a voice for men antifeminism Dean Esmay entitled babies grandiosity gross incompetence infighting johntheother men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW mike buchanan misogyny MRA paul elam post contains sarcasm the c-word twitter yeah that's the ticket

2015: Year of Triumphs for the Men’s Rights Movement

Forward march!
Forward march!

On this, the last day of 2015, let us take a few moments to reflect on some of the HUGE TRIUMPHS the Men’s Rights movement has had over the past year.

In the UK elections:

UK Election: Mike Buchanan of the Justice for Men and Boys party gets 153 votes. Not 153,000. 153.

Mike Buchanan, the Men’s Rights buffoon who won 153 votes in the UK elections, is declaring victory

In the media!

Stop what you're doing, and GO READ THE BUZZFEED EXPOSE OF A VOICE FOR MEN'S PAUL ELAM. (SPOILER: He's even worse than you think)

The 5 Creepiest Details from GQ's Long-Awaited Account of A Voice for Men's Conference Last Summer

In publishing!

A Voice for Men's brilliant new money-making scheme: Translate Edwardian antifeminist E. Belfort Bax into hip and happening modern lingo, make eBook, roll around in sweet sweet cash

Paul Elam reannounces the relaunch of A Voice for Men's Possibly Still Unnamed Publishing House for Men Who Don't Write Good

In conference-organizing!

Paul Elam manages to snag Paul Elam as a speaker for upcoming A Voice for Men conference

Men’s Rights Redditors unimpressed by A Voice for Men’s conference speakers, appalled by the cost

A Voice for Men tries to jump-start ticket sales for its convention by promising greater punctuality, longer lunch breaks

A Voice for Men triumphantly cancels its conference; supporters declare victory

By uniting against their common enemy!

(Apparently, their common enemy is Paul Elam.)

Men Going Their Own Way tell Paul Elam to go away. BONUS: The terrible new MGTOW anthem

The Men's Rights Movement's ugliest divorce is getting uglier by the day. And funnier.

Drama! Another A Voice for Men staffer jumps overboard amid mutual recriminations

On Twitter!

MRA Dean Esmay elevates the discourse with new #SpankAFeminist hashtag, gratuitous rape references

MRA Dean Esmay stunned that hurling obscenities at feminists does not cause them to take him seriously

Dean Esmay, MRA and big old white dude, tells feminist women of color they’re “Aunt Jemimahs”

On Urban Dictionary!

A stunning victory for Men’s Rights Activists

And, of course, against the evil upstart Katniss Everdeen Jennifer Lawrence!

Men’s Rights Redditors outraged that Jennifer Lawrence wants a boyfriend who’s not a jerk

With activists like these on their side, the world’s long-oppressed men will surely gain some small recognition of their terrible plight in the year (and years) to come!

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9 years ago

I mentally rubbed my hands together gleefully when I read the title of this post.

There is truly no failure so abject that MRAs won’t mangle it into a victory!

9 years ago

Not to necro the J-Law thread, but this, I mean oh wow:

[Women] go out of their way to TRY to hurt your feelings and another huge percentage of them will lead you on a little ONLY JUST so they can later, not just reject you, but shit all over you like you’re some kind of idiot for even thinking there was a chance with them and women get a HUGE amount of ENJOYMENT out of rejecting men and saying ‘no’ – they GET OFF on it, the bizarre behavior, the FLAKINESS, complete unaccountability, zero character, entitlement, the ‘fuck you’ attitude, the snide cattiness, the threats, trying to get fired from your job if you defy them, trying to act like they have God like power over you, the false accusations, the ‘superior’ attitude when their contribution to the world is less than nothing, the complete, absolute IGNORANCE OF EVERYTHING.

Not only is that a MASSIVE run-on sentence, it’s also a gigantic self-awareness fail.

No, dude, we don’t shit all over you for the fun of it (although I’m sure you are plenty of fun to defecate upon, if one is into that sort of thing). Trust me, if a woman treats you as badly as you claim we all do, you’ve done something to earn that. And if the “trying to get [you] fired from your job” bit is any indication, I’d say sexual harassment in the workplace is what you’ve done to earn it.

Also, how is our contribution to the world somehow “less than nothing”? You do realize that without a woman, your sorry ass wouldn’t have even landed in the world, right, Less Than Nothing?

9 years ago

Also, how is our contribution to the world somehow “less than nothing”? You do realize that without a woman, your sorry ass wouldn’t have even landed in the world, right, Less Than Nothing?

Well, when it comes to landing him in the world, it probably is a debit in the great ledger of human achievement. Though I’m sure most of the hard work that went into making him a nasty and deluded individual was all his own.

9 years ago

Well, when it comes to landing him in the world, it probably is a debit in the great ledger of human achievement. Though I’m sure most of the hard work that went into making him a nasty and deluded individual was all his own.

Well said.

And yeah, I get the feeling he has a LOT of mommy issues. Starting with “no, junior, don’t do that”!

9 years ago

All I can think, when I read most of that, is that he really is describing himself in a sort of existential scream/rant.
It’s really sad.

But not sad enough for me to get worked up over it or anything.

9 years ago

My favorite is always Mike Buchanan. He’s the reason why most MRAs never take their activism off the internet and actually try to accomplish something. They all know they’d be just as successful.

But hey, Mikey. At least you tried!

9 years ago

And let’s not forget Tom Martin, another genuine trier. He and Buchanan almost make me proud to be British.

Talking of Martin, has he paid off his court-related debts yet?

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
9 years ago

Hey, there’s apparently a huge edit war going on right now on Wikipedia over the “Men Going Their Own Way” article, which was created several days ago. MGTOW supporters are clashing with editors who want the article to have a more neutral perspective, and with other editors who want to delete the article altogether.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

…and with other editors who want to delete the article altogether.

Current-day wikipedia in a nutshell, sadly. If the Messiah returned, the article about it would be AfD’d almost instantly.

9 years ago

Looking at the stuff that was deleted from the MGTOW wikipedia entry, it looks like the MGTOWs can’t keep their own nonsense straight. A MGTOW is

A man who avoids cultural definitions and preconceptions of what a “man” is


In a seminal announcement dated December 1, 2004,[22] Ragnar [Jensen] introduced the phrase “Men Going Their Own Way” to the public… He stated that a main thrust of this idea was to instill masculinity in men…

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

9 years ago

Hey, there’s apparently a huge edit war going on right now on Wikipedia over the “Men Going Their Own Way” article, which was created several days ago. MGTOW supporters are clashing with editors who want the article to have a more neutral perspective, and with other editors who want to delete the article altogether.

Oh man, what a great flamewar. It appears that a bunch of MGTOW put up a super long, adulatory article promoting themselves and obsessively detailing all their little subgroups and all the other groups that they’re TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM, and then serious editors came in, deleted the self-promotion, added a criticism section, quoted the SPLC report, said that Milo Yiannopoulos doesn’t count as a source, etc.

And now the MGTOWs are all huffy and they’re saying that if the article can’t be the way they want, they don’t want one at all.

9 years ago

OMG their original article is super-long….

9 years ago

The Wikipedia article has been locked for editing now, thank goodness. However, it is currently very short.

The MGTOWs are not making themselves look good here. What are people going to think about a group of people who want to write a massively imbalanced, biased article on a website that strives for neutrality? These people will never get anywhere good in the public eye. Every day seems to be a new failure for them! (continuing for many of them the series of them that has prompted the angry mantrum movement they have)

9 years ago

God, I just read the talk page. The MGTOW there both regurgitates the same talking points, and proves what everyone else is saying about the ridiculousness of the Mgtow ‘contribution.’

There is also massive lack of self awareness. Anyone wanting a laugh should really take a look. Goodness. It’s comedy gold! (Well, alright, high quality bronze.)

9 years ago

There is also massive lack of self awareness.

“Massive lack of self awareness” is the core MGTOW problem. I watched the whole of that Reggie Yates BBC3 documentary, and the MGTOW section was hilarious.

9 years ago

@ Wetherby

It certainly is.

The MGTOW section I laughed at. The MGTOWs can’t even begin to try and look like a legitimate movement when put squarely in the public eye. I’m sure they’ll still blame the BBC for their own shortcomings though. (which seems to be the random ridiculous trend recently anyway, but wait until the MGTOWs get hold!)

9 years ago

In a seminal announcement dated December 1, 2004,[22] Ragnar [Jensen] introduced the phrase “Men Going Their Own Way” to the public… He stated that a main thrust of this idea was to instill masculinity in men…

Am I the only one who snickered at all the thinly veiled double entendres in this bit? (And the inadvertent homoeroticism?)

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago


If that was something a manospherian wrote, that’s downright Fruedian.

9 years ago

A belated Happy Holidays and an on-time Happy New Year to all.

That WP talk section is entertaining all around but these notes are the highlight for me. It’s all here, spermjacking, sexbots and endless whiny anger towards modern marriage that don’t include old-timey state-enforced subjugation of wives.

Reasons why men go their own way (to be incorporated in the article)

Divorce statistics: high prevalence of divorce, high prevalence of female-initiated divorce.
Unenforced prenuptual agreements
Emotional sequelae of divorce: male suicide.
Asset division after divorce
Child support
(lack of) Child custody

See also: Parental alienation syndrome

Paternity fraud
Lack of reproductive rights: Spermjacking, etc.
Violence against men: Domestic violence. Female on male rape(?). Stalking, etc.
False rape accusations
False domestic violence accusations
Lack of benefits in marriage: A wife has no legal obligations in marriage. No obligation to have sex. No obligation not to cheat, not to cuckold. There is nothing a husband is legally entitled to in marriage. No fault divorce belongs in this section(?).

See also: Sexless marriage

Downsides of cohabitation: encroachment on male living space (“the prospect of having your personal space rearranged, and even being driven out of your personal space (which you’re paying for) and into the garage isn’t very savoury.”), common law marriage, palimony, etc.

See also: Man cave
See also: Palimony

Substitute goods and services: self-improvement, hobbies, sports, video games, porn, sex toys, sexbots, prostitutes, escorts, massage parlors, artificial wombs, etc.

9 years ago

I feel sorry for the editors, but it is fun to see MGTOWs stamping their feet in impotent rage.

9 years ago

There is nothing a husband is legally entitled to in marriage.

Well this is quite possibly the most (accidentally) honest thing an MGTOW has ever said. “The law does not legally obligate another human being to do things for me; what a ripoff”

epitome of incomprehensibility

That MGTOW list is pretty revealing. Plus, the “downsides of cohabitation” part is just silly: sharing space with a partner and having to make compromises is like being driven into a garage? I mean, locking someone in a garage would be genuine abuse, but this reads more like “My wife/girlfriend wants me to help clean up! I need to escape to the garage! Oh help, I’m being repressed!”

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I’ve personally never understood the idea of a “man cave” specifically. I understand that everyone needs their own private space, and that I totally agree with, especially because I’m an introvert and thus dealing with people all the time is physically as well as emotionally tiring.

But this whole idea of a “man cave” where no one else is allowed but you, and only you get to have this space because you’re the MAYUN of the house, and that means no wifey or kiddies allowed is just baffling to me.

I’d understand if my spouse/partner wanted a space of their own as a workshop or whatever, or they just want a space where they can go and be alone for a while, that’s fine.

I’d just like the same courtesy extended to me, should we have the space, or that we’d share the space if we don’t have an extra room for my stuff/projects as well.

9 years ago

So back to the subject of the post (although the MGTOW-Wiki meltdown is entertaining and should make a nice future post) …

I was wondering why the list seemed to be missing a couple of other big events.

What about The Sarkeesian Effect?

And what about the Honey Badger Brigade and their lawsuit?

9 years ago

That thing J-Law is doing with her face in that gif is surprisingly difficult to imitate.