alpha males creepy dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil ugly women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape rape culture red pill rhymes with roosh transphobia

Red Pillers Wonder: Why Didn’t Bill Cosby Just Bang Hot Brazilian Babes Instead?

Roosh fans wonder: Why didn't Bill Cosby just go to Brazil?
Roosh fans wonder: Why didn’t Bill Cosby just go to Brazil?

Over on the Roosh V Forum, the assembled Red Pill Alpha Dudes are sharing their thoughtful opinions on Bill Cosby’s arrest yesterday. And by thoughtful, I mean “nauseating.”

For some reason, an enormous number of their comments reference Brazil and its “feminine young female locals.”

The sound of retching you may hear in the background is just me.

Deepdiver asks the question that is on everyone’s mind, and by “everyone” I mean “just him.” Why, instead of “using pills for thrills” on American “beezie beatches,” didn’t the famous Cosby just go to Brazil where he could have found “some feminine young female locals looking for some fame game after glow.”

Was Bill a CAD with no game using pills for thrills – yes – but all these beezie beatches waiting 10, 15, 20 or almost 30 years to get even after the statute of limitations ran out and they are now hard old shriveled up post wall hitters and broke assed beezies looking to score a National Enquirer interview fee… makes me think that Bill was unlucky enough to make it onto these Beezies top 10 Phock lists when they were young and hot but now old and dried up are desperately trying to crassly cash in. I did not intend to defend Bill as I basically consider him dumb for allowing himself to be so badly scandalized in his golden years… time for Bill to move to Brazil and find some feminine young female locals looking for some fame game after glow.

“Beezie” by the way, is slang for “bitch,” as is “beatches.” So “beezie beatches” literally means “bitch bitches.”

Rpg thinks — and I use that term loosely — that the real target of the arrest is … “every man on earth.”

This is all theatrics of the highest order. Bill isnt going to get prosecuted. They are pushing him in every way possible to settle out of court.

Uh, this is a criminal case, not a civil lawsuit. It’s not about money. You can’t settle criminal cases “out of court.”

The powers that be want every man on earth served notice that there is no more fuck and forget. The price of vag in the USA is in the stratosphere and all men must lay down and take it. Sorry bitches but we have reverse engineered your bullshit against you and we arent laying down.

Cosby will win.

Speakeasy, meanwhile, is appalled by Cosby’s behavior. Or at least  by his choice of women to (allegedly) rape.

You know what man, the hell with Cosby. If he would fuck with a “woman” that looks like Kenny G crossed with Carrot Top in drag when he’s worth half a billion, he deserves what he gets. Did he really want that so bad that he needed to put shit in her drink?? Unreal.

Speakeasy also thinks Cosby should have booked a flight to Brazil.

Dude could’ve gone to Brazil or Colombia and stuffed a mansion with ass for hire like this and had ZERO legal ramifications, like Justin Bieber does:

Today I Learned that Justin Bieber is a Red Pill role model.

Instead his stupid ass drugs hags I wouldn’t fuck if I was released from prison after a 20 year stint. How much of a simp is he. At this point he deserves what he gets for stupidity alone. I’m done with him. I don’t care about the guy at this point. Any man with that type of wealth shouldn’t be fucking with American women, period, not when you’ve got all the options in the world.

Eradicator is also hung up on the Brazil thing.

The girl he allegedly raped looks like a [transphobic slur]. What the hell Bill! He could have lived like a king in South America or Asia and not going after ugly women’s basketball players at Temple.

The “girl” in question was actually director of operations for the Temple Women’s Basketball team, but never mind.

Mr. Lemon, meanwhile, proclaims the case to be a “modern lynching,” despite knowing nothing about the case, or Cosby, or, for that matter, lynching.

When you read the history of how lynchings happened back in the old days…you realize this is just a modern lynching.

1. Some white girl gets bored, fucks a black man
2. Immediately after the sex, she grabs her clothes, runs out of the house and starts screaming “Rape! Oh goodness, that black devil raped me!”
3. The entire town goes crazy, drags terrified black man out in the streets
4. They torture and then eventually hang him in the public square. Note that it’s always the women…the married ladies, the hags, the girls…who are in FRONT of the crowd. The women are screeching and foaming at the mouth with hatred as the black man is killed.

Bill Cosby fucked thousands of white chicks, groupies, during his career. White girls threw themselves at him like the sluts they are. Now they are having the fun of lynching him.

It’s a strange argument to see someone make on Roosh’s forum, given Roosh’s recent attempts to ingratiate himself with the white supremacist crowd. But apparently the Roosh forum crowd hates rape accusers more than it hates black men — or at least black men accused of rape.

MdWanderer thinks it’s all a big conspiracy:

[T]he media is working lockstep with the entertainment industry to crucify Cosby. The MSM isn’t interested in reporting and gathering facts; they are agenda driven and have been for some time. When Cosby came out with his ‘Pound Cake’ speech admonishing the black community for single parent households, crime, ignorance, etc., they knew that Black America would listen because of his track record of support for [historically black colleges] and promotion of positive images of African Americans in the media. If Herman Cain or Condoleeza Rice gave those speeches, nobody would care. The entertainment industry wants to keep doing what it does best; keep blacks ignorant.

Weirdly, this comment is one of the very few in the thread that has any connection with reality, at least if you strip away all the conspiracy nonsense.

The person who got us talking about Cosby’s alleged rapes again, after all, was comedian Hannibal Buress, who is, yes, someone in the entertainment industry. And someone with an agenda, that agenda being disgust with moralizing rapists. Buress brought up the subject in a standup routine because, as a black man, he was sick of seeing an apparent serial rapist offering self-righteous, patronizing “advice” to “pull your pants up black people, I was on TV in the ‘80s.”

Apparently the mere existence of human beings who genuinely think rape is a bad thing is so bewildering to Roosh’s fans that they have to turn to conspiracy theory for an explanation.

EDIT: Fixed a mangled sentence.

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9 years ago
9 years ago

Okay, I know this was suppposed to be a semi-serious post, of interest of PoC and all, but once I got to “bitch bitches” I totally lost it.
I couldn’t stop giggling the more I kept reading.

Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

These nasty bottom-feeders would find a way to defend Hitler if it enabled them to demean women in some way. Oxygen thieves, every last one of them.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago

I’m…I’m gonna go play some VtMB.

Did you know if you dance long enough, you gain back Humanity? Do you think that works in real life and could Red Pillers give it a try?

9 years ago

Oh please, RedPillers. Your arguments are beyond stupid.

Of course your fallen hero went to Brazil and raped women there. Duh! He probably raped women on every continent, with the possible exception of Antarctica. And he got away with it for a long, long time. But now that there are minor cracks in the patriarchy, the law has decided to go after him. Finally.

So weep, RedPillers, weep for the fact that rapists — even elderly superstar rapists! — have a slightly greater chance of being prosecuted these days.

“So the last shall be first, and the first last” (Matthew 20:16).

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

Rapists generally rape people because they like raping people, not because they couldn’t get sex any other way. The fact that Cosby had other options is a case in point.

History Nerd
9 years ago

The judge who released records from the civil case agreed with Hannibal Buress. Cosby was still giving “advice” even though his acting and comedy career was over, so he had less of a right to privacy.

Caligula Rex
Caligula Rex
9 years ago

Have the US just crowned their Jimmy Savile?

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

“he powers that be want every man on earth served notice that there is no more fuck and forget.”

Well no rape and forget, but most people with even the smallest modicum of decency would see that as a good thing.

9 years ago

time for Bill to move to Brazil and find some feminine young female locals looking for some fame game after glow.

Bad news, boys…even if the Brazilian “feminine young female locals” knew or cared who he was, they’d still be avoiding him like something a stray canine local dog left behind on the sidewalk. Which, by now, is all he is.

This is all theatrics of the highest order. Bill isnt going to get prosecuted. They are pushing him in every way possible to settle out of court.

Somebody please explain to these Red Pillocks that CRIMINAL charges are not pressed for the purposes of obtaining a cash settlement. One doesn’t have to be a lawyer to know the difference between that and a CIVIL lawsuit, but one does have to be substantially smarter than the average Red Pillock!

The powers that be want every man on earth served notice that there is no more fuck and forget. The price of vag in the USA is in the stratosphere and all men must lay down and take it. Sorry bitches but we have reverse engineered your bullshit against you and we arent laying down.

Oh noes, however shall we cope? Oh yeah: With better men than these, or maybe women, or persons of varied and/or indeterminate gender, or even…(gasp)…VIBRATORS.

Bill Cosby fucked thousands of white chicks, groupies, during his career. White girls threw themselves at him like the sluts they are. Now they are having the fun of lynching him.

Pretty sure that’s not how it went down.

Also, a substantial number of the women he abused were BLACK.

Nice try, though…moron.

[T]he media is working lockstep with the entertainment industry to crucify Cosby. The MSM isn’t interested in reporting and gathering facts; they are agenda driven and have been for some time. When Cosby came out with his ‘Pound Cake’ speech admonishing the black community for single parent households, crime, ignorance, etc., they knew that Black America would listen because of his track record of support for [historically black colleges] and promotion of positive images of African Americans in the media. If Herman Cain or Condoleeza Rice gave those speeches, nobody would care. The entertainment industry wants to keep doing what it does best; keep blacks ignorant.

Uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that. Actually, anyone who made those speeches would come under fire, because that shit’s inflammatory and false as hell. And because it credits abuse as a sound child-rearing tactic.

And because no one likes a smug jackass who plainly forgot where they came from, and who now turns around and snurks at those who are still stuck in the ghetto. And who can’t analyze white society’s role in creating that ghetto, for shit.

Joe "The Inanity" Klemmer
Joe "The Inanity" Klemmer
9 years ago

Shouldn’t that be “bitchy bitches” instead?

9 years ago

“Uh, this is a criminal case, not a civil lawsuit. It’s not about money. You can’t settle criminal cases “out of court.””

Well, there are plea bargains. Still doesn’t mean you can use a plea bargain to get rich.

9 years ago

Remember everyone the red pill is about “self improvement” totally not them being hypocritical, apathetic, waste of skin and air, misognistic c*cks no sireebob. /s

9 years ago

The price of vag in the USA is in the stratosphere and all men must lay down and take it.

Wait, what? The price of ‘vag’ is in the stratosphere, and all men must lay down and take it? If we men are contractually required to lay down and take vag then it sounds like the price isn’t in the straosphere at all. And if we have to lay down and take all the sex women want to give us, then why the hell are you complaining? Isn’t ‘vag’ what you want?


Ugh…. Just thinking about TRP nonsense makes me feel contaminated, but this guy is amazing: he becomes completely incoherent within the same sentence.

9 years ago

Remember everyone the red pill is about “self improvement” totally not them being hypocritical, apathetic, waste of skin and air, misognistic c*cks no sireebob. /s

Totally read that as *sideboob* on first pass.

9 years ago

Nobody “has” to drug and rape someone to have sex.

If you want sex, there’s always the option of finding someone who wants to have sex right back with you.

Pretty sure Cosby (superstar as he was) might have managed that if he’d tried.

There’s also the option of finding someone who’ll have sex with you for money – and he had lots of money, so that was an option. I’m pretty sure he could have found someone willing to sell him sex in the Greater Los Angeles area or wherever it is he lived if he’d really put his mind to it.

If all that seems unduly onerous, there’s always your own hands, sex toys, fruit, household objects (play safely now) the entire porn industry, literature and your own filthy imagination. You need never even get off the chaise longue to get off.

Nah, if someone drugs and rapes people they meet, people they’re in social situations and work situations with – possibly even people who might have been willing potentially to consent to sex with them had they ever been asked – that’s someone who is not doing it because they “have to”, they’re doing it because they like doing it.

Because somehow, to them, over riding another person’s agency, will, personality, desires, safety and bodily integrity seems like something they just want to do.

You’d have to be pretty bad not to start asking yourself why doing that kind of stuff feels like sexy to you and not, you know, like wrong.

9 years ago

Heh, they’ve conveniently forgotten all about the fact that Cosby has a WIFE, who is likely the only beezie beatch that’s going to be wiping the drool off his chin and making sure he doesn’t fall over the ottoman/the curb/trip on his own feet the rest of his damn life (I’m not terribly confident in the criminal charges probability of leading to real jail time – right now he faces a max 10 years and/or $25,000 fine…)…

She’s also his manager/business manager, so if he doesn’t serve time or do something stupid like flee the jurisdiction, forfeiting bail (which would REALLY piss a wife-manager off, as ‘it be fuckin’ with everyone’s dolla dolla bills yo’) and he fails to die sometime in the next couple of years – what? he’s an old dude! – then his free roaming/female guest invitation privileges will be severely curtailed. I’m still mad at that woman for saying that all the victims are just gold-digging former groupies, and if they had sex with her husband it’s because they wanted to…After the deposition became public the world knows that her husband admitted to drugging women and it was for the purpose of being able to have sex with them, what the hell Camille? I know you’ve been married to that dickbag for over 50 years so you’re too deeply invested to walk away completely, but you should have. He doesn’t deserve that kind of loyalty, even the damn Bible gives an out from a marriage when there’s adultery, and he was an adulterer something like…40+ times (conservative estimation). It’s a horrible thing to know that Camille is going to her grave knowing that she was married to a man who got off on drugging women and *then* having sex with them – groupies during his prime years would be bad enough, but there’s not enough APPLY TO THE WHOLE OF EVERYTHING-bleach to fix that EWWW knowledge of what she was sharing her marital bed with.

So feminine young female locals (not like Bill is going to be permitted to do anything but piss out of his dick after this shit anyway.) of any country can breathe a sigh of relief. Pepaw Qualuudes Cosby won’t be going anywhere for a while, and when he does it’s likely: jail; the mortuary because Pepaw is OLD now, or back home with Camille (who will chain his ass to something sturdy if she’s smart, wouldn’t want old Bill to get out and go bother the young ladies in the neighborhood resulting in further criminal charges…)

9 years ago

A consensual, properly negotiated and the terms agreed upon by all parties involved poly relationship does not = adultery or bad or anything in particular in relation to morality/judgment as long as it’s between adults and everyone is fine with the arrangement. Oh, and provided that nobody is breaking the law by doing shit like raping drugged persons in the process. 🙂

Had to add that just in case.

9 years ago

Wait, what? The price of ‘vag’ is in the stratosphere, and all men must lay down and take it? If we men are contractually required to lay down and take vag then it sounds like the price isn’t in the straosphere at all. And if we have to lay down and take all the sex women want to give us, then why the hell are you complaining? Isn’t ‘vag’ what you want?

Yes, but they don’t want to do anything to please the owner of said plumbing. They just want free vagina to drop from the sky onto their exposed erections, apparently. The fact that there’s no such thing, and that all vaginas come with a person (usually a woman) attached, and that this person has wants and needs of her own, most of them having nothing to do with these dudes at all, is a mortal affront to their fragile manhood.

9 years ago

Zoon and bluecat, you summed up what I was thinking.

I am a little annoyed at the mangling that these asshats give the English language. Sometimes, I can only focus on the obvious little things, the hate is just too upsetting.

I could be standing in line next to one of these guys at the bank. Or at the store. Or the guy that roadside assistance sent to jump my car. They are everywhere with no obvious identifying factor. Really frightening.

9 years ago

I really hate the myth that white men arent reaponsible for lynching bc it was the evil white women “crying rape”. Particularly irksome bc black women were lynched by mobs of men.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Totally read that as *sideboob* on first pass.

Is that like side-eye, only more emphatic?

My favorite part of these rants is how they’re so self-righteously pissed off at Bill Cosby for “wasting” his wealth and alpha status on post-wall hags. Someone needs to point out to these idiots that the victims weren’t post-wall decades ago, when Cosby actually drugged and raped them. The fact that he’s only being prosecuted now is due to rape culture and our shitty justice system, not attention whoring for money as the Rooshites think. They’re so consistently ass-over-teakettle wrong about why people do things and how the world works and which events actually happened, I wouldn’t trust them to accurately describe a tic tac toe game.

No doubt they like to think they’re much smarter and would do way better with the ladies if only they had his money and fame. Unfortunately, Cosby’s sleazy tactics illustrate just how flimsy and ridiculous their whole Hugh Hefner/Chadtopia fantasy is. It’s almost as if unlimited money and fame don’t automatically bring underage bikini models flocking to the door for consequence-free sex. And boy, do they ever get angry when the world refuses to play along with their fantasies.

9 years ago

Why do these fucknuggets always think South American and Asian women don’t mind being raped by creepy American assholes?

Sorry red pillers, every woman on earth wishes for no.

9 years ago

And Beverly Johnson and Janice Dickinson are goddamn fucking supermodels! How can these stupid reprehensible assholes make the argument that the victims are too ugly to rape? Even if too ugly to rape was a real thing, it wouldn’t even apply here!

Sorry for the drunken swears. Rape apologia just brings that out of me.

Adrian Werner
Adrian Werner
9 years ago

There is a valid question there. He had the fame and most of all money. He could have gotten the sex with young women if he wanted. Worst case scenario he would have to resort to using prostitutes. The fact that he didn’t and instead has chosen rape meant he actually enjoyed hurting those women far more than he enjoyed the actual sexual acts.

He had all the opportunity in the world for consensual sex and one that wouldn’t endanger his entire career and life. Even if you ignore the morality, it was just beyond stupid.for him. So just how much of a sick bastard he had to be, to enjoy inflicting suffering so much that he ignored all that and went for rape.