antifeminism irony alert Islamophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men patriarchy PUA reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Roosh V Hates Muslims, Loves “Ancient Muslim Wisdom” On “Feral” Unconstrained Women

Roosh V, probably contradicting himself
Roosh V, probably contradicting himself

It’s fair to say that Roosh Valizadeh, the odious “pickup” artist perhaps best known for his call to end rape by legalizing it, is not really a big fan of Muslims.

In the past several months, his Return of Kings site has posted an assortment of alarmist, Jingoistic attacks on Muslims with titles such as

Global Elites Caught Plotting The Islamic Invasion Of Europe

Christians In Europe Need Safe Spaces From Muslims

And perhaps my favorite:

Saudi Arabia Wants To Help Outbreed Non-Muslims By Building 200 Mosques In Germany

Roosh himself, in a post with the just-a-teensy-bit-overwrought title Europe Is On The Precipice, warned that unless (white) Europeans get their act together and “expel [the] incompatible Muslim horde from their nations” this terrible invasion of brown folks will “surely lead to the end of Europe and the demise of their own people.”

Roosh helpfully announced that he, personally, would lead the way, Red-Dawn-style, by rounding up a couple of dozen armed stalwarts of the white race, taking over a small town in France or Germany, and violently expelling the Muslim “invaders.”


Well, hypothetically, at least. That’s what he said he would do “if I was an angry French or German man.” Since he’s neither French nor German, he has decided to fight the invaders on the Internet from the relative safety of his apartment.

Now, you might not expect someone who has, hypothetically at least, appointed himself the leader of an armed “rebellion” against Muslims to, only a few weeks later, try to convince his followers that, hey, these Muslims actually have a lot of good ideas, once you look into it.

But — hey, guess what! — that’s just what Roosh has done.

In a blog post yesterday, Roosh suggested to his readers that they could find numerous “answers to Modern Western problems” in the writings of Ali ibn Abi Talib. Yes, THAT Ali ibn Abi Talib, Commander of the Faithful and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad.

So what’s convinced Roosh that maybe these Muslims have some good ideas after all? Let’s let him explain:

While many of us here do not agree with the sometimes violent spread of Islam to European lands, their views on the sexes and marriage fully account for the true nature of women that we’re all too aware of.

Islamists understand that a woman can become feral if not constrained by a strong patriarch in the home. When a culture fails to incorporate this understanding, the result is what we have in the modern West, of women who trade having a healthy family to become degenerates and sterile freakshows.

Roosh’s new solution to the “Muslim invasion” of Europe? White Europeans need to start thinking more like Muslim fundamentalists. And white European women need to start popping out more babies, tout suite.


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A Land Whale
A Land Whale
9 years ago

Funny, if he could just add a few inches to that beard of his he would pass for a wingnut extremist Muslim “cleric” himself!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Relax, calm down, deescalate. You are not under attack here.

I think, following rereading, that we’re all in agreement in any case; it’s just a matter of wording and of hyperbole that’s led us to misunderstand one another.

Here are four statements which can easily be mistaken for one another:

a) The fact that South Africa has issues with racism is a terrible thing but does not prevent EJ from speaking out against racism elsewhere in the world, and does not make it wrong for him to complain if he is discriminated against elsewhere.

b) The fact that South Africa has issues with racism is a terrible thing, and until EJ has amended it he has lost the right to complain about racism elsewhere, even if it affects him.

c) The fact that EJ has not encountered racism against himself in South Africa means that South Africa cannot have issues with racism.

d) The fact that I am EJ means that South Africa cannot have issues with racism at all against anyone, because it’s my country and I am required to defend my country’s reputation.

Frank, you have (entirely correctly) pointed out that (c) and (d) are not positions that a reasonable person would hold. It is my belief that you would agree that (a) is the only moral position, which most people here would agree with. However, what you have actually written reads an awful lot closer to (b) than to (a).

I’m white, so I’m not going to tell an angry black man not to be angry. You have the right to decide for yourself when to be angry and when not to be angry. However, I will point out that the words you wrote make it sound as if you hold opinion (b), which is Most Bogusly Uncool, and is why a lot of people are reacting thusly.

If everyone agrees that statement (a) is the one they mean, then we can move on and be friends again.

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago


I… yes Frank, you are. Like, good for you for bashing the various homophobic BS going on in parts of Africa, no snark there, I’m serious, good for you. But you’d still be totally fucking justified to support Black Lives Matter (f’ex) even if you didn’t. You’re not gonna go tell another black person that they should “look to your own defenses” and protest those homophobic policies if they want to protest racism here. That’s just silly. It goes from silly to Not Fucking Cool when you’re telling an oppressed group that you aren’t part of how they should focus their activism.

FWIW, I have acknowledge that I am not the ultimate arbiter of what actions Asian-Americans should take against what they deem to be real and present threats to themselves.

I’m just saying that I take issue to them getting in my face and trying to pretend that they do not, also, have their own ugly little skeletons rattling around on their closets.

They are at liberty to protest and fight against discrimination; I just find it odd that when it comes to the issue I mentioned earlier, suddenly it’s crickets and silence.

I’m just this guy, you know? So I don’t expect them to actually do anything just because I say so.


If everyone agrees that statement (a) is the one they mean, then we can move on and be friends again.

Well, hopefully to everyone’s relief, statement (a) is exactly what I mean.


I’d just like to say that we got hella sidetracked on this discussion, because I was originally refuting Bryce’s comment about how it’s sooooooo rad that Japan and China prevent people from emigrating to their respective countries.

What I was trying to say, before we fell down this rabbit hole, was that it’s not fucking rad and it’s not cute, or funny, and that I am burning with rage about their respective policy decisions re: immigration rights, the welfare of foreigners, and so on.

I got no beefs with Asian-Americans, really. It is their countries I am currently storing entire sides of beef in my locker over.

I’d like to do a Matthew Perry and sail a Star Destroyer-sized ship right into the mainland of the Japanese archipelago, and then into the coast of China, while waving a RBG flag and screaming, “OPEN UP YOUR GODDAMNED COUNTRIES! OPEN THEM UP!”

9 years ago


“their countries”

Yeah, I still think you’re fucking this up.

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago


Sure, let me rephrase that.


I, Frank Torpedo, declare a Glorious Vendetta upon the nations of China, Japan, and the entire European Continent.

WHEREBY, due to the actions taken on the behalf of their respective Governing Bodies, I, Frank Torpedo, charge them with egregious violations of the basic rights of Human Beings worldwide, to travel, without molestation, or discriminatory practices.

THEREFORE, LET IT BE KNOWN that I, Frank Torpedo, hereby refuse to tread upon Chinese, Japanese, or European Soil, until this great wrong is finally made right.

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, affirm and swear by this affidavit.

_Frank Torpedo
_Anyone else who wants to support FRANK TORPEDO in his Glorious Vendetta

December 23, 2016

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Asian-Americans do have a country. It’s called the United States of America. I believe it’s the same one that some of our commenters here live in.

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago


And that is a very good point.

However, the Indigenous Tribes disagree very strongly with the idea of this “United States of America”. I am much of their opinion.

I’m gonna revisit an old topic we were talking about for a second.

Remember when you were saying that I claim solidarity with a mental construct, or an idealized vision of what Africa is?

It’s a bit deeper than that. In spite of all legal bindings saying otherwise, I formally reject the concept of the USA at a fundamental level, and prefer to consider myself as an African who is in the Americas, by mere happenstance.

Similarly, I look at white people and consider them to be Germans who are simply occupying space in the Americas, or Swedes, or Britons, or Irish, and so on.

Now, if you were to say I was a visitor of Turtle Island (the indigenous name for North America), you’d be speaking my language!

9 years ago

I’m done. Gonna consider this deliberate trolling for now.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

If you want to identify as an African, it is not my place to tell you that you can’t.

However, since you seem determined to come over to the Mother Continent, I must ask you: which nation in Africa do you claim citizenship of? Which clause of their citizenship laws do you fall under? Which African languages do you speak and which of our continent’s issues do you identify with? Which political parties within Africa do you associate with and plan to vote for?

Have you asked the people of that nation whether they consider you their fellow citizen, and whether they feel you share their values and their lived experiences?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

… Well this thread’s gone to shit since yesterday.


Frank, dude, chill out. Log off and get a drink or something. This whole thing is starting to sound like a copypasta’d Islamophobic rant with “Muslim” changed to “Asian.”

Edema Ruh
Edema Ruh
9 years ago

Posting just to respond to Frank. Dude, just because you don’t claim the USA as “a thing” doesn’t mean that Asian Americans are wrong for not giving a damn what their ancestors’ countries are doing. Armenia has some ethnocentrism issues, but my family has been in California for the last four generations and married non-Armenians so who am I to swear Armenia off? Moreover, have you ever even BEEN to China, Japan, or Europe (which is many different countries all with their own good and bad points)? No? Didn’t think so.

Second, you don’t agree with the concept of the USA? Too bad, you still live in it and reality is reality. Put your money where your mouth is by moving elsewhere if you hate it that much. Canada’s up thataway. The Caribbean islands are over there, just past Florida. Mexico and many other countries are down south. You’re free to leave at any time.

9 years ago

When you link ReturnoftheNeoNazis you shoud use archive links. Lets not give them traffic or ad revenue now.

Steve D
Steve D
8 years ago

I couldn’t get past that link “Saudi Arabia Wants To Help Outbreed Non-Muslims By Building 200 Mosques In Germany.”

My impression has been that is not what mosques are for*. I think it would get a lot of people very upset.

Hier in Amerika, haben wir “Motel 6” fuer das!

*Apologies to Muslims. The joke is over the stupid link, not your faith.

idli sambar revolution
idli sambar revolution
6 years ago

But wasn’t Roosh raised as a Muslim? Never understood why if all he ever wanted was “trad life, trad wife” he didn’t have someone in his family arrange a marriage for him to a Muslima.