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Dudes! Use This Totally Alpha Red Pill iPhone Setting to Totally Dominate the Babes Like an Alpha

Regina George: Red Pill role model?
Regina George: Red Pill role model?

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If you’re a true Red Pill Alpha dude, you know how important it is to keep the hot babes wondering “does he really like me or am I just one of his spinning plates?

Well, totally dominating the hot babes with Dread Game is now as easy as switching a setting on your iPhone!

At least according to this dude in the Red Pill subreddit:

 Red Pill TheoryTurn on Read Receipt on your Smartphone. (self.TheRedPill) submitted 2 days ago by Jimmypickles Synopsis: Mind fucks Body: Some smartphones (most notably Apple IPhone's Imessage) allow you to show the other party when you've read their message. TURN THIS ON. Easiest dread game, I've had two girls call me out on not responding to texts when I've clearly read them, putting them in my frame and showing that they (to a certain extent) care. It's infuriating knowing that someone's read your text but refuses to respond, and guarantees you'll be on their mind longer than otherwise. Conclusion: Turn on 'Read Receipts'. 66 comments

Turns out some of the other Red Pillers are so Alpha that they’re doing this already!

Praecipuus 9 points 2 days ago This is some good advice, right here. When the read receipt notifications first were introduced with whatsapp, everyone was flipping their shit about "Imma turn that shit off because privacy and bla bla". This is one of the best tools that have been given to anyone who is familiar with dread 101. Not only does this show you read their text, didn't care and thus didn't reply, but it also shows you don't even care enough to hide that fact from them.

rebuildingMyself 1 point 1 day ago I've been doing this with WhatsApp since forever. Especially if I'm punishing my LTR for her bitchy behavior. Radio silence, she's free to send walls of text, and she's also free to know that I've read them.

True, at least one Red Piller seems to think that this is kind of a Mean Girls move.

fullanalpanic 7 points 1 day ago The issue I have with this isn't the improbability of being that preoccupied. It's that the only purpose for turning on read receipts is to make it obvious you're ignoring them. If you're doing this just to mess with their heads, it's really no different from a shit-test. Stay busy, do interesting things, read your texts, respond if you want. No reason to go the extra mile to make a point.

But they don’t understand that the Red Pill is all about being a Mean Girl!

[–]fullanalpanic 2 points 2 days ago I agree. Playing mind games is for children... permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]2FatStig 11 points 2 days ago Women are children and they love mind games. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]fullanalpanic 3 points 1 day ago That was my point. This 'strategy' reeks of effeminacy. Are we turning on read receipts just to make sure they know we don't care, or should we actually not care? permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]2FatStig 4 points 1 day ago I don't know if mine is on or not. Some messaging apps have it on by default. If they see that I read and didn't immediately respond they start demanding attention, whining, sending nudes etc. Personally I have other things to worry about and more than enough females trying to get my jizz. If you don't maybe this is a legitimate strategy. Your are trying to moralize and shame. Strategy is what works.


BRB. Gonna design an app to help Red Pillers track the number of females trying to get their jizz.  Gonna call it the Jizzbot 3000.

*Quickly Googles*


Though, granted, they’re not using it very well.

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9 years ago

Hi David,

For some reason some of the screenshots are appearing as tiny and illegible, and I can’t click to get a bigger version…. It’s entirely possible that I’m doing something wrong too or maybe something with the new system doesn’t work with iOS?

9 years ago

These are the same tactics narcisist abusers use to torment their targets. What these guys are looking for is a lot closer to a source of narcisistic supply than a relationship with another person.

Like narcisists, they seek out people to manipulate and abuse for their supply because without it they feel empty and powerless.

That there are men trying to mimic a destructive personality disorder that leads to abusing other people because they think it makes them like the cool kids is just sad.

I wonder how many of these guys were bullies in school?

9 years ago

There are days I wish aliens would come by and eliminate our species.

Let the cats takeover the planet.

Snork Maiden
9 years ago

Geez, how utterly pathetic.

I’ve a suggestion for totally showing a girl you don’t care about her, why not learn her entire schedule so you can hang around in places you know she’s going to show up, and then pretend not to notice her and totally mess with her miiiiiiinnnnnddddd!

9 years ago

Oh, these guys. Look how much they don’t care. They don’t care so much that they babble it all over the internets how much they don’t care!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I had problems with an Android but those seem to have been resolved.

From my memory of school, I think most of them would have been the bullied ones. Victim-turned-abuser may be a cliche, but it’s a cliche for a reason.

9 years ago

Hi David – using an iPad. Now I can click on the images at least. Thanks!!

9 years ago
9 years ago

Haha these guys think that they are so freaking special. Guys who ignore me are unlikely to get another date because I’m not into playing games. They really think that women are going to sit around worrying that some asshole hasn’t text them back immediately?
In fact, the one guy that I’m crazy about at the moment has my interest because he notices things about me that nobody else notices. And I started being attracted to him because I saw how full of empathy he is for others. I also like that he doesn’t play games and you always know exactly where you stand with him.
So yeah, these “alpha” guys can keep their stupid games and strategies and leave decent interactions for the adults.

9 years ago

an infantile mindset mixed with the amoral instinct of a rutting beast. oh joy what gifts these mystics of misogynist masculinity bring to us all…

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Vanir

That’s actually pretty poetic; you should publish.

9 years ago

Okay, these guys are ridiculous.

That said, I think I’m going to turn on this feature. I have the bad habit of letting my phone die, not recharging it for days, or leaving it on silent for days, or otherwise ignoring the living daylights out of it on accident…

…and it might be nice for my friends to know I didn’t answer them because I just flat out haven’t seen it yet, as opposed to “I’m ignoring your messages for a week straight and then massive update”

9 years ago

You know, they never even claimed this strategy resulted in getting laid. They’re just bragging about annoying women at this point.

9 years ago

At one point, I thought I was the first person to come up with the phrase “molotov cocktease”. I thought I was soooo clever.

9 years ago

Then they wonder why they seem to be meeting with universal “misandry”.

Owen McLovely
Owen McLovely
9 years ago

“Jizzbot 3000” – Is that the name of Roosh’s future girlfriend?

9 years ago

Bless TRPers; putting such care and dedication into maintaining the illusion that they don’t care.

I can only imagine the hissy fit most of these dudes would throw if a woman were to do not quickly respond to a “read” message. (or likely, this has already happened, and was used as inspiration for the tactic)

9 years ago

Wait… wouldn’t it be more alpha to *just not read the texts*? Last time i was breaking up with someone, and didn’t really care what they had to say, i just blocked them.


9 years ago

I’m so, so happy to be middle-aged. I truly feel sorry for the digital generation, and their dependence on their smartphones. Pretty soon, it’s going to be a matter of smartphone communicating with smartphone, with humans missing from the equation.

I don’t wish to sound condescending. This is really the way I feel.

9 years ago


You know how people sometimes accuse younger generations of “not living in the moment”, since they’re always on their phones? I recently heard someone discuss this, saying maybe they’re living more in the moment than others. If you’re waiting for the bus, for example, if you don’t have a phone with you, what do you do? Stare at the ground? Think about memories? Plan for the future? If you do have a phone with you, you can actually go online and read about what’s going on right now. Even talk to friends in the actual current moment.

I can’t see how humans would lose interest in communicating with each other, when the main reason why we use smartphones is because we want to be able to constantly communicate. To me, your scenario seems like the opposite of what we’re actually seeing.

9 years ago

Wait… wouldn’t it be more alpha to *just not read the texts*? Last time i was breaking up with someone, and didn’t really care what they had to say, i just blocked them.

Being alpha is about convincing everyone else you’re sooper dooper alpha; not about actually possessing any of the associated qualities.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Real time conversational give-and-take is evidently too beta for these supreme alphas. Wasn’t there also a Red Pill dude who advised everyone to auto-schedule their texts to send hours later (preferably after bedtime), so as not to appear too eager?

Texting with a RedPiller must go something like this:

– RedPiller: sends text

– Feeeeeemale: responds.

– Feeeeeemale’s text status changes to “Read”

– RedPiller calculates the optimal latency time (female response time x 3, rounded up to the nearest sweet-spangled-$deity-why-aren’t-you-in-bed o’clock) and spends the rest of the day watching the minutes tick off the clock.

– RedPiller consults a thousand strangers on Reddit and sends a cleverly crowdsourced neg in the wee hours of the morning

– Feeeeeeeemale fails to respond because seriously, wtf, it’s 2 AM, and also earlier that day she had lengthy, interesting text exchanges with other dudes who actually want to talk to her. Now she’s forgotten what it was the RedPiller even wanted.

– RedPiller’s response changes to “Read” because the feeeeeemale also has that setting turned on. There it sits, ignored. HOW DARE SHE?!?

– Saltiness ensues

9 years ago

This whole “we’re unlearning how to communicate with each other” has been a thing since forever. People said it about books, newspapers, telephones and every other advancement in how information is passed from one person to the other. Every generation ever has done the whole “things were so much better when we were young” thing.

9 years ago

That make me re-read the article about spinning plates.

The first time I had read it, I half smiled because I find it creepy and bizarre, but I did not grasp the true form.

Now, when I read it, I see two thing.

1 – aren’t they considering women like 18th century guys were seeing their slaves ?
2 – aren’t they trying their best transforming themselves into ticking bomb of hatred and envy ? It’s quite visible they are trying to suppress their empathy, and empathy is the difference between a normal guy and a killer able to suicide bomb its way into terrorism.

I currently begin to fear the MRA a lot more thoses days, suffice to say. I begin to think all the things governments put into place to check muslims should instead be used on MRAs (and other similar hate groups, some of which actually muslims), because they may very well warrant it.

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