boobs creepy

Star Wars Fans Possibly Really Really Obsessed With Breasts

Apparent;ly this Jedi mind trick works all too well
Apparent;ly this Jedi mind trick works all too well

Ok, so I’m not exactly the most dedicated Star Wars fan out there. I mean, yeah, I’ve seen most of the films, and I might possibly have owned a plastic light saber at one point, but now I’m beginning to wonder if I ever really understood Star Wars at all.

For example, I had no idea about the plants with boobs.

Last night, you see, I ran across a link to the Wookiepedia — the Wikipedia for all things Star Warsy. Specifically, it was a link to the Wookiepedia page on “Breast.” Not breasts, just Breast, though it turns out that there are up to six of them. But I’m getting ahead of myself here.

The Wookipedia page on Breast starts off with a brief yet still baffling overview:

Breasts were the mammary glands of mammalian species and some reptomammals, and were normally a distinguishing feature of the female of the species. Males did have breasts, but they were far less developed than their female counterparts due to the sexual dimorphism.

Reptomammals!? And what’s with the past tense? Breasts “were?” I’m pretty sure that breasts still are.

Every sentence in the “Breast” entry raises more questions than it answers. In the “Biological role” section, the Wookipedians explain that

In some cultures, sentient females nursed their own young. This was true of both primitive planetary societies like Dathomir, where the warrior-women of the Singing Mountain Clan would feed their children even during solemn councils of war,[1] and high-tech interstellar civilization.

What the hell is a Dathomir, and why are its Mountain Clans singing? How on earth, sorry, Dathomir, do we know that these singing Mountain-warrior clanswomen are breastfeeding at the war councils? In the Star Wars movies I’ve seen there wasn’t any breastfeeding. (Nor was there a Dathomir. but never mind.) Are there like a dozen secret Star Wars movies out there I haven’t seen that focus mostly on breastfeeding?

Even Tenel Ka Djo, Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium, nursed her daughter Allana herself.[4]

You guys are just making all this shit up, right?

Alternative techniques of feeding infants did exist, as the TDL nanny droid could store up to two liters of milk internally.[5]

Ok, even if TDL nanny droids are a real thing in some expanded Star Wars universe, why do you know the specific amount of milk they can store internally?

Other sentient species retained strong breastfeeding traditions as well: female Wookiees had six breasts, which they used to nurse their litters of cubs.[6] Askajian females also had six breasts,[7] while Gran females had three.[8]


And then there’s a weirdly long and detailed discussion of the breasts of imaginary alien males. From it we learn that Anakin Skywalker — you know, the future Darth Vader — liked showing off his man boobs (not to be confused with the former name of this blog).

As male individuals were not biologically meant to nurse their offsprings, they sported much smaller breasts and produced no milk. Mandalore the Lesser (then a gladiator),[9] Aron Peacebringer (a planetary leader)[10], and Anakin Skywalker (in certain circumstances, such as on Nelvaan) would freely exhibit them.

So fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to dudes taking off their shirts.

Also, whoever came up with the name “Aron Peacebringer,” fire yourself. I mean, what the hell, that is some seriously low effort work on your part.

Some males, such as Anakin Skywalker[16] and Corran Horn would also sleep barechested for comfort, though it should be noted that Horn undressed completely to sleep as opposed to simply going barechested.[17]

Damn, whoever wrote this section is perhaps a little too interested in figuring out when Anakin Skywalker goes shirtless.

Onward. In the “Cultural significance” section we learn, among other things, that

Female patients in bacta tanks could have their breasts covered,[21] but in some cases they chose not to.[22] Leia Organa seemed unperturbed by the sight of Shen breastfeeding in public on Dathomir [1] 

I don’t know who Shen is or what bacta tanks are, and I’m sort of thinking that I’m better off for not knowing.

We are also provided with this handy graphic:


And then we arrive at the section devoted to “Non-mammals with breasts,” and that’s when things get really weird.

First we learn that “[a] number of females belonging to non-mammalian species were known to have had breasts.”

And then we get to the shape-shifting, boob-having plants.

T’ra Saa, who was a shape-shifting Neti—a sentient species of plants— had breasts in her pseudo-Human form.[27]

In case you have trouble picturing a sentient plant with huge knockers, the Wookipedians provide a helpful illustration.


Apparently, there’s nothing in the Star Wars universe that can’t have boobs. Humans, wookies, robots, lizards, houseplants — you name it, and whoever is involved with that little facet of the extended Star Wars universe has probably put boobs on it, anywhere from two to six of them.

Actually, that’s not completely true. In the section of “Breast” devoted to developments  “Behind the scenes,” we learn that

During the development of Star Wars Galaxies, the team worked with Lucasfilm to determine the female Mon Calamari’s physiology. Because Mon Calamari were not mammals, early concepts showing Mon Calamari with breasts were eventually rejected.[29]

Congratulations, Star Wars Galaxies creators! I award you the first annual We Hunted the Mammoth Award for Restraint in Putting Boobs on Things.

H/T — Zoe Quinn on the Tweeter.

EDIT: I figured out where I found the link to the page, and added a blurry picture of a tree with boobs.

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orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

i want to know what y’all think about what the mayor said

9 years ago

I don’t know what’s more annoying. His tendency to repeat the same points over and over like we just didn’t understand the first time, even though we’ve already refuted those points. Or is it his new hobby of dropping links and then not saying anything else?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

My opinion of what the mayor said is that it needs a #SafetyTipsForWomen hashtag on it.

Remember: most rapes are committed by people you know. Avoid this problem by never getting to know anyone.

9 years ago

orange tango drinker
January 6, 2016 at 10:05 am
i want to know what y’all think about what the mayor said

Given that Saudi Arabia requires women to never be unaccompanied by a male relative, and to go about in the burqa, and yet somehow, magically, rapes still happen, I think it’s fair to say that the Mayor is empirically wrong, and I also think you’re a derailing little troll.

9 years ago

David Futrelle,

I personally don’t think it matters that they put boobs on things in Star Wars that wouldn’t normally have them. Its fiction, after all, and I’ve draw female creatures with them. Besides, its the Manospher will still hate Star Wars now that it features a strong female character who isn’t dependent on men to rescue her.

9 years ago

I’d suggest, instead, a code of conduct for men:

1. Don’t sexually assault women

Feels a bit more efficient, eh?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

For UK peeps there’s an interesting piece about the Koln events on Newsnight which should be available on iPlayer.

Covers the event itself and the reporting.

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago
9 years ago

can we ban him now

9 years ago

I’m tried of orange troll’s links. Look at mine instead!

A white woman who thinks she’s saving Africa by dressing in black face multiple times.


9 years ago

I don’t mind keeping around as a chew toy. I say let him off with off a warning. He can keep posting here as long as he stops randomly dropping links.

9 years ago

I wouldn’t mind it if he were contained to one long troll thread.

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

ok no more random link dropping

9 years ago

It’s almost interesting (by troll standards) that OTD seems desperate for our approval but wants to do it while remaining a loyal MRA and while refusing to take all the most mundane things we say on board. I don’t this has happened since I’ve started posting here.

9 years ago

It’s almost interesting (by troll standards) that OTD seems desperate for our approval but wants to do it while remaining a loyal MRA and while refusing to take all the most mundane things we say on board. I don’t think this has happened since I’ve started posting here.

9 years ago

Well the plant lady with breastfeeding just makes me think of the plant people from guild wars 2, which never seemed odd to me.
They we just depicted as green or pink colored people with leaves for hair and British accents. Besides that they were the closet to the human race.
And yes British accents were a defining feature, I guess plant people were just that world’s version of Britain.

Anyways got off track but if your going to make something huminoid is it weird for it to have human features?

9 years ago

@Alan re: “Remember the sexy lass who was in fact a tree?”:

Noooo, I don’t.

That being said, the original runs of the show were thin on the ground in the US until they started popping up online and I’ve only seen bits and pieces.

Was she in one of those episodes?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Mockingbird

Here you go. This is Jabe, she appeared in the second episode of the re launched series.

comment image

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago


It’s almost interesting (by troll standards) that OTD seems desperate for our approval but wants to do it while remaining a loyal MRA and while refusing to take all the most mundane things we say on board. I don’t think this has happened since I’ve started posting here.

The impression I get is that OTD is simply desperate for anyone’s acceptance, full stop. Karen Straughan, like many extremists, is very good at talking to isolated people in ways that make them feel accepted and so draw them in. I have hopes that he may try to escape, if he applies himself; and this is why I’m trying to teach him.

9 years ago

@Alan – Ahh, I remember her now.

TBH, I only half watched the first season of the relaunch, and I did that circling back around after watching a few Tennant episodes.

I didn’t really grow up with Doctor Who and it was a slow warm up for me (mostly fanned my eldest’s now-rabid love of the show).

I genuinely appreciate it now, though, and I think Capaldi’s grown to be my favorite Doctor.

9 years ago


I personally don’t think it matters that they put boobs on things in Star Wars that wouldn’t normally have them. Its fiction, after all, and I’ve draw female creatures with them. Besides, its the Manospher will still hate Star Wars now that it features a strong female character who isn’t dependent on men to rescue her.

I feel the same way.


It’s almost interesting (by troll standards) that OTD seems desperate for our approval but wants to do it while remaining a loyal MRA and while refusing to take all the most mundane things we say on board. I don’t think this has happened since I’ve started posting here.

I know- its really weird. And kinda funny.

9 years ago

Alan Robertshaw

Here you go. This is Jabe, she appeared in the second episode of the re launched series.

Fun fact: I used to really fancy Jabe when I was younger. Other fun fact: Don’t worry everyone, I don’t fancy strangely shaped trees anymore. All let’s breath a sigh of… relief?


I like Peter Capaldi as the Doctor. He’s not my favourite but I can see why he is for some people. I think the more happy version in the latest series is more up my (trap) street than the Series 8 12th Doctor. I think he’s brilliant.

(Transitioning from an incarnation who got all he ever wanted with Gallifrey coming back to a very dark Doctor was something I thought odd. Now I realise spending 900 years living on Trenzalore watching all the people you meet die might have done that.)

Aris Boch
Aris Boch
9 years ago

What’s the problem again with female characters having breasts?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ aris

If they’re mammals there isn’t one, but imagine if sharks made films and they gave every male human character pelvic claspers.

9 years ago

Wow, this doesn’t even feel like necro’ing, it’s almost like… I don’t know… resucitation!

And only to make a silly question to prove how thick their skull is!