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Dudes! Use This Totally Alpha Red Pill iPhone Setting to Totally Dominate the Babes Like an Alpha

Regina George: Red Pill role model?
Regina George: Red Pill role model?

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If you’re a true Red Pill Alpha dude, you know how important it is to keep the hot babes wondering “does he really like me or am I just one of his spinning plates?

Well, totally dominating the hot babes with Dread Game is now as easy as switching a setting on your iPhone!

At least according to this dude in the Red Pill subreddit:

 Red Pill TheoryTurn on Read Receipt on your Smartphone. (self.TheRedPill) submitted 2 days ago by Jimmypickles Synopsis: Mind fucks Body: Some smartphones (most notably Apple IPhone's Imessage) allow you to show the other party when you've read their message. TURN THIS ON. Easiest dread game, I've had two girls call me out on not responding to texts when I've clearly read them, putting them in my frame and showing that they (to a certain extent) care. It's infuriating knowing that someone's read your text but refuses to respond, and guarantees you'll be on their mind longer than otherwise. Conclusion: Turn on 'Read Receipts'. 66 comments

Turns out some of the other Red Pillers are so Alpha that they’re doing this already!

Praecipuus 9 points 2 days ago This is some good advice, right here. When the read receipt notifications first were introduced with whatsapp, everyone was flipping their shit about "Imma turn that shit off because privacy and bla bla". This is one of the best tools that have been given to anyone who is familiar with dread 101. Not only does this show you read their text, didn't care and thus didn't reply, but it also shows you don't even care enough to hide that fact from them.

rebuildingMyself 1 point 1 day ago I've been doing this with WhatsApp since forever. Especially if I'm punishing my LTR for her bitchy behavior. Radio silence, she's free to send walls of text, and she's also free to know that I've read them.

True, at least one Red Piller seems to think that this is kind of a Mean Girls move.

fullanalpanic 7 points 1 day ago The issue I have with this isn't the improbability of being that preoccupied. It's that the only purpose for turning on read receipts is to make it obvious you're ignoring them. If you're doing this just to mess with their heads, it's really no different from a shit-test. Stay busy, do interesting things, read your texts, respond if you want. No reason to go the extra mile to make a point.

But they don’t understand that the Red Pill is all about being a Mean Girl!

[–]fullanalpanic 2 points 2 days ago I agree. Playing mind games is for children... permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]2FatStig 11 points 2 days ago Women are children and they love mind games. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]fullanalpanic 3 points 1 day ago That was my point. This 'strategy' reeks of effeminacy. Are we turning on read receipts just to make sure they know we don't care, or should we actually not care? permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]2FatStig 4 points 1 day ago I don't know if mine is on or not. Some messaging apps have it on by default. If they see that I read and didn't immediately respond they start demanding attention, whining, sending nudes etc. Personally I have other things to worry about and more than enough females trying to get my jizz. If you don't maybe this is a legitimate strategy. Your are trying to moralize and shame. Strategy is what works.


BRB. Gonna design an app to help Red Pillers track the number of females trying to get their jizz.  Gonna call it the Jizzbot 3000.

*Quickly Googles*


Though, granted, they’re not using it very well.

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Frank Torpedo
9 years ago

We’re getting together this weekend for hanging out and watching movies.

On netflix?

Are you guys going to chill while watching movies on Netflix?

Could we call this some sort of…Netflix and Chill event?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Also, I’m with Lea and Lady Mondegreen. I grew up with a parent with cluster-B and I spent most of 2014 dating someone with cluster-B, so I am fairly familiar with the behaviours which even mindful, aware people with it suffer from. I do not feel that it is ableist to say that these people are attempting to replicate the behaviours which it causes in sufferers.

I do, however, feel that it’s incredibly shitty of the redpillers to use the symptoms of someone else’s disorder as a checklist for how to behave. That’s just unclassy, even for them.

@Frank Torpedo:
There’s no Netflix involved. These movies have been loaded onto a memory stick in an ENTIRELY LEGAL AND ABOVE-BOARD MANNER THAT COMPLIES WITH ALL COPYRIGHT LAWS THANK YOU OFFICER.

We’re watching our way through one another’s lists of “oh my god I can’t believe you haven’t seen that” movies. Next up: Dr Strangelove and Ring.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

(Re ableism: if I am wrong to say that, then please jump down my throat on the matter. I’m aware that I am fallible, as I am on all issues.)

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago

Dr Strangelove and Ring.

Two stellar choices. I hope you’re watching them in that order, too.

Are you watching the original Japanese Ring or the American one?

9 years ago

It is easy to imagine how one would end up in a bad relationship if one has many strategies for purposely creating a bad relationship.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

The American remakes of Hideo Nakata’s films do not exist. They were not made. Of them we do not speak. Please report to the bureau for mandatory brain scrubbing, citizen. Blessed be the regulations.

9 years ago

I actually think the American remake of The Ring is really good. The remakes of Pulse, Ju-on, and One Missed Call on the other hand…

9 years ago

I may or may not have drawn a stick figure representation of what a pile of incels trying to pretend-most-alpha each other via wifi on their phones with so much focus that they collectively wandered into the path of multiple buses traveling at a high rate of speed, would look like. There was black pen and red pen used. And maybe a crowd of onlookers. If a drawing could show the crowd shrugging (or I was a better artist) it would.

Now I shall go to the corner and flog myself for my mean-spirited illustration. 😉

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

I’m a big fan of the original Ring so won’t say naught on that. But One Missed Call’s american remake was one of the worst films ever. Ever. The Ju-on remake was so bad it was funny. Especially the sequel.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Are we doing movie recommendations? Time to plug the [REC] series again then! The Spanish original, not the American ones — the first one is a fairly decent remake but after that they have fuck to do with each other.

In other things, where do I get those pot treats? Cuz seriously, I’d like to be able to just leave the gate up and not have to carefully watch for animal stupidity. We’re not at free roaming yet, but we’ve reached “need to see each other to hiss”, so getting them stoned together would be brilliant.

9 years ago

Some thoughts in no order:

–Congrats on the joy and happiness and such, EJ

–The American “Ring” was pretty sweet

–I only this year finally realized how extraordinarily abusive my parents were

–I can’t decide how I feel about read-receipts

–I have no problem in principle with the idea of “people imitating the qualities of a disorder”, but I don’t know enough about NPD to know if that’s a useful/necessary comparison here. Is there something specific that the NPD analogy gets at that wouldn’t be captured by a more general statement like “cultivating vanity and selfishness as tribal values?”

–I have happy girlfriend-related news as well.Turns out my girlfriend has narcolepsy! Admittedly, that might not be very happy compared to not having narcolepsy, but it’s quite happy compared to not knowing you have narcolepsy. It’s a pretty odd coincidence we met, but at least if we team up we can probably have 1 person awake for everything important.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Congratulations on the girlfriend’s diagnosis, Orion! Knowing is always better than not knowing.

Argenti: [Rec] was badass. A reviewer at Empire once called it and Cube “maths-horror”; it’s a genre that I’m sad hasn’t grown larger but also am glad hasn’t fallen victim to the formulaicism which is the curse of successful horror.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

Am I the only one who really liked [REC] 3? Everyone hated it because it didn’t add to the saga or summat, but I thought it was a decent horror.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Badass bride? That one? Yeah, I liked it too. And it did add — in mirrors the infected’s reflections were telling, as was wtf the priest did. Plus the horror of it not being contained to the original apartment building.

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago


In other things, where do I get those pot treats? Cuz seriously, I’d like to be able to just leave the gate up and not have to carefully watch for animal stupidity. We’re not at free roaming yet, but we’ve reached “need to see each other to hiss”, so getting them stoned together would be brilliant.

The reviews are hilarious. According to some people, apparently cats don’t like them, they barely work, and so on.

Allow me to quote one:

These work awesome for my cat who loves to walk around the house screaming all day (yes he has been checked by the vet and nothing wrong).


Her cat is an MRA Redpiller, using dread game and posturing to give her The Tingles™.

I also gave some to a friend for her little dog that is non stop crazy and got kicked out of obedience school as the trainers couldn’t handle him. He was sitting still for hours at a time.

I do that when I get high, too – just sit still for an hour.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

It so DID add! And I enjoyed the badassness of that bride so much I think I actually sat up and made a noise.
It was also done in the exact same nature reflecting the unfairness of the entire ordeal because so many regular people were affected.

Edit: Oh, and the mayhem was epic and the last scene with the escape thingy was incredible.

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago

We have two cats, both of whom hate travel. Since we had an impending move we decided to give Happy Traveler Soft Chews a try.

Neither cat is finicky – they eat pretty much anything set in front of them. One cat refused the chews after licking them. The other ate them eventually but there was no effect. He (and the rest of us) were miserable for the whole move. We tried again that night. Still nothing. So he’s currently flipping out just as he always does after traveling. The only difference is I have a bag of worthless “calming” chews I squandered money on.

Maybe this reviewer should try eating one. Hahahaha!

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago


How bad was the Pulse remake though! I mean, the original movie talked about loneliness and degeneration of culture, the remake was a cheap jump-scare flick with pretty young people. I never made it through that film.

The original remains under my skin.

(I love how many horror fans reside here. Mammotheers never disappoint.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Frank

Maybe this reviewer should try eating one. Hahahaha!

There’s a brand of doggy chocolate available where I live that are absolutely scummy. (It’s not just me thinks that, the woman who makes them reckons half her customers are human people). Supposedly they’re actually quite good for you, better than normal chocolate anyway. I can’t verify that scientifically but I have been complemented on my glossy coat and wet nose.

9 years ago

The original Ring was terrific, but I’d strongly advise against watching the western remake. I heard that if you watch it, you’ll die seven days later.

Leda Atomica:

How bad was the Pulse remake though! I mean, the original movie talked about loneliness and degeneration of culture, the remake was a cheap jump-scare flick with pretty young people. I never made it through that film.

I’d somehow remained blissfully unaware that anyone had remade this amazing (but chilly) film. Why did they bother?

9 years ago

I liked Rec 3 too. Sure it was different than the rest of the series, but it was still a fun movie.

9 years ago

If you search Youtube for Phelous you can find a review of every movie called Pulse, they are all pretty poor

9 years ago


I originally stopped posting here because of ableist comments. I disagree that my point was ableist at all. But I won’t mention narcisists, the traits they share with trpers and the patterns of abuse assocated with them again.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

@juliette galocci

this is people who can’t get laid talking about other people who can’t get laid about how those people can’t get laid. y’all can bump uglies while staying fully clothed.

We’re not talking about their inability to get laid. We’re talking about their inability to have a simple text conversation without turning it into a dramatic game of four-dimensional chess.

It’s pretty funny that you’re all hung up about people not getting laid, though, on a thread that features several WHTM commenters talking about their romantic partners (new and old).

one semi-normal human interaction amongst your crew would, for a lack of better term, break the internet.

Ah, I see the problem. I think you may have wandered onto the wrong blog to leave this comment. r/redpill is thataway.

9 years ago

Orion, I’d explain why vainity, tribalism (racist term btw. People being irrational should not be compared to belonging to a tribe) etc are not what I was speaking to, but specific patterns of abuse, but you could also do a Google search and learn about what survivors of narcisistic abuse go through. I’m going to leave it alone.