
If You’re Not Getting Email Notifications from We Hunted the Mammoth Any More …


Just a quick announcement: If you signed up for email notifications a while back, and you haven’t been getting them lately, go sign up again! 

Evidently the old email notifications list didn’t transfer over (or transfer over properly) when I switched web hosts recently.

And if you never signed up in the first place, well, you can sign up, too!

The signup thingy is in the sidebar.

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9 years ago


J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
9 years ago

I just figured you banned me. LOL

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Well, I check in here everyday anyway, so I really don’t need email notifications.

Come to think of it, I check WHTM more often than I check my email…

9 years ago

David, I realize that I’m fairly new to this website, but I would like to ask you to debunk and spread awareness of this video:

And in case you don’t trust the link, you can just search the words: “MGTOW magical thinking and male power”

This was my first time really just sitting down and watching a MGTOW video, and all I have to say is; I can’t even imagine listening to this garbage on a regular basis, like you do.
Because it just made me angry.

9 years ago


I don’t know if any other commenters agree with me on this, but I wouldn’t mind either more frequent personal threads or a “stickied” OT thread somewhere, since they tend to only be active for a short time and then fall off the “recent” list. I realize that we often treat other blog posts as “general discussion” threads once they get to a 2nd or 3rd page, and maybe that’s the best solution for this community, I don’t know.

Ps. I also don’t know if this is a good thread for making general suggestions. :p

Dr Hoveiny
Dr Hoveiny
9 years ago

@ Lady Mondegreen

Same here, also, I’ve been meaning to say, I love your Gorey Avatar!

9 years ago

This was my first time really just sitting down and watching a MGTOW video, and all I have to say is; I can’t even imagine listening to this garbage on a regular basis, like you do.
Because it just made me angry.

– Malachi

A misogynist wannabe intellectual using anecdotes and mansplaining to argue why women are totes inferior in every way, and that they should be reduced to second class citizens, enslaved and ruled by men, with oppression heaped upon them to the point where they are afraid to even complain (for fear of being further oppressed). Plus. Other misogynists in the comments kissing his ass or competing to out-do his contempt for women.

… A good example of men so vile, species extinction is preferable to us ending up with the kind of society they want… And also, pretty much business as usual from manosphere mooks. The rhetoric and arguments differ; but their end goal is still the same as with, say, the Taliban or Daesh. This is what they are. This is what they want – a male supremacist society where women have no say or influence or freedom. Where women are simply lesser creatures to be used for male convenience.

It’s good it makes you angry. It should. But it’s not unique. And it’s far from the bottom of the barrel.