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Dudes! Use This Totally Alpha Red Pill iPhone Setting to Totally Dominate the Babes Like an Alpha

Regina George: Red Pill role model?
Regina George: Red Pill role model?

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If you’re a true Red Pill Alpha dude, you know how important it is to keep the hot babes wondering “does he really like me or am I just one of his spinning plates?

Well, totally dominating the hot babes with Dread Game is now as easy as switching a setting on your iPhone!

At least according to this dude in the Red Pill subreddit:

 Red Pill TheoryTurn on Read Receipt on your Smartphone. (self.TheRedPill) submitted 2 days ago by Jimmypickles Synopsis: Mind fucks Body: Some smartphones (most notably Apple IPhone's Imessage) allow you to show the other party when you've read their message. TURN THIS ON. Easiest dread game, I've had two girls call me out on not responding to texts when I've clearly read them, putting them in my frame and showing that they (to a certain extent) care. It's infuriating knowing that someone's read your text but refuses to respond, and guarantees you'll be on their mind longer than otherwise. Conclusion: Turn on 'Read Receipts'. 66 comments

Turns out some of the other Red Pillers are so Alpha that they’re doing this already!

Praecipuus 9 points 2 days ago This is some good advice, right here. When the read receipt notifications first were introduced with whatsapp, everyone was flipping their shit about "Imma turn that shit off because privacy and bla bla". This is one of the best tools that have been given to anyone who is familiar with dread 101. Not only does this show you read their text, didn't care and thus didn't reply, but it also shows you don't even care enough to hide that fact from them.

rebuildingMyself 1 point 1 day ago I've been doing this with WhatsApp since forever. Especially if I'm punishing my LTR for her bitchy behavior. Radio silence, she's free to send walls of text, and she's also free to know that I've read them.

True, at least one Red Piller seems to think that this is kind of a Mean Girls move.

fullanalpanic 7 points 1 day ago The issue I have with this isn't the improbability of being that preoccupied. It's that the only purpose for turning on read receipts is to make it obvious you're ignoring them. If you're doing this just to mess with their heads, it's really no different from a shit-test. Stay busy, do interesting things, read your texts, respond if you want. No reason to go the extra mile to make a point.

But they don’t understand that the Red Pill is all about being a Mean Girl!

[–]fullanalpanic 2 points 2 days ago I agree. Playing mind games is for children... permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]2FatStig 11 points 2 days ago Women are children and they love mind games. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]fullanalpanic 3 points 1 day ago That was my point. This 'strategy' reeks of effeminacy. Are we turning on read receipts just to make sure they know we don't care, or should we actually not care? permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]2FatStig 4 points 1 day ago I don't know if mine is on or not. Some messaging apps have it on by default. If they see that I read and didn't immediately respond they start demanding attention, whining, sending nudes etc. Personally I have other things to worry about and more than enough females trying to get my jizz. If you don't maybe this is a legitimate strategy. Your are trying to moralize and shame. Strategy is what works.


BRB. Gonna design an app to help Red Pillers track the number of females trying to get their jizz.  Gonna call it the Jizzbot 3000.

*Quickly Googles*


Though, granted, they’re not using it very well.

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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Ktoryx | December 16, 2015 at 3:19 pm
Oh look. The red pill has invented passive aggression. Groundbreaking.


Just wait until they come across a woman who doesn’t give a shit if the immature shitlord texts back.

Then they’ll go off about how awful women are who don’t text back immediately and respond precisely how their fellow Red Pillers said they would.

Of course, she’ll just be like “I assumed you had a life outside of me”, as most people would.

@WWTH: You could maybe post the pictures to a third party site like Photobucket or something?

9 years ago

I don’t see how this would even work. It’s painfully obvious what they are trying to do. I’d say women are better at mind games than men. We see you and we are one step ahead of you.

9 years ago

In the insecure environment that emotional abusers cultivate it may well work. It might have worked on me.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
9 years ago

More accurate version of Redpiller discussion: “I’ve never had a woman bother to text me, but it one did, I’d sooooooooo show her I’m ignoring her!”

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

This sort of thing certainly does work: this was how my parents behaved to one another and to us children. I didn’t realise that terrified, borderline-abusive control-freakery and constant second-guessing wasn’t how everyone shows affection until I was much older.

So yeah. It’s not that funny. It is dickish. Viscaria, I sympathise entirely.

9 years ago

Seriously? Like, the reason I turned on read receipts was because I felt like it was better if someone knew I saw it.

Then again, most people I know know that I only don’t respond when I’m too busy, so I don’t know anyone to try immature-ass head games with for no reason.

9 years ago

I’m a straight guy who has at some point stared at that thing in the Facebook chat where it says the other person has “seen” your message and asked myself “why does she hate meeeee”. It’s weird how these guys think this is a gendered thing. Craving the attention of someone you like, seems pretty universal to me.

9 years ago

I don’t know how to capture my thoughts about “women are better at mind games” because it’s not as simple as just saying: no, we aren’t. Because women often can’t be as direct as men, especially when communicating displeasure, and so I’d say it is likely that some women become more adept in indirect and passive aggressive communication methods. But to reduce the above – a bunch of dudes sharing abuse tips – to the same thing is not exactly right.

9 years ago

…I’d be more concerned that someone at a bus stop while focusing on their phone might get up at the wrong time and walk right into the path of…an oncoming bus…especially if another person were to say “The bus is here already!” and dumbass was on auto-pilot, still focused on their phone. Not that anyone should try that or anything. Death and the wishing that it would happen to people is bad, but painful lego experiences seems inadequate.

9 years ago


I’ve done that before! Its been with friends, some of which are not of the gender that attracts me. Its telling that RPllers don’t understand through this that its not a gendered thing.

9 years ago

correlation/causation quote – I’m totally using that, but I’m saving it for a special moment. Since I work in social research, that moment will come.

9 years ago

…I’d be more concerned that someone at a bus stop while focusing on their phone might get up at the wrong time and walk right into the path of…an oncoming bus…especially if another person were to say “The bus is here already!” and dumbass was on auto-pilot, still focused on their phone

That is not a new phenomenon. My parents were contributors to their company sending memos warning people not to walk while reading before cell phones were a thing.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Ok then… I have read receipts on cuz pretty much everyone I text works weird hours and it’s a way easier way to tell if they’re not at their phone (might as well finish my rambling story) or are but are busy (wrap it up!). Also, I keep WEIRD hours, so “yes, I saw your text, but it’s 4am” is a thing that happens, and allows for “oh, Argenti won’t be coherent before noon, ok then”

As for using phones at the table, my brother and I both love being able to fact check on the fly. Whether it be some political quote, or who was in that movie, you know the one, with that guy, and the woman who was in that other thing… it’s kinda sad how often we actually manage to make a description like that into “do you mean this guy mom?” “Yeah! That’s him!”

9 years ago

That fourth picture really makes me wonder, what is the difference between “dread game” or “negging” and a “shit-test” in their minds? Is it because they have penises?

9 years ago

*Dons PUA hat*


While a “neg” and a “shit test” seem superficially similar (in that both are manipulative acts of unprovoked passive aggressive dickery), they’re used in opposite situations.

If someone wants you, but you haven’t decided if you want them, shit test them. If you want someone, but they haven’t decided if they want you, neg them.

*Doffs PUA hat*

juliette galocci
juliette galocci
9 years ago

this is people who can’t get laid talking about other people who can’t get laid about how those people can’t get laid. y’all can bump uglies while staying fully clothed. one semi-normal human interaction amongst your crew would, for a lack of better term, break the internet.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@E J (The Other One) – I laughed out loud at the one about the bishop not moving diagonally. I think the quotation marks around “bishop” were what got me. Wishing you and your new GF all the best, too!

About reading while walking – I did that during grad school! In the summer semester, I didn’t feel like paying for a bus pass, so I’d walk to the university (I was living in a place then where downtown was only an hour’s walk away) and sometimes I’d be reading at the same time. But not while crossing the street. So I’ll add to the road-safety PSA: think very, very carefully before you try to do a master’s degree in three semesters.

More on topic, I don’t know if there’s a point at which it makes sense to generalize “men are more manipulative in X way, while women are more manipulative in Y way.” At the very least, it’d require a lot of hedging, a lot of “mights” and “perhapses.”

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

That there are men trying to mimic a destructive personality disorder that leads to abusing other people because they think it makes them like the cool kids is just sad.

Let’s not bring ableism into this.

I’m with Lea. Such personality disorders exist; pointing out that these guys’ behavior mimics the behavior of people with certain PDs is just stating the obvious. (Of course some, perhaps many, of them may actually have those PDs.)

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Mind games are for children

Women are children and they love mind games

That was my point

You are trying to moralize and shame. Strategy is what works.

Haha, feeemales are so inferior, they love mind games! We all know this, we who frequent this forum for mind games strategies-that-are-totally-NOT-mind-games that are sure to make us Alpha Sex Gods!

9 years ago

@EJ (The Other One)
A new girlfriend?

And you send her funny tweets?

Kickass. Congratulations!

Say hello for us.

9 years ago

I know it’s back on the other page of the thread, but I have to quote it because I just cracked up for a minute straight:

All I’m saying is, everyone who confuses correlation with causation eventually dies.

EJ, you are magnificent. How did I get through my undergrad without that line? Excuse me while I shoot an email to my favorite stats peoples.

That is just magnificent.

I love it.

Also, congrats on the new relationship.

9 years ago

Mind games are for children

Women are children and they love mind games

Wrong. Women are adults, and that’s why they roll their eyes at your silly widdle mind games. YOU are the children, Terper-boyzzzz. And you, lacking all self-awareness, project your childishness onto adults who know better and have more dignity than you’ll ever acquire if you live to be a hundred.

And at the rate you’re going, we won’t need “shit tests” to weed you out, because you just keep doing all that work for us by being, well, SHITS. See how that works?

PS: Congrats on the new relationship, EJ!

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago


New! Drugs for your pets!

Use them while you use Human Drugs!

Everybody’s getting stoned!

/gets stoned

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Thanks all. She reads WHTM (and knows I post here too, so if you’re reading these comments, Hi Lae!) so there’s a good chance that she’s seen the congratulatory messages, but I’ll pass them along.

We’re getting together this weekend for hanging out and watching movies. She’s promised to teach me German if I teach her computer programming. (What do non-geeks do with their partners anyway?)

Thanks very much. Sadly that isn’t something I wrote, just something that I found, but it made me gigglesnort for days.