I don’t know what happened at the end of my last post, but apparently I has something, so here it is.
I don’t know if you guys remember that my husband was held up at gun point on his job this past Nov 13. Well, he was, and originally, my husband and I were both on the side of leniency, because that’s just how we are, no one was hurt, and this young man was levied a fine of 3k for Marijuana, which should be legal anyway. Yay for the drug war, creating criminals where there are none for decades.
Anyway, our stance did a 180 when we found out that this young man left my husband’s job and went to the home of a young woman that knew him. He sexually assaulted her and then stole $200 from her.
So, we are both in the THROW HIM UNDER THE JAIL AND NEVER LET HIM OUT camp of 2.
This dude has a HUGE family (we still don’t know a lot of people, being northern transplants to the small town south, southern hospitality is largely a myth). They have taken to coming into my husband’s job, and saying things like “you know he would never have REALLY hurt you, right?” and “you know he isn’t a bad guy, right?” and “you know he wasn’t REALLY going to shoot you, right? ”
Firstly, my husband is WORKING. At his JOB. But please, your feelings are so much more important than anyone else’s, so please do continue to harass him while he works.
Secondly, you know how you can tell that I am not going to hurt you? BECAUSE I AM NOT POINTING A LOADED GUN AT YOU WHILE THREATENING TO KILL YOU. I know that might be subtle, but if you pay close attention, maybe you won’t miss it.
It seems like they think that he can do something for this guy. They don’t understand that, legally speaking, the crime wasn’t against my husband, it was against his national corporation, my husband is just a witness.
My husband is not willing to risk our main source of income to defend a sexual assaulter (is that a word?) that threatened him with a gun. Maybe I am just stressed and upset, but jesus, the unmitigated HUBRIS of these people.
He finally just told them that he can’t discuss it with anyone, but that they are welcome to call the home office. Which is completely made up, but seems to be working. For now.
My town has 2 stoplights. That store hasn’t been robbed ever, at least not since before 97, when I moved here. There was a flasher that went in, picked up a can of corn, took it to the counter, sat it down, opened his coat and put his penis on the counter. The lady working smashed his penis with the corn, and called the cops while he was screaming. That was 15 years ago.
Now, I sweat, every night. When he walks out, I feel fear. I have never felt like that before, it’s draining. Not to mention what he must think. But he doesn’t want to worry me. So, thanks. For letting me get it out.
Policy of Madness
9 years ago
He’s 24 and a complete shut-in. He was home schooled through most of high school and after that he locked himself in his room on the 2nd floor. He didn’t step outside the house in literally 3 or 4 years, not even the back yard. When there are guests in the house he will lock himself in his room and won’t come out until he’s sure they’ve left. He’ll keep texting and calling his mom to get updates on the situation.
If he lived in Japan, he’d be called a hikikomori. It’s a well-known, if not widespread, phenomenon there. Although many hikikomori have social anxiety, the phenomenon itself is social rather than psychological.
9 years ago
I’m sending positive vibes to everyone going through troubles right now.
All will be well.
9 years ago
I have some experience with a family with a completely unreasonable authoritarian father, a nurse-mother who doesn’t want to rock the boat, and a son who exploits his mother’s wish not to see her son suffer.
The situation is challenging.
I know that you have national health care in Sweden, so perhaps free or low-cost counseling is available. If so, you might want to consider counseling to get some perspective on this situation and tips on how to deal with it.
Best wishes to you and your wife.
9 years ago
My guess is that there is an overlap between some hikikomori and the “men’s rights movement.”
The 4chan website does nothing to disabuse me of this notion.
Happy New Year/2016 everyone! Thanks for being such a cool and insightful bunch of people. I enjoyed reading this blog and the comment section (it seems a good comment section is a rare thing).
@Hambeast, Dalillama – I’m sorry that you lost people close to you this year. Virtual hugs if you want them.
@dhag85 – I know this is a superficial thing to notice, but it seems there are a lot of people in that family who expect other people to make food for them. Possibly you could offer to help cook and maybe get one of the men involved too? If that is a possible/tolerable thing?
@Johanna – I’m sorry for what you’re going through. I hope your move works out and, if it is a goal for you, that you and him can get back together.
And hello to everyone I haven’t mentioned! Best wishes for 2016!
As for me, 2015 was better than the past few years. I got my first long-term full-time job in the fall. I’ve been having fewer anxiety attacks and I think my anger’s more under control (I did say to my boss once, “I’m trying to work, but you keep talking!!” which wasn’t that smart/polite but not terribly damaging either.)
My parents bought an electric car in November, which is a great way to get a small car for the price of a large one 🙂 I might start driving lessons in the summer if I can afford it, although I’m scared to. My brother started university and the school’s out of province, but he was back in Quebec with my parents and me for the holidays. Today we all went to the Ecomuseum (http://www.zooecomuseum.ca/en) (in a suburb of Montreal) and saw two grey wolves wrestling over a toy like they were puppies.
Anyway, nice things aside, a couple of months ago I derailed a serious discussion that NicolaLuna started. She was talking about being harassed and I came in blathering about my own problems. That was inappropriate and I’m sorry. I don’t know what response I got, if any, and searching for the page would stir up bad memories, but I hope my comments weren’t triggering in any way.
HELLO FRIEND CAN WE HANG OUT PLS. Am I coming on too strong? :p
Thank you. Obamacare is confusing my in-laws too.
I’ve been meaning to get my ass to a therapist for a long time, mostly for other reasons. This year it will definitely, definitely happen!
@epitome of incomprehensibility
You’re right, their lives revolve around food to a large extent. I always cook when I visit them, and I offer to make enough for everyone, only the women will ever be remotely interested in trying my food. I’m vegetarian, and even when I was a meat eater I preferred vegetarian foods, and the men/boys in this family will eat only burgers, steaks, sandwiches, snacks, fried chicken, etc. I’ve tried! :/
9 years ago
@dhag85: Sure, we can hang out, but it’ll have to be virtually, since I gather you’re in Sweden? Haha, no, I don’t think you’re coming on too strong!
Just try to be patient with me… I’m a novice with the “hanging-out virtually” stuff.
Dhag85, I feel your pain. I have a few relatives who, well, fulfill their brat potential every time I visit. I’ve found that if I pull out my knitting I can plausibly claim that I haven’t been following the conversation, if that helps.
I broke a bone in my non-dominant hand three weeks ago. It seems to be healing, and hopefully I can go back to work Monday. I have to say that one-handed typing is more work than I thought it would be . . .
9 years ago
Goodness… Nigel Farage just survived an assassination attempt. His car was sabotaged and he lost control of it. Whatever I think about UKIP, but poor Nigel. I hope he’s okay and doing well, and his family too, but I don’t know how to direct that his way.
It’s slightly odd I find, considering UK politicians don’t tend to have assassination attempts on them any more. I’m rather shocked.
Assassination and war are the worst possible forms of politics.
That said, something about this smells off to me. It happened in October. And he decided not to press charges.
Why bring it up three months later?
Why not press charges?
The headline says that he “fears” that he was the victim of an assassination attempt, so I don’t think that I’m alone in my skepticism.
9 years ago
@dhag85: Read, hike, or at least take long walks around the rural area where I live in Pennsylvania. Dodge bears…yes, I’ve crossed paths with them. I carry pepper spray with me, now.
I have a long commute to work, which pretty much wipes out my time during Mon-Fri.
In 2015 I accomplished very little of what I wanted to accomplish, and confronted many things I didn’t want to confront. I’m calling it a win.
In the summer of 2014 I was finally diagnosed with narcolepsy, about 5 years after it started ruining my life. I made arrangements to go back to the college I had dropped out of, and started this past January.
The school administration did everything possible to make my life hell. Between their relentless harassment and my incomplete acclimation to narcolepsy treatment I crashed and burned out of school for the second time. I spent the summer fruitlessly applying for jobs in the Chicago suburbs while living with the girl who would eventually become my girlfriend, who herself was living at home with her family.
It was the first time in many years I had seen another family up close, and it was eye-opening to say the least. I knew I had had what you might call a difficult childhood. I knew that my parents were not supportive of almost anything I had done as an adult. I had referred to them as “evil” people in the past. I had once chosen for a year to live as a homeless sex worker because it seemed preferable to living with them. And yet, I had somehow been unable to think of them as capital-A Abusive until I saw how a family was supposed to work. I told them explicitly how I felt and resolved never to depend on them again.
Shortly thereafter I gave up hope of supporting myself in Chicago and decided to move back home. As I prepped for the move, I confronted them even more explicitly with my grievances and a list of demands on which my return was conditional. They agreed. When I came back, I discovered that my mother, whom I had thought to be an irredeemable narcissist, had mellowed considerably with age. I also learned that my father had been ignorant, (though perhaps culpably so), of the some of the worst things my mother did to me, and that he had evolved from a right-wing ideologue to a reluctant liberal.
My parents wanted me to get my BA, which I would be able to do if I finished enough incompletes, and after my failed job search in the summer, I wanted it too. Unfortunately, I found it difficult to concentrate on schoolwork. Thinking about the school at all made me too angry. An alumna-turned-freelancer posted on Facebook seeking sources for a story on the school’s systematic mistreatment of mentally-ill students and I jumped at the chance to tell my story.
Telling it once didn’t feel like enough. Soon I was talking to a current student making a documentary for film major, and to a journalist making a TV special for a national news network. I felt bad talking about the school administration “behind their back”, so I decided to confront them as well.
I told my adviser, who was also 3rd-in-command for the Dean of Students, that I couldn’t do my schoolwork until they addressed my concerns with their practices. From late November through December, he spent about 4 hours on the phone with me over 3 sessions listening to me complain about the way they treated me and propose several concrete reforms they could implement. He allegedly scheduled two internal meetings to discuss it, although neither has happened yet.
Although one of those meetings was supposed to involve the student counseling service, I decided not to wait. I had tried two or three times to reach out to the psychiatrist who handled my case and received no answer. I had mistakenly believed he was the director of the agency, so when I learned otherwise I confronted him directly as well. I only had one chance to speak with him before holiday break, and he left it a touch ambiguous whether he would speak to me again, but he agreed to implement one of my ideas and hold a meeting in the new year. He also requested a follow-up email. Tomorrow I will start trying to contact him again.
None of the stories have run yet, so 6 weeks in to this campaign I have nothing yet to show for it. But I’m about to make another big push and then — hopefully — pivot to my actual schoolwork. In the meantime, I’ve discovered that I really enjoy digging up secrets, hounding officials, and critiquing policies. I’m now considering trying to make a career out of journalism or advocacy. Failing that, I will at least figure out a way to include this personal vendetta as an accomplishment for my resume.
9 years ago
@ Kat
Well, I believe it’s more recently they suspect foul play, rather back in October. And I don’t think we really want to be going down the ‘lying about it’ route as it were. That’s not a good route to go down imho.
Omg. I’m realizing I don’t really like to do anything. That’s disturbing. Hikes sound like fun but I have arthritis. :/ Can’t really move around too much. Reading could be fun too but I have the worst attention span. This rules out most movies too since I can’t pay attention to the plot and can’t recognize characters from one scene to the next.
I play games, sometimes online. Or tedious games by myself. :p If you have any form on online game you like to play, I’d give it a try. Other than that, I study, teach, and listen to podcasts/music. I also spend a significant amount of time staring into the distance/wall.
Wow. That makes me sound pretty boring, doesn’t it. Hmmm.
@Orion – I’m sorry you had such an awful time with the school and congratulations on fighting back. I think from what I’ve seen of your writing that you’d be good at journalism.
It seems when I write about anything personal/emotional my writing devolves into a hopeless muddle, but here goes: three years ago, I nearly got kicked out of my Master’s for not finishing essays on time. When I made an appeal to the program, showing the paperwork with my ADHD diagnosis, I was allowed back in if I met with an advisor from the disabilities office, but one prof said, “I’ve never had a grad student with accommodations before,” as if extended deadlines were shocking, terrible things. But thanks to the advocacy of another prof and the advisor I mentioned, I was able to finish my project (with a decent mark, too, though I have no plans to pursue further studies right now).
Anyway, I hope this functions as some sort of encouragement! I wish everything goes well, not just for your sake or mine but also for others going through similar struggles.
9 years ago
If the position is still open I would also like to submit a request for friendship. My likes include talking to interesting people, roleplaying and game mastering, being bad a hole host of games, and to some degree programming.
I also suffer from keyboard anxiety, and slow typing. You can find me here obvoiusly and in meatspace in Karlshamn.
Robert, thanks. 😉
I don’t know what happened at the end of my last post, but apparently I has something, so here it is.
I don’t know if you guys remember that my husband was held up at gun point on his job this past Nov 13. Well, he was, and originally, my husband and I were both on the side of leniency, because that’s just how we are, no one was hurt, and this young man was levied a fine of 3k for Marijuana, which should be legal anyway. Yay for the drug war, creating criminals where there are none for decades.
Anyway, our stance did a 180 when we found out that this young man left my husband’s job and went to the home of a young woman that knew him. He sexually assaulted her and then stole $200 from her.
So, we are both in the THROW HIM UNDER THE JAIL AND NEVER LET HIM OUT camp of 2.
This dude has a HUGE family (we still don’t know a lot of people, being northern transplants to the small town south, southern hospitality is largely a myth). They have taken to coming into my husband’s job, and saying things like “you know he would never have REALLY hurt you, right?” and “you know he isn’t a bad guy, right?” and “you know he wasn’t REALLY going to shoot you, right? ”
Firstly, my husband is WORKING. At his JOB. But please, your feelings are so much more important than anyone else’s, so please do continue to harass him while he works.
Secondly, you know how you can tell that I am not going to hurt you? BECAUSE I AM NOT POINTING A LOADED GUN AT YOU WHILE THREATENING TO KILL YOU. I know that might be subtle, but if you pay close attention, maybe you won’t miss it.
It seems like they think that he can do something for this guy. They don’t understand that, legally speaking, the crime wasn’t against my husband, it was against his national corporation, my husband is just a witness.
My husband is not willing to risk our main source of income to defend a sexual assaulter (is that a word?) that threatened him with a gun. Maybe I am just stressed and upset, but jesus, the unmitigated HUBRIS of these people.
He finally just told them that he can’t discuss it with anyone, but that they are welcome to call the home office. Which is completely made up, but seems to be working. For now.
My town has 2 stoplights. That store hasn’t been robbed ever, at least not since before 97, when I moved here. There was a flasher that went in, picked up a can of corn, took it to the counter, sat it down, opened his coat and put his penis on the counter. The lady working smashed his penis with the corn, and called the cops while he was screaming. That was 15 years ago.
Now, I sweat, every night. When he walks out, I feel fear. I have never felt like that before, it’s draining. Not to mention what he must think. But he doesn’t want to worry me. So, thanks. For letting me get it out.
If he lived in Japan, he’d be called a hikikomori. It’s a well-known, if not widespread, phenomenon there. Although many hikikomori have social anxiety, the phenomenon itself is social rather than psychological.
I’m sending positive vibes to everyone going through troubles right now.
All will be well.
I have some experience with a family with a completely unreasonable authoritarian father, a nurse-mother who doesn’t want to rock the boat, and a son who exploits his mother’s wish not to see her son suffer.
The situation is challenging.
I know that you have national health care in Sweden, so perhaps free or low-cost counseling is available. If so, you might want to consider counseling to get some perspective on this situation and tips on how to deal with it.
Best wishes to you and your wife.
My guess is that there is an overlap between some hikikomori and the “men’s rights movement.”
The 4chan website does nothing to disabuse me of this notion.
Happy New Year/2016 everyone! Thanks for being such a cool and insightful bunch of people. I enjoyed reading this blog and the comment section (it seems a good comment section is a rare thing).
@Hambeast, Dalillama – I’m sorry that you lost people close to you this year. Virtual hugs if you want them.
@dhag85 – I know this is a superficial thing to notice, but it seems there are a lot of people in that family who expect other people to make food for them. Possibly you could offer to help cook and maybe get one of the men involved too? If that is a possible/tolerable thing?
@Johanna – I’m sorry for what you’re going through. I hope your move works out and, if it is a goal for you, that you and him can get back together.
And hello to everyone I haven’t mentioned! Best wishes for 2016!
As for me, 2015 was better than the past few years. I got my first long-term full-time job in the fall. I’ve been having fewer anxiety attacks and I think my anger’s more under control (I did say to my boss once, “I’m trying to work, but you keep talking!!” which wasn’t that smart/polite but not terribly damaging either.)
My parents bought an electric car in November, which is a great way to get a small car for the price of a large one 🙂 I might start driving lessons in the summer if I can afford it, although I’m scared to. My brother started university and the school’s out of province, but he was back in Quebec with my parents and me for the holidays. Today we all went to the Ecomuseum (http://www.zooecomuseum.ca/en) (in a suburb of Montreal) and saw two grey wolves wrestling over a toy like they were puppies.
Anyway, nice things aside, a couple of months ago I derailed a serious discussion that NicolaLuna started. She was talking about being harassed and I came in blathering about my own problems. That was inappropriate and I’m sorry. I don’t know what response I got, if any, and searching for the page would stir up bad memories, but I hope my comments weren’t triggering in any way.
Happy 2016, everyone – best wishes for the next 365 days of planet earth slowly spinning around on its axis.
Aww that’s sweet. 🙂
HELLO FRIEND CAN WE HANG OUT PLS. Am I coming on too strong? :p
Thank you. Obamacare is confusing my in-laws too.
I’ve been meaning to get my ass to a therapist for a long time, mostly for other reasons. This year it will definitely, definitely happen!
@epitome of incomprehensibility
You’re right, their lives revolve around food to a large extent. I always cook when I visit them, and I offer to make enough for everyone, only the women will ever be remotely interested in trying my food. I’m vegetarian, and even when I was a meat eater I preferred vegetarian foods, and the men/boys in this family will eat only burgers, steaks, sandwiches, snacks, fried chicken, etc. I’ve tried! :/
@dhag85: Sure, we can hang out, but it’ll have to be virtually, since I gather you’re in Sweden? Haha, no, I don’t think you’re coming on too strong!
Just try to be patient with me… I’m a novice with the “hanging-out virtually” stuff.
Well, what do you like to do? 🙂
Hugs to those who need and would like them.
Dhag85, I feel your pain. I have a few relatives who, well, fulfill their brat potential every time I visit. I’ve found that if I pull out my knitting I can plausibly claim that I haven’t been following the conversation, if that helps.
I broke a bone in my non-dominant hand three weeks ago. It seems to be healing, and hopefully I can go back to work Monday. I have to say that one-handed typing is more work than I thought it would be . . .
Goodness… Nigel Farage just survived an assassination attempt. His car was sabotaged and he lost control of it. Whatever I think about UKIP, but poor Nigel. I hope he’s okay and doing well, and his family too, but I don’t know how to direct that his way.
It’s slightly odd I find, considering UK politicians don’t tend to have assassination attempts on them any more. I’m rather shocked.
Assassination and war are the worst possible forms of politics.
That said, something about this smells off to me. It happened in October. And he decided not to press charges.
Why bring it up three months later?
Why not press charges?
The headline says that he “fears” that he was the victim of an assassination attempt, so I don’t think that I’m alone in my skepticism.
@dhag85: Read, hike, or at least take long walks around the rural area where I live in Pennsylvania. Dodge bears…yes, I’ve crossed paths with them. I carry pepper spray with me, now.
I have a long commute to work, which pretty much wipes out my time during Mon-Fri.
What do you like to do?
In 2015 I accomplished very little of what I wanted to accomplish, and confronted many things I didn’t want to confront. I’m calling it a win.
In the summer of 2014 I was finally diagnosed with narcolepsy, about 5 years after it started ruining my life. I made arrangements to go back to the college I had dropped out of, and started this past January.
The school administration did everything possible to make my life hell. Between their relentless harassment and my incomplete acclimation to narcolepsy treatment I crashed and burned out of school for the second time. I spent the summer fruitlessly applying for jobs in the Chicago suburbs while living with the girl who would eventually become my girlfriend, who herself was living at home with her family.
It was the first time in many years I had seen another family up close, and it was eye-opening to say the least. I knew I had had what you might call a difficult childhood. I knew that my parents were not supportive of almost anything I had done as an adult. I had referred to them as “evil” people in the past. I had once chosen for a year to live as a homeless sex worker because it seemed preferable to living with them. And yet, I had somehow been unable to think of them as capital-A Abusive until I saw how a family was supposed to work. I told them explicitly how I felt and resolved never to depend on them again.
Shortly thereafter I gave up hope of supporting myself in Chicago and decided to move back home. As I prepped for the move, I confronted them even more explicitly with my grievances and a list of demands on which my return was conditional. They agreed. When I came back, I discovered that my mother, whom I had thought to be an irredeemable narcissist, had mellowed considerably with age. I also learned that my father had been ignorant, (though perhaps culpably so), of the some of the worst things my mother did to me, and that he had evolved from a right-wing ideologue to a reluctant liberal.
My parents wanted me to get my BA, which I would be able to do if I finished enough incompletes, and after my failed job search in the summer, I wanted it too. Unfortunately, I found it difficult to concentrate on schoolwork. Thinking about the school at all made me too angry. An alumna-turned-freelancer posted on Facebook seeking sources for a story on the school’s systematic mistreatment of mentally-ill students and I jumped at the chance to tell my story.
Telling it once didn’t feel like enough. Soon I was talking to a current student making a documentary for film major, and to a journalist making a TV special for a national news network. I felt bad talking about the school administration “behind their back”, so I decided to confront them as well.
I told my adviser, who was also 3rd-in-command for the Dean of Students, that I couldn’t do my schoolwork until they addressed my concerns with their practices. From late November through December, he spent about 4 hours on the phone with me over 3 sessions listening to me complain about the way they treated me and propose several concrete reforms they could implement. He allegedly scheduled two internal meetings to discuss it, although neither has happened yet.
Although one of those meetings was supposed to involve the student counseling service, I decided not to wait. I had tried two or three times to reach out to the psychiatrist who handled my case and received no answer. I had mistakenly believed he was the director of the agency, so when I learned otherwise I confronted him directly as well. I only had one chance to speak with him before holiday break, and he left it a touch ambiguous whether he would speak to me again, but he agreed to implement one of my ideas and hold a meeting in the new year. He also requested a follow-up email. Tomorrow I will start trying to contact him again.
None of the stories have run yet, so 6 weeks in to this campaign I have nothing yet to show for it. But I’m about to make another big push and then — hopefully — pivot to my actual schoolwork. In the meantime, I’ve discovered that I really enjoy digging up secrets, hounding officials, and critiquing policies. I’m now considering trying to make a career out of journalism or advocacy. Failing that, I will at least figure out a way to include this personal vendetta as an accomplishment for my resume.
@ Kat
Well, I believe it’s more recently they suspect foul play, rather back in October. And I don’t think we really want to be going down the ‘lying about it’ route as it were. That’s not a good route to go down imho.
Omg. I’m realizing I don’t really like to do anything. That’s disturbing. Hikes sound like fun but I have arthritis. :/ Can’t really move around too much. Reading could be fun too but I have the worst attention span. This rules out most movies too since I can’t pay attention to the plot and can’t recognize characters from one scene to the next.
I play games, sometimes online. Or tedious games by myself. :p If you have any form on online game you like to play, I’d give it a try. Other than that, I study, teach, and listen to podcasts/music. I also spend a significant amount of time staring into the distance/wall.
Wow. That makes me sound pretty boring, doesn’t it. Hmmm.
@Orion – I’m sorry you had such an awful time with the school and congratulations on fighting back. I think from what I’ve seen of your writing that you’d be good at journalism.
It seems when I write about anything personal/emotional my writing devolves into a hopeless muddle, but here goes: three years ago, I nearly got kicked out of my Master’s for not finishing essays on time. When I made an appeal to the program, showing the paperwork with my ADHD diagnosis, I was allowed back in if I met with an advisor from the disabilities office, but one prof said, “I’ve never had a grad student with accommodations before,” as if extended deadlines were shocking, terrible things. But thanks to the advocacy of another prof and the advisor I mentioned, I was able to finish my project (with a decent mark, too, though I have no plans to pursue further studies right now).
Anyway, I hope this functions as some sort of encouragement! I wish everything goes well, not just for your sake or mine but also for others going through similar struggles.
If the position is still open I would also like to submit a request for friendship. My likes include talking to interesting people, roleplaying and game mastering, being bad a hole host of games, and to some degree programming.
I also suffer from keyboard anxiety, and slow typing. You can find me here obvoiusly and in meatspace in Karlshamn.
I never knew you’re in Sweden! The position is still wide open. Now there’s 3 of us, tomorrow we take over the world. 🙂
Would you mind suggesting a game to play?
It’s funny, because it’s the opposite at UChicago. As far as I can tell grad students don’t even have deadlines.
Happy new year, and wonderful health, for all of you !
Best wishes in your successes, and best supports for those who need them.
Have a nice day (and year).
Happy new year, occasional reader, and welcome!
I just realised I don’t play that many multiplayer games…
So… Minecraft?
Otherwise I would really like just having a chat or something if our schedules sync up ^^