antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies imaginary backwards land irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises red pill reddit transphobia

In the Future Men Will Become Ladies for All Those Cool Lady Perks, Red Pill Dude Explains

Typical woman enjoying free government bon-bons
Typical woman enjoying free government bon-bons

Sometimes cis men who hate women get so fed up with all the unfair advantages women allegedly have in the contemporary world — the bon bons, the free dinners, the wide assortment of penis pics sent to them by their many suitors — that they threaten to become women themselves. Just to prove to you ladies how easy you have it!

Indeed, the Red Pill Redditor who calls himself a1004 is so convinced that women have it so easy that he predicts a giant wave of these gender upgrades in the near future, as more and more men realize how many cool perks they can get just by putting on a dress and proclaiming themselves women.

Or just by proclaiming themselves women, without even bothering to change their wardrobes, or anything else, at all.

A1004 — who clearly knows less about the realities of trans life than, I dunno, my cats –is convinced that within a few years, at most, Europeans and Americans will be able to officially change gender by just ticking a box on a government form.

As sexuality orientations are becoming more complex, and we are supposed to accept anything – like woman who change their sex just to became a gay man or the reversal – or even giving them more rights than people with standard and boring sexualities, it make sense to change just for the advantages.

Who knew that trans folks actually had “more rights” and easier lives than their cis counterparts?

Oh, and fellas, in case you’re worried about having your you-know-what you-know-whatted, don’t worry, you won’t have to bother with hormones or surgery or any of that stuff!

I don’t say you go into a terrible operation that will mutilate your body. You can be a woman’s mind trapped in a man’s body or whatever random crazy idea you decide. You will be able to change your gender in your legal documents just because you want, no questions asked.

Just think of all the advantages! Like, for example, getting to use women’s bathrooms!

No, really, that’s bullet point number four in A1004’s Top Five list of the amazing advantages you’ll get from making the switch. Apparently he’s cribbing some of his ideas from the fundamentalists and TERFs who consider the idea of trans women using women’s bathrooms as a sign of the apocalypse.

But let’s let him explain:

  • You can do sports in the women categories. From being amateur you can even became professional.

  • Probably if your wife have a baby, you will get the right to get double maternity leaves.

  • You will have chances to work in positions with female quotas, like engineer jobs. Your dream of working in Google is easier to get if you just change your gender instead of studding harder or getting an extra master.

  • You can start a social earthquake any time you decide you want to go to women’s restrooms. Because you can.

  • Are you getting divorced? It can be a great legal technique to get more assets or even the childcare.

But wait, there’s more!

Options are endless. Funny fact: probably not a single disadvantage. It will make total sense when women’s rights go through the roof (a pattern we see increasing constantly) and rights for weird-sexual people allow any kind of dissonance. In Europe, where same sex marriage is widespread allowed, it is a matter of months we will start seeing this.

So invest in bon bon stocks, because they’re gonna be going through the roof!

Naturally, the regulars on the Red Pill subreddit are convinced that this will totally happen, and that, oh boy, it’s going to piss off women — or at least those women who aren’t actually cis dudes declaring that they’re women out of spite.

As PandaMania3 sees it,

This is literally taking the Feminist bullshit and giving it an amused mastery upgrade.

Abetterarsonist, meanwhile, thinks of Dungeons and Dragons.

This is like min-maxing in d&d. “No, my character is a male who thinks he’s a woman, so he gets a +2 circumstance bonus to professional victim checks.”

For redpillstoner, though, even a boatload of lady advantages won’t convince him to give up being a dude.

No matter how many advantages women get I would never give up my masculinity and I’m willing to bet most men here feel the same way

Not changshuaidiao, a Navy man who says he’s more than ready to make the switch:

I’m in the navy, and I’ve already decided that if they allow transgenderedism in the navy I’m going to identify as a butch lesbian woman so I can grow my hair out and not shave, as based on some of the stache I see chicks sporting, there don’t seem to be any regs requiring females to groom their facial hair. All the perks without any drawbacks, and maybe some really open-minded lesbians will let me pound th… 

I’m just going to cut that quote off there. You can probably guess where it was going. Even when they’re pretending that they want to become women, Red Pill dudes can’t shut up about their dicks.

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9 years ago

If they thought for a moment that it was really so much easier and better being a woman, cishet white men wouldn’t spend so much of their lives worrying about whether something they do, say, or look like is too effeminate. Can’t wait to see them lining up for all the secretarial, clerical, housekeeping, teaching, daycare, and nursing jobs, too.

Oh, and guys, when you pass me on the street, have that smile waiting for me, and I’d better be feeling those “tingles” you talk about so much.

I Forget What Name I Use Here
I Forget What Name I Use Here
9 years ago

It will make total sense when women’s rights go through the roof (a pattern we see increasing constantly) and rights for weird-sexual people allow any kind of dissonance.

“Weird-sexual people” – I can’t get over this… what is a weird-sexual person? What is that even supposed to mean? Can I be a weird-sexual? It sounds interesting.

9 years ago

Probably if your wife have a baby, you will get the right to get double maternity leaves.

becuse these babby cant frigth back?

9 years ago

@zoon echon logon

Only if you don’t consider the shorter life span a disadvantage. Some people might consider the ability to lick their basement bits a trade-off of worth.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago

“Weird-sexual people” – I can’t get over this… what is a weird-sexual person? What is that even supposed to mean? Can I be a weird-sexual? It sounds interesting.

I’m weird-sexual, if my porn searches tell me anything.

Imperator Kahlo
Imperator Kahlo
9 years ago

Many years ago, when I was living in Brighton, England, my fellow unwashed backpackers and I would frequent a dive bar the name of which I no longer recall. The other women and I would complain about the bathrooms: filthy, with broken doors and grimy mirrors, leaking toilets, and so forth. The guys would shrug and change the subject.

One New Year’s Eve I tired of standing in line for the loos and let a small sortie of like-minded ladies into the men’s room. We stumbled into paradise: clean, shining countertops, well-functioning cubicle doors, arrays of aftershaves lined up above the sink, absolutely no line. I was flabbergasted.

The moral? That these guys should be careful what they wish for.

Also I just kinda wanted to share that toilet anecdote. Also once I became trapped in a cubicle in Poland and broke the toilet OFF THE WALL while trying to escape and to my eternal shame fled the scene of the crime. I may have had too much vodka.

Jason Neuman
9 years ago

Why does this all sound like Cartman when he tried to win the Special Olympics by pretending to be disabled and he still lost huge, because the real special athletes trained their asses off?

9 years ago

I have never seen a rant more disengaged from reality than this.

Like seriously. I want to say this to him:

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

You can do sports in the women categories. From being amateur you can even became professional.

Except, you know, the blatant transphobia in sports categories. Something Ronda Rousey lost some respect for me for.

Not to mention that these gross ass motherfuckers would more than likely attempt to go into something like wrestling or something else that requires physical contact and grope a woman and cause a scandal.

Probably if your wife have a baby, you will get the right to get double maternity leaves.

Not if you live in the US! 😀 Because we don’t get maternity leave in the US! We’re told to quit our jobs if we become pregnant, and it’s harder to get hired if you’re at a certain age, because employers don’t want to deal with you getting preggers on them! Because companies have to think about their bottom line, instead of the well-being of their employees!

You will have chances to work in positions with female quotas, like engineer jobs. Your dream of working in Google is easier to get if you just change your gender instead of studding harder or getting an extra master.


You can start a social earthquake any time you decide you want to go to women’s restrooms. Because you can.

No woman gives a shit if you’re there to use the toilet. Though, I’d be worried because more than likely they’d go in there to sexually harass someone.

Are you getting divorced? It can be a great legal technique to get more assets or even the childcare.

Okay, even I can’t fathom the mental gymnastics it would take to get this idea.

In fact, I’ve heard of cases where trans individuals had their children taken away from them because some courts view being trans as making a parent “mentally unfit” to raise a child.

And I doubt that the court will take “Your Honor, I was just joking!” as a suitable excuse. Not to mention that if you did that, the trans community would drop any support they had for you at the drop of a hat, if they supported these shitlords in the first place.

Owen McLovely
Owen McLovely
9 years ago

Meanwhile in Florida, a sheriff’s deputy and a marine walk into a marriage office.

Owen McLovely
Owen McLovely
9 years ago

You will have chances to work in positions with female quotas, like engineer jobs. Your dream of working in Google is easier to get if you just change your gender instead of studding harder or getting an extra master.

Think 50 shades of grey.

Except she’s tying him up.

9 years ago

And yet another person who also doesn’t understand that sexual orientation (or, sexuality orientation, as the OP said) and gender identity are not the same thing.

9 years ago

Well, I am a cis woman, and I am trying to come up with the bestest perk of being a woman ever, and it’s just so hard to pick just one.

Maybe it’s that I get really loud commentary on my breasts in public places quite often (LOOK AT THAT RACK!).

Maybe it’s that I can legally be paid less than a guy, with all other things equal.

Maybe it’s that I am supposed to be worthless, since I am way over 25.

Maybe it’s that I have to think about personal safety way more often than the men.

This one doesn’t apply to me, since I have never online dated, but I am thinking that random pictures of peni’ may be the best perk of them all.

So many perks. We are so very lucky.

9 years ago

Yeah, they understand how the world works… yeah… mmhm, 100%.

Heh, seriously though that’s the first thing most trans women remark on is the dramatic shift that encompasses how the world treats them when they are out as a woman rather than in the closet as a dude. The diminishment of accomplishments, being talked over, facing street harassment, having worse luck finding jobs and that’s if they are lucky enough to not have companies openly discriminating against them. And that’s before all the slurs, death threats, literal spit, and so on that gets hurled all the time.

Which is why I agree with snorkmaiden. They should try this out. Just for a week. They should dress up in a dress and insist on using female pronouns and just see how many establishments they get “poorly served” at, how assholes on the street treat them, how their friends treat them and leave.

Cause what these angry privilege warriors so desperately need is some Bob damned perspective. To see what the world really is like for the rest of us. And maybe then they’ll stop seeing their dick not getting wet 24/7 as a “real suffering”.

9 years ago

Bob damned

Dang it, Bobby.

comment image

9 years ago

@Jennifer King

Echoing what Jackie, dhag85 and Moocow said.
You’re very brave and have my support, for what it’s worth.

9 years ago

Yes! Jennifer King!

I hope all goes well.

9 years ago

Judging by this guy’s semiliterate style, I’m going to guess that he’s as good at reading as he is at thinking. And that he seriously believes that his intellectual deficit puts him on a par with the average woman. No wonder he wants to be one so badly! Alas, a change of gender will not make him smarter. It will, however, make him have to work twice as hard to be taken half as seriously.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Clearly the author has never been on a date to a busy venue like a concert hall or stadium, where one would quickly discover that there is no advantage whatsoever to using the ladies’ room.

Not to mention the fact that women on their periods are occasionally less than diligent about cleanup and proper disposal of sanitary products.

“I saw something nasty in the woodshed.”


9 years ago

No woman gives a shit if you’re there to use the toilet.

Unfortunately, we had someone complain about a trans woman using the ladies room at my old workplace. HR had to send out a notice reminding everyone that she was legally a woman and that she had every right to use the ladies room. (The fact that HR took that stance kind of bothered me, but it was probably preemptive on their part.)

9 years ago

A1004, stop talking. Show your true masculinity by doing! Become a lady.

You’re a smart guy. You’ve laid down a list of the impressive advantages of being a woman (including the ones we hoped you would never find out about)!

Psst — there are many more advantages! And as you astutely pointed out, you don’t need to change a thing — just declare yourself a woman!

I don’t tell all the guys about these privileges. Just the ubermasculine ones, the ones that give me major tingles ’cause their testosterone levels are off the charts! That’s you, a1004. Your name alone is sexxxy!

Heart, heart, a1004!

And remember, less talk, more action. See you in that magical queendom, the ladies’ bathroom!

9 years ago

@Jennifer King

All my admiration and well wishes. My cousin got me a wand from Universal’s Ollivander’s, so here’s hoping the Asshole-repelling charm I cast your way is not just a bunch of foolish wand waving on my part (yes, it’s Snape’s wand because my cousin wanted to let me know that I’m an exceptionally snarky asshole)

9 years ago

@Jennifer King
Congratulations and all best wishes!

9 years ago

Not to mention the fact that women on their periods are occasionally less than diligent about cleanup and proper disposal of sanitary products.

One time, at my old work, I saw two used tampons floating in one toilet. To this day I wonder what happened with that. Did someone wear two for some reason? Or did one person improperly dispose of their tampon by leaving it floating in the toilet and a second person decide to follow suit?

That’s not as funny as the time a toilet got clogged and it turned out to be because someone had flushed a bra and panties. The mystery of why this happened haunts me years later. I can see flushing underwear if you have an accident and are too embarrassed to carry it to the trash can. But why on earth would you flush a bra? I have never been able to think of a reason.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

This is literally taking the Feminist bullshit and giving it an amused mastery upgrade.

I can usually translate Right-Wing Crackpot to English, but I still haven’t figured out what “Amused mastery” is supposed to mean. It just makes me think of a bootleg toy I saw once that had “Amused funny” written on it.