The 3rd and 4th Quarter We Hunted the Mammoth pledge drive is over, and I would like to offer HUGE THANKS to everyone who donated. Once again, I am humbled by your support, and by your generosity, especially since I know that money can be tight this time of year. I couldn’t do this blog without you.
If you haven’t quite gotten around to donating, here’s that button again. Click it. You know you want to.
You can also donate any time you please by using the button in the sidebar. (And to those who do donate between pledge drives, thank you as well! Your continued support makes a huge difference.)
Big thanks also to those who support this blog in non-financial ways, whether you are donating your time and expertise (hi, Tracy!), sending me tips, sharing posts on Facebook and Twitter, or contributing your insights (and/or random cat pics) to the comments here.
This has been the most successful year yet for We Hunted the Mammoth; we’re reaching more people than ever, and helping to significantly shape the conversation about online misogyny.
Traffic is still booming: we’re averaging slightly over a million page views a month, which puts us comfortably ahead of a certain well-known Men’s Rights site that has been predicting WHTM’s imminent demise ever since I started it five years ago. And we’re doing so on a fraction of that site’s apparent budget.
We’ve also upgraded the site with a sleeker design and a bunch of new features that commenters and other regular readers have been requesting for years.
I could not have done any of this without your support, so thanks again!
Oh, and if you haven’t yet finished your holiday shopping, or are just looking to buy yourself something, remember that if you buy anything from Amazon.com after clicking on my Amazon affiliate links I will get a small cut — and it won’t cost you an extra penny. (A bunch of you have already done this and it’s adding up!)
I’ve recommended several books below, but you can buy something completely different after clicking through those links and it will still help me out.
And now, the traditional parade of ridiculous “Thank You” gifs.
I feel like a heel but I haven’t been able to contribute anything. Soon, I think. But I can provide virtual support!
Yay you!
You are very welcome, David! Your blog is bloody fantastic and it plays a very important role in bringing the awfulness of the manosphere to light.
MsMockingbird, hey I appreciate virtual support too! Thanks!
And thanks to everyone who’s donated!
And now I’m going to try to do something about the too-big ads at the top of the site.
Don’t know if you’ve seen this yet David, but the guy who started the failed boycott of Fury Road is at it again: https://hailtothegynocracy.wordpress.com/2015/12/11/aaron-clarey-womens-suffrage-is-a-euphemism-for-betrayal/
I so much enjoy this space, thanks for all the work that you put into it to provide it.
I don’t have any money.
BUT. If you are ever down my way in SC, I will gladly pay you in fried chicken and brownies.
And thanks for posting dog pictures. Although, we can always do with more dog pics, they seem to be sorely under represented around here. 😉