dozens of upvotes dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about empathy deficit entitled babies grandiosity kitties men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains jokes post contains sarcasm PUA reactionary bullshit red pill reddit self-congratulation we hunted the mammoth

“Without men, our species returns to the muck,” dude sitting on his ass posting to Reddit declares

Man building civilization, in his basement
Man building civilization, in his basement

There’s some classic we-hunted-the-mammoth-ing going on in the Red Pill subreddit today, with some dude calling himself HumanSockPuppet reminding his fellow dudes of all the fine work done by the dudes of the species over the years, with regard to raising civilization from the muck, holding back chaos, that sort of thing.

In a heavily upvoted comment crying out for a dramatic reading, HumanSockPuppet declares that

Men must understand that WE are the valuable half of a relationship.

We are the designers, the workers, the innovators, the protectors. Forty-thousand years of our species’ dominance on the planet is built upon our efforts.

So declares a dude sitting on his ass posting to Reddit, in a message aimed at other dudes sitting on their asses reading Reddit.

Without men, our species returns to the muck, ill-equipped for survival in a harsh and unfettered world. We are the sex that battles against chaos. WE ARE ORDER.

Dude, it’s not just men. Everyone who owns a cat fights the forces of chaos on a daily basis.

Seriously. The story of civilization has basically been a 10,000-year-struggle against cats knocking over our crap.

A bitch’s job is just to make more men.

Huh. And when these, er, bitches eventually die off, how are all those men going to make more men? Seems like that might be a teensy little flaw in the argument there, ORDER MAN.

Women have become accustomed to the ease and fairness of society. They believe ease and fairness are inherent properties of the universe. No. Ease and fairness are extracted forcibly from nature by winning in battle against it with blood, and sweat, and tears, and time.

Blood and sweat, and tears, and time. Well, here’s Blood, Sweat and Tears:

And here’s The Time, with Morris Day:

Not sure what any of this has to do with extracting fairness from nature but, I dunno, the songs are pretty catchy.

So when a bitch starts acting like she’s entitled to the ease and fairness that you fought to win, why are you just handing it away?

Uh, I’m not sure that sitting on your ass posting to Reddit technically counts as fighting nature, red in tooth and claw.

Your time is precious. And anything that you spent your time to earn is also precious. If your life is together, your body is strong, your mind is acute, and your assets secure, then your worth is already proven. If someone wants a piece of what you have, they don’t get it for free. They must earn your love and appreciation by first offering theirs.

Hold up a hoop, set it on fire, and command her to jump.

And if she’s all like, what the hell are you talking about you pompous weirdo, you could try the hoop thing with your cat instead. I mean, your cat owes you some kind of entertainment after knocking over pretty much everything you own on a regular basis.

Just leave out the bit about lighting the hoop on fire. Fur burns.

H/T — r/TheBluePill

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9 years ago

They must earn your love and appreciation by first offering theirs.

Well, okay, maybe not perfectly worded, but reciprocation of feelings is important to relationsh–

Hold up a hoop, set it on fire, and command her to jump.

Wait what? What the fuck definition of “love” and “appreciation” is this dude using?

In all seriousness though, I wonder what the this asshole has accomplished in his life? What order has he stole from chaos? Other than, of course, being born with a dick.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Ease and fairness are extracted forcibly from nature

That’s…the exact opposite of fairness. “Extracted forcibly” sounds like a bully mugging someone for lunch money.

Men must understand that WE are the valuable half of a relationship.

We are the designers, the workers, the innovators, the protectors.

He’s demanding a Participation Trophy just for showing up in a relationship. And yet it’s women who are lazy and seek unearned respect.

It’s no different from a sports fan sitting on his butt in front of the TV, swilling beer and screaming “WE SCORED! WE’RE THE CHAMPIONS!” He’s wearing the same jersey as the athletes, and that means everyone should bow to him too. Never forget who won the big game for you, you ungrateful harpies! Now where’s the remote?

Hold up a hoop, set it on fire, and command her to jump.

Holding on to a burning hoop. Brilliant idea! That’s the kind of thinking that got us out of the primordial ooze.

Without men, our species returns to the muck

In HumanSockPuppet’s case, that would be a very short journey.

9 years ago

Meanwhile, over at the (ironically?) misnamed Rational Male, the Rollo Tomassi character bemoans the fact that

Women cannot bear to see a Man experiencing negative emotions such as extreme anger, rage, fear, despair, despondency or depression for extended periods of time.

You see, somehow it is a woman’s job, while popping out new Men (yes, capital), to put up with and absorb Man’s extreme anger, rage, fear, despair, despondency or depression for extended periods of time. It is not Man’s responsibility to get a grip on and control his destructive (chronically so) emotions, and supposedly any attempts of women to help him overcome them are construed as one of women’s endless shortcomings (i.e., they cannot bear).

And so an unwillingness to “bear” being subjected to Man’s chronic, destructive emotions and their predictable behavioral manifestations is apparently one of those vices of modern women. Sadly, things have changed now and it is unlike those good ol’ times when Man could unload his extreme anger, rage, fear, despair, despondency or depression on women in any way it pleased him and be excused for it by society and its legal system.

And that’s just from the main post. The commenters provide ample evidence of those Manly emotions and sentiments that women should bear. Here is just a small sample:

Sun Wukong

January 4th, 2016 at 10:48 pm

(…) I’m more and more convinced that an attractive woman without a strong man to lead her just becomes a hole given enough time. Sexually, philosophically, and psychologically.


January 5th, 2016 at 12:57 am
(…) I just don’t give a fuck anymore.
They made their bed (as if, most of these whoreholes are to fucking lazy now to even do that), they get to lie in it.
They know the truth, the whoreholes just decide to ignore it.
Fuck-em, sodomize-em, cum on their tits, just don’t give the fucking sluts any love, they are not fucking worthy.

Divided Line

January 5th, 2016 at 3:25 am
Could women possibly be more depressing? Everybody says the rage phase ends but mine certainly hasn’t.

That’s just a random sample from the latest page. Some of the things women should bear, preferably with a smile and cheerful attitude. But nooo.

Yep, as we can see, Man builds civilization, and women ruin it by, among all things, not absorbing his — righteous, obvs — chronic rage and hatred as they should.

P.S. That post is titled (I kid you not) Empathy 2016. And the, um, empathetic comments quoted were inspired, partially at least, by some young woman who apparently dared to oppose something said either in the OP or in the comments, not that it matters. Women ruin everything, but especially all that’s good and noble in Man. As evidenced.

9 years ago

In the unfettered darkness of the 40,000 year future, there is only civilisation?

“Whining for the whining god!”

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

I wonder if he would ever admit to any men creating this ‘muck’ or even chaos?
I met this lovehoney who kept saying the only reason men go to war is to impress women and/or get resources for the expensive demands of feeemales.
Is there a similar, er, logic Beautiful Mind here is trying to communicate to us?

MRA rants could all be bound into one book titled ‘Letters from Alternate Universes’. They always leave the reader with the nightmarish task of imagining where it all comes from.

9 years ago

no civilised culture needs violent thugs to roam the streets , they must be kept busy and reduced down & down & down..

Am I the only one who’s uneasy about this comment? I can’t even tell how it relates to the OP.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@Leda Atomica:

MRA rants could all be bound into one book titled ‘Letters from Alternate Universes’.

Or “The Little Book of Angreeeeeeee” (inspired by your avatar)

9 years ago

I know this has nothing to do with this article so I apologize but i need vent about this. The page “MUH Men’s Rights Activism” has been taken down due to bunch of mras reporting the page. However pages like “muh patriarchy” and bunch of other sexist site are completely okay to leave up. Its funny how mra whine about how we are the ones taking away their freedom of speech.

Just glad they can’t do the same thing to this page.

9 years ago
Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
9 years ago

Men must understand that WE are the valuable half of a relationship.

If something has a valuable half and a valueless half, why bother with the valueless half? Go your own way, already!

Without men, our species returns to the muck

Ooookay. The way I interpret that (cuz all I have to do otherwise is pay my cable bill) is either:

a.) Without men, “our” species ceases to exist, although probably without muckiness, though the men will never know the difference in any case.

b.) They mean “real” men like themselves, in which case, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Heh. *whew* Ah, sorry. Where was I? Oh, yeah. Us wimmenz will all Immediately run headlong into the muck and pull all the other folks (that aren’t “real” men) in with us. Because we are without “men” and also women just loooove them some muck. Or some such.

*wanders off to pay the cable bill*

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants


9 years ago

Surely, you can’t have ease and fairness, unless it applies to everyone… so it’s not as if you can hand it out at your whim.

Also, if we’re talking comfort above immediate survival against the elements, starvation and the savage beasts, then those are kind of a pre-requisite to being able to give birth and nurture young.

These men just love to imagine women dying from their neglect.

As if we wouldn’t survive in our own groups and treat them just like any other large predator.

But it’s not as if we’re ever going back to the stone-age, even if the apocalypse happens tomorrow. We have enough infrastructure and shared technological knowledge to do better than our cave-dwelling ancestors, even if we had to scavenge.

For one thing, we have fire, agriculture, durable weather-proof structures, hygiene, techniques for preserving food, the wheel, trigonometry, artifacts such as hand tools that would be useful… we wouldn’t have to invent/ discover all these things again, so we’d probably go back as far as the Middle Ages, if we were sensible about trying to survive sustainably.

I think we should all try to learn as much about medieval agriculture as possible, so that even if the electricity does go out, we won’t end up grubbing around like these Reddit savages. Then they’d have to beg us for food. Ha Ha.

9 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Holding on to a burning hoop. Brilliant idea! That’s the kind of thinking that got us out of the primordial ooze.

XD perfect

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

Sorry for spamming but I just realised how ableist ‘Beautiful Mind’ was of me, as the character is based on a real person whose mental illness contributed to the fantasy he created.

I myself have a diagnosis, and (by coincidence?) so do many, many people around me and none of us are arseholes who need other people to exist only to jump through flaming shapes.

9 years ago

Women have become accustomed to the ease and fairness of society. They believe ease and fairness are inherent properties of the universe. No. Ease and fairness are extracted forcibly from nature by winning in battle against it with blood, and sweat, and tears, and time.

Ah yes, these uppity women are clearly the privileged ones in our society.

Bonus points for hilarious lack of self-awareness. Dude, you have it easy. Especially when you consider “writing a misogynistic post on reddit” to be equivalent to ‘winning a battle [in nature] with blood, sweat and tears’. These kind of guys are typically too self-conscious to take a poop in the woods, I doubt they’d last long in nature.

9 years ago

I’m sure you wouldn’t be surprised if I told you that the commenter Divided Line has trolled here a few times.

He memorably chose a thread about the murder of a feminist activist to whine about his sad and lonely boner and how hard men have it. Can’t you just feel all the empathy?

That’s a misogynist for you. Women being raped, beaten or murdered is nothing compared to the pain of a man not getting a date!

9 years ago

“I met this lovehoney who kept saying the only reason men go to war is to impress women and/or get resources for the expensive demands of feeemales.”

When misogynists say, “Everything men do we do for women, because we luuurrrve you so much,” I’m pretty sure what they mean is, “We will use anything and everything we do as a justification for why we should be entitled to get whatever we want from you.” No difference between those two statements in their minds.

9 years ago

January 5, 2016 at 1:15 pm

Deborah Hitchens
January 5, 2016 at 11:31 am
With the arrival of the age of automation

no civilised culture needs violent thugs to roam the streets , they must be kept busy and reduced down & down & down..

Am I the only one who’s uneasy about this comment? I can’t even tell how it relates to the OP.

It’s a bit odd, that’s for sure. Deborah, if you’re not a drive-by, care to go into a bit more detail, here? I don’t want to over-read the statement, but we’re generally not big on the notion of retributive violence around here, either.

(Actually, looking at it closer, it’s almost as if Deborah is suggesting that [some types of?] men should be sent off to war against one another, both to ‘keep them busy’ and to reduce their numbers. This seems a tad overbroad, by which I mean it’s utterly reprehensible, if that’s what was meant.)

9 years ago

I thought Deborah’s comment was about cops, but I was at a loss to explain how one could automate law enforcement, let alone what it had to do with lifting civilization out of the mud via flaming hoops.

9 years ago

Men must understand that WE are the valuable half of a relationship.

They keep telling themselves that, forgetting that if not for that part of a woman that they hate (and yet keep wanting to insert themselves into) so much, they wouldn’t even exist.

Much valuable, so wow.

We are the designers, the workers, the innovators, the protectors.

…and in this dude’s case, the WANKERS. And the WHINERS. And the MOANERS. And the do-nothing CONSTANT FUCKING COMPLAINERS.

Forty-thousand years of our species’ dominance on the planet is built upon our efforts.

What’s that you said? I couldn’t hear you, I was knapping flint. For a spearhead. Gonna go hunt me a wooly heffalump. Women DID do that in prehistoric times, y’know.

Without men, our species returns to the muck, ill-equipped for survival in a harsh and unfettered world. We are the sex that battles against chaos. WE ARE ORDER.

…says the wanker, neglecting to pick up his crusty socks and throw them in the hamper for his poor long-suffering mother to wash. He can’t even be bothered to walk three steps across the room, either.

I’m sorry, what’s that about “being ORDER” again?

(In this dude’s case, I’d say being ORDURE is more like it.)

9 years ago

A bitch’s job is just to make more men.

Actually, men are the ones who make more men (broadly speaking), since they’re the ones with the X and Y gametes. Sorry Henry VIII, it’s your fault you only had one sickly son.

I’d like to see this dumbass carry water for miles and miles as many women and girls do in less fortunate parts of the world. Let’s face it though, if the ape apocalypse ever happens and our glittering civilisation collapses, all of us coddled Europeans and Americans will be up shit creek without a paddle. Anyone here know how to grow food, make fire, or build a shelter? I sure don’t. And I’m p sure the mra whiners on reddit don’t, either.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

So when a bitch starts acting like she’s entitled to the ease and fairness that you fought to win, why are you just handing it away?

Because we “bitches” have fought, and are still fighting, a hell of a lot harder than you to get things that were handed to you on a silver platter (you know, like the right to be treated as something other than a baby-making, cock-sucking, sammich-making, cowering, subservient June Cleaver).

So how about you get off your ass and do something about your problems instead of just demanding that women stop being “bitches” like some sort of lazy wannabe Reddit Emperor upon your computer chair throne surrounded by empty Monster cans, Cheeto bags, and used tissues? Like, oh, I don’t know, go build something or some shit. Go start your own “society”. That’s what you’re saying men are good at right?

EJ (The Other One) | January 5, 2016 at 11:04 am
I’m sure his method for doing that will start with punching a tree.

Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie | January 5, 2016 at 1:39 pm
Men must understand that WE are the valuable half of a relationship.
If something has a valuable half and a valueless half, why bother with the valueless half? Go your own way, already!

Ah, but here’s the part where we enter The Mayun Logic.

> Women are useless.
> But Women have the ability to create more men and pleasure boners and make sammiches.
> Men still want Women for this purpose.
> Therefore, Women aren’t useless.
> But Women are still useless because I said so.
> So Women should still bow to my every whim and have my babies and please my boner and make me a sammich.
> Repeat ad nauseum

And thus, we have the great Mayun Logic.

9 years ago

Without men, our species returns to the muck, ill-equipped for survival in a harsh and unfettered world.

As if sheltered internet tough guys like him would last a week left to their own in an unfettered world. Even some MAYUNLY men in Oregon can’t make it 2 days into seizing a building without begging for snacks and toiletries. xD

9 years ago

I wonder how this (sad excuse for a) person would react to the knowledge that in gathering/ hunting communities the gatherers (ie the women, girls, boys too young to hunt) provide around 80% of the calories for the community?

And that far from ‘providing for’ hunters eat most of the kill themselves, with the women and children back at the village getting less of the kill than the dogs that were on the hunt did.

I expect he wouldn’t like it.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago


We need that Mayun Logic in a flowchart!

Also, if the ape apocalypse happens, y’all pair up with someone from the Nordic nations. Even our useless women know how to do basic stuff like grow food, make fire and build shit. We call it relaxing at a summer house or cottage. I’ll report to fishing duty if anyone needs me.