So you remember that half-assed Star Wars: The Force Awakens “boycott” that the white supremacists tried to get going a couple of months ago?
Well, apparently it was a GIGANTIC SUCCESS. In some alternate universe. Probably.
Aren’t there like infinite universes or something? There’s probably an alternate universe somewhere where we’re all giant land-squids, and in that universe every single giant land squid decided to spend the day playing Jarts instead of going to Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Oh, also in that universe Jarts are still legal.
Meanwhile, in this universe, where very few of us are giant land-squids, the Star Wars boycott kind of flopped big time.
Making this dude very, very sad, we imagine.
Dude, you know we can just go back and see what you’ve said? Such a liar.
Now fuck off.
@ everyone else
Ok, really can we ban this tedious guy? Not exactly Orange Mango somethin stupid, but lying when we can see the truth on this very forum? Yikes.
“Have a Wombling Merry Christmas, Christmas…” every one!
I was not insulting Abrams there. Very few directors have the vision and ambition of Lucas.