Apparently the US media doesn’t really think it’s a big deal for a small army of heavily armed fanatics to take over government property in hopes of spurring some sort of armed revolution — if the armed fanatics in question are white guys.
Share information, insights, etc.
And, as you may already be aware, alt-right trolls are actively spreading misinformation about this standoff, so if you run across any of that please point it out here as well.
No trolls, MRAs, etc.
The village of Fucking (near Salzburg) was always my favourite weird place name. The good burghers of Fucking are fed up of anglophonic people constantly stealing their signs, but I can understand why it happens.
(Allegedly they used to have a sign which said “Fucking – Bitte, nicht so schnell!” on it as a tourist attraction. I have no idea if this is true or not.)
There’s also a place in Tyrolia called Wank which allegedly gets an enormous number of people taking indecent pictures of themselves in front of the signs.
Bless the people of Austria. Without them, whom would we mock?
Re: Place names
We have a “Cowshit Lane” just down the road.
Re: Alternative Group Names
Is “Redneck Army Faction” a bit too 1970s?
There’s a Fucking in Australia as well, where they have no fucking excuse. There was recently a ballot initiative to change the name, but the locals voted to keep it.
Mom’s Apple Pie R A?
It’s hilarious that they’d asked people to mail them food using The US Postal Service.
I don’t know that this is the case for this specific location, but there are apparently a number of places that UPS, FedEx, etc won’t touch because they’re too remote to be profitable.
Since they’re asking people to use a socialized service rather than its free market alternatives, I’m guessing this wilife refuge office might qualify.
re: place names: I used to pass this on a fairly frequent basis:
{Insert picture of Dismal Hollow Road that I’d hoped to find but didn’t}
Always cracked me up.
I thought the US Postal Service was one of the few services that Sovereign Citizens regarded as the “legitimate” agencies of the Federal Government?
occasional reader: Phantom goats? I am rather afraid to ask, and yet, I ask.
Actually, it’s just that in Corsica, they declare more goats than they acgtually have because they get governmental help for each goat.
Another common Corsica stuff is that dead people still votes, sometime 20 years after their deaths. Sadly, it’s not because actual ghost go to the voting station.
It’s pretty amazing that Matt Forney actually wrote a book with the title “Do the Philippines: How to Make Love to Filipino Girls in the Philippines”. I know he’s a Roosh fanboy, but come on, that’s too blatant.
Edit: Ha ha ha. He posted a “review” of the book, by some other manospherian weirdo. First sentence of the review:
I think I can see where this is going.
re: unfortunate place names
We thankfully don’t have any weird city names, but our lake names, let’s say, make you wonder if a practical joke was played on the mapmakers, either by their own assistants or by the locals.
One of the most common names for lakes is (translated) “Lake Shit”. It’s believed that there was some connection to how brown the lake’s water looked like. Another theory is that the person sent to name all the area’s features for the cartographer essentially went “fuck this shit” after lake #60. (We have literally nearly 200 000 lakes here.) This would also explain why we have several lakes creatively named “Lake Water”.
Also if you want to get extra pizzazz into your evil lair, how about building it next to Lake Evil? We have over two hundred of those, too.
The US state with probably the most weird town/place names is Texas (Texas is a very large state with many tiny towns). Texas town names include:
Ding Dong
Cut and Shoot
Jot ‘Em Down
Bug Tussle
the endlessly creepy White Settlement
and, of course, the town of DISH, named after the satellite TV network as part of a marketing deal:
Oh and we shouldn’t forget the majestic Grand Teton mountain in Wyoming’s beautiful Grand Teton National Park. “Grand Teton” basically translates to “big tit.”
So, apparently, they now think they’re being treated worse than the BLM protesters.
I guess it’s Opposite Day for Mr. Fluffy Unicorn.
@EJ – I’m actually not sure about sovereign citizens’ view of the USPS. I’ve just heard plenty of Libertarians rail against it and call for its privatization.
Canada, particularly Newfoundland, has some pretty amazing names. This is a song by comedy folk band The Arrogant Worms commemorating said names:
America is trash. It always has been trash and will always be trash. It was founded by and for landed white men, exclusively. This “revolution” is completely idiotic. They already have what they want. Borderline-fascist propaganda is galvanizing more and more white terrorists through fear and misinformation to pull this kind of shit.
For people wondering whether the US is a police state or if it’s becoming a police state: It’s always been a police state. Just ask any poor person of color who hasn’t been convinced of the rich white man’s superiority. For those wondering if the US is becoming fascist: Neoliberalism is already as bad as fascism. The US will never become fascist, but the atrocities it commits are on par with those committed by fascist states.
None of this should be surprising, yet middle class liberal whites are quick to deny all of it. These same white liberals, who don’t do shit for anyone but themselves and who stand up for the rights of Klansmen and human garbage like Bundy to speak and commit violence (their rallies are violence; their gatherings are a wish for violence), are just as bad as the fash themselves. Those who cluck their tongues at resistance and claim it’s “just as bad” as fascism are no better than fascists themselves. They’re the sort of white moderates King was disgusted by. They’re the sort of white moderates who allow this environment of fear and violence to propagate.
Freedom of speech is less than worthless if you aim to silence vulnerable individuals and communities through threats of violence or through curating a space where those threats of violence are considered sacred because durrr even playing field rite guise.
Moneyed white liberals are just as bad as white conservatives. They’re far, far more right-wing than they realize.
I dont understand why people are calling for cops to be aggressive. Thats a terrible idea that will end in death and ia just what these guys want.
Stay cool, stay back, & maybe have a damn conversation and theyll most likely get burned out and leave soon enough.
Re: Funny place names, here’s a local favourite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dude_Chilling_Park
(Okay so it’s still officially “Guelph Park”, but basically nobody calls it that any more)
The “patriot” movement is far right, but their views on economics are all over the place. Some are right libertarians more or less and others accept types of non-Marxist socialism or bizarre alternatives to capitalism.
I imagine because it’s cheap and they can’t imagine life without it. Pfft.
@ cointelpro
Woah, referring to an entire country as ‘trash’ treads on really thin ice. That’s ridiculous.
All the ones I’ve run across have been reeeaally economically Libertarian (though it has swung between Ayn Randian and religious community-focused).
Neat to know that there’s some diversity there.
Factoid I read about the county in Oregon where this is happening – it’s almost the size of Massachusetts, and has a population of less than ten thousand.
Not a lot of anything there, apparently.
Also, due to various reasons, almost all cattle ranchers in the West graze their stock at least in part on public lands. The increasing tendency of the BLM to get them to pay for this has been a sore spot for some ranchers for decades. The cognitive dissonance between Rugged Individualist Rancher and Government Agency Client must be uncomfortable.
Here’s something to cheer up the thread which Alan will like a lot because raccoon.
The ranchers have generally always paid; what’s changing is that the BLM has tightened land use requirements for environmental reasons and reduced the amount of land they’ll lease out and the ranchers wish they would go back to the old way of doing things. Some of them have instead decided to declare that laws don’t apply to them, but others have been trying to change things through democratic and legal channels.
The Hammonds have reported to federal prison on schedule without incident.
@occasional reader
After a couple of disastrous stormings of militia compounds a couple decades back, surrounding the building and waiting them out is now standard proceedure for this sort of situation. If it happened in a more populated area there’d probably have been a faster reaction, but it would have followed the same general profile, just getting roadblocks set up in hours rather than a day or two later.