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MGTOW Launches One-Man War on Hoo Has (And the Human Beings Attached to Them)

Isaiah4verse1 has more opinions on vaginas than your gynocologist
Isaiah4verse1 has more opinions on vaginas than your gynecologist

Do you remember Isaiah4verse1?

“Ha, who?” you ask.

You know, the Man Going His Own Way who famously described women as overpriced vagina buses? The guy who recently informed his comrades in lady hating on the MGTOW subreddit that his life had gotten so, so, much better now that he’s stopped thinking of women as “complete human beings?”

That guy.

Well, for a guy who’s supposedly given up women and porn, he still has a lot of things to say about vaginas. Indeed, he seems to think about vaginas more than Eve Ensler, Judy Chicago and all the members of The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists combined. In his comments on Reddit, he’s basically writing his own version of the Vagina Monologues.

Here are a few of his, er, insights.

Women are little more than a delivery mechanism for vagina.

I’m sorry, where did you get the ridiculous notion that I care what some filthy vagina carrier thinks?

(I’m not quite sure what Isaiah makes of trans folks, but then again I’m not sure I want to know.)

Women have no worth outside of their vaginas.

[W]omen are fundamentally lazy, ignorant morons who couldn’t put forth a male level of effort no matter how many governments and white knights she has in her stable.

Remember, you’re a woman. You have no worth beyond your vagina. No one really cares what you think. Stop pretending and do what you were born to do, spread your legs and lie on your back and shut up!

Despite being of the same species as human males, human females are millions of years less evolved than their male counterparts, essentially because they’ve been coasting on the power of their vaginas.

Women are disgusting (sub)human beings.

They have evolved little in 3 million years. …

And ALL women recognize they have zero worth beyond their vaginas.

Men who think they want “female company” really just want the vagina.

If you are lonely for female company then you need to realize that it is really her vagina you’re after.

Female company is nothing compared with the company of like minded MEN.

If not for their vaginas, men wouldn’t have anything to do with women.

If women didn’t have vaginas, men wouldn’t bother with them.

A “pussy worshiper” is a male who defers to women. Men do this for no other reason than to win favour and closer access to their vaginas. … Male support of wymynz rights is a desperate mating strategy by beta males.

Women’s main purpose in life is to lead men down “the filthy vaginal path to corruption.”

Women exist to corrupt men. That’s why they hate good men and love evil men. Like attracts like. Sadly, men choose to go down the filthy vaginal path to corruption than be noble human beings.

Even women hate women, and know they’re nothing without their vaginas.

Nobody likes women least of all women themselves. The only thing they have of value is their vagina. No one likes what’s attached to the vagina. 

Men who claim that there is more to women than the vagina are part vaginas themselves.

You are certainly not a man but a mangina. Toeing the line of female supremacy for the scent of vagina.

We’ve already discussed scientifically that women are little more than walking wombs and consumption machines. …

The truth is you really don’t care what I have to say. You just need to be SEEN to care by women to get that pat on the head and a couple brownie point from women … I hate to break it to you, mangina, but they’re not going to fly across the globe to suck your little pee pee.

You are not a man.

Women prefer when men pay for their vaginas in installments.

Women don’t like it when other women receive a one time fee for vagina. It is their goal to have the man paying in installments ad infinitum with interest.

Due to vaginal oversupply, the price of vagina has plummeted in recent years.

[W]omen made a miscalculation when they flooded the market with vagina. Now, men can get the milk without buying the cow and this is absolutely terrifying to women. The devaluing of the only value they have: vagina! So that’s why feminism has shifted to neo-Victorian ideals and government sanctioned chivalry.

Married men are slaves to “available vagina.”

I don’t think there’s anything more pathetic than a married man. … The number one fear that keeps married men enslaved is the loss of an available vagina. True story.

Even married men think of their “hambeast” wives as little more than “wet holes.”

I don’t consider receiving sexual rations in exchange for the immense cost of marriage with an aging hambeast a prize. …

You brag about getting sex because you put a lot of work into it. But even if I’m wrong and that’s not the case, you have reduced your entire marriage to an act that lasts one hour long at best. Your marriage summed up is an available vagina. I’m sure your wife will be pleased to know that she’s just a wet hole and no thought whatsoever is given to any other attribute of a “happy marriage”.

Women have so much blood coming out of their whatevers that they sometimes use rolls of paper towels as tampons. Also, women menstruate more when they’re mad at people on the internet.

LOL you women are so pathetic. You’re only power is the power to manipulate emotions and make people angreeeeeee! You need the drama in your miserable lives because you know y’all have no life, no personality, no genuine human feeling. This is the closest you girlies can get to being human. …

I think you’re the one whose pissed. I mean, you’re the one who replied to my comment first, and it wasn’t even addressed to you. You saw it, filled that roll of Bounty on a jumprope sticking out of your cavernous trough of a vagina with blood, and proceeded to post your thinly veiled anger in the form of a pitiful shaming comment. Cool huh?

Vaginas are not the cure for Hitler.

My favourite response to those who speak as if relationships are the universal cure is that Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mussolini and Hirohito were ALL married! Looks like vagina isn’t the wonder drug you’d have us believe!

Well, ok, he is right about that last one.


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Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago


“I suppose this is a bit rich me saying this, because, hey, I follow WHTM and I have a morbid fascination with what comes out of the Manosphere… but we really shouldn’t be giving this guy attention. Any condemnation is just going to reinforce his horrible, bitter worldview. The best we can hope for is that he gets pretty much ignored, and eventually grows up (I really, really hope he is a very young man, because the older he is, the less hope there is).”

But this is not a him problem. Granted not everyone with misogynistic thoughts goes on the internet to rant about giant self-deviced tampons but I’m sure every woman has had the experience of being treated as a walking vagina.

9 years ago

roll of Bounty on a jumprope

Thankyou, Isaiah4:1. I was previously unaware of the absorptive nature of coconut-filled chocolate bars.

9 years ago

The original poster in that thread is a peach, too. My favorite comment from him:

Now,all men are rational in their thoughts but the problem is we have been forced to believe this from early on.So men try and if one (woman) doesn’t work out.They try again.

I will be honest with you.I’ve even tried to find the differences between women based on Zodiac signs.For example,Pisces women are better than yada yada…It goes on.

Nothing says “superior male powers of reason” like believing in astrology.

9 years ago

LOL you women are so pathetic. You’re only power is the power to manipulate emotions and make people angreeeeeee! You need the drama in your miserable lives because you know y’all have no life, no personality, no genuine human feeling. This is the closest you girlies can get to being human. …

I think you’re the one whose pissed. I mean, you’re the one who replied to my comment first, and it wasn’t even addressed to you. You saw it, filled that roll of Bounty on a jumprope sticking out of your cavernous trough of a vagina with blood, and proceeded to post your thinly veiled anger in the form of a pitiful shaming comment. Cool huh?

Yeah, cool! Nothing’s quite as cool as making a chronic rage-wanker yell like this.

And when he’s done at the ‘pute, he’ll lock himself in the bathroom with an old sock and pull his pud, crying as he mutters incoherent inanities about blood and caverns and paper towels. And wondering why he has no life.

Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
9 years ago

Translation: “I’m totally going my own way! It’s just a coincidence that that way happens to be parallel-to and within yelling distance of the way YOU all were going!”

Sofia van der Linde
Sofia van der Linde
9 years ago

So-called Grey Area sex immediately stops being ambiguous if you replace sex with other violence or theft.

So if you are drunk in public is it not physical abuse if someone beats you up?
So if you fall asleep somewhere is it anything other than theft if they take your money and valuables from you?

Funny how rape apologists are completely not confused when it comes to these scenarios. No misunderstandings or honest mistakes there.

Also a doctor (but not that kind)
Also a doctor (but not that kind)
9 years ago


Flora was pretty clear that she’s a doctor, not a nurse.

Sofia van der Linde
Sofia van der Linde
9 years ago

It remains deliciously ironic to have a misogynist rant and rage all the while insisting women are the emotional and irrational ones.

Funny story, Bro. Is Anger not that thing that makes women, ethnic minorities and GLBTQ people automatically wrong about everything?

Oh wait!
Man anger is special. Like all other man feels and man logic. It is just so Objective ™.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

I have found an even more scientific way to find out which woman will please your penis:

9 years ago

So-called Grey Area sex immediately stops being ambiguous if you replace sex with other violence or theft.

Seriously. “His face was just begging to be punched, yeronner!” “Oh? How do you figure that?” “Simple. It was BLACK!”


“He was just begging to be mugged. His back pocket was bulging, so I knew he had a fat wallet in there. Fat-wallet guys all fantasize about being robbed! It’s their whole purpose in life!”

If it wouldn’t wash for any other crime, why would such a silly argument pass for a rape defence?

(Also: “The temptation was too strong to resist” is not a defence either, it is a confession. And of course, these defensive guys all scream like banshees when you point that out.)

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Paging SFHC!!!

Off topic slightly but you simply must find a way of checking out these BBC4 programmes!

3 episodes. Each one takes a look at 3 types of human (Neanderthal, Ergaster, Australopithecus). All the latest research. Amazing. Really gets you thinking as well.

Even features something about mammoth hunting.

9 years ago

A rant of this kind has probably not seen print since the misogynists captured early Christianity, but it strikes me that the man is so fanatical exactly because he knows he’s lying.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

@Pandapool The theory that Hitler wasn’t into sex or women is based on Ian Kershaw’s biography of Hitler.

9 years ago

To the people who are wondering if he’s a teen or calling him childish please stop.

I really don’t understand every time someone says or does something horrible people wonder about his or her age. That absolutely makes no sense.

Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
9 years ago

Did someone mention my ‘nym? (e_e)

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

@History Nerd

Really? I’m currently reading Kershaw’s biography.

9 years ago

Trump is 69 and still says the shit he says. Just saying.

9 years ago

Translation: “I’m totally going my own way! It’s just a coincidence that that way happens to be parallel-to and within yelling distance of the way YOU all were going!”

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

It’s mentioned on an Open Yale lecture. I should read the actual book.

9 years ago

I really don’t understand every time someone says or does something horrible people wonder about his or her age.

Different ages merely mean different excuses can be wheeled out. I can’t find the original now, but there was a post that enumerated the stages, something like this:

Too young to know any better.
Boys will be boys.
Just joking/trolling/playing a character.
Old-fashioned/traditional and set in their ways.

9 years ago

I’ve always been rather amazed at the whole MGTOW thing. I mean, we all know that the point isn’t to GTOW, ’cause otherwise we wouldn’t hear from them outside of news reports from Man Town Commune or whatever. It’s all about hating women for wanting to be actual human beings with, you know, rights and freedom and stuff.

What amazes me is how they don’t see it! It’s all so damn clear, so why are they even pretending? The bible verse he’s chosen lays it all out on the frickin’ table!

And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.

aka: You’re gonna be sorry, wimmins! You won’t have no mens left cause we’re all gonna leave and then you gonna throw yourselves at us! How hard can you throw a tantrum while not realizing that you’re having a damn tantrum?


Dr. NicolaLuna
Dr. NicolaLuna
9 years ago

On the subject of enthusiastic consent – if those guys have a fetish around not wanting their partner to appear eager, they need to learn how to pre-negotiate a bdsm scene and find a victimless outlet for their fantasies.

Sex is way more fun when both partners are super into it.

When I was about 17 I was about to have sex with this guy who I really liked and I was nervous. He picked up on my nervousness and stopped. He asked me “are you sure you want to do this?” I thought about it, said yes and we had some fantastic sex. Seriously, how difficult is it to just ask if you aren’t sure? Of course, if you value your boner more than an actual person then I guess you don’t feel the need to stop and ask.

9 years ago

At least Mrs. White had a legitimate reason to have flames on the side of her face.

Jiminy Christmas, dude, take a nap.  Your sleep-deprived fever dream has gotten the best of you.

Vaginas!  On the side of Isaiah4verse1’s face!  Yee-owwwwl!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago


On the subject of enthusiastic consent – if those guys have a fetish around not wanting their partner to appear eager, they need to learn how to pre-negotiate a bdsm scene and find a victimless outlet for their fantasies.

Ugh, no thanks. Please don’t send them our way. We have enough problems with asshat rapey guys.

9 years ago


I’m a terrible person but were I in such a situation I’d tell them “Oh, a male doctor will be around eventually, just wait here…” even if they’ve got their severed hand in a cooler full of ice and were hoping to get it reattached.