch’s job is just to make more men.

Huh. And when these, er, bitches eventually die off, how are all those men going to make more men? Seems like that might be a teensy little flaw in the argument there, ORDER MAN.

Women have become accustomed to the ease and fairness of society. They believe ease and fairness are inherent properties of the universe. No. Ease and fairness are extracted forcibly from nature by winning in battle against it with blood, and sweat, and tears, and time.

Blood and sweat, and tears, and time. Well, here’s Blood, Sweat and Tears:

And here’s The Time, with Morris Day:

Not sure what any of this has to do with extracting fairness from nature but, I dunno, the songs are pretty catchy.

So when a bitch starts acting like she’s entitled to the ease and fairness that you fought to win, why are you just handing it away?

Uh, I’m not sure that sitting on your ass posting to Reddit technically counts as fighting nature, red in tooth and claw.

Your time is precious. And anything that you spent your time to earn is also precious. If your life is together, your body is strong, your mind is acute, and your assets secure, then your worth is already proven. If someone wants a piece of what you have, they don’t get it for free. They must earn your love and appreciation by first offering theirs.

Hold up a hoop, set it on fire, and command her to jump.

And if she’s all like, what the hell are you talking about you pompous weirdo, you could try the hoop thing with your cat instead. I mean, your cat owes you some kind of entertainment after knocking over pretty much everything you own on a regular basis.

Just leave out the bit about lighting the hoop on fire. Fur burns.

H/T — r/TheBluePill

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Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

Long-time lurker, first time poster. Hi. Shut up, Woody.

I doubt this MRA HumanSockPocket could endure half of what the average suffragette went through when she was fighting for the right to vote.

As for the day when civilization falls (or stumbles), I can’t make a fire, but I can cook, tend a garden, spin my own yarn, and knit. I may’ve hit that wall MRAs keep talking about, but I’ve got valuable skills for a post-apocalyptic world.

9 years ago

Usual chauvinism, nothing really new from TRP.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
9 years ago

MRAs sure spend a lot of time shrieking about women, don’t they? You would think they’d spend their time on something more important than pathetic womenfolk.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Can the Red Pill subreddit at least come up with something marginally original?

9 years ago

MRAs sure spend a lot of time shrieking about women, don’t they? You would think they’d spend their time on something more important than pathetic womenfolk.

His mother probably just asked him to start cleaning up the house a bit and look for a job. Hence the need to vent.

9 years ago

With the arrival of the age of automation

no civilised culture needs violent thugs to roam the streets , they must be kept busy and reduced down & down & down..

I think that Deborah Hitchens is both sarcastic (in the blunt way that she phrases her opinion) and accurate.

Maybe violent guys were once useful in some situations. (Yes, this is a very broad statement that doesn’t take discrimination against women into account, not to mention classism, racism, and so on.) But then you had to keep a sharp eye on these violent guys because they were bound to be violent in situations that could be resolved nonviolently. And the US government, who once needed men with a violent urge to sign up for warfare, now needs them less because drones. (I’m not advocating drone warfare. I’m just looking at it the way the US government does. Drone warfare is, at the least, extremely problematic.)

To put Deborah’s statement in a positive way, violent people need to be retrained so that they focus their energy in another direction, a positive direction. In this way, the numbers of violent people will be continuously reduced.

9 years ago

“female apes tend to be the ones to introduce new innovations and tools to their groups”

But I must remind you, when female apes do it, it is not some imaginative creative process, it’s because they are lazy. Male apes are either creative or they prefer doing things the hard way “by winning in battle against it with blood, and sweat, and tears, and time.”

9 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Holding on to a burning hoop. Brilliant idea! That’s the kind of thinking that got us out of the primordial ooze.

I’ve seen (glimpses of) too many fail videos starring drunk guys not to both laugh and weep at the burning-hoop image.


Cats, we’re better than this. I mean, you’re better than this. Don’t be fooled by the owners. I mean don’t be fooled by us hoomans. Meow.

Ha, ha! Hoomans, we’re better than this.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

no civilised culture needs violent thugs to roam the streets , they must be kept busy and reduced down & down & down..

I know this post’s been pointed out a few times, but my take on it is “Wow, that’s so racist it doesn’t even count as a dog whistle.” Yeah, I think clarifications from Deborah are in order, because wut. ಠ_ಠ

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ kat

Military recruitment and exploiting violent tendencies in the population is a fascinating and complex subject. Some aspects are quite counter intuitive (it’s very difficult to get soldiers to be violent for example).

The classic ur-text on this subject is Marshall’s “Men Under Fire” but you may also enjoy “On Combat” and “On Killing” by Grossman; they both go into the research in a bit more detail.

If you fancy a little light reading on this intriguing topic I highly recommend those books as starters.

9 years ago

They all think they’re Rambo. Which would be funny if that didn’t so often end badly.

9 years ago

Welcome Victorious Parasol! If you’ve been lurking, I’m sure you know where to find the welcome package.

Did I ever welcome you back and say I’m glad you returned? If not, shame on me because I’m glad to see you’ve gotten back to posting!

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
9 years ago

Thanks, weirwoodtreehugger! Yes, I’ve found the welcome package, all hail Katie, don’t need any more kitties because the four felines currently in residence said there are enough cats in the house at this time.

9 years ago

The guy is clearly using a “hoop” designed to make it look like a box, in order to repeatedly fool and embarrass the poor cat.

Even worse, the box is CLEARLY made from a flat of Wellness brand cat food. Animal abuse, is what that is.

Here Kitty Kitty! (@Layla_In_SoCal)
Here Kitty Kitty! (@Layla_In_SoCal)
9 years ago

Seriously, dude?

Where is the originality?

Been there, done that.

Where’s the conspiracy theories?

Not even ONE word about hypergamy (or origami for that matter) which is the bare minimum for any self respecting misogynist.

And you call yourself an MRA? Sheesh!

9 years ago

Civilizations that are less spoiled than us who really have to struggle have always valued women’s necessary work, which was a lot of things men didnt do, like making temporary shelters & clothes, farming (in many tribes women did all or most of the ag), defending the homestead if men were away, caring for kids (which is actually hard) managing the home including accounting, cooking, & in some tribes domestic governance. Real History is being written & revised based on actual evidence while some people think their imaginations suffice.

9 years ago

I don’t know if this helps, but I don’t think (and I could be wrong) that Deborah’s comment was necessarily racist. For example, at the moment, a huge issue in Australia is the number and frequency of “one-punch” attacks. These are often unprovoked, the victim and offender are unknown to each other, and the people involved are usually white (though that may be due publication bias in the media). So when she speaks of thugs roaming the streets, my mind immediately turns to that.

I am not Deborah, however, and I do know that “thug” is a term used in the US by racists to refer to MOC, so if she’s in the US it could be.

It does also feel like it verges on being an argument for eugenics, and that really never ends well, either. So many thinky thoughts.

Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard
9 years ago

I love how these anuses of society love to take all the credit, as men, for all the good things in society, yet when you point out all the shitty things that were also caused by men, they put their fingers in their ears while singing Yankee Doodle Dandee.

Reading their garbage is like listening to a wet fart. Everything about them reminds me of a wet fart, actually. That should be their anthem.

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Military recruitment and exploiting violent tendencies in the population is a fascinating and complex subject. Some aspects are quite counter intuitive (it’s very difficult to get soldiers to be violent for example).

Yes, I did know this. The statistic I learned in college was that in WWII, when in battle, 50 percent of soldiers attempted to shoot over the enemy’s head. I don’t know how accurate that figure is, but I believe that it does indicate something.

Apparently it is hard to train most men to overcome their early lessons (Share. Don’t hit others. Don’t hurt others). I blame mothers.

Thanks for mentioning those books. When I get time, I’ll take a look at them. My boyfriend and I sent a friend The Brothers Vonnegut: Science and Fiction in the House of Magic for Christmas. It’s about the late US antiwar novelist Kurt Vonnegut, who famously lived through the firebombing of Dresden as a POW, and his brother, a research scientist for the US military. I haven’t read it but it looks fascinating.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

@Alan, I understand you’re a bit of a human history buff? They have actually started to study why ‘alpha’ behaviour was ever even needed in human societies, in which obviously social order was very important (alpha behaviour being anti-social by that measure). Some suggest (I HATE this phrase, so non-science) that so-called alphas were needed to carry the baggage of the so-called non-alphas. I heard this cited in a Finnish panel show about news and whatnot, so source is obscure. To me it sounded like either a study not worth its attention or just a continuation to the tendency of giving “Macho Alpha DUUUDE” behaviour more scientific credit than it deserves.

Long story short, I’d be interested if you (or anyone else) had more on this. Like studies and stuff. I actually picked up the BBC series you mentioned earlier about other human species. Watched the one about Neanderthals and it was very interesting!

9 years ago

Everyone else already made the important points, so I’ll just express my dismay that Oscar and his human only got a paltry 10 upvotes. Right now, I’m frankly ashamed to be an American.

Sweaty Examination Goblin
Sweaty Examination Goblin
9 years ago

I have a serious urge to do dramatic readings of manosphere posts like this, in a good classic Star Wars Bad Villain Fake-British Accent. I should have asked for that microphone for Christmas…

Miss Andry
9 years ago

@Here Kitty Kitty!

You want conspiracies? You got it. Er, careful what you wish for.

9 years ago

Which Star Wars villians had fake British accents? They used mostly genuine Brits because they filmed the original trilogy in England…

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Leda Atomica | January 5, 2016 at 4:48 pm

We need that Mayun Logic in a flowchart!

How’s this?

And if it did come down to an apocalypse (which we’ve discussed here before because these guys all wank to the idea of it apparently), we all know these shitlords are going to get killed pretty damn quickly, that is if they don’t mourn the loss of their internet connections, and thus their echo chamber backup.

On top of that, I know how to can, jar, dry, and smoke things for preservation, and I know a bit about gardening and plants.

I’m not much use in a fight, but I can haggle kind of well, and I’m good with kids for a short while.

These guys can fantasize about a world where they’re the kings all they want, but the fact of the matter is, if they suddenly were made kings (Goddess help us all), we’d have a revolution and/or an assassination within a week. Which Katie will have had nothing to do with, I swear.