antifeminism irony alert Islamophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men patriarchy PUA reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Roosh V Hates Muslims, Loves “Ancient Muslim Wisdom” On “Feral” Unconstrained Women

Roosh V, probably contradicting himself
Roosh V, probably contradicting himself

It’s fair to say that Roosh Valizadeh, the odious “pickup” artist perhaps best known for his call to end rape by legalizing it, is not really a big fan of Muslims.

In the past several months, his Return of Kings site has posted an assortment of alarmist, Jingoistic attacks on Muslims with titles such as

Global Elites Caught Plotting The Islamic Invasion Of Europe

Christians In Europe Need Safe Spaces From Muslims

And perhaps my favorite:

Saudi Arabia Wants To Help Outbreed Non-Muslims By Building 200 Mosques In Germany

Roosh himself, in a post with the just-a-teensy-bit-overwrought title Europe Is On The Precipice, warned that unless (white) Europeans get their act together and “expel [the] incompatible Muslim horde from their nations” this terrible invasion of brown folks will “surely lead to the end of Europe and the demise of their own people.”

Roosh helpfully announced that he, personally, would lead the way, Red-Dawn-style, by rounding up a couple of dozen armed stalwarts of the white race, taking over a small town in France or Germany, and violently expelling the Muslim “invaders.”


Well, hypothetically, at least. That’s what he said he would do “if I was an angry French or German man.” Since he’s neither French nor German, he has decided to fight the invaders on the Internet from the relative safety of his apartment.

Now, you might not expect someone who has, hypothetically at least, appointed himself the leader of an armed “rebellion” against Muslims to, only a few weeks later, try to convince his followers that, hey, these Muslims actually have a lot of good ideas, once you look into it.

But — hey, guess what! — that’s just what Roosh has done.

In a blog post yesterday, Roosh suggested to his readers that they could find numerous “answers to Modern Western problems” in the writings of Ali ibn Abi Talib. Yes, THAT Ali ibn Abi Talib, Commander of the Faithful and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad.

So what’s convinced Roosh that maybe these Muslims have some good ideas after all? Let’s let him explain:

While many of us here do not agree with the sometimes violent spread of Islam to European lands, their views on the sexes and marriage fully account for the true nature of women that we’re all too aware of.

Islamists understand that a woman can become feral if not constrained by a strong patriarch in the home. When a culture fails to incorporate this understanding, the result is what we have in the modern West, of women who trade having a healthy family to become degenerates and sterile freakshows.

Roosh’s new solution to the “Muslim invasion” of Europe? White Europeans need to start thinking more like Muslim fundamentalists. And white European women need to start popping out more babies, tout suite.


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Frank Torpedo
9 years ago


Hm, you raise a good point by my upsetting the EuroNazis (that is, the Nazis who are currently screaming about Migrants – I am not implying all Europeans are Nazis; it would be ludicrously ignorant on my part, like saying that the entire USA is made up of KKK members, which obviously is not the case) by being a Black Man in a White European world.

Hell, I might even end up with a milk-white, platinum-blonde German girl who looks like Elsa – or a boy who looks like Jack Frost. That would really put a twist in their underwear, wouldn’t it? 😀

Yes, I realize my gesture of Not Going to Europe is ultimately meaningless – I did already say as much, especially since I’m a nobody and it makes no difference whatsoever. It’d be like trying to cup air in my hands and carry it away with me.

I’d been thinking – in my more irrational Eleventh Hour – or fantasizing, perhaps, about doing something grand, like having all my visas and approval to go to Europe, then just sit down in the middle of the airport, or the office, or what have you, and refuse to move a step further, even though I’m being formally allowed in.

In my mind I like to think that I’d be considered a global hero for doing something like that, and that it would give the refugees a great morale boost, and so on.

It would probably just end in my being arrested and taken away, however.


But then, my white ass certainly shouldn’t decide it’s a good time to go visit (and half my “someday” list is Europe!), and it’s totally not my place to go dictating how one minority group supports another!

Ideally, I would like everyone to do exactly what I am doing, regardless of their color or creed. I’d like to issue a global call to the entire Earth to teach the right-wing extremists in Europe a lesson they would never forget by not going to Europe.

They want to keep people out of Europe? Fine; nobody goes to Europe. Nobody.

Even better yet, it would be nice if Princess Celestia showed up and used her alicorn powers to build a gigantic wall – think the walls from Attack on Titan – around the entire perimeter of the European continent, and, since the right-wing extremists want to be left alone, they ought to enjoy that immensely.

I’m being sarcastic at the last part. But a man can dream, can’t he? 😛


whereas countries like Japan and China (who’s involvement has, along with Russia’s, helped prolong the conflict) refuse to take any?

The Japanese and the Chinese have always harboured a distinct Anti-Foreign bent. Hell, it’s hard enough just getting in their countries and becoming a citizen even if you’re rich and famous.

Remember that you’re talking about a country that allows people to put up signs saying “JAPANESE ONLY” in their business – in 2015.

Their behavior towards preventing others from entering their countries has been well-documented by others.

That is also why I refuse to set foot in Japan or China, and also why I speak out firmly against their discriminatory practices. As they say, a wink’s as good as a nod to me – if you don’t want me there, I won’t force my way in.

I have butted heads with Japanese and Chinese people over this, but I refuse to back down; I condemn the behavior of their countries and consider it an atrocity.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

While I applaud your strict moral compass and sense of integrity, Frank, I must ask: which countries are you willing to travel to? If you’re looking for nations in which the people regard all other humans as brothers and Germany doesn’t make the cut, then you might find travel difficult.

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago


While I applaud your strict moral compass and sense of integrity, Frank, I must ask: which countries are you willing to travel to?

Looks like, as Luke Skywalker said in A New Hope, I’m going nowhere.

Try to picture me saying it in exactly as sad and exasperated a tone as he does, with the frowny face and everything, because it grieves me no end to feel like a prisoner in my own goddamned country.

But, since Japan is busy putting up signs saying “JAPANESE ONLY”, China is doing everything in their power to prevent people from becoming citizens, and Europe is currently fighting World War 2.0, except with Refugees instead of Jews being the catalyst of the Nazi movement (I’m being dramatic for effect – I realize that the anti-refugee people are actually a very small, if loud, minority), it really looks like I’m going nowhere.

I’m desperately clinging on to a (perhaps false and delusional) hope that all of this is going to blow over eventually and people are going to stop hating the fuck out of foreigners.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Roosh has recently been featured in a BBC documentary;

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago

I’d just like to rant for a few more seconds about Bryce’s remark, because it is one I see very frequently on the Interwebs. It is the rallying cry of White Supremacists everywhere, and I quote it thus:


That’s an article that explores that rallying cry in-depth.

First off, there are tons of white people in Africa. So much for that.

Not just the other day, I saw a Youtube video of an African tribe formally adopting a white woman as a tribe member, so the White Supremacists can fuck right off with that blarney.

It’s also why I laugh at black people who say, “I’m FED UP of White People! I’m goin’ to Africa!”

I’m all like, “Have fun in Africa with the white people who live there; you should all have a grand time.”

Secondly, there’s a lot of things wrong with the “Asia for the Asians” nonsense, and people like Bryce who point to the Chinese and Japanese anti-immigration measures really should not be glorifying countries that explicitly declare their anti-immigration bent, as well as their policy-making that favors racists who can hang up signs saying “JAPANESE ONLY” or deny Non-Chinese service.

The behavior of the Japanese and Chinese nations towards foreigners is fucking disgraceful, if you’ll pardon my Francais. There is nothing cute or funny about their behavior. Nor should it be touted as an ideal for other countries to strive for.

There should be an inquiry and an investigation on the behalf of all concerned human beings everywhere regarding the Japanese and the Chinese nations.

If not that, people should openly decry the actions that the respective governments of China and Japan have taken to shut out foreign nationals and prevent their naturalization. It is astoundingly hard to become a Chinese or Japanese citizen.


I have to say, as an aside, that I often feel a tad incredulous at Chinese and Japanese people when they come to the USA and then complain about US racism.

I want to ask them if they ever though about protesting about the racism in their own countries as vigorously as they protest the racism here. Their behavior comes across as insincere, being as they come from places that have the Racism Meter turned up to 11, and only find fault with it when it’s directed at them.

I want to point out to them that while my black ass would, upon incurring the wrath of the Chinese Government, be shot in the back of the head by uniformed soldiers, in front of an audience of approving Chinese people, and then carted away (that’s Chinese Capital Punishment for you), they’re over here bitching about how some white man said that they were probably good at math one time.

(I am not insinuating that Chinese and Japanese people do not experience real and dangerous racism here, before my drift becomes fully apparently, but, obviously, my concern is this – why do they care about racism HERE, but not racism in their HOME COUNTRIES?

Some of them even explode at me and become belligerent and angry when I point out that their own countries are unfriendly to foreigners.

I want to tell them what Roman Emperor Honorius said to the Britons – Look to your own goddamned defenses. Fix the problems in your own country, if you’re going to tackle racism. Physician, heal thyself, and so on.

Everyone, feel free to hit me over the head and tell me how I’ve totally got everything wrong and how Japan and China are nice places to be; I’ve been verbally smacked by hundreds of people about this before.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Could go to Cuba? Pretty sure we’re allowed to now. Or Hawaii, it’s a state after all… with horrible racism and worse treatment of the indigenous people.

It’s 4am here, I’ll save my rant about China for tomorrow and just point out that Japan has the market cornered on weird bathroom fixtures.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Here’s the whole documentary. It includes the Manosphere, MRA, MGTOW, Milo, Roosh and others. David, would love to see you do a take down.

9 years ago

Ladies and gentlemen, the horseshoe theory in action.

9 years ago

Lkele 35 – feral just means something that is no longer domesticated and has reverted to the wild, cats and pigs are good examples of animals that easily go feral. Dogs, chickens, and cows are good examples of animals that usually don’t. They’ve been domesticated and bred for human convenience for too long. A cat in the wild is in heaven, but missing it’s human slaves. A dog in the wild might starve to death amidst plenty.

I used to hang around a lot of anarcho-primitivists, they talked a lot about being ‘feral’ humans, they thought modern humans had gotten soft, to far from nature from domesticating ourselves.
Not far from my house in Madison county NC is a primitivist land project, they are trying to recreate non tech society, they mostly support themselves by organising workshops on primitive skills, living as hunter-gatherers, etc. Nice folks.

So, yeah, feral women! we could probly use some of that!

Sofia van der Linde
9 years ago

How many times has Roosh changed his stance on Islam and his own identity in the past 2 years?

9 years ago

@Frank Torpedo I am a Chinese American, and in my experience it is often Asian Americans who speak up about anti-Asian rascism in the U. S. (not those who have recently immigrated), so we can’t really speak to the racism in China or Japan, those not really being our “home country”. The U. S. is my home country. I’ve never been to China.

Your argument seems like a massive tu quoque. Why can’t we talk about racism against Asian people here without addressing racism in Asia? They seem like two separate conversations. It’s not like Asian people complaining about racism against us means all Asian people are perfect angels who are never racist.

And on the “positive” stereotype of Asian people being good at math: you do realize that positive stereotypes can have negative consequences right? This “positive” stereotype of Asian people always being at math contributes to a stereotype of Asians not being creative or innovative or leaders, that we can only follow formulas and set rules. The consequence of this is that Asian people get passed over on leadership positions (like in Silicon Valley, where a huge Asian demographic work). There is another “positive” stereotype I encounter for black people: they are athletic. On the surface it seems harmless, but in some people’s minds it leads to ideas that black people can only be athletic and not intellectual. As with the previous example of “positive” stereotypes it ends up limiting people’s potential. Neil deGrasse Tyson talked about the barriers he faced to become a black astrophysicist. People discouraged him (and likely many others) from pursuing these interests and asking if he’d rather instead be some kind of athlete.


Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Not going to butt into the Asian racism argument, since I know exactly dick about it, but… Could you please not say “Bitching”? I know you don’t mean anything by it, but it’s still derived from a slur. ^^;


“Feral” is also a really offensive classist slur for “THE DIRTY POORS!!!” over here in Aus, but to be fair, I don’t know if Roosh actually knows that.


Just shut up in general.

9 years ago

Yeah, I don’t really see how imperfections in the system in East Asian countries mean Asian Americans aren’t allowed to object to any racism they experience.

Just look at the creepy white guys tumblr if you think the East Asian model minority status means there isn’t a scary brand of racism against them.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago


The only thing with your “I’m not going to Europe” stance is that the EuroNazis will look at it, punch the air, and go “See? It’s working! We’re keeping the darkies out!”

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago


Yeah, I don’t really see how imperfections in the system in East Asian countries mean Asian Americans aren’t allowed to object to any racism they experience.

Again, not saying that – I just wish they would rebel as heartily against the racist policymaking in their own countries.


Not going to butt into the Asian racism argument, since I know exactly dick about it, but… Could you please not say “Bitching”? I know you don’t mean anything by it, but it’s still derived from a slur. ^^;

I actually felt hella dumb about saying the B word, actually. I’m going to eliminate that word from my vocabulary starting as of now.


Your argument seems like a massive tu quoque. Why can’t we talk about racism against Asian people here without addressing racism in Asia? They seem like two separate conversations. It’s not like Asian people complaining about racism against us means all Asian people are perfect angels who are never racist.

Oh, but you CAN talk about racism against Asian people!

I just want you to also talk about that uncomfortable policy the countries of your forefathers have of keeping us out.

In for a penny, in for a pound, after all – and if you’re aware of racism, then you should also be aware of the circumstances abroad, wherein we awful foreign devils experience violent opposition to being in China and Japan, which white racist supremacists then uphold as being an excellent and awesome status quo which all countries should also adopt.

And on the “positive” stereotype of Asian people being good at math: you do realize that positive stereotypes can have negative consequences right? This “positive” stereotype of Asian people always being at math contributes to a stereotype of Asians not being creative or innovative or leaders, that we can only follow formulas and set rules. The consequence of this is that Asian people get passed over on leadership positions (like in Silicon Valley, where a huge Asian demographic work). There is another “positive” stereotype I encounter for black people: they are athletic. On the surface it seems harmless, but in some people’s minds it leads to ideas that black people can only be athletic and not intellectual. As with the previous example of “positive” stereotypes it ends up limiting people’s potential. Neil deGrasse Tyson talked about the barriers he faced to become a black astrophysicist. People discouraged him (and likely many others) from pursuing these interests and asking if he’d rather instead be some kind of athlete.

Actually, I’m not saying that the ‘good at math’ stereotype is fun, or rad.

What I’m saying is that while your Chinese-American ass catches flak for that, my black ass can’t even set foot in China without running the deep risk of having my head blown the fuck off.

Although, that can happen right here in America, so it’s not like I can ladle much blame on the Chinese Government for taking this hard line.

Not to mention the dim view Chinese have of foreign nationals running rampant in their country, which is unfortunate, because I would have liked to see the Forbidden City from a distance, someday.

And that’s not even getting into the Japanese, who coined their own derogatory slur for black people – kurombo, I believe the word is.

I’m sure the Chinese probably also inaugurated a word for us. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest.

I’m not playing Oppression Olympics, or implying that your struggles pale in comparison to mine – I’m just pointing out that you and your group, as it were, should also look to your own defenses, i.e., you should all be considerate of black people as well. You have nothing to gain by standing in opposition to us.

And I have spoken to quite a few Asian people online who have nothing but spite and rage for black people – one of them famously told me that “black people only care about themselves”, which is patent nonsense, if you examine the history of black civil rights activists fighting to liberate Asian-American people.

I can quote the Asian-American people on Reddit who told me these things and link you to their posts, if you wish.

You might probably just say that my first problem was taking people on Reddit seriously, though.

Nick Gotts
Nick Gotts
9 years ago

literally half of all words in the french dictionary have silent letters. – moocow

Indeed; it is predicted that French will be entirely silent by 2750 at the latest :-p

9 years ago

Europeans should just get together and expel Roosh instead. He’s a rapist and the Syrian refugees aren’t. They can stay. He should leave.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I just wish they would rebel as heartily against the racist policymaking in their own countries.

Dude, not cool. Asian Americans have as little to do with China’s and Japan’s policies as you do with Nigeria’s policies or I do with Germany’s. Plenty of them may never even have been to “their own countries.”

9 years ago

The fuck is going on here.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago


I asked myself the same thing, especially since I don’t want to read all of it.

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago


No, EJ, I’m afraid you’ve tripped over yourself a little.

I have made an enemy out of other black people specifically because I openly condemn the African policy-makers who, for example, do ridiculous shit like banning homosexuality.

This doesn’t go over too well with black people who studiously believe that the Heads of State in Mama Africa cannot do any wrong. They, too, are stupid for believing that, and I make no bones about pointing that out.

We had a conversation about it on this very website not too long ago. When African people go off the rails and enact horrific polices that have deleterious effects on mankind, I’m the first to jump into the fray and say, “THAT SHIT IS WRONG AND YOU ARE WRONG FOR DOING SO. A POX ON ALL YOUR HOUSES.”

Knowing this, am I wrong for calling on Asian-American people to do likewise? I’m not saying they should go to Asia and personally enact change, but for Chrissake, at the least they should speak out against it.

9 years ago


Yes. You are wrong. Now stop.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

I… yes Frank, you are. Like, good for you for bashing the various homophobic BS going on in parts of Africa, no snark there, I’m serious, good for you. But you’d still be totally fucking justified to support Black Lives Matter (f’ex) even if you didn’t. You’re not gonna go tell another black person that they should “look to your own defenses” and protest those homophobic policies if they want to protest racism here. That’s just silly. It goes from silly to Not Fucking Cool when you’re telling an oppressed group that you aren’t part of how they should focus their activism.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

Frank, I’m South Asian, Indian. Dot, not feather 😉
We are, in my opinion, the most racist people on the planet. I’ve been ’round the globe a time or 200. Yep, we take the cake when it comes to racism and sexism and classism and casteism and, and, and….

I get really pissed when I hear my fellow “desis” complain about racism against them here or anywhere outside South Asia. Often they are racist, colorist and sexist as all get out “back home”. I have some bigoted family members that just drive me crazy about this.

9 years ago

Wait this guy is of middle eastern descent yet he hates Muslims? He might as well be uncle ruckus from boondocks.