antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies imaginary backwards land irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises red pill reddit transphobia

In the Future Men Will Become Ladies for All Those Cool Lady Perks, Red Pill Dude Explains

Typical woman enjoying free government bon-bons
Typical woman enjoying free government bon-bons

Sometimes cis men who hate women get so fed up with all the unfair advantages women allegedly have in the contemporary world — the bon bons, the free dinners, the wide assortment of penis pics sent to them by their many suitors — that they threaten to become women themselves. Just to prove to you ladies how easy you have it!

Indeed, the Red Pill Redditor who calls himself a1004 is so convinced that women have it so easy that he predicts a giant wave of these gender upgrades in the near future, as more and more men realize how many cool perks they can get just by putting on a dress and proclaiming themselves women.

Or just by proclaiming themselves women, without even bothering to change their wardrobes, or anything else, at all.

A1004 — who clearly knows less about the realities of trans life than, I dunno, my cats –is convinced that within a few years, at most, Europeans and Americans will be able to officially change gender by just ticking a box on a government form.

As sexuality orientations are becoming more complex, and we are supposed to accept anything – like woman who change their sex just to became a gay man or the reversal – or even giving them more rights than people with standard and boring sexualities, it make sense to change just for the advantages.

Who knew that trans folks actually had “more rights” and easier lives than their cis counterparts?

Oh, and fellas, in case you’re worried about having your you-know-what you-know-whatted, don’t worry, you won’t have to bother with hormones or surgery or any of that stuff!

I don’t say you go into a terrible operation that will mutilate your body. You can be a woman’s mind trapped in a man’s body or whatever random crazy idea you decide. You will be able to change your gender in your legal documents just because you want, no questions asked.

Just think of all the advantages! Like, for example, getting to use women’s bathrooms!

No, really, that’s bullet point number four in A1004’s Top Five list of the amazing advantages you’ll get from making the switch. Apparently he’s cribbing some of his ideas from the fundamentalists and TERFs who consider the idea of trans women using women’s bathrooms as a sign of the apocalypse.

But let’s let him explain:

  • You can do sports in the women categories. From being amateur you can even became professional.

  • Probably if your wife have a baby, you will get the right to get double maternity leaves.

  • You will have chances to work in positions with female quotas, like engineer jobs. Your dream of working in Google is easier to get if you just change your gender instead of studding harder or getting an extra master.

  • You can start a social earthquake any time you decide you want to go to women’s restrooms. Because you can.

  • Are you getting divorced? It can be a great legal technique to get more assets or even the childcare.

But wait, there’s more!

Options are endless. Funny fact: probably not a single disadvantage. It will make total sense when women’s rights go through the roof (a pattern we see increasing constantly) and rights for weird-sexual people allow any kind of dissonance. In Europe, where same sex marriage is widespread allowed, it is a matter of months we will start seeing this.

So invest in bon bon stocks, because they’re gonna be going through the roof!

Naturally, the regulars on the Red Pill subreddit are convinced that this will totally happen, and that, oh boy, it’s going to piss off women — or at least those women who aren’t actually cis dudes declaring that they’re women out of spite.

As PandaMania3 sees it,

This is literally taking the Feminist bullshit and giving it an amused mastery upgrade.

Abetterarsonist, meanwhile, thinks of Dungeons and Dragons.

This is like min-maxing in d&d. “No, my character is a male who thinks he’s a woman, so he gets a +2 circumstance bonus to professional victim checks.”

For redpillstoner, though, even a boatload of lady advantages won’t convince him to give up being a dude.

No matter how many advantages women get I would never give up my masculinity and I’m willing to bet most men here feel the same way

Not changshuaidiao, a Navy man who says he’s more than ready to make the switch:

I’m in the navy, and I’ve already decided that if they allow transgenderedism in the navy I’m going to identify as a butch lesbian woman so I can grow my hair out and not shave, as based on some of the stache I see chicks sporting, there don’t seem to be any regs requiring females to groom their facial hair. All the perks without any drawbacks, and maybe some really open-minded lesbians will let me pound th… 

I’m just going to cut that quote off there. You can probably guess where it was going. Even when they’re pretending that they want to become women, Red Pill dudes can’t shut up about their dicks.

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J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
8 years ago

…just change your gender instead of studding harder…

Ah, I wish I could get a “studding harder” job. I have excellent genetic markers.

8 years ago

The hypocracy, it burns!

8 years ago


. . .

8 years ago

Your dream of working in Google is easier to get if you just change your gender instead of studding harder or getting an extra master

I dunno, the studding could be more fun. Not really into the master thing though

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
8 years ago

I’m reminded of Ralph running around the circle in the Simpsons repeating: “Duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck duck”.
Only change one letter.

8 years ago

Probably if your wife have a baby, you will get the right to get double maternity leaves.

Wouldn’t it be a little bit easier and make a little more sense for cis men to band together and get legislation passed that will require employers to provide both paid maternity and paternity leave than it would to band together and pretend to be trans women?

Jennifer King
Jennifer King
8 years ago

Hey on the good news, I’ve begun to physically transition out in piblic and friends at work have been nothing but kind to me. Their support allows me to look past those inquisitive stares and rude comments from people who think it’s okay to speak to me like I have no feelings. Whatever.

On the bad news, these guys. They can’t decide if the post is about how women have it easier than men as always, or if they think transgender people are terrible for existing. Gawd. It’s like all their hate has to be pour out all at once in one jumbled nasty ass mess.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
8 years ago

Probably if your wife have a baby, you will get the right to get double maternity leaves.

What, so, that one day off people get to squeeze the thing out after you waste all your vacation days? That’s really something. Do these fuckoffs even read goddamn buisness contracts? What fucking maternity leave are you talkin’ about here?

Wouldn’t it be a little bit easier and make a little more sense for cis men to band together and get legislation passed that will require employers to provide both paid maternity and paternity leave than it would to band together and pretend to be trans women?

No, because, as normal, these fuckers get all their views about life from TV and blogs that make fun or those spooky, scary SJWs. They think all trans women are the white, rich, already was a national star before she transitioned Caitlin Jenner and shit.

8 years ago

It wouldn’t surprise me if one of these doorstops-with-ears actually were to claim to identify as a woman just as a GOTCHA. Assholes gotta asshole.

snork maiden
8 years ago

I think these guys should totally go for it.

8 years ago

@Leda Atomica

Only change one letter.

Cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck?

8 years ago

Amazing how these people can claim there’s not a single disadvantage to being trans, while at literally the same time calling trans people “weird-sexual” and all forms of fucking slurs and insults. Not a single disadvantage! …except for the hordes of people who will hate you for no reason.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
8 years ago

Hey on the good news, I’ve begun to physically transition out in piblic and friends at work have been nothing but kind to me. Their support allows me to look past those inquisitive stares and rude comments from people who think it’s okay to speak to me like I have no feelings. Whatever.

You’re very brave, and I hope you stay safe, dear. Your self-proclaimed Panda-Parent (PP for short) wishes it so.

8 years ago

I’d say “maybe they’re actually on to something” if I didn’t know that they’re saying all those things just to be misogynic and transphobic.

You can do sports in the women categories. From being amateur you can even became professional.

Why does there even need to be a separate men’s and women’s categories? Also, as it stands, in some professional sports organizations transgender and intersex persons are in a limbo where they can’t compete as either.

Probably if your wife have a baby, you will get the right to get double maternity leaves.

There’s this thing called “paternity leave” which exists in nearly every western nation. The US is not one of them (aside from a handful of companies which do so voluntarily, but most don’t even know to ask for it). That’s something worth fighting for.

You will have chances to work in positions with female quotas, like engineer jobs. Your dream of working in Google is easier to get if you just change your gender instead of studding harder or getting an extra master.

This is the only ridiculous part. There’s so many incorrect assumptions here that I don’t feel like unpacking it all. Let’s just go with this part – you’d still have to be qualified, and if you flood that particular hiring slice, they’re going to pick only the best of the best. So no, you can’t get in that way without “studding harder or getting an extra master”. (This is, of course, assuming that all of the other unstated assumptions were correct, which they’re not.)

You can start a social earthquake any time you decide you want to go to women’s restrooms. Because you can.

Why do there even need to be separate restrooms anymore?

Are you getting divorced? It can be a great legal technique to get more assets or even the childcare.

Considering that men rarely avail themselves of this option when they have it, it might be good to remind people that this is a thing. You just need to have less assets than your wife or be the primary caretaker of the children. Of course, these guys are probably thinking more along the lines of trying to strip their spouse of everything out of greed or spite, which the courts strongly frown upon no matter who’s doing it.

(Not that I would agree to this particular method even if they *were* on to something, because it’s disrespectful to trans people.)

8 years ago

Your dream of working in Google is easier to get if you just change your gender instead of studding harder or getting an extra master.

I’m a woman who has interviewed with Google for a software engineer position. I talked to one guy on the phone. He seemed completely disinterested and the entire interview felt like me having to prove myself instead of him trying to get a feel for how I approach problem solving or whether I would be a good fit. I apparently didn’t come up with the “right” answer to one of his questions, and that was pretty much it.

I can’t say my experience would have been different if I were a guy, but it was different than how interviews are usually supposed to go and I can’t help but wonder if everyone has to prove themselves to this guy so hard. Some people are just like that, but at the same time I find I have to prove myself more to certain colleagues than my male counterpart seems to, even though we got the same degree from the same college at the same time.

8 years ago

@Jennifer King

All of the support ever! ♥

8 years ago

Amazing how these people can claim there’s not a single disadvantage to being trans, while at literally the same time calling trans people “weird-sexual” and all forms of fucking slurs and insults. Not a single disadvantage! …except for the hordes of people who will hate you for no reason.

1. Being hated is not a disadvantage. If anything it only makes you stronger. Unless you’re a cis white dude, and then it’s part of the long list of things which are the worst things evar when they happen to cis white dudes but no one else.

2. Being persecuted for socially transgressive acts (like, using the women’s restroom when your birth certificate says “M”) is not a disadvantage when there exist people who would defend you. Unless you’re a cis white dude in the act of mistaking harassment for frozen peaches. Then it’s another worst thing evar.

3. Feelings are not real things. This goes double for made-up feelings like “dysphoria”. Unless I’m a cis white dude who gets angry at my every whim not being catered to, then it’s the realest and most important thing that will ever exist.

4. Being nearly impossible to find good jobs is not a disadvantage because no one will hire *me*, the most awesome dude who ever awesomed.

Nope, none whatsoever.

8 years ago

Amazing how these people can claim there’s not a single disadvantage to being trans, while at literally the same time calling trans people “weird-sexual” and all forms of fucking slurs and insults. Not a single disadvantage! …except for the hordes of people who will hate you for no reason.

Presumably since they’re only being fake-trans, they’d count all the slurs and stuff as not applying to them.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
8 years ago

If that’s all there was to it, everyone would be trans cats, not women. Way better benefits package.

8 years ago

Clearly the author has never been on a date to a busy venue like a concert hall or stadium, where one would quickly discover that there is no advantage whatsoever to using the ladies’ room.

8 years ago

I’m with snork maiden, I think they should go for it. Just like the dude who made an OkCupid account with a female identity to prove that women have it so easy in dating!

@Jennifer King

Echoing the support!


It wouldn’t surprise me if one of these doorstops-with-ears actually were to claim to identify as a woman just as a GOTCHA. Assholes gotta asshole.

I’ve seen channers and the like say “I sexually identify as an attack helicopter” so that they can declare arbitrary things as “harming their sexual identity of attack helicopter”.

8 years ago

Clearly the author has never been on a date to a busy venue like a concert hall or stadium, where one would quickly discover that there is no advantage whatsoever to using the ladies’ room.

IKR? Use the ladies’ room and experience longer lines! Be a female employee and get paid less! Do women’s sports and get lower pay, less prestige, and worse facilities! The things he’s listing as benefits are themselves the downsides.

8 years ago

You know, I’d almost say “go for it!!” except for the fact that it will set the trans* movement back decades and that would be devastating. But I bet that most of these dudes wouldn’t be able to hack going to the local grocery store (let alone bar) in drag, let alone a transition.

Jennifer King
Jennifer King
8 years ago

Thank you Panda Parent and DHag and Moocow. Yee, y’all too nice

8 years ago

I will just assume that should they decide to live their lives as women, just for the perks, that they will thoroughly enjoy the perk of standing in a long, long line, just to use the women’s bathroom at a popular event, while their guy friends are in & out of the men’s room in a fraction of the time.

It truly is worth it to disguise yourself as a woman, just for that perk alone. It’s what us women live for, totally worth it to nearly piss yourself in a long line, just to see that magical place known as the women’s bathroom.

Please, dudes, go for it! You have no idea what you are missing!

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