antifeminism evil overpriced women evil sexy ladies manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit vaginas

MGTOW Launches One-Man War on Hoo Has (And the Human Beings Attached to Them)

Isaiah4verse1 has more opinions on vaginas than your gynocologist
Isaiah4verse1 has more opinions on vaginas than your gynecologist

Do you remember Isaiah4verse1?

“Ha, who?” you ask.

You know, the Man Going His Own Way who famously described women as overpriced vagina buses? The guy who recently informed his comrades in lady hating on the MGTOW subreddit that his life had gotten so, so, much better now that he’s stopped thinking of women as “complete human beings?”

That guy.

Well, for a guy who’s supposedly given up women and porn, he still has a lot of things to say about vaginas. Indeed, he seems to think about vaginas more than Eve Ensler, Judy Chicago and all the members of The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists combined. In his comments on Reddit, he’s basically writing his own version of the Vagina Monologues.

Here are a few of his, er, insights.

Women are little more than a delivery mechanism for vagina.

I’m sorry, where did you get the ridiculous notion that I care what some filthy vagina carrier thinks?

(I’m not quite sure what Isaiah makes of trans folks, but then again I’m not sure I want to know.)

Women have no worth outside of their vaginas.

[W]omen are fundamentally lazy, ignorant morons who couldn’t put forth a male level of effort no matter how many governments and white knights she has in her stable.

Remember, you’re a woman. You have no worth beyond your vagina. No one really cares what you think. Stop pretending and do what you were born to do, spread your legs and lie on your back and shut up!

Despite being of the same species as human males, human females are millions of years less evolved than their male counterparts, essentially because they’ve been coasting on the power of their vaginas.

Women are disgusting (sub)human beings.

They have evolved little in 3 million years. …

And ALL women recognize they have zero worth beyond their vaginas.

Men who think they want “female company” really just want the vagina.

If you are lonely for female company then you need to realize that it is really her vagina you’re after.

Female company is nothing compared with the company of like minded MEN.

If not for their vaginas, men wouldn’t have anything to do with women.

If women didn’t have vaginas, men wouldn’t bother with them.

A “pussy worshiper” is a male who defers to women. Men do this for no other reason than to win favour and closer access to their vaginas. … Male support of wymynz rights is a desperate mating strategy by beta males.

Women’s main purpose in life is to lead men down “the filthy vaginal path to corruption.”

Women exist to corrupt men. That’s why they hate good men and love evil men. Like attracts like. Sadly, men choose to go down the filthy vaginal path to corruption than be noble human beings.

Even women hate women, and know they’re nothing without their vaginas.

Nobody likes women least of all women themselves. The only thing they have of value is their vagina. No one likes what’s attached to the vagina. 

Men who claim that there is more to women than the vagina are part vaginas themselves.

You are certainly not a man but a mangina. Toeing the line of female supremacy for the scent of vagina.

We’ve already discussed scientifically that women are little more than walking wombs and consumption machines. …

The truth is you really don’t care what I have to say. You just need to be SEEN to care by women to get that pat on the head and a couple brownie point from women … I hate to break it to you, mangina, but they’re not going to fly across the globe to suck your little pee pee.

You are not a man.

Women prefer when men pay for their vaginas in installments.

Women don’t like it when other women receive a one time fee for vagina. It is their goal to have the man paying in installments ad infinitum with interest.

Due to vaginal oversupply, the price of vagina has plummeted in recent years.

[W]omen made a miscalculation when they flooded the market with vagina. Now, men can get the milk without buying the cow and this is absolutely terrifying to women. The devaluing of the only value they have: vagina! So that’s why feminism has shifted to neo-Victorian ideals and government sanctioned chivalry.

Married men are slaves to “available vagina.”

I don’t think there’s anything more pathetic than a married man. … The number one fear that keeps married men enslaved is the loss of an available vagina. True story.

Even married men think of their “hambeast” wives as little more than “wet holes.”

I don’t consider receiving sexual rations in exchange for the immense cost of marriage with an aging hambeast a prize. …

You brag about getting sex because you put a lot of work into it. But even if I’m wrong and that’s not the case, you have reduced your entire marriage to an act that lasts one hour long at best. Your marriage summed up is an available vagina. I’m sure your wife will be pleased to know that she’s just a wet hole and no thought whatsoever is given to any other attribute of a “happy marriage”.

Women have so much blood coming out of their whatevers that they sometimes use rolls of paper towels as tampons. Also, women menstruate more when they’re mad at people on the internet.

LOL you women are so pathetic. You’re only power is the power to manipulate emotions and make people angreeeeeee! You need the drama in your miserable lives because you know y’all have no life, no personality, no genuine human feeling. This is the closest you girlies can get to being human. …

I think you’re the one whose pissed. I mean, you’re the one who replied to my comment first, and it wasn’t even addressed to you. You saw it, filled that roll of Bounty on a jumprope sticking out of your cavernous trough of a vagina with blood, and proceeded to post your thinly veiled anger in the form of a pitiful shaming comment. Cool huh?

Vaginas are not the cure for Hitler.

My favourite response to those who speak as if relationships are the universal cure is that Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mussolini and Hirohito were ALL married! Looks like vagina isn’t the wonder drug you’d have us believe!

Well, ok, he is right about that last one.


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Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
9 years ago

For some reason, I all I can think of while reading this baffling nonsense is “fleshlight.” I suspect he’s either repulsed by the concept, or owns about fifty of them. No middle ground.

9 years ago×236.jpg

I don’t know what he’s talking about, these vaginas are delicious.
Grapes, I meant grapes.

9 years ago

Two words for Isaiah4verse1: pocket pussy. All of the vagina, none of the useless attachments. Your doctor may even give you a prescription, as blood pressure medication if you agree to stop writing the enraged screeds.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Thank you for quoting that. I am now very, very angry in my own quiet way and am going to go and spreadsheet some data until I feel better.

Actually, no I’m not. I’m going to tear that essay to shreds because how dare some pusillanimous spunknugget exist within my historic light-cone whilst displaying such breathtaking asshattery and that mixture of arrogance and ignorance.

Arrorance? Ignogance? Ignogance.

Trigger warning for discussion of rape, rape culture, gaslighting, libertarianism and the art of inserting french fries up one’s nose.

Jeb Kinnison opens with a brief discussion on the State of California, the world’s eighth largest economy and a place which is, during the most severe and sustained economic downturn in living memory, having the problem of what to do when too many people have too much money.

Bizarrely, Kinnison doesn’t seem to think of California as a fairytale success story but as almost a byword for state overreach; and at the bottom of the first paragraph there’s a clue as to why: a mention of the state’s extremely successful education and health policies as being not properly funded and used as a prop by greedy politicians to bribe foolish voters.

Ah, there we are. Folks, if you read through the rest of his blog you find that this is what’s often called minarchism: the belief that a state can do no right in its actions, except for the times when the benefit of hindsight allows it to be blamed for failing to act. It’s the warcry of the five year old who doesn’t want bedtime but is incensed at the lack of a bedtime story.

A good example of this is to compare the start of Kinnison’s first paragraph with the end of the second: the state of California micromanages the lives of its citizens too much, however in the particular case of campus rape, the state really needs to look at education and at alcohol consumption more closely. Do we need less control or more? There’s no answer here, because there can be none.

Bear this in mind as you read further: Kinnison has a hatred for authority. He wants his parents to let him stick french fries up his nose, but then wants to be able to blame the resulting nosebleed on the parents who should have done something.

Having shown us his ideological basis for the deep thought that follows, the blogger then goes on to talk about campus rape. Unfortunately the piece he quotes to base it on isn’t news: it’s editorial, from a libertarian source.

(I want to take a moment here to stress that it’s okay for libertarians to read libertarian newspapers, socialists to read socialist newspapers, and so on; but it’s not okay to mistake editorial for news. Please, learn the difference! News is difficult to acquire and reflects reality: editorial is just someone’s opinion and the internet is swimming in it.)

The editorial from Reason is pure rape defence. This isn’t even rape culture, inasmuch as rape culture is about denial of the existence of rape, whereas this is an open celebration of it:

The reality is that much of sex is not consensual–but it is also not non-consensual. It resides in a gray area in between, where sexual experimentation and discovery happen. Sex is inherently dangerous. Sometimes, there will be misadventures when these experiments go wrong. Looking back, it can be hard to assign blame by ascertaining whether both partners genuinely consented. But trying to shoehorn sex into a strict, yes-and-no consent framework in an attempt to make it risk free can’t help but destroy it.

Tell me, Shikha Dalmia, writer for Reason, how many people have you raped? Because if you believe what you wrote there then the answer is greater than zero.

But it’s okay, because Dalmia goes on to tell us that rape is actually committed by a small minority of violent black Bad Guys; and that rules should be made to stop them but not to limit the Good Guys in enjoying their entirely consensual sex.

This isn’t just a rapist demanding that you let him go ahead and rape: it’s a rapist attempting to gaslight his way out of it. He’s telling us to ignore what his victims say, and listen to him explain what they actually meant. She may not have thought she consented but she did, and even if she didn’t consent, it still wasn’t rape because he said so.

Fuck you, Shikha Dalmia, writer for Reason, you piece of putrescent rapist filth. I’m glad that rules are being made to stop people like you, and I’m glad that those rules are making you panic.

Having quoted Dalmia, Kinnison then goes on to misinterpret some actual data, but not before making the risible claim that laws in favour of sexual consent will lead inevitably to gender-segregated education. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the end goal of feminism.

That sound of crickets chirping that you hear is the number of feminists who have proposed this end goal.

Oh also, he declares that women who insist on not being raped by Shikha Dalmia are “fragile flowers.” Fuck you, Kinnison. Get the fuck out of my gender.

Now we get on to the second long quote, from The Economist, a fairly decent centre-right newspaper.

Reality of The Economist’s data:
Young women on campuses are still in danger of rape, and indeed get raped at the same level as women outside of campuses despite the fact that almost every other form of violent crime happens to them at vastly lower levels because they’re disproportionately rich, white and well-protected. The fact that campus rapes are as common as rapes in trailer parks, inner-cities and migrant farmworker populations should shock you. There is problem here about how our culture focuses on rape only when it happens to rich white women, but that doesn’t mean that campus rape doesn’t happen out of proportion to other crimes which happen to rich white people.

And yes, rape has indeed declined from the early 1990s. All violent crime in America has. It’s a tiresomely reported statistic that crime has steadily, inevitably fallen as video games and internet pornography have become more frequently available; whether there’s causation or not is unknown to everyone, but the correlation is undeniable. But just because it happens less often than in the early 90s doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, and doesn’t mean that the fact that we’re starting to pay attention to it isn’t a good thing.

Kinnison’s narrative of The Economist’s data:
There’s no such thing as campus rape because a) people overall don’t get raped as often as before, and b) people don’t get raped more often on campuses than off them.

See the difference?

Like french fries up one’s nose, Kinnison at once fails to take this in properly and doesn’t appreciate that even one is too many. Instead, he feeds it into his own minarchist mindset: laws against rape are a thing done by government, therefore they must be bad. All listening by governments to the concerns of voters is bad. Stupid women are running around demanding not to be raped, and politicians are pandering to them. Pandering is bad.

Hey wait, where are you going? I didn’t say don’t pander to me.

9 years ago

I’m kind of split here between wanting to laugh at the childish stupidity he’s spewed out over the internet and being horrified that there are individuals in the world who can so completely dehumanize half the population like that.

Well, at least his chances of getting a date are extremely slim with that attitude, and we can always hope the fear of getting caught and facing justice keeps him from harming women in any way. My fingers are crossed that he stays a mere bitter basement troll until his attitude changes (if that possibility even exists).

9 years ago

Does this guy know about the existence of sex toys? because there are plenty that are modeled after human genitalia and what some would consider better than the real thing. Buy an artificial vagina and a ticket to snake island, problem solved.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Grrrr. Mis-bold-tagged. Annoying.

I am now not only angry at a piece of shit misogynist and minarchist quoting an actual full-on rapist, but also angry at HTML.

So much spreadsheeting.

9 years ago

A few things.

you have reduced your entire marriage to an act that lasts one hour long at best

But you can do it many times! Does this guy think the penis falls off after orgasm and the male dies?

You’re only power is the power to manipulate emotions and make people angreeeeeee

Something tells me this guy would’ve been “angreeeeeee” either way. I suspect he’s always “angreeeeeee”.

Also, even if you do reduce women to only physical attributes I still don’t understand how it can be vagina and only vagina for this guy. I sometimes enjoy other parts as well.

Finally, did we ever look up what Isaiah 4:1 actually says? KJV:

And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.

Amazing that the Bible contains some sort of MGTOW end goal paradise.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

But you can do it many times! Does this guy think the penis falls off after orgasm and the male dies?

Hmm. If MRAs are secretly bees, that explains the Honey Badgers.

9 years ago

“Do we even know whether this MGtoW is of age? Many online Misogynists are teenagers after all.”

My IRL experience is that a lot of MRA type aren’t young.

It’s like the old saying that jerks on videogames are usually young. It’s, sadly, not the case.

9 years ago

I love my female friends and family. They’re strong, smart and they have my back. We laugh together, do good work together and when we have to, we lean on each other when we need support. They’re lovely.

This mgtow will never have friends like that. He’ll never know what a chosen sisterhood feels like. He’ll just froth and rage his way to the grave trying in vain to drag the rest of us down to his level. I hope the authorities keep an eye on him. He’s a spree killer wannabe.

Sofia van der Linde
Sofia van der Linde
9 years ago

The only MRA types I have met in real life were either teenagers or middleaged.

So my assessment of his age may very well be wrong. The middleaged MRA types have surprised me with some very emotionally immature rants.

reggie, the neighbour's cat
reggie, the neighbour's cat
9 years ago

Sometime reader first time (in a long time – I commented once or twice many moons ago in 2012ish) commenter, hi.

Anyway, I think it’s good that this guy is warning us about floods of vaginas. Just last week I slipped on some of those flood vaginas and hurt my ankle.

Oh wait, sorry, I slipped on leaf detritus. Vaginas, detritus, I’m always getting those two mixed up.

Carry on.

9 years ago

I felt like sharing something here: 48 Things Men Hear In A Lifetime (That Are Bad For Everyone)
Karen responds after not watching! 🙂

9 years ago

I’m going my own way. Look, everybody. Look at me going my own way!

LOOK AT ME! Why aren’t you watching me go my OWN WAY?

9 years ago

I am trying to imagine what kind of man can sustain this extraordinary display of bizarre hate, but as usual do not try too hard, partly because I am a useless vagina carrier, but also because life is too short.

This man actually Going His Own Way is essential – he needs to stay away from women for their sake. Trouble is of course this major tantrum covers desperate insecurities, and he probably wants women’s attention (subconsciously) more than any ‘mangina’.

Pillbo Baggins
Pillbo Baggins
9 years ago

Your first image and the accompanying caption reminds me of a quote from Ab Fab.

“I hate gynaecologists. A man who can look you in the vagina but not the eye!”

9 years ago

“Female company is nothing compared with the company of like minded MEN.”

This is the one that stood out to me. I get the the feeling this delightful peach doesn’t really have a lot of ‘like minded’ men friends either…

9 years ago

Karen and her silly fans are upset about a video defending men from sexism and toxic masculinity that directly harms them? Because why?

She thinks men should be told who to fuck, how to feel and what to enjoy or be good at or be subject to ridicule?
So, is she abandoning the pretense that she is pro-men rather than pro-misogyny? Because she can’t have it both ways.

9 years ago

I’ve been “going my own way” for years – from men. I don’t have any male friends, nor am I romantically or sexually interested in men. And I never go online ranting about how much I definitely don’t need men. It’s not even hard.

9 years ago

@EJ (TOO): To shreds, you say?

[reads whole rebuttal]

Well done, you did indeed. Keep up the manspreadsheeting.

9 years ago

I hate, hate, hate the myth that some rapists are good guys who didn’t mean to rape and should therefore not face consequences because we wouldn’t want to ruin their lives over a mistake.

For the millionth time, that is just not true.

Consent is not hard. I stay far away from anyone who thinks it is.

9 years ago

Ugh. And I hate the guys who whine about how asking for consent is such a mood killer. They pretend that there aren’t obvious non-verbal ways to tell if there’s consent. If all the women they have sex with lie there stiff as a board, not actively participating in the sex, these guys are either rapists or really, really bad at sex.

Then there’s the charming fellows who whine that “I’m going to need a contract signed in triplicate just to have sex!” if affirmative consent laws are in place. My response is always “most men don’t need a consent contract, but it sounds like you do.”

Sorry for all the ranting.

I just really passionately loathe the notion that accidental rapists are a real thing. It’s such a dangerous myth that actively enables rape. Which is of course, the whole reason it was constructed in the first place.

9 years ago

[W]omen are fundamentally lazy, ignorant morons who couldn’t put forth a male level of effort no matter how many governments and white knights she has in her stable.

‘Male level of effort’? What? On second thought, probably best to not know the answer.

Remember, you’re a woman. You have no worth beyond your vagina. No one really cares what you think. Stop pretending and do what you were born to do, spread your legs and lie on your back and shut up!

Translation: Stop existing and doing things that overshadow every accomplishment in my miserable and pathetic existence! Also my boner is lonely and I don’t know how to express emotion beyond unfiltered rage 🙁

[W]omen made a miscalculation when they flooded the market with vagina. Now, men can get the milk without buying the cow and this is absolutely terrifying to women. The devaluing of the only value they have: vagina! So that’s why feminism has shifted to neo-Victorian ideals and government sanctioned chivalry.

Translation: Damn it, ladies! STOP ENJOYING SEX. Won’t anyone think of my fetish for pure and chaste women whom I will only treat as sex objects?

You brag about getting sex because you put a lot of work into it. But even if I’m wrong and that’s not the case, you have reduced your entire marriage to an act that lasts one hour long at best.

Lol, 1 hour is the bare minimum it takes to discuss what kind of ridiculous sex my partner(s) and I are gonna be having :P.

If women didn’t have vaginas, men wouldn’t bother with them.


Several of my friends who are women who don’t even have vaginas. So he can just go fuck himself and leave everyone else the fuck out of it.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Your ranting is enthusiastically consented to.

The people I’ve talked to who are of the opinion that consent is a buzzkill mostly seem to buy into the notion that sex is about dominance; that is, that it’s something one does to someone to demonstrate one’s mastery over them, and that this mastery is undermined if their partner is an equal participant in it. They react with horror to the idea that it might actually be a team activity.

Even more awfully, I’ve heard people say the line “if I had to wait for consent, I’d never get any sex at all.” I’m afraid that if someone thinks that then they aren’t getting any sex at all: what they’re doing is raping people.

As you point out, these people aren’t troubled by the fact that they’re rapists. What they object to is the fact that we point it out; and especially (it seems) the fact that if we point out that they’re rapists, it might be harder for them to rape people in future.