So I’m declaring Fridays — or at least this Friday — to be MEMEDAYS.
I found the lovely “infographic” below on the Twitter, in the #FeminismIsAwful hashtag. Apparently the suffragettes were working for the evil secret Muslim menace all along! Probably for ISIS, too. Who knew!
In case you can’t read all the teensy text at the bottom, here it is in a somewhat larger form. Warning: It still doesn’t make much sense.
I’m sort of thinking that this wasn’t actually written by Muslims after all..
Terrorism has risen 4500% in the Middle East since 2002. We’ve spent $75,000 per man, woman and child on terrorism since 2001. All because of a war started by men.
But it’s the feminists’ fault. Yeah.
Everything is the feminists’ fault. Since forever.
You’re half right about the Classical Greek view of residents of a city-state who didn’t meet the property requirements for the vote: they were adults under the law in that they could be held liable for crimes and whatnot, but they were considered to have too small of a stake in the continued existence and efficient functioning of the state to be allowed to have a say in its government. A man with no real estate holdings in territory controlled by Athens can just pick up and flee if the Spartans get rambunctious (or stay and turn collaborator in hopes of being rewarded with confiscated property), while a member of the demos with a big farm and lots of slaves will stay and fight to defend his property, and he’ll also be more motivated to vote for policies that keep him from having to fight at all. That’s not to say that this was a particularly good way of running a country (your plebs are less likely to revolt if they think they have some other way to get what they want) , but it has a certain internal logic.
My guess is they’re an American. I think a Brit would probably mention some British politicians by name, instead of (or in addition to) Obama and Clinton.
I don’t think they’re really saying that same people voted for Obama and against the UKIP. Though, it would be funny if they did think that. (Education is for feminazis!!!1!!! 😉 ) They’re just blaming women in the US for electing Obama, and women in the UK for voting against the UKIP. Cuz, you know, women are all the same.
How dare we have the audacity to vote for people who have our interests in mind.
So, they’re basically saying that if we create a society that is regressive and anti-feminist enough to align with extremist Muslim fundamentalists who are opposed to progressive and feminist values … we won’t have to worry about extremist Muslim fundamentalists anymore?
Seeing people speak as if easter people had never interacted with white people until recently pisses me off.
I wish it were illegal for these people to use Hindu-Arabic numeral system. Not forever. Just for a little while. I think the results would be funny.
Actually, there were.
I guess these morons have never heard of Moorish Spain, eh?
Also, LOLing @ “We Muslims want to thank white knights”. Oh, you mean like the CRUSADERS??? Those patriarchal robber buffoons who wanted to kill Muslims and sack Jerusalem?
History is such an inconvenient thing. Especially if you’re a menzer.
I’m going to have to disagree with you on this one. It wouldn’t matter at all to the MRM how much women bowed down to them: They would still hate them and abuse them. To them, women’s role is to suffer.
And that is an actual quote from an acquaintance of mine who was an MRA before the acronym was invented: “Woman’s role is to suffer.”
Of course, I’m not basing my theory on one man alone. I’m basing it on every hateful thing that I’m aware of that those who hate women have said and done.
They’re bullies. And bullies bully.
Hmm, well for many years the biggest “Muslim power” in the world, the one with the greatest number of Muslim subjects, (far more than the Caliphate in the days when the Caliph was the Ottoman Sultan) was of course the British Empire.
Which although it was ruled by an Empress, was governed by men, voted in by a minority of the men in it. No women’s suffrage to be seen.
(Curious historical fact: in the run-up to WWI the Kaiser mooted a plan to claim he was a descendent of the Prophet, hoping the British Empire’s Muslims would welcome him with open arms and make him Caliph. Or he may have actually believed he was – he also planned to enter Jerusalem in triumph wearing white and riding a white horse, through the Golden Gate – implying a claim to be the Messiah too).
Yes, because if there’s anything ISIS is known for, it’s women’s rights and loving abortions.
If women’s suffrage caused Muslims, did the Emancipation Proclamation cause Hindus?
Cthulhu’s Intern! HI!!!
Interesting these meme Muslims don’t mention any feminist group like Sisters of Islam or Musawah that are having such an impact in Malaysia and other countries. After all are not all feminists the same, teaching women about wifely disobedience?
It would seem the meme makers would be commenting on how the western feminists have influenced Muslim women and lead them to believe they should even have a role in lawmaking like Morocco’s 2004 law redefining marriage as an equal partnership between spouses.
Instead they read just like the usual ghastly memes the manosphere produces. Curiouser and curioser.
To me it looks like they’ve just gone, ‘I don’t like this section of people. Oh, I don’t like that one either. Therefore, they must both be supporting each other!!!’
Just another way in which manospherians think they are the centre of the universe.
“Isn’t this “infographic” just arguing for monarchy, the most time-honored and time-tested of political institutions?”
You don’t get monarchy until you research ceremonial burial and code of laws. Despotism is the most time-tested system of government!
(Sorry. I had to do it.)
I don’t think these guys are claiming that.
They would assert that feminism, women’s suffrage, abortions, etc, all serve to weaken any society in which they’re found, therefore “we Muslims” are thanking “Westerners” for allowing these things to take root so that Islam (in this narrative, a monolithic bloc that does not allow / seriously frowns upon these things and thus maintains masculine strength and sense of purpose) may take over / infiltrate / invade the now degenerate West.
Infantilizing a whole group of disempowered people may not be “completely” dehumanizing them, but it is a key part in the general process of objectification.
Also, if “people” are supposed to grow up to be “responsible adults”, and then we arbitrary separate a group (by gender/sexuality/class/race/(dis)ability/whatevs) and decide “a priori” they won’t ever grow to be responsible adults then we’re actually saying they are’t really people.
I know a lot of grown up people who are still not basing their opinions on what the politician actually say 😛
In Argentina voting is mandatory for everyone 18+ years old (although there were never a lot of consequences for not voting), and during the Kirchner administration a law was passed which allows 16 – 18 year olds to vote if the choose.
Back in the 1940s, Coronel Perón was Secretary of Labor after a military coup d’etat, after which he became an ally to the unions and working families. His increasing power worried the ruling people so they locked him in jail: workers from the whole country mobilized to the Plaza de Mayo and demanded his liberation.
Peron demanded only one thing from the military in order to talk to the people and get them to go home: to have free, clean elections (only men voted at the time, and the called it “universal suffrage” puh-lease) .
Before the day of the election, Peron gave a long speech on the radio, emphasizing the improtance of voting and explaining everything was at stake. He even went full honesty mode, telling them to not let the landowners discourage them from voting, to prevent their IDs being stolen by them, even to break the locks if the landowners locked them!!
Most people were rural workers back then, so they usually lived in the landlords’ property, or their home belonged to them. Unions were only beginning to organize in the larger cities.
Then, during Peron’s presidencies the law for women’s vote was approved, and announced by Evita. There is evidence in Peron’s compilation of classes he gave at the Peronist Political School that he considered women’s vote a strategic political maneuver, and he also speaked of lowering the age of voting.
PS: I intended to say the age of voting is an ongoing debate. Then a teal dear happened.
– mockingbird
Exactly. And it’s true that the (partial) emancipation of women has been accompanied by a large drop in birth rates (in Europe, and elsewhere, e.g., somewhat surprisingly, Iran) – so many European countries will indeed need immigrants for their workforces (in economic terms, the refugees from Syria and elsewhere are likely to be a considerable bonus, being predominantly skilled and resourceful families). The actual writers of the infographic want to force women back into a child-rearing role, but even if that could be done right now (economically, it can’t – women are essential in multiple key sectors of the paid labour force), the unavoidable lag in producing working-age people would still make continued immigration inevitable.
The secular/liberal/progressive left should not pretend large-scale immigration may not raise problems, but plan and work for better integration of new arrivals.
Actually America was built on illegal immigrantation. We white people are the first immigrants to not only invade this land but to commit genocide towards native Americans and did other atrocities towards them too.
We also had Muslims here before women’s suffrage.
I know, I was being sarcastic.
So lemme see if I got their logic straight; Muslims are bad because sexism, therefore women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Yep, sounds like white supremacist MRA logic to me.