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Dudes! Use This Totally Alpha Red Pill iPhone Setting to Totally Dominate the Babes Like an Alpha

Regina George: Red Pill role model?
Regina George: Red Pill role model?

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If you’re a true Red Pill Alpha dude, you know how important it is to keep the hot babes wondering “does he really like me or am I just one of his spinning plates?

Well, totally dominating the hot babes with Dread Game is now as easy as switching a setting on your iPhone!

At least according to this dude in the Red Pill subreddit:

 Red Pill TheoryTurn on Read Receipt on your Smartphone. (self.TheRedPill) submitted 2 days ago by Jimmypickles Synopsis: Mind fucks Body: Some smartphones (most notably Apple IPhone's Imessage) allow you to show the other party when you've read their message. TURN THIS ON. Easiest dread game, I've had two girls call me out on not responding to texts when I've clearly read them, putting them in my frame and showing that they (to a certain extent) care. It's infuriating knowing that someone's read your text but refuses to respond, and guarantees you'll be on their mind longer than otherwise. Conclusion: Turn on 'Read Receipts'. 66 comments

Turns out some of the other Red Pillers are so Alpha that they’re doing this already!

Praecipuus 9 points 2 days ago This is some good advice, right here. When the read receipt notifications first were introduced with whatsapp, everyone was flipping their shit about "Imma turn that shit off because privacy and bla bla". This is one of the best tools that have been given to anyone who is familiar with dread 101. Not only does this show you read their text, didn't care and thus didn't reply, but it also shows you don't even care enough to hide that fact from them.

rebuildingMyself 1 point 1 day ago I've been doing this with WhatsApp since forever. Especially if I'm punishing my LTR for her bitchy behavior. Radio silence, she's free to send walls of text, and she's also free to know that I've read them.

True, at least one Red Piller seems to think that this is kind of a Mean Girls move.

fullanalpanic 7 points 1 day ago The issue I have with this isn't the improbability of being that preoccupied. It's that the only purpose for turning on read receipts is to make it obvious you're ignoring them. If you're doing this just to mess with their heads, it's really no different from a shit-test. Stay busy, do interesting things, read your texts, respond if you want. No reason to go the extra mile to make a point.

But they don’t understand that the Red Pill is all about being a Mean Girl!

[–]fullanalpanic 2 points 2 days ago I agree. Playing mind games is for children... permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]2FatStig 11 points 2 days ago Women are children and they love mind games. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]fullanalpanic 3 points 1 day ago That was my point. This 'strategy' reeks of effeminacy. Are we turning on read receipts just to make sure they know we don't care, or should we actually not care? permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]2FatStig 4 points 1 day ago I don't know if mine is on or not. Some messaging apps have it on by default. If they see that I read and didn't immediately respond they start demanding attention, whining, sending nudes etc. Personally I have other things to worry about and more than enough females trying to get my jizz. If you don't maybe this is a legitimate strategy. Your are trying to moralize and shame. Strategy is what works.


BRB. Gonna design an app to help Red Pillers track the number of females trying to get their jizz.  Gonna call it the Jizzbot 3000.

*Quickly Googles*


Though, granted, they’re not using it very well.

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Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

If no one responds to this message I’m sending nudes. It’s just what I always do.

9 years ago

Wait… wouldn’t it be more alpha to *just not read the texts*? Last time i was breaking up with someone, and didn’t really care what they had to say, i just blocked them.


Ah, but then they wouldn’t know you’re ignoring them on purpose and might think your phone is turned off or at home or you’re just too busy to check it.

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
9 years ago

It’s infuriating knowing that someone’s read your text but refuses to respond

Uh, no.
If I see that someone’s read my text and hasn’t answered yet I assume they are too busy, don’t feel like texting right now or whatever.
But that’s probably because I don’t feel entitled to everyone’s time and attention 24/7.

9 years ago

I love what FatStig says:

Women are children and love mind games.

So this is really all about pleasing women.

9 years ago

1 – aren’t they considering women like 18th century guys were seeing their slaves ?
2 – aren’t they trying their best transforming themselves into ticking bomb of hatred and envy ? It’s quite visible they are trying to suppress their empathy, and empathy is the difference between a normal guy and a killer able to suicide bomb its way into terrorism.

– Ohlmann

They are pretty much in competition of who can dehumanize all women, and demonize “uppity” (free, strong, proud) women, the most. And yes, they will probably become actually damaging to freedom and modern civilization before they are taken seriously, and dealt with.

They actually consider the rights, liberty and equal rights of the other half of humanity to be a personal attack on their “manhood” – an insult to what they consider the “core” of their ego and self-esteem. There will be no happy ending to this.

9 years ago

If I see that someone’s read my text and hasn’t answered yet I assume they are too busy, don’t feel like texting right now or whatever.

Some of my friends are Moms. If they don’t respond, I assume it’s because a fight broke out, someone neededhelpwithsomethingohgawdwheresmom, or a little person started sticking their fingers under the bathroom door.

Or, like, they just have other shit going on.

I have the feeling that quite a few Red Pillers think that other people stop existing whenever they’re not interacting with them.

9 years ago

You’ve brought up some very good points…my earlier post wasn’t really well-thought-out. I guess what irritates me about smartphones is, the propensity of so many people to ignore what’s going on around them – including other people – in favor of their phone. For example, why would someone go out to lunch with a coworker, only to spend nearly the entire meal communicating with others over their phone?

What about the people who wander through grocery stores, yakking away on their phone, oblivious to the fact that other people probably don’t wish to listen to them?

9 years ago

Are we turning on read receipts just to make sure they know we don’t care, or should we actually not care?

I just find that so frickin’ hilarious.

Perhaps they could discuss at further length the proper degree of not caring. Perhaps they could take hundreds if not thousands of posts to work out whether should actually not care.

MRAs don’t just fail at being humans — they fail at being what they actually aspired to be. It’s incredibly pathetic.

9 years ago


True, true.

Of course, what am I doing right now? Typing on an iPod, communicating :/

I miss the slower pace of life, pre-cellphone. I wouldn’t trade the memories, for anything…and I’m not even 50 years old yet.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I agree with Tulse.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago


I just found two really funny tweets and texted them to my girlfriend*. She hasn’t replied but I assume that’s because she’s busy or watching Doctor Who rather than, you know, playing power games.

They were:

The “bishop” came to our school today. Fucken imposter. Never once moved diagonally.


All I’m saying is, everyone who confuses correlation with causation eventually dies.

*Oh yeah, and I have a girlfriend now. Awesome!

9 years ago

That there are men trying to mimic a destructive personality disorder that leads to abusing other people because they think it makes them like the cool kids is just sad.

Let’s not bring ableism into this.

Women are children and love mind games

So he just called himself and every straight man and red piller pedophiles. And no Kat this isn’t about pleasing women it’s about controlling women.

And these a-holes complain endlessly about anything a woman does to them calling them “sh*t tests” and whatever. Their motto (manosphere) really is “men can do no wrong, everything a woman does is wrong”

We should have an app to tell who’s a manospherian so we know who to avoid.

9 years ago

@ WeirwoodTreeHugger

You know, they never even claimed this strategy resulted in getting laid. They’re just bragging about annoying women at this point.

I wish that meant they were giving up on trying to get laid. It would help reduce the time women have to listen to a load of entitlement.

@ dhag85

You know how people sometimes accuse younger generations of “not living in the moment”, since they’re always on their phones?

No one can accuse me (one of those ‘younger generation’ people) of that- I’ve never been on my phone in public! I tend to agree with the original sentiment, though- people on phones in the street are often really, really annoying- try walking behind one, or sitting at the bus stop with a headache while some repetitive noise on a game bleeps.

@ Tyra Lith
Hmm. I personally think that if one has the time to look at a phone, one has the time to throw off a sentence or two (even if its just to check it and send it a bit later). If your discussion requires a paragraph or two back and forth, though, then yeah, that’s just entitled.

9 years ago

Oh look. The red pill has invented passive aggression. Groundbreaking.

9 years ago

So, off topic, but:

All I’m saying is, everyone who confuses correlation with causation eventually dies.

OMG, EJ, that is so brilliantly funny. I’ve passed that on to my various statistics/science nerd friends.

9 years ago



9 years ago


9 years ago


I know one guy who loooves camera phones:

9 years ago



9 years ago


Aaaaaauuuuuuhhhhhh, he’s so handsome!!!

Almost as handsome as my beautiful Russian Blue, Roscoe!

I’ve turned into a stereotypical cat lady, and I love it!

9 years ago


He looks so drunk in that picture. :p

9 years ago

Wouldn’t it be nice if they actually said what they meant every once in a while?

Mind fucks = deliberately harming others for your own selfish gain

Dread game = calculated emotional abuse

You’ll be on their mind longer than otherwise = they’ll experience a rush of negative emotions centered on you

LTR = Abuse victim of months or years

Shit-test = women asserting themselves in any way

9 years ago


I see what you mean. I’ve had a few myself, heh heh 🙂

9 years ago

Hoping this works. For some phone doesn’t want to post pictures anymore. I need a new one.


Well, that was a fail. Stupid phone. Now I can’t share kitty pics.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago
