antifeminism irony alert Islamophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men patriarchy PUA reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Roosh V Hates Muslims, Loves “Ancient Muslim Wisdom” On “Feral” Unconstrained Women

Roosh V, probably contradicting himself
Roosh V, probably contradicting himself

It’s fair to say that Roosh Valizadeh, the odious “pickup” artist perhaps best known for his call to end rape by legalizing it, is not really a big fan of Muslims.

In the past several months, his Return of Kings site has posted an assortment of alarmist, Jingoistic attacks on Muslims with titles such as

Global Elites Caught Plotting The Islamic Invasion Of Europe

Christians In Europe Need Safe Spaces From Muslims

And perhaps my favorite:

Saudi Arabia Wants To Help Outbreed Non-Muslims By Building 200 Mosques In Germany

Roosh himself, in a post with the just-a-teensy-bit-overwrought title Europe Is On The Precipice, warned that unless (white) Europeans get their act together and “expel [the] incompatible Muslim horde from their nations” this terrible invasion of brown folks will “surely lead to the end of Europe and the demise of their own people.”

Roosh helpfully announced that he, personally, would lead the way, Red-Dawn-style, by rounding up a couple of dozen armed stalwarts of the white race, taking over a small town in France or Germany, and violently expelling the Muslim “invaders.”


Well, hypothetically, at least. That’s what he said he would do “if I was an angry French or German man.” Since he’s neither French nor German, he has decided to fight the invaders on the Internet from the relative safety of his apartment.

Now, you might not expect someone who has, hypothetically at least, appointed himself the leader of an armed “rebellion” against Muslims to, only a few weeks later, try to convince his followers that, hey, these Muslims actually have a lot of good ideas, once you look into it.

But — hey, guess what! — that’s just what Roosh has done.

In a blog post yesterday, Roosh suggested to his readers that they could find numerous “answers to Modern Western problems” in the writings of Ali ibn Abi Talib. Yes, THAT Ali ibn Abi Talib, Commander of the Faithful and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad.

So what’s convinced Roosh that maybe these Muslims have some good ideas after all? Let’s let him explain:

While many of us here do not agree with the sometimes violent spread of Islam to European lands, their views on the sexes and marriage fully account for the true nature of women that we’re all too aware of.

Islamists understand that a woman can become feral if not constrained by a strong patriarch in the home. When a culture fails to incorporate this understanding, the result is what we have in the modern West, of women who trade having a healthy family to become degenerates and sterile freakshows.

Roosh’s new solution to the “Muslim invasion” of Europe? White Europeans need to start thinking more like Muslim fundamentalists. And white European women need to start popping out more babies, tout suite.


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9 years ago

Does anyone listen to the Flophouse?

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Wasn’t he pretending to be Muslim himself at one point?

Anyhoo, “degenerate” is a fair description of Roosh himself. And he hasn’t reproduced that I know of (thank Artemis), which I assume is what he means by “sterile.” Projection, Rooshy, projection.

9 years ago

Does Roosh know that Mohamed’s first wife was also his boss, the owner of the business where Mohamed was a camel driver?

9 years ago

What’s all this? He’s supposed to be “tirelessly working on his internet ebook hustle”!

9 years ago


He’s aware that women are not cats, right?


9 years ago

WHAT “violent spread of Islam to European lands” is he even on about? All the Muslims that are in Europe right now got there peacefully. And often at great risk of becoming victims of violence themselves, as many in fact are, in France and Germany.

I guess it would come as a great shock to him to learn that there are Muslim feminists, and that they draw their arguments against sexist tribalism from the Qur’an.

I guess it would also come as a great shock to him to know that the majority of French and German nationals have no interest in taking up fascist arms against Muslims, be they this year’s Syrian refugees or third-generation Turkish-German guest workers.

(But what would I know? I’m just a lowly German-Canadian who can read both German and French, and who follows the news rather closely. I’m not a PUAsshole “guru” like Roosh the Ridiculous.)

Sweaty Examination Goblin
Sweaty Examination Goblin
9 years ago

I sometimes wonder if Roosh truly believes everything he writes. I sometimes feel that he’s working extra hard to beat the “muzzies are evil” drum/horse. After all, not only is he trying to woo the PUA/MRA crowd, he’s also trying to woo the White Supremacist crowd, but they, uh, dislike him. (throwing back to this article). Keeping that in mind, he could be trying to double down on his racism to keep that “ebook hustle” going strong and keep his website traffic from plummeting.

Then again, he could actually believe what he’s saying. I’m not sure which one makes him more a-wa-re and pathetic.

(also, hi, long time lurker, new poster!)

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago


A few years ago, circa 2011 or so, I predicted on the Daily Kos that the European Nations would start walling themselves off, since I was mindful of the Berlin Wall, and I expected that if people kept emigrating to Europe, the less forward-thinking elements of European society would eventually grow wroth and take steps to keep people from entering European countries. A sort of ‘Fortress Europa’ sitation, like the one we’re seeing now.

I’m sure you can find my post there in the comment section, if you google-search DK for “The Walling-Off of Europe”.

A number of posters shrugged and laughed at me, then – one famously dismissed my comment as being ‘off the wall’, and they said that Europe would remain a relaxed policy regarding Immigration, but now that the fences are in fact, going up between the European nations, it looks as though I’ve been vindicated.

Recently, I’ve made up my mind not to go to Europe if this idiocy persists in trying to keep people out, and the violence against those refugees. I think that everyone else should do the same, too, in solidarity with the refugees – if the European nations refuse to let them in, then nobody should go there. At all.

It grieves me to make this decision because I am actually quite interested in European history, and wanted to see the English and Welsh castles, and the old cities of the Holy Roman Empire, such as Aachen.

I know my decision means nothing. I am not a power-broker, a millionaire, a head of state, or an accomplished titan of science like Professor Hawking, but it’s my small gesture of solidarity with the refugees.

9 years ago

Considering Roosh has expressed his frustration with how hard it is to stay acceptably groomed and can’t seem to actually get laid except through coercion and manipulation, I think ‘feral’ is a much better description of Roosh V than the women he’s talking about.

9 years ago

Ducking: I asked this same question. What the hell does feral mean? Are we gonna strip out of our clothes and start biting people? Wtf?

Hey wait a minute? I thought Roosh was of middle eastern descent, which doesn’t necessarily mean he’d be Muslim but …now I’m confused.

Bananananana dakry
Bananananana dakry
9 years ago


I mentally crosslinked the idea of feral women biting people with ‘biting Roosh’ and I just threw up in my mouth a little.

I wish my brain wouldn’t do this to me.

9 years ago

I thought Roosh was of middle eastern descent, which doesn’t necessarily mean he’d be Muslim but …now I’m confused.

He is, even to the point of pretending to be Muslim a couple of times.

Roosh and his opinions on Islam have been highly inconsistent for a while now.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Frank Torpedo — by that, rather nice, logic, wouldn’t you going and being all not white in places they have to deal with seeing a person who GASP isn’t white, be more on point? “Oh, you’d prefer white people? Sucks to be you”

But then, my white ass certainly shouldn’t decide it’s a good time to go visit (and half my “someday” list is Europe!), and it’s totally not my place to go dictating how one minority group supports another!

Sorry, I’m too hungry to logic, hopefully I’m making enough sense >.<

9 years ago

I am of Lebanese descent. My great grandfather fled to Canada and thence the states during the late 1800s to escape gods only know what chaos. And when he had three daughters and only one son, he pushed his daughters to be their best, and treated them as their brother’s equal (this was not necessarily true of my great grandmother, who, from our records, wasn’t a happy or healthy person physically or psychologically). My great grandfather went on to treat his granddaughters as strong, capable individuals (he actually asked my mother ‘what you want to get married for?’ When she announced her engagement), and then I, the only great grandchild he got to meet, was doted on and cherished. I’m sure this would have been true had I been a son, but my great grandfather had a deep love for the women of his family and wanted them to be strong, educated, and able to support and fend for themselves.

What I’m getting at here – if Doosh thinks men from the Middle East will side with him to keep women ‘in their place’, I personally guarantee my great grandfather’s angry ghost will rise from his grave and pursue Doosh to the ends of the earth in the name of women’s rights.

9 years ago

Roosh, is that a recent picture of you? You couldn’t look more fake. You are no prophet.

And you’re no “pickup artist” either. A guy who’s attractive to women has no need to try to get a law rewritten to make rape legal on private property.

You had a science job years ago, and that didn’t work out. Consider taking classes at your local community college to learn air conditioner repair or plumbing or cooking. This type of training can lead to an honest job that pays well.

9 years ago

Wasn’t he a muslim when he visited Canada? He stopped being one in the meanwhile?

9 years ago

BTW, David, the french expression is “tout de suite”, french people just don’t pronounce the “de” because literally half of all words in the french dictionary have silent letters.

9 years ago

Didn’t he announce recently that he didn’t want to have kids?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

As a European, please let me invite you to our fair continent-ish, if for no reasons other than a) most of us Europeans are as embarrassed about and hostile towards the racists as you Americans are about the Trump-ites, and b) it will boundlessly piss off the racists to have you come over.

Welsh castles are also pretty.

9 years ago

Recently, I’ve made up my mind not to go to Europe if this idiocy persists in trying to keep people out, and the violence against those refugees. I think that everyone else should do the same, too, in solidarity with the refugees – if the European nations refuse to let them in, then nobody should go there. At all.

I’m living in Berlin at the moment, and while there have been some terrible attacks on refugees in Germany it is far outweighed by the people who want to help. I went to a session to help teach refugees to ride bicycles ( a major form of transport here, but not in Syria ) and twice as many volunteers turned up as learners. Most of us feel helpless that we can do so little.

I don’t want to get defensive here, but I think what you’re saying is the equivalent of not going to the US because of the popularity of Donald Trump. It’s a misdirected boycott.

If you really want to avoid somewhere try Australia, a country I resided in for a very long time. They have an appalling official refugee policy, locking people up in terrible off-shore camps where people are frequently raped, assaulted and even murdered, and campaigners in Australia, such as the Refugee Action Coalition, actively support a boycott, which makes it at least somewhat meaningful.

Owen McLovely
Owen McLovely
9 years ago

I totally love this one. Good thing going round the world “Banging” women and writing books about “Banging” women doesn’t count.

Sexual pleasure

Beware of too much passion for women and being seduced by the sweet temptations of this world, for passion for women is trying and being seduced by worldly temptations is humiliating. (Iman Ali)

9 years ago


I thought you were African?

Owen McLovely
Owen McLovely
9 years ago

@Frank Torpedo

Recently, I’ve made up my mind not to go to Europe if this idiocy persists in trying to keep people out, and the violence against those refugees. I think that everyone else should do the same, too, in solidarity with the refugees – if the European nations refuse to let them in, then nobody should go there. At all.

I agree with the other posters on this. Your not going is like one less grain of sand on the beach. Nobody will notice or care and Europe will do just fine without you. It would be different if you were an international celebrity or if there was a mass boycott or something. Otherwise, it makes about as much sense as the MRAs boycotting Star Wars.

As for your race, walk around any major European city nowadays and there’s just as many black, brown and yellow people as in the USA. Most of them are living there legally and are even second and third generation Europeans. The days of an all-white Europe are long gone and they ain’t coming back. Even a lot of the white people are of foreign origin.

The real reason Europe’s “dying” is more because Europeans have been having too few kids over the last few decades than because of foreign “invaders”. When times were good they needed to bring in foreigners to fill all the surplus jobs they had. Now, there’s massive unemployment but the foreigners are settled in for good.

The only places I would avoid are the Soviet block areas in East Europe. That’s where the racists hang out. They’re mostly people who got screwed over after the Wall fell and have been unemployed ever since. Now they’re sitting around drunk with no hope and nothing left to lose. They’re usually the ones burning down refugee homes. Under Communism, they never learned about living with people of different races so often they have no concept of other cultures.

Outside of that you shouldn’t have a problem. If anything, your opinion might be a welcome input. In the big cities you’ll find a huge range of opinions and racism isn’t as widespread as the media suggests.

9 years ago

He’s probably referring to medieval history and the Ottoman incursions back then (Balkans) also Spain (Al Andalus). But that was a long time ago and not the same thing that is happening now. Some alarmists are likening the present situation to the book, Camp of the Saints.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago


Fair point. Let me amend that to “as a long-term resident of (and now citizen of) a European nation…”

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