alpha males antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh

Roosh V Is Angry That the BBC Has Portrayed Him as the Monster He Is

BBC presenter Reggie Yates ponders Roosh V's dubious wisdom
BBC presenter Reggie Yates ponders Roosh V’s dubious wisdom

As many of you no doubt know, the BBC’s Reggie Yates recently did an hour-long documentary about the “manosphere,” paying particular attention to the rapey, repellent pickup guru Roosh Valizadeh. I’ve pasted the video below.

I have, well, lots of thoughts about it. It’s really pretty compelling, particularly the segments involving Roosh, which essentially offer him a nice sturdy — albeit figurative — rope with which to hang himself. Which he of course does. More on that, and Roosh’s response, below.

The non-Roosh segments are a mixed bag. Yates’ not terribly enlightening discussions with proudly reactionary GamerGate panderer and ostensible journalist Milo Yiannopoulos are pretty skippable.

More compelling is Yates’ interview with an infamous online bully who actually served a brief stint in jail for the threats he’d Tweeted to two prominent women, one of them a Member of Parliament. Their crime, in his eyes? They wanted to put Jane Austen’s face on the ten pound note. There’s something a bit chilling in the blase way the troll, a shaven-headed sad sack by the name of John Nimmo, recounts his vicious harassment campaign.

But most chilling of all were the segments with Roosh, which take up a hefty chunk of the program. Yates attended one of the little speeches Roosh gave on his “word tour” last summer, interviewing him afterwards; several months later he traveled to Poland for a followup.

Yates memorably introduces Roosh with a snippet from one of his videos in which he complains about how much effort it can take “to access [women’s] warm, moist cavity holes.”

Such a romantic!

We then get to see some snippets of Roosh’s mysterious speech, ostensibly on “The State of Man” in the world today. Nothing he says will be particularly surprising to anyone who’s familiar with his odious writings.

Still, seeing him present his ridiculous “philosophy” live highlights not just how noxious his ideas but also how incredibly, well, dumb they are. Roosh clearly wants to upgrade his status from that of a burned-out, rape-apologizing pickup artist to that of a great thinker. The only problem is that thinking isn’t something he does particularly well.

But it’s Yates’ interview with Roosh in Poland that really stands out.

In his hotel room before the interview, Yates reads out some of the more repellent and rapey things that Roosh has written.

“This isn’t about confidence,” he says, holding aloft one of Roosh’s slender volumes of dubious pickup wisdom. “30 Bangs isn’t about making young men feel as though they have value. This is about making young women feel as though they have none.”

Later, in Roosh’s apartment, Roosh waxes indignant about the public reaction to his infamous proposal to fight rape by making it legal. Roosh insists it was satire, but, as Yates tells him, it’s “quite hard to find the satirical angle to it.” (A point I and many others made at the time.)

And then, just moments after telling Yates that “I advocate for consensual sex,” he presents his own version of “no means no” in which no actually means pause for a moment before returning to doing whatever she said no to.

Yates asks him about a story in one of his books in which Roosh writes about penetrating a woman who is half asleep.

“Haven’t you done that?” he asks Yates. “When a girl is half asleep, when you’ve already had sex with her?”

Yates tells him that no, of course, he hasn’t. Roosh keeps digging his hole deeper, seeming genuinely puzzled that Yates isn’t nodding in agreement.

“So if you want to examine every instance, every thrust, maybe you can find something,” Roosh tells him. “But this can happen to every man.”

By “something,” Roosh seems to mean “an instance in which you put your penis in a woman without permission.”

In Roosh’s mind, evidently, rape (that’s really not rape), is something that happens to the rapist, not the woman he rapes; it’s the rapist who’s sort of the real victim.

On his blog, Roosh has denounced the documentary as a “hit piece,” suggesting that Yates — whom he describes as a “BBC host of questionable sexuality” — simply wasn’t man enough to really understand him or his comrades in the manosphere. (Yates isn’t actually gay, not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

By “hir[ing] a non-masculine man to report on masculinity,” Roosh argues, the BBC is doing the equivalent of

hir[ing] a carpenter to review an Italian opera. Besides a handful of exaggerated facial expressions made for the camera, the carpenter will not be able to analyze the opera on a level above that of even a grade-school trumpet player.

That’s a new one, I guess.

Roosh then goes on to declare that this “hit piece on the manosphere” is actually a giant victory for him, because

it gets my ideas across to those who have yet to see it. Even if 0.1% of people who watched the BBC documentary become readers of mine, it’s still a huge win, since doing it only cost me a couple hours of time. …

The BBC program tried to paint me as a criminal, but instead I gained more fans and sold more books. As long as my name exits the mouth of my enemies, I win, and I will continue to win.

Didn’t Charlie Sheen once say something similar?

I hate to have to tell you this, Roosh, but no, you’re really not winning at all. Repulsing the general public with your repugnant ideas is not a victory. Every thought of yours that you put on the internet makes ever clearer what a huge loser you are.

Here’s the documentary. For anyone who doesn’t have time to watch the whole thing, I’ve attached a second video below that features nothing but the segments featuring Roosh.



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9 years ago

I have noticed that jordan owen has a new video about roosh. So jordan’s mouth is full of roosh, no? Interesting.

9 years ago

only masculine people can comment on masculinity… just like you know, only filmmakers can review movies and you can’t have a legitimate opinion on foreign policy unless you’ve been president.
and Roosh really loves his redundancy, doesn’t he? first “internet ebooks” now “cavity holes.”
oh, yeah, plus all his ideas are reprehensible.

9 years ago

As long as my name exits the mouth of my enemies, I win, and I will continue to win.

Sounds like this guy:

9 years ago

Roosh needs to upgrade his diet, maybe start to go to the gym and lift (do you even lift, bro?) – oh, and stop hunching, men can wind up with dowager humps in their elderly years same as women, Roosh. How do you think all of that starts (well, besides the osteoporosis aspect…), quit slumping over the laptop and get yourself a proper hard m-fing chair with a straight tall back. The Yates fellow made Roosh look like a sloppy, aging hunchback, without even uttering a word. Then Roosh spoke…videotaping yourself talking about being a rapist didn’t, shouldn’t, and will never be accepted by civilized people as satire, you’re just mad that the world sees the ugliness and emptiness that is you. If you had any sense, you wouldn’t persist in your weak retorts of a feminist conspiracy or bbc hit piece is to blame for that limp asparagus puke you call ‘speaking the truth’.

9 years ago

Thanks for this post, David. The more bad publicity Roosh gets, well maybe the closer we are to one of his victims speaking up and pressing charges against him. With everything that he has said on the record, would be very hard for a jury to believe he DIDN’T rape her.

9 years ago

“Women are being encouraged to look like fat outerspace cyborgs.”

I’m trying to process what a fat cyborg would look like, nevermind a fat, space-faring cyborg. You’d think Roosh would have time to come up with less puzzling insults.

Also, the faux naive BBC style is only charming for a few minutes. Although in spite of the “golly, this guy really doesn’t like women!” syle, it’s pretty clear that the interviewer is putting a lot of effort into not punching Roosh by the end.

BTW, David. I noticed that in spite of Roosh’s frequent boasts about doing all sorts of heinous, illegal, non-consensual things, you refer to him as “rape-apologizing” as opposed to a rapist. Don’t get me wrong — his rape apologia alone is reason enough to hate him — but why not call him out for what he admits to? If this is something that (e.g. for legal reason) you don’t feel comfortable discussing, I withdraw the question and submit the following:

Found any good kitten pictures lately?

Also, thanks for all your great work tracking these awful people.

9 years ago

I’ve started watching the documentary but had to stop so I could make dinner with my child <3

I was skimming the comments on youtube and boy are dudes bitter! They most definitely deserve a separate analysis, although I'd totally get it if David doesn't want to get into those particular details.

There's just so much comedy there:

“This just makes me so very sad. It’s blatant lies. You can’t argue when feminists and their ilk have the social power to wave a magic wand and replace truth with their own narrative.”

he should of invited on some of the more sane youtubers for a google hangout. Sargon of Akkad would have done it.

P.S. MGTOW do not care about media coverage. They just want to “go there own way” and be left to do it. They are not really “Men at war” more “Men who have given up”.

Why did they make a documents by mixing men’s rights with pick up artists? It’s like lumping feminist’s with ISIS.

It goes on. It doesn’t get any better…

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
9 years ago

only masculine people can comment on masculinity… just like you know, only filmmakers can review movies and you can’t have a legitimate opinion on foreign policy unless you’ve been president.

I think you’re on to something.
He probably thinks only rapists can comment on rape (yeah, he doesn’t call it that, but come on, Roosh), so those whiny not-rapists should just shut the fuck up and take his word for it that raping women is a totally okay thing to do.

9 years ago

This isn’t about confidence. [This] isn’t about making young men feel as though they have value. This is about making young women feel as though they have none.

I love this quote so much. It should be posted in a big-ass banner above any article mentioning Roosh in particular, and internet misogynists in general. And there should be a reaction GIF. There can never be too many reaction GIFs.

9 years ago

There can never be too many reaction GIFs.

comment image

9 years ago

The sexual jealousy motivating the racist comments was especially pathetic.

9 years ago

Can someone please draw a “fat, out of space cyborg”? That is amazing.

I wish they didn’t blur their faces, I want everyone including their families to see them especially that guy’s daughter, that is scary. Unless he was just curious of what Doosh was going to say.

And I’m glad to see a black guy doing stuff like this, it’s nice to see more poc in the media.

9 years ago


I’m trying to process what a fat cyborg would look like, nevermind a fat, space-faring cyborg.

Tobias Buckell’s novel Ragamuffin has a description of such a person.

9 years ago

but – but – but treating men as adult human beings is MISANDRY!!!!eleventyeleven – Tyra Lith

I know right? The horror!

9 years ago

the novel Im writing centers around a fat ugly transgender cyborg who might just do some space travel…

9 years ago

Reggie Yates is pretty darn awesome all around.

9 years ago

I did a Google search for fat outerspace cyborg. The results were puzzling. One of the images that came was the WHTM banner!

Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
9 years ago

saw this and immediately thought of lots of Red Pillocks (yes, it’s satire)

9 years ago

Isn’t it one of these?

(It’s called a Mancubus, BTW. Misandry!)

9 years ago

He’s admitted to rape multiple times. That’s amazing. Why isn’t he in jail?

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

“This isn’t about confidence,” he says, holding aloft one of Roosh’s slender volumes of dubious pickup wisdom. “30 Bangs isn’t about making young men feel as though they have value. This is about making young women feel as though they have none.”

Yeah, that’s it. TRPMRABBQetc. in a nutshell: Take men that are insecure and feel bad about themselves, don’t make them feel better about themselves, make them hatehatehate women so that there’s someone who is lower in the hierarchy.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago

He’s admitted to rape multiple times. That’s amazing. Why isn’t he in jail?

Because anything short of 15 witnesses, an incriminating video and a signed confession puts any rapist behind bars. To get a trial. Where they might get acquitted.

It’s around 3% of all rapist actually get convicted and punished for their crime. If the 97% of them don’t ever talk about it, I’d be shocked.

9 years ago

December 23, 2015 at 6:10 pm

“Women are being encouraged to look like fat outerspace cyborgs.”

I’m trying to process what a fat cyborg would look like, nevermind a fat, space-faring cyborg. You’d think Roosh would have time to come up with less puzzling insults.

December 23, 2015 at 6:47 pm

Can someone please draw a “fat, out of space cyborg”? That is amazing.

I’m envisioning a Borg from Star Trek with a weight problem.

December 23, 2015 at 6:32 pm

There can never be too many reaction GIFs.

That’s the best gif I’ve seen all day! *saves the kitteh*

A. Noyd
A. Noyd
9 years ago

What’s his beef with carpenters and why is he acting like a cartoon snob on the topic of opera?


Hedin sez:

I’m trying to process what a fat cyborg would look like, nevermind a fat, space-faring cyborg. You’d think Roosh would have time to come up with less puzzling insults.

Not even just puzzling, but laughably ineffective. Like, if you follow even a few social-justice-oriented art blogs on Tumblr, you’ll find out just how much people revel in creating and seeing things like fat, space-faring cyborgs. It’s not a good insult if the reaction of the people you’re trying to malign is “Oh, hey, neat idea. Thanks!”

9 years ago

I was wonder if Roosh and the other manurespherians really, truly believe that feminism causes women to purposely get fat. How do they explain men getting fatter over the past few decades too? Why do thin feminists and fat non-feminists exist? I know the fact that correlation isn’t causation is difficult for a lot of people to understand, but still. It’s just such a logic defying position. There’s absolutely no supporting evidence and it doesn’t even make a tiny bit of sense.

My only thought is that to them, not starving oneself to get thin is the same as purposely being fat and not practicing disordered eating is something fat only do out of spite to make men’s boners sad. Because everything, absolutely positively everything in the universe revolves around boners.