alpha males creepy cuckolding davis aurini entitled babies literal nazis men created civilization men invented everything men who really shouldn't be making movies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles post contains sarcasm pretend cowboys PUA racism red pill

Aurini: Seeing Star Wars: The Force Awakens “is the equivalent of auto-castration”

Davis Aurini: He's a cowboy now
Davis Aurini: He’s a cowboy now

If you’re wondering what the racist cowboy cosplayer who’s also possibly the world’s worst filmmaker thinks of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, wait no longer!

Davis Aurini has given the film two burning crosses down — way down!

Aurini, the fake-skull-loving former Anton LaVey impersonator who now favors a sort of effete cowboy look, argues in an interminable “review” that J.J. Abrams’ contribution to the Star Wars franchise is essentially a hate letter to white men.

“Listen up, White Man,” Aurini proclaims.

J.J. Abrams hates you.  He relishes the thought of your extinction as he looks forward to a multi-culti matriarchy where instead of studying math and sciences, everyone sits around discussing their feelings. 

Aurini, a self-declared “huge white nationalist on paper,” also claims that the film is an insult to black men as well.

As for you, Black Man, he doesn’t want your extinction – you get to prance about doing monkey shine, so long as you obey your white, feminist overlords.

For anyone sporting testicles, Aurini suggests. “[p]aying money to see [Abrams’] film is the equivalent of auto-castration.”

Aurini makes a brief attempt at an actual movie review, declaring the film “derivative and copacetic.” (Apparently he’s unaware that “copacetic” means “excellent.”)  But he quickly returns to his main theme:

The underlying message of the movie is that men – and White men in particular – are useless, destructive, failures, who need to get out of the way so that society can finally progress.

Aurini is angry that Daisy Ridley’s Rey — whom he refers to dismissively as “Feminist Skywalker” — has the talents and skills one might expect from a main character in an action flick, even though she’s “an orphan with no finances or support structure.”

Making things worse, Aurini argues, the white guys left over from the first Star Wars trilogy have become a couple of creepy degenerates. Former interstellar wunderkind Luke Skywalker has become a “fat, burn-out, pervert,” while Han Solo is “a burned-up divorcee” who “dresses like a teenager” and probably has a thing for high school girls.

Perhaps confusing Solo with the skeezy ephebophile pickup artists who surround him in the manosphere today, Aurini perplexingly declares that

you can easily imagine him and Chewie making sexually-suggestive remarks to the sixteen year old girl working at the McDonalds drive through

Apparently there are McDonalds franchises in galaxys long-ago and far, far away.

But the true source of Aurini’s ire is, you guessed it, John Boyega’s Finn.

Indeed, Aurini is evidently so worked up at the very thought of a black male lead in a Star Wars film that he is unable to even say Finn’s name, referring to him instead as “Mace Dindu,” the racist nickname he’s been given by the white supremacists of the internet. (Mace Windu, you may recall, was the name of Samuel L. Jackson’s character in the Star Wars prequels. “Dindu” is a recently invented racial slur.)

Aurini not only doesn’t use Finn’s name; he claims, bizarrely, that he doesn’t even know what it is.

I tried to google the character name, but even the websites decrying all of the rassism still referred to him as the “Black Stormtrooper.”

Either this is a weird, failed joke on Aurini’s part, or he genuinely can’t figure out how to look up character names on IMDb.

Aurini, like so many of his white supremacist pals, is convinced that The Force Awakens is really all about — you guessed it — the symbolic cuckolding of white men. The “Black Stormtrooper” is, as Aurini sees it, also a “Black Bull” playing out his role in a racist, sexual psychodrama engineered by “Feminist Skywalker.”

In Aurini’s eyes, Finn is a “coward” who only

nuts up and fights Not Darth Vader is because he got the scent [of] Feminist Skywalker’s White Pussy into his nose-

-and the first rule for being a Black Bull is that she makes the rules.  Grunt for her, monkey boy: the Cuck’s all Ego, and you’re nothing but Id.  The female Superego is your true master.

Yeah, it’s pretty ugly inside Aurini’s brain.

Aurini ends his review with a long, muddled, and more or less completely gratuitous attack on feminism and affirmative action and what he sees as “the sickness infesting our civilization.”

After declaring The Force Awakens to be “metaphorical for affirmative action, both the direct and indirect forms,” Aurini manages to accidentally reveal that it’s he, not Han Solo, who’s still got a bit of a thing for 16-year-old McDonald’s cashiers. Like countless “nice guy” Redditors before him, Aurini wants to let every mean girl who’s ever rejected him that she’s not all that anyway so there.

Women in today’s society graduate High School endowed with physical beauty, they enter a work environment with pro-female hiring quotas, they enjoy financial subsidies for schooling, are less likely to be harassed by the legal system, and the culture at large believes them to be naturally virtuous, hard working, and intelligent … .

But, really, it’s men who deserve all the credit for hunting the mammoth, literally and figuratively. 

The reality is that civilization is a result of men’s labour – technological progress has come from men’s inventions – even social advancement has come from men of great wisdom. The occasional female inventor or philosopher is thrown up to deny the truth of this, but even then you find that they are always – without exception – submissive towards masculinity. … 

Feminists have never – and will never – accomplish anything of worth, because they reject the masculine principle; the women of the greatest accomplishments are those who’ve submitted to it.

All this from a cowboy-hat-wearing pretend alpha male who’s apparently so inept at life that he can’t figure out the name of one of the main characters in the movie he’s ostensibly reviewing.

Growing more pretentious by the sentence, Aurini declares that

J.J. Abrams preternatural fantasies about female superiors are nothing more than the symptoms of a boy whose development was arrested at an early stage.  He longs for the safety of mommy’s apron strings, the pre-sexual intimacy of suckling at a milky teat …

His world of gender-fluidity sells itself as freedom, but it is anything but; what he sells you is slavery, to your lusts, to your hungers, to your weaknesses, to the governments and to the corporations. …

It’s time for all of us to find something worth living for, and to cast down the broken people who are held forth as idols.

So I guess there won’t be any Force Awakens figurines nestling on Aurini’s bookshelves alongside his toy skull McCarther.


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9 years ago

You gotta love how the self-proclaimed champions of masculinity are so threatened by a sci-fi film.

Daphne B
Daphne B
9 years ago

If Aurini had actually, you know, watched the movie he was purporting to review, he would’ve known two things:
1) Finn’s name
2) why Finn decided to stop running away and come help Solo et al. It had nothing to do with Rey.
Of course, this is unsurprising.

9 years ago

J.J. Abrams hates you. He relishes the thought of your extinction as he looks forward to a multi-culti matriarchy where instead of studying math and sciences, everyone sits around discussing their feelings.

Why does he think that social justice and math and science are mutually exclusive?

Why can’t one talk about their feelings and do math and science too?

I truly don’t get it.

And what scientific or mathematical accomplishments has PUA Lavey achieved exactly? Oh, that’s right. He has a penis. Therefore he gets credit for everything everyone with a penis has ever done.

9 years ago

It’s not so much analysis as it is a cry for help.

9 years ago

J.J. Abrams preternatural fantasies about female superiors are nothing more than the symptoms of a boy whose development was arrested at an early stage. He longs for the safety of mommy’s apron strings, the pre-sexual intimacy of suckling at a milky teat …

Abrams’ fantasies or your own, Aurini?

9 years ago

So what you are saying is… if I go to watch The Force Awakens, I won’t have to worry about sexist racists watching the film in the same theatre with me. That sounds like a major selling point to me.

9 years ago

Aurini is one sickening individual. Everything Star Wars has always been about, is something he will never be a part of. Villains of the piece never realise they are the villains, and in the real world, much is the same.

It’s so hard not to wish ill towards people like him, and so for once, I’m not going to try.

9 years ago

I love how Aurini just decides to go on a huge sexist rant not related to anything in Star Wars mid way through the review. And this is the same man who supports a movement to keep “bias out of garmez journalism”

9 years ago

His world of gender-fluidity sells itself as freedom, but it is anything but; what he sells you is slavery, to your lusts, to your hungers, to your weaknesses, to the governments and to the corporations. …

It’s time for all of us to find something worth living for, and to cast down the broken people who are held forth as idols.

Does this actually mean anything?

Aurini made that terrible ersatz kungfu and Weltschmerz film with a fedora wearing narrator who blathered on like this. I had no idea what he wanted then either. What does he actually think a good society or even a good person would look like? I know good to him equals white and male, but I’ve got no idea what he thinks are positive virtues or character traits, or what he thinks is “worth living for”.

9 years ago

And this is the same man who says he wants “unbiased reviews free of politics in gaming”

The same guy who halfway through goes on a huge sexist rant unrelated to anything in the movie.

9 years ago

Here’s one simple, useful lesson we can take away from Aurini:
Double check the definitions of “fancy words” you put into your writing unless you’re damn sure you know what they mean.
When you clearly use a word (like “copacetic”) wrong, apparently thinking it means the opposite of what it does, I just instantly think “Oooh, I get it now: you’re trying to look smart, but you’re not, you’re just pretentious,” and have trouble taking anything that comes after that seriously.

Not that I’d be inclined to take Aurini himself seriously in any case. I mean, just look at the guy. Ideally, don’t listen to him. His ideas are odious.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

So is “auto-castration” the same thing as being cut off in traffic?

9 years ago

And here I was thinking that the closest thing our culture had to a universal myth was finally getting it when it came to putting women and people of color in lead roles. Oh, that’s right, I don’t live in a sewer with racist misogynists.

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

Welp today’s the day I go into town for my auto castration. I’ve been looking forward to this all week.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

I know that Jordan Owen is an asshole, but I’m still glad that he’s no longer under the sway of this much bigger asshole.

9 years ago

Dude’s salty as a pretzel. How he’s reading all this into Star Wars is beyond me. But then again, so is the typical “Freedom is slavery, argelblargelflargel!” rant he spouts at the end.

Honestly, tho, I think he’s afraid: I think he’s realizing that it’s HE; as in NOT all white men, but white men LIKE HIM, that’s useless, destructive, failures, who needs to get out of the way so that society can finally progress. Or more to the point; it’s getting clear to him that THE REST OF US realize. And THAT scares him.

Douche-bags who feel entitled because of the color of their skin and what’s between their legs, be they sexist, racist or otherwise bigoted – find that we’re handing them the pink slip. We don’t need them. Not before. Not now. They are NOT an absolute requirement for civilization. In fact, they have never been anything but parasites on it. Keeping other people down so they could stand on their backs, then claiming their “accomplishments” is proof of some superior brilliance.

In time. We will progress and slowly build a free and equal future – they will end up in history books next to other near-forgotten failures and monsters.

PS. Anti-feminists should make up their minds; are feminists women who adopt masculinity too much, or women who reject masculinity too much? If any women-haters read this, can’t you guys just have a vote or something? It’s getting silly.

9 years ago

Could he be funnier if he tried? I mean, how do you parody that? Surely this is his rock bottom.

I wouldn’t put money on it, but at this point I can’t even imagine how silly and awful the next Prof. Skull, the root’n-est, toot’n-est cowboy who hates them feminist varmints sooo much will be.

9 years ago

So a dude who hates when people talk about their feelings won’t stop whining about his? Fuck this guy. Rey is awesome.

9 years ago

What he can easily imagine =/= what the rest of us can easily imagine.

He doesn’t know that just like Doosh thinks all men are rapists.

But neither think rape culture is a thing.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
9 years ago

I’m going to come out on record saying that I didn’t enjoy force awakens all that much. I thought they were trying too hard to make it New Hope 2.0

With that in mind I find it really weird that Aurini is squicked out by Rey being an orphan with no “financial support” or whatever. Did he just reveal that he’s angered by someone rising above their station in life?

I mean I thought people rising to be better was a good thing. Maybe it’s just because I’m not one of the red pillers.

Also his little bit about copacetic really confirms my belief that manospherians and their ilk are like dogs. They can recognize about a hundred and fifty words but can’t really know what they mean or speak themselves. I apologize if I’ve offended dogs or dog owners.

But really, I think that Davis accidentally revealed why he and his kind are doomed.

9 years ago

For most racist misogynist being white and male is such a hang up for them because it is all they have going for them. In a world where being white and male does not = the brilliantest hero who gets the glory and the girl for being so damn white and male they know they can’t compete. We’ve seen Prof. Skull’s magnum opus. He’s not the stunning genius he likes to pretend to be. Even he is aware of that on some level.

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
9 years ago

Having seen it three times, I’m pretty sure Davis Aurini must be talking about something totally different. I recognise *nothing* of the movie in this alleged ‘review’. Seeing a different film may also account for his failure to recall Finn’s name…or he’s just being a jerk.

9 years ago

culture at large believes them to be naturally virtuous, hard working, and intelligent

…can’t breathe, laughing too hard. Send help.

9 years ago

I think it’s incredible that the racist ranting around this movie has completely glossed over the fact that Han-freakin-Solo is still in this movie, and regarded as a hero and a father figure, and Luke-freakin-Skywalker is famous and widely regarded as having achieved a mythic level of awesomeness. White dudes are literally heroes in the universe, but that’s not enough apparently, because some people who aren’t white dudes are also heroes.

9 years ago

I think I figured out one of the main reasons this is pissing the manosphere off so much.

Whenever people talk about representation and how movies lack enough great parts for women and POC, there is always a swarm of white guys ‘splaining about how movies are supposed to make money. Audiences want to see movies about white men more than anything. Therefore misogyny and racism in Hollywood is totally justified.

Then this movie comes along and absolutely smashes the box office. Sure, Mad Max: Fury Road was a critical and fan success, but the box office wasn’t all that huge. The Hunger Games movies are hugely successful, but still viewed as a niche market franchise (because women and girls are a niche market despite being half the population, apparently). But Star Wars: TFA is the biggest movie in recent memory in terms of commercial success. How are the people who want to shut down discussions of the importance of representation going to do it now? They really can’t say audiences won’t go see a movie with a female or black star now.

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