There’s some classic we-hunted-the-mammoth-ing going on in the Red Pill subreddit today, with some dude calling himself HumanSockPuppet reminding his fellow dudes of all the fine work done by the dudes of the species over the years, with regard to raising civilization from the muck, holding back chaos, that sort of thing.
In a heavily upvoted comment crying out for a dramatic reading, HumanSockPuppet declares that
Men must understand that WE are the valuable half of a relationship.
We are the designers, the workers, the innovators, the protectors. Forty-thousand years of our species’ dominance on the planet is built upon our efforts.
So declares a dude sitting on his ass posting to Reddit, in a message aimed at other dudes sitting on their asses reading Reddit.
Without men, our species returns to the muck, ill-equipped for survival in a harsh and unfettered world. We are the sex that battles against chaos. WE ARE ORDER.
Dude, it’s not just men. Everyone who owns a cat fights the forces of chaos on a daily basis.
Seriously. The story of civilization has basically been a 10,000-year-struggle against cats knocking over our crap.
A bitch’s job is just to make more men.
Huh. And when these, er, bitches eventually die off, how are all those men going to make more men? Seems like that might be a teensy little flaw in the argument there, ORDER MAN.
Women have become accustomed to the ease and fairness of society. They believe ease and fairness are inherent properties of the universe. No. Ease and fairness are extracted forcibly from nature by winning in battle against it with blood, and sweat, and tears, and time.
Blood and sweat, and tears, and time. Well, here’s Blood, Sweat and Tears:
And here’s The Time, with Morris Day:
Not sure what any of this has to do with extracting fairness from nature but, I dunno, the songs are pretty catchy.
So when a bitch starts acting like she’s entitled to the ease and fairness that you fought to win, why are you just handing it away?
Uh, I’m not sure that sitting on your ass posting to Reddit technically counts as fighting nature, red in tooth and claw.
Your time is precious. And anything that you spent your time to earn is also precious. If your life is together, your body is strong, your mind is acute, and your assets secure, then your worth is already proven. If someone wants a piece of what you have, they don’t get it for free. They must earn your love and appreciation by first offering theirs.
Hold up a hoop, set it on fire, and command her to jump.
And if she’s all like, what the hell are you talking about you pompous weirdo, you could try the hoop thing with your cat instead. I mean, your cat owes you some kind of entertainment after knocking over pretty much everything you own on a regular basis.
Just leave out the bit about lighting the hoop on fire. Fur burns.
H/T — r/TheBluePill
Time to change the site’s name to “We Stopped Civilization from Sliding into the Muck”?
Dude, you’re beginning to sound like a character from Fury Road. And not one of the good ones.
I think that is precisely how they see themselves, and their relationship to women.
They love evopsych until all the evolutionary biologists note that (young) female apes tend to be the ones to introduce new innovations and tools to their groups.
What a petulant little shit.
Yeah, this guy can say that when he’s able to build a computer, the internet, and Reddit, after he’s left naked on a jungle. Chop chop!
I’m sure his method for doing that will start with punching a tree.
I was slightly disappointed you didn’t choose this “Time”:
“B-but… it works in Minecraft!”
EDIT: Oh, and he also has to build Minecraft from scratch.
Yeah, typical MRA loser bullshit. And what does that have to do with model railroading?
I, a life-long male model railroader and proud father of a 15-year old daughter who is both an ardent feminist and an accomplished operator of model trains want to know.
I call BS on the cat jumping through hoops. The guy is clearly using a “hoop” designed to make it look like a box, in order to repeatedly fool and embarrass the poor cat. Cats, we’re better than this. I mean, you’re better than this. Don’t be fooled by the owners. I mean don’t be fooled by us hoomans. Meow.
Why do these guys always sound like a monologue-ing villain in a bad 80s action movie? #arewethebaddies
I was thinking that it was pretty much *exactly* Hux’s speech to the First Order ranks.
Oh really? I feel as though human-dog breeding programmes are where werewolves come from. This is not a good idea, boys!! Stop now!!! If you’re going to be fighting against the chaos, stop trying to make half-human puppies. Human toddlers are bad enough!
With the arrival of the age of automation
no civilised culture needs violent thugs to roam the streets , they must be kept busy and reduced down & down & down..
He’s mainly concentrated on the tears part so far. He’s got that nailed.
My impression is that what bitches make is puppies. In fact, a female hunting dog was styled a brach or a gyp while she was still being used in the hunting field, and only became titled a bitch when she was retired to breed.
Dhag85, there have to be sardines on the other side, and no way to get around the hoop.
Yes. Women truly have no experience with fighting for fairness, or any experience with the world being unfair.
Goddess damn it, the stupid is strong in this one!
And shouldn’t it be women holding the hoops, what with women on average being more likely to *not* have messed their life up? (low bar, maybe, but that’s where mister male supremacist put it)
Yes. When they were not hunting the mammoth. Men suffered in the depths of the ‘fairness’ mines, and stalked ‘ease’ across the dangerous wilds.
Plus I don’t know what everyone else’s family is like; but thanks to centuries of pointlessly gendered chores the men in my family can’t clear the dishes out of the sink, never mind lifting civilisation out of the muck…
What does “unfettered world ” mean and where does the 40,000 years figure come from?
Mark, I was just looking for a good picture of a man building civilization, so I thought, well, how about a scale model of civilization instead? No insult to model train fans intended.
So leaving aside how the idea that ease and fairness are solely due to men is complete nonsense for a moment… He realizes that the society that he’s taken complete credit for aren’t particularly fair doesn’t he? and furthermore he realizes that any fairness towards women had to be “forcibly extracted” by those same women right? Right? I mean anything else would be ignoring society’s progress for his own self- Oh. Oh! I get it now.
In the unfettered darkness of the 40,000 year future, there is only civilisation?