anti-Semitism antifeminism antifeminist women conspiracy theory literal nazis lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA straw feminists

The Protocols of the Elders of Feminism (Or, Gloria Steinem Didn’t Really Say That)

No, Gloria Steinem did not say this.
No, Gloria Steinem did not say this.

Today is the final day of the We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive! If you haven’t donated yet, click that little button below! Thanks! 

I‘m continually amazed by the amount of time and energy that antifeminists put into fighting monsters of their own creation — that is, the imaginary feminists in their heads who bear about as much resemblance to real feminists as the rapacious, Machiavellian characters in The Protocols of The Elders of Zion do to real Jews.

I’ve made the Protocols of the Elders of Zion comparison more than a few times before, but I ran across an example of antifeminist monster-making earlier today that parallels the Protocols so exactly that it’s kind of unnerving.

The original Protocols, as many of you no doubt know, were an anti-Semitic forgery concocted in Russia by the Tsarist secret police around the turn of the twentieth century, purporting to offer proof of a plot by a cabal of Jews to take over the world. The document offered what it claimed was a transcript of a secret meeting of the aforementioned Elders that took place at some point late in the nineteenth century; in fact, most of the dialogue was plagiarized from works of fiction published many decades earlier.

Basically, the so-called Protocols are a collection of cartoonishly eeeeevil fake quotes from imaginary Jewish Elders. But millions of people, including Henry Ford and a certain Adolf Hitler, believed them to be real. Or at least acted as if they did.

Much of what Men’s Rightsers and other antifeminists believe about feminists is similarly bogus. I’ve written before about the collections of dubious “evil” quotes from feminists that regularly make the rounds on the antifeminist web (and that any number of antifeminists have cut-and-pasted into the comments here).

And I’ve written about the deliberate disinformation campaigns started by #GamerGaters and MRAs by spreading made-up quotes attributed to feminists like Jessica Valenti and Anita Sarkeesian.

So today I ran across yet another example, this time in the form of an “infographic” featuring an obviously fake quote purportedly from Gloria Steinem that was being passed around by a couple of A Voice for Men Twitter soldiers today.

I’ve pasted it above, though, as you may have noticed, I’ve taken the liberty of adding the words FAKE QUOTE in big red letters in case the picture gets into someone’s image search results sometime in the future.

So how do I know the quote is fake? Well, there’s the fact that it obviously is. But, to be sure, I used my highly sophisticated internet search skills to type part of the first sentence of the fake quote into a website called “Google.”

Looking through the results, I discovered that the “quote” originally appeared in a post with the ungrammatical title “Are Chimps smarter than Feminist?” on a little blog called The Waterpipe.

The Waterpipe is not a source that inspires much confidence. The blogger behind the site made only four posts in total, all of them attacks on feminism; the site’s “about” page contains the dummy text that WordPress expects bloggers to replace with their own bios.

The “Are Chimps smarter than Feminist?” post begins — shades of the original Protocols! —  by plagiarizing a hefty chunk of text about chimpanzee tool use from the website of the Jane Goodall Institute.

The “author” then goes on to suggest that chimps are in fact smarter than “feminist” because

The chimps have demonstrated an ability to conduct their parasitical relationship with termites in a sustainable manner as to not exhaust the termite nest and thus increase chances of survival, this survival instinct is not present in feminist. …

the feminist movement has made it its primary objective to eradicate masculinity. Ironically women in their 30s who are childless, unmarried and on a steady supply of anti-depressants are now questioning “Did we overdo it”

As evidence, of sorts, for this contention, the author presents us with the similarly ungrammatical lament of an obviously fictional character named “Clara Strongwoman,” who declares

I was willing to be a good wife, cook and clean while the man bought home the bacon, but you lousy feminist had to ruin it for all of us with your endless victim-hood, outrageous demands and out of control sense of entitlement.

While it’s pretty clear that the blogger here seriously believes the MGTOWish crap he’s peddling, it’s also pretty clear that he means “Clara Strongwoman” to be a joke.

He follows her obviously fake quote with an obviously fake dialogue amongst famous feminists, which he introduces as follows:

Top feminist from different organisations were secretly recorded by an anonymous user called Agent Orange on a debate with each other if they exhausted their parasitical relationship on men.

In other words, these famous feminists are purportedly discussing what to do now that they’ve driven men away with their endless demands.

Here’s a portion of the dialogue, purportedly between Steinem, radical feminist and anti-porn activist Gail Dines, and someone called “Bonnie Grabenhoffer” (two f’s) — who is presumably supposed to be NOW Action Vice President Bonnie Grabenhofer (one f).

As you’ll notice, the blogger doesn’t bother to try to make the discussion sound even vaguely convincing; it’s basically a very crude satire. The fake Steinem quote from the infographic is right in the middle of it all; I’ve put it in bold.

>Gail Dines: We pushed them too far and now there’s no going back, we had men right where we wanted, they worked long hours while we could play hide and seek in our pajamas with the kids, they went to die in wars, while we did easy house chores with our washing machines, dishwashers and vacuum cleaners.

>Gloria Steinem: I agree with Gail we even had chivalry, a fu**ing social etiquette that was heavily enforced which disposed men to heroic actions for the benefit of women, but now chivalry is being associated with beta behaviour.
Of course I agree with everyone in this room that emasculating and degrading men was the right thing to do, but we should have left a little bit of dignity in men so that they were still useful to us

>Bonnie Grabenhoffer: We could try shaming tactics but even the dumbest men still have an adequate survival instinct
We are trying very hard to rebuild society by removing male spaces but now we have things like Men Going Their Own Way and male rights groups popping up

>Gail Dines: Why? We cant even shame men into doing things anymore, they have little masculinity, how can a man even sink lower? I think what we need to also do is destroy the male survival instinct. Then they will start marrying women again.

Yes, that’s right: it’s a secret cabal of “top feminist” trying to figure out … how to get men to marry women again. Frankly. the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were more convincing.

Yet this ridiculous blog post got picked up by other antifeminist blogs and passed around by assorted antifeminists on Facebook. Now the fake quote is making the rounds on Twitter.

One atheist/Linux blogger reposted some of the dialogue above as if it were authentic, taking particular umbrage at the fake Steinem’s fake “stupidity.”

These so-called feminists put men down for doing just that to women for centuries. What’s their answer? If women are to be happy and productive, women need to do to men what women thought was horrible when men did it to them. I see no difference between Steinem and some chauvinist pig who thinks women should be in the kitchen cooking, barefoot and pregnant. …

I have a suggestion for the Steinems of this world: help free humanity from its primitive roots and stop spreading this bucolic bacchanalia about making slaves out of men.

Fake quote, real anger. See how that works?

People believe what they want to believe. When it comes to feminism, a lot of people are determined to believe the worst.

The more gullible anitifeminists believe the fake quotes are real; the more cynical antifeminists may be well aware the quotes are fake, but they’re happy to spread them anyway, knowing that their more gullible comrades will swallow the lies wholesale.

As the forgers of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion knew all too well, if your aim is to spread hate, lies are much more effective than truth.

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Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago


I doubt many antifeminists are actually fooled by these made up quotes.

Actually, in most cases I suspect that it’s “confirmation bias” — the phenomenon of people seeking out “information”, no matter how outrageous and flawed, that confirms their existing world view, while dismissing facts, no matter how compelling, that challenge their biases. It’s a powerful and toxic form of willful ignorance, and the business model of Fox News and the rest of the reactionary right-wing media.

Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard
9 years ago

It will never cease to entertain me how much antifeminists are enamoured with the fantasy that women are terrified by the idea of MGTOW.

I know. It entertains me too. These people love to flatter themselves into thinking that, which is just oh so adorable! I’d pinch their cheeks if they weren’t so gross.

I do wish the MGTOW crowd would just go away already. They’re like a canker sore that never heals. While they’re at it, take the MRAs, too. Go away, you foul people.

9 years ago

Random pet peeve.

I hate the term “Machiavellian” even though that battle is long lost. Machiavelli honestly doesn’t come off THAT bad in “The Prince” even taking him as face value. The best known quote is that it’s “better to be feared than loved” but the context is important. Feared and Loved is ideal for a ruler, and if forced to choose feared is preferable to loved just because it’s more easily attainable. That passage ending with that above all else you cannot become hated and continue to rule long.

Machiavelli reminds me most of Talleyrand historically. A career diplomat who never ruled anything, that was rather unscrupulous, but not evil.

9 years ago

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker:
The quote is actually:
“A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle”
It’s weird how much they hate this quote. But they equate “not needing” with “not wanting” or “wanting nothing to do with” as if women being beholden to men is the only reason women interact with them.

9 years ago

@Tessa, in their defense, most fish don’t really want bicycles either. 😉

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago

Funny how anti-feminists rant about the Jooz promoting godless, liberal propaganda to brainwash the poor Goys and turn their brains to mush so they can take over the world..

You forgot the part where DA JOOZ are promoting MISCEGENATION, or, in normal, non-Neo-nazi phraseology, interracial sex, in order to destroy the White Aryan Pure Race via White Genocide!11

Try to imagine that I’ve posted that awful neo-nazi cartoon of a Jewish director pushing a drooling, ape-like black man towards a scared-looking blonde white woman. I’m not actually going to post it because fuck that.

Speaking as a cis-het black male, this is definitely not a thing. I am perfectly willing to swear under oath that no delegation of Jewish people arrived at my house with a truck full of Superior Aryan White Women for me to ‘miscegenate’.

Do the times Argenti spoke to me on here count as ‘miscegenation’? I mean, Argenti is a Superior Aryan White Person, after all. I dunno if Argenti has blonde hair, though. Maybe a dye job is in order.

9 years ago

Scildfreja, your gif is too perfect!

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

I agree. Machiavelli supported realpolitik, which isn’t the same as being cynical or having dark triad characteristics.

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

but is it really that hard to find a controversial (or even outright gross) quote from Steinem?

“Controversial,” maybe (she was always measured, but these are MRAs, I’m sure they could find stuff to disagree with.)

But “gross”? Yes, it would be difficult indeed to find anything gross, or “misandrous,” in Steinem.

You kids ought to read her. No point in reinventing the wheel with every new generation.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago


Agreed. I know it’s a lost battle, because this conception of Machiavelli was basically settled by the 16th century, but no one ever seems to have heard of the Discourses, which are about the best way to run a republic, which is clearly his preferred form of government. The position that emerges is “Hey, republics are great, you should go for them, and here’s how, but if you can’t manage it, well, you’d better have a dictatorship, and here’s my other book on the best way to run one of those.”

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

I agree. Machiavelli supported realpolitik, which isn’t the same as being cynical or having dark triad characteristics


Some scholars even think his embrace of realpolitik in The Prince was intended as irony.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Oh, I was talking about the transphobic stuff. Apologies for the confusion, I should have specified. ^^;;

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Speaking as a cis-het black male, this is definitely not a thing. I am perfectly willing to swear under oath that no delegation of Jewish people arrived at my house with a truck full of Superior Aryan White Women for me to ‘miscegenate’


Well, you would say that, wouldn’t you…?




Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Frank Torpedo — I was strawberry blonde as a wee little kid, but it’s gone basically just brown now. So nope, I am not the Superior Aryan White Person… I am happy to provide humor though!

December 16, 2015 at 8:59 pm
@Tessa, in their defense, most fish don’t really want bicycles either. ?

Idk, my puffer fish might like one, but then, puffers are jokingly called the puppies of the aquatic world, so make of that what you will!

9 years ago

I wish the MGTOWs didn’t hate women, not just for the obvious reason that hating women is wrong, but because I like the idea of choosing single life over marriage and dating.

Among a lot of guys if you’re not interested in dating or don’t think sex is the absolute greatest thing in the world then you’re gay or somehow broken. That stigma can make it hard to be single and when combined with the various family/cultural/societal pressures that push marriage onto us, can force a person into a marriege they don’t really want.

A whole organization dedicated to advancing the cause of men who choose to be single could do a lot to help men who truly do enjoy being single. Sadly, these guys don’t really enjoy being single and just want to compain about and harass women.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
9 years ago


Oh, I was talking about the transphobic stuff. Apologies for the confusion, I should have specified.

Yeah, but the MRA’s probably only object to the fact that she retracted the transphobic comments and apologized.

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Oh, I was talking about the transphobic stuff


I’m old enough to remember those days, and I’ve done some research. Some of that old school “transphobia” actually was understandable in context. I blame the medical profession. At the time, trans women couldn’t get Sex Reassignment Surgery without satisfying the medical and psychiatric gatekeepers that they were truly “feminine”–which meant basically enacting the most stereotypical notions of womanhood. Trans women had an underground in which they passed around advice on how to satisfy the gatekeepers. The gatekeepers notions of true womanhood were regressive and thoroughly sexist.

But all the cis feminists saw was trans people performing the very “femininity” the feminists were fighting as limiting and demeaning.

At the same time, I don’t know how much people understood about body dysphoria in those days. From the cis feminists there was some “just be who you are–you don’t have to change your sex just because your personality doesn’t match what society says is appropriate for your gender. Fuck gender roles!”

There were (and still are) tensions and misunderstandings on both sides. Most of it isn’t attributable to malice (sadly, there is some of that as well. But not from Steinem, she’s uber-kindly.)

9 years ago

So Gloria Steinem is alleged to have gloated that “emasculating and degrading men was the right thing to do.”

And a photo of Senator Dianne Feinstein (Democrat, California) was posted today on my boyfriend’s Facebook page with this so-called quote: “When the gunman realizes that nobody else is armed, he will lay down his weapons and turn himself in. That’s human nature.” (False. In fact, Dianne Feinstein, who was a San Francisco supervisor at the time, became mayor of San Francisco in 1978 because Supervisor Dan White shot Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk. This occurred nine days after Reverend Jim Jones, a prominent San Francisco minister who had taken his flock to Guyana, forced the congregation of 900 people to commit suicide by drinking Kool-Aid. Dianne Feinstein knows a few things about the psychology of mass murderers.)

And in last night’s presidential debate, Carly Fiorina — who, BTW, was wearing a huge cross — alleged that President Obama forced out General Keane because Obama didn’t like Keane’s opinions. When her remark was fact-checked and found wrong — Keane left his position in 2003, before Obama was president — Fiorina tweeted this: “I did not misspeak.”

The name of this new game appears to be Make Sh*t Up.

We are in the Age of the Absurd.

9 years ago

Maybe we should make infographics attributing fake quotes to various manosphereans. Like, the words, “Oh my god I love ponies!!!!!!!!!!” superimposed over one of Paul Elam’s yell-y faces.

@ Walter

Your talking about being asexual/aromantic. There is already a community out there that’s just a Google search away.

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Anyway it’s pretty funny that they picked the most androphilic feminist of all to hang their phony quote on.

Oh, MRAs. Your invariable Fails are a constant source of delight and amusement.

9 years ago

*grumble* Did a homophone mix-up and noticed too late for the edit window.

9 years ago

@Lindsay Irene

Maybe we should make infographics attributing fake quotes to various manosphereans. Like, the words, “Oh my god I love ponies!!!!!!!!!!” superimposed over one of Paul Elam’s yell-y faces.


9 years ago


I’m no aromantic or asexual, I just enjoy being single.

9 years ago

I went to just now:

British court clears Saudi millionaire of rape charges after he claimed he accidentally tripped and fell on teenage girl

9 years ago

Re: Machiavelli discussion!

I kind of love Machiavelli’s The Prince, and am firmly in the “he was trying to poke holes in the realpolitik without getting himself killed” camp.