Over on the Roosh V Forum, the assembled Red Pill Alpha Dudes are sharing their thoughtful opinions on Bill Cosby’s arrest yesterday. And by thoughtful, I mean “nauseating.”
For some reason, an enormous number of their comments reference Brazil and its “feminine young female locals.”
The sound of retching you may hear in the background is just me.
Deepdiver asks the question that is on everyone’s mind, and by “everyone” I mean “just him.” Why, instead of “using pills for thrills” on American “beezie beatches,” didn’t the famous Cosby just go to Brazil where he could have found “some feminine young female locals looking for some fame game after glow.”
Was Bill a CAD with no game using pills for thrills – yes – but all these beezie beatches waiting 10, 15, 20 or almost 30 years to get even after the statute of limitations ran out and they are now hard old shriveled up post wall hitters and broke assed beezies looking to score a National Enquirer interview fee… makes me think that Bill was unlucky enough to make it onto these Beezies top 10 Phock lists when they were young and hot but now old and dried up are desperately trying to crassly cash in. I did not intend to defend Bill as I basically consider him dumb for allowing himself to be so badly scandalized in his golden years… time for Bill to move to Brazil and find some feminine young female locals looking for some fame game after glow.
“Beezie” by the way, is slang for “bitch,” as is “beatches.” So “beezie beatches” literally means “bitch bitches.”
Rpg thinks — and I use that term loosely — that the real target of the arrest is … “every man on earth.”
This is all theatrics of the highest order. Bill isnt going to get prosecuted. They are pushing him in every way possible to settle out of court.
Uh, this is a criminal case, not a civil lawsuit. It’s not about money. You can’t settle criminal cases “out of court.”
The powers that be want every man on earth served notice that there is no more fuck and forget. The price of vag in the USA is in the stratosphere and all men must lay down and take it. Sorry bitches but we have reverse engineered your bullshit against you and we arent laying down.
Cosby will win.
Speakeasy, meanwhile, is appalled by Cosby’s behavior. Or at least by his choice of women to (allegedly) rape.
You know what man, the hell with Cosby. If he would fuck with a “woman” that looks like Kenny G crossed with Carrot Top in drag when he’s worth half a billion, he deserves what he gets. Did he really want that so bad that he needed to put shit in her drink?? Unreal.
Speakeasy also thinks Cosby should have booked a flight to Brazil.
Dude could’ve gone to Brazil or Colombia and stuffed a mansion with ass for hire like this and had ZERO legal ramifications, like Justin Bieber does:
Today I Learned that Justin Bieber is a Red Pill role model.
Instead his stupid ass drugs hags I wouldn’t fuck if I was released from prison after a 20 year stint. How much of a simp is he. At this point he deserves what he gets for stupidity alone. I’m done with him. I don’t care about the guy at this point. Any man with that type of wealth shouldn’t be fucking with American women, period, not when you’ve got all the options in the world.
Eradicator is also hung up on the Brazil thing.
The girl he allegedly raped looks like a [transphobic slur]. What the hell Bill! He could have lived like a king in South America or Asia and not going after ugly women’s basketball players at Temple.
The “girl” in question was actually director of operations for the Temple Women’s Basketball team, but never mind.
Mr. Lemon, meanwhile, proclaims the case to be a “modern lynching,” despite knowing nothing about the case, or Cosby, or, for that matter, lynching.
When you read the history of how lynchings happened back in the old days…you realize this is just a modern lynching.
1. Some white girl gets bored, fucks a black man
2. Immediately after the sex, she grabs her clothes, runs out of the house and starts screaming “Rape! Oh goodness, that black devil raped me!”
3. The entire town goes crazy, drags terrified black man out in the streets
4. They torture and then eventually hang him in the public square. Note that it’s always the women…the married ladies, the hags, the girls…who are in FRONT of the crowd. The women are screeching and foaming at the mouth with hatred as the black man is killed.Bill Cosby fucked thousands of white chicks, groupies, during his career. White girls threw themselves at him like the sluts they are. Now they are having the fun of lynching him.
It’s a strange argument to see someone make on Roosh’s forum, given Roosh’s recent attempts to ingratiate himself with the white supremacist crowd. But apparently the Roosh forum crowd hates rape accusers more than it hates black men — or at least black men accused of rape.
MdWanderer thinks it’s all a big conspiracy:
[T]he media is working lockstep with the entertainment industry to crucify Cosby. The MSM isn’t interested in reporting and gathering facts; they are agenda driven and have been for some time. When Cosby came out with his ‘Pound Cake’ speech admonishing the black community for single parent households, crime, ignorance, etc., they knew that Black America would listen because of his track record of support for [historically black colleges] and promotion of positive images of African Americans in the media. If Herman Cain or Condoleeza Rice gave those speeches, nobody would care. The entertainment industry wants to keep doing what it does best; keep blacks ignorant.
Weirdly, this comment is one of the very few in the thread that has any connection with reality, at least if you strip away all the conspiracy nonsense.
The person who got us talking about Cosby’s alleged rapes again, after all, was comedian Hannibal Buress, who is, yes, someone in the entertainment industry. And someone with an agenda, that agenda being disgust with moralizing rapists. Buress brought up the subject in a standup routine because, as a black man, he was sick of seeing an apparent serial rapist offering self-righteous, patronizing “advice” to “pull your pants up black people, I was on TV in the ‘80s.”
Apparently the mere existence of human beings who genuinely think rape is a bad thing is so bewildering to Roosh’s fans that they have to turn to conspiracy theory for an explanation.
EDIT: Fixed a mangled sentence.
Not only that, but these guys didn’t even do the minimum of research on some of his victims. Some of these women are famous in the own right. They have their own damn money. Maybe not as much as him, but a Hell of a lot. Beverly Johnson is one of the most famous women in the black community. She don’t need sh*t from Bill Cosby.
A lot of you may or may not be aware of the racial angle here of the “Conspiracy to Take Down Black Men”. I work with a couple of people who like to blame a hell of a lot of sh*t that goes wrong in black peoples lives on White people being out to get us. The silly thing is they’re not wrong about the getting us part, (just look at the Criminal Justice System), but not everything in the world is a conspiracy and they’re looking in the wrong damn direction. I think of these people as being very much like the Redpill conspiracy theorists. Seeing patterns of behavior where none exist.
I hate fricking conspiracy theories! Just hate them.
I’ve tried to argue that there’s no need for white people to try to form any kind of conspiracy against Bill Cosby because:
1). His career was already pretty much over. He’s pretty much done all he’s gonna do from an entertainment perspective and is not any kind of cultural influence, right now. The time to have done that would’ve been during the time when he was most famous.
2). Bill was already on our sh*t list because of his hypocritical, finger wagging instructions on how to not be in the ghettos we never created and don’t own.
3). Now explain how this was brought to the forefront of everyone’s attention by a black man who was pissed off at him about #2. Either you vilify Buress as a patsy of “The Man”, doing their dirty work for them. Or Buress is telling the truth and Cosby is, in fact, a serial rapist.
4). And really ,how is taking down the reputations of famous black men going to disrupt the black community? Is our community so damn fragile, it can’t withstand a handful of bad seeds? It’s not like people even know Cosby. He’s a face on a TV screen, which some people have conflated with a level of importance it doesn’t deserve.
5). Also, there actually is a conspiracy surrounding this case that people like that aren’t paying attention to, like the political one surrounding the lawyers bringing the charges.
And by crediting every fricking thing that goes wrong in a black man’s life to “The Man”, you give too much and too little credit to black men for fricking up their own lives, and way too damn much smarts, credit and organization to white people. I keep trying to tell them that white people are just as variable in their behavior as we claim to be and seem to spend more than an inordinate amount of time fighting with each other, to be paying that close attention to the sh*t we are doing, as evidenced by the fact, that I’ve met more than any number of white people who were complete ignorant of even basic sh*t about black culture. It’s a wonder to me that some white people even know what Cosby is famous for.
There’s a hell of a lot of sh*t black people go through that can be caused by simple indifference, apathy, neglect or lack of compassion. Not everything is because of outright and intentional malice. (If that were the case, I suspect there wouldve been no black people left in America, at some point after slavery.)
Jeebus, don’t get me started on the whole Hotep angle, which we all discussed in another thread.
I am so angry that I can’t address the rest of the post. I just want to say Brazilians in general, especially young, have no idea who Bill Cosby even is.
Thank you for that, Lkeke35. That was inspiring.
In particular, thank you for this particular paragraph, because you highlight something that I see all the time and is something I wish would just stop, and you absolutely nailed it:
If I had a pound for every time I’ve heard someone defend a rapist in a position of trust by arguing that publicising their rapes will “disrupt the community”, I’d be as rich as Cosby. It’s an absolutely loathsome argument to make and yet one that I end up hearing all the time. It makes positions of trust even more appealing for rapists, and prevents people from being able to feel safe around those they should most be able to feel safe around. To say that I am sick of it understates the case.
And it’s not just rapists; paedophiles, domestic abusers and child abusers all get the same “Defense.” I learned that last one first-hand.
I lost it there. In French, or at least in certain parts of France, “Brésilienne” (fem. Brazilian) is slang for a cross-dressing male prostitute. I don’t think that’s quite what Deepdiver had in mind.
I’ll read the rest of the post once I’ve stopped laughing and gotten up from the floor.
The fact that these guy willfully ignore is that they can “fuck and forget” until they forget how as long as it’s consensual.
It’s almost as if they don’t like sex to be consensual! /s
That’s the key point in all of this. Even if he and Camille have an open marriage, there’s absolutely no reason or excuse to have gotten drugs involved. Not to mention the choice of Quaaludes is more than a little strange at any point after about 1980; quite simply, even if the drug use was consensual (which, in most cases, it clearly wasn’t, but humor me), it’s kinda fucked up to give someone a drug they’re likely completely unfamiliar with. It’s sort of like how you hear about epidemics of junkie deaths like the one that’s been dogging New England for the last year or so — I guarantee you some supplier’s been spiking the works with fentanyl, which is an excellent way to make sure your end users wind up dead.
“…If I had a pound for every time I’ve heard someone defend a rapist in a position of trust by arguing that publicising their rapes will “disrupt the community”…
Yup. It’s happened in other types of communities, too. I can think of one notorious local specimen who was ejected, after many many of his victims came forward. That particular activist community still exists, and is hopefully *stronger* precisely because the survivors know they’re appreciated and listened to.
Uh-huh. Aside from the fact that most women, now as then, don’t keep “lists” of men (famous or otherwise) that they want to “Phock” (ugh, what stupid nomenclature these dudes have for EVERYFUCKINGTHING), the fact remains that they didn’t pursue him; he went after them. And lured them right into his spiderweb of drugs and drinks and WTFery. If they’d wanted him, wouldn’t he have been able to dispense with the drugs (which he doctor-shopped to get prescriptions for), and the alcohol, and the ruses to get them alone and helpless?
And if any of them are “desperately trying” to do anything, it is to forget what he did to them. But they can’t, even if he fed them knockout drops to make sure they’d be fuzzy on the details of the night before. And so that they wouldn’t be able to put together a coherent account to tell the authorities even if they did work up the nerve to take it to the cops. Instant complainant discredit in a bottle? That’s Quaaludes, baby!
And man, are these Red Pillpoppers ever stupid for not even thinking of that.
PS: I’m especially grossed out at how he tried to get a teenage Janis Ian blackballed from appearing on TV because she dared to come on set with a chaperone. So he couldn’t get her alone or feed her booze and drugs. Ugh ugh ughitty ugh UGH.
Another thing that pisses me off is, these women trusted and believed the hype of Bill Cosby. When he offered to help make their dreams come true, and help them make it further into the business, they trusted him as much as his celebrity worshipping fans do, and had not the slightest idea that he would ever harm them. Remember these women grew up watching the Cosby show, too. They grew up following his career just as much as his defenders did and he took full advantage of that.
But these same celebrity worshipping hypocrites want to vilify these women for doing the EXACT same damn thing that any of them would do, if they met a celebrity who wanted to get to know them better, hang out with them or invite them to their home. This fan worship is exactly what they’re engaging in when they defend his criminal behavior.
They don’t want to see the connection between themselves and the victims, and want to place themselves above the victims, while engaging in the same behavior Cosby took advantage of.
My question to his defenders is this: Do you trust Cosby enough to spend an evening alone with him? Do you trust any female member of your family to be alone with him? Does your defense of this man extend to sacrificing your own bodily integrity? It’s pretty easy to defend Cosby when it’s not you or one of your loved ones in his crosshairs and never will be.
The easiest thing in the world for some people to do is armchair quarterbacking a situation they ain’t never gonna experience in their entire life. I guess this makes them feel good because empathy is just too fricking hard.
Slightly off-topic but I STILL don’t understand the “alpha” thing. I mean, I know the etymology, I know the definition, I know the use cases. But I can’t figure out whether manospherians/ redpillers (in general) want to BE alphas, or think alphas are evil, or… both?
I think it might be both. Like, Vox D and Aurini are just openly into being eeevil (that Dark Enlightenment bullhonk), because they think our standard moral systems were designed by stupid evil feminists to disadvantage men, and they live in Opposite Land. But your average redpiller seems to have a weird sort of hate-crush on this “alpha” persona. Like, “Alphas are evil psychopathic narcissists who always get any women and also all the money, I could do that if I wanted, but I don’t because I’m a Nice Guy (but I totally could do that if I stopped Being Nice.)”
Clearly, my woman-loving brain is too soft to make sense of the hard, cold logic of the manosphere.
That Bear,
I think it’s both. Mainly because the manuresphere is very inconsistent in their arguments and their opinions. They will take whatever position allows them to blame or be angry at women. If they’ve done something assholish and are getting called out for it, they’re being alphas and that’s just how alphas roll. The bitch should have seen it coming and probably wanted it. But if they get rejected or something doesn’t go their way, than they’re hapless betas, victims of the gynocracy, and why don’t those stupid bitches like nice guys like me!?
Basically, don’t expect any consistency from anyone in the manosphere other than “women are bad.”
[golf clap]
I think its worth mentioning that society is much more eager to villify a black rapist than a white one. See, for example: Bill Clinton
Also wanna reiterate what someone else said: white people created the ghetto, and all the problems therein. Interesting to see a rapist victim blaming in terms of racism.
Given the extreme level of scrutiny given Clinton during the impeachment hearing vs the complete failure to come up with anything worth impeaching him over, not to mention the fact that Clinton strikes me as the type to be a serial offender if he did rape but no credible allegations have appeared since he left office, I think it’s fair to say that those allegations are unlikely to have any substance.
Of course, there could be a flood of allegations tomorrow, and I’d have to change my mind. But for the time being, no.
I don’t know if you’re still watching this thread, but I’m going to answer your VtMB question as if you were serious because I’m a big rpg nerd and can’t resist. 🙂
no. because these people, as awful as they are, ARE still mortal humans, and as such, they don’t HAVE a Humanity score but rather a Morality score (probably a very low one). Humanity isn’t about whether you’re good or bad, just about how “human,” how “alive,” you still feel.
It’s because these MRAs firmly believe all the overtly racist stereotypes of women of colour seen in pornography, in this case of Latin women as being hot and racy and of East Asian women as being compliant and sexually submissive.
I’m not sure I’d compare plea bargains with settling out of court in a civil trial. In plea bargains, you basically agree to plead guilty to a lesser charge or in exchange for the prosecutor seeking a lesser sentence, usually (so, maybe you plead guilty to possession instead of going on trial for possession with intent to distribute). But you usually still have to plead guilty in criminal court, often to serious charges that will impact your future life in major ways.
Civil settlements don’t typically require you to acknowledge responsibility. They’re also usually private, rather than public and easily checked during a basic background search, so they have much less impact on a person’s future. It seems like a small point, but the ways it plays out in practice are very different.
This might be stating the obvious, but I have some strong feelings about the way plea bargains are used in the US courts and comparing them to civil settlements bothers me. 😉
Also, hi anyone who might remember me! 🙂 I used to post a lot but I’ve just been lurking for ages.
And the fact that I’m a week late to replying to threads may be why I don’t post much anymore…sorry for the necromancy!
I wasn’t watching the thread but that’s informative.
One day I will be able to afford the VtM books and I will know stuff about it.