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Sorry, Men’s Rights Activists, Feminists Actually Do Care About Girls in Africa

Yegna, the girl group sponsored by Girl Effect Ethiopia
Yegna, a girl group sponsored by Girl Effect Ethiopia. Click on picture for more info.

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One of the favorite talking points — trolling points? — of Men’s Rights Activists and other antifeminists is that feminism is little more than a frivolous hobby for wealthy Western white women obsessed with their own trivial problems and caring not a whit for the truly oppressed women of the world.

Or at least that’s a favorite talking point amongst MRAs who are willing to admit that women are actually oppressed anywhere in the world.

I found the “meme” below on the Facebook page of something called Anti-Feminism Australia, one of the few “serious” memes there, buried in a jumble of rape jokes and fat jokes and digs at Anita Sarkeesian.

WARNING: Not actually true
WARNING: Not actually true

Just how wrong is this little meme? Let me count the ways.

First, and perhaps most basic, the graphic seems to imply that feminism is entirely a phenomenon of Western (and presumably white) women, thus erasing the very girls it pretends to champion.

I hate to have to tell you this, MRAs, but there are feminists in Ethiopia. Really. And not just visiting white ladies either.

These actual real existing feminists blog. They write, speak, research the lives of rural Ethiopian schoolgirls and work for NGOs. They make music and appear in radio dramas. They hold conferences and forums to discuss and coordinate their activism on issues ranging from family planning to international development.

Actual women at actual international development conference in Addis Ababa
Actual women at actual international development conference in Addis Ababa

In fact, MRAs, there are feminists all over Africa. There are feminists all over the world. And when we eventually get around to colonizing Mars, there will no doubt be feminists there too.

But let’s just set aside the actual real existing feminists who actually really live in Ethiopia for a moment. Because the antifeminist meme I posted above is clearly directed at Western (and presumably white) feminists , in an attempt to shame them for not fixing the educational system in Ethiopia with the magic elixir of money.

This too is wrong, wrong, wrong.

First, let’s just note that complex problems in developing countries halfway across the world can’t actually be solved by white-skinned angels flying in from abroad on giant clouds of money.

The issue here isn’t just the patronizing colonialism inherent in this idea; it’s that you can’t solve any intractable problem anywhere just by throwing money at it.

Men’s Rights Activists, allergic to anything that smacks of real world activism, seem to think that they can fix anything (and win some Good Guy points to boot) by donating a few bucks to this or that Men’s Rights cause.

But in order for the money to help, whether here or abroad, you have to have organizations in place that will be able to do something useful with this money.

MRAs and other antifeminists don’t, and so they have wasted literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on causes and projects and people that have pissed away their money without accomplishing anything of value, from A Voice for Men to The Sarkeesian Effect.

Feminists, by contrast, have set up a wide assortment of organizations in the west designed to help women, from national foundations to local shelters.

And, yes, they have built or helped to build organizations to help women and girls in the developing world as well — including some in Ethiopia.

While no Western interventions in the developing world, even charitable ones, can be entirely free of the taint of colonialism and colonialist assumptions, Western feminists today try to challenge their own assumptions and to treat the girls and women they try to help as the authors of their own stories and the heroes of their own lives.

In the process, western feminists have learned that the problems faced by girls trying to get educations in Ethiopia — and elsewhere in the developing world — can’t be solved merely by buying school supplies or providing cheap computers. It also involves fighting against sexual violence and child marriage.

And, as odd as this may sound to most well-off Westerners, for sanitary products. One UK feminist who recently spent several months volunteering first in Ethiopia and then Kenya, wrote later about the surprise she felt when she discovered that one big reason that Ethiopian girls miss much more school than boys is that they cannot afford the sanitary pads that would enable them to attend school during their periods.

That’s why a group called Femme International, working in East Africa, devotes itself not just to educating girls about hygiene but also providing them with menstrual cups so that they will be able to attend schools are regularly as their brothers. (And in case any MRAs are wondering “what about the boyz,” the group also runs a Boys Health Management Program.)

Tellingly, when western feminists have tried to raise awareness in the west about this issue, they’ve found themselves ridiculed, and even harassed, by uncomprehending MRAs and other antifeminists who apparently think that any talk about women’s periods is inherently risible.

When feminist writer and Guardian columnist Jessica Valenti wrote a column pointing out that “sanitary products are vital for the health, well-being and full participation of women and girls across the globe,” she faced a torrent of abuse on Twitter, of which the following Tweet was sadly typical:



Ironically, one of the nastiest Tweets — suggesting that Valenti needed “oversized” tampons “for her giant gaping vagina” —  came from a fellow named Adam McPhee, who (as I pointed out at the time) just happened to be the official spokesperson for the Men’s Rights group called Canadian Association For Equality (CAFE).

Or maybe this wasn’t so ironic, as it’s fairly typical of the MRA reaction whenever they encounter evidence of Western feminists trying to reach out to girls and women in the developing world. Or, for that matter, trying to reach out to men.

You may recall the gigantic wave of hostility, largely from MRAs and other antifeminists, that greeted actress and activist Emma Watson after she spoke at the United Nations on behalf of HeForShe, an international initiative to encourage men to help fight for gender equality.

The attacks on Watson have died down, but the HeForShe initiative continues on around the world. Indeed, at an event earlier this year in Nairobi, Kenya, a number of influential African cultural leaders signed on as supporters of the initiative.

The hostility faced by Watson, Valenti and other western feminists whenever they stand up for poor and disenfranchised women around the world makes pretty clear that when MRAs and other antifeminists criticize western feminists for allegedly “not giving a shit” about anyone but their First World selves, they are doing so in bad faith.

Indeed, MRAs and other antifeminists would prefer it if women around the world were never touched by feminism at all.

Pickup artists fetishise women in parts of the world that have been less influenced by feminism than the West, and complain bitterly whenever they discover that some of these women have more feminism in them than they did even a few years ago. Indeed, repugnant pickup guru and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh has chronicled his sad and hopeless quest for the unfeminist Eastern European “Poosy Paradise” of his dreams on his blog and in an ebook.

Meanwhile, MRAs and GamerGaters and other antifeminists have reacted with outrage to the news that the Swedish government will be providing every 16-year-old in the country with a copy of Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED-talk-turned-booklet We Should All Be Feminists. (Note: If you buy her book through that link I get a teensy cut.)

The antifeminists don’t just hate Western women speaking up for their non-Western sisters; they also hate non-Western women who speak up for themselves.

This is sadly even the case when it comes to Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani teenager who famously survived being shot in the face by a would-be assassin unhappy about her advocacy of education for girls.

After Malala was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her bravery in continuing on with her campaign, a writer for A Voice for Men patronizingly declared her a “dupe of [a] deeply bigoted and socially dangerous ideology” — yes, they mean feminism — who may end up becoming “even more dangerous to world peace than Osama Bin Laden ever was … .”

Meanwhile, fantasy author, Manosphere agitator and all around nasty piece of work Vox Day has gone further, offering what can only be seen as a qualified endorsement of the Taliban’s attempt on Malala’s life. As he put it in one recent blog post (discussed here):

[I]n light of the strong correlation between female education and demographic decline, a purely empirical perspective on Malala Yousafzai, the poster girl for global female education, may indicate that the Taliban’s attempt to silence her was perfectly rational and scientifically justifiable.

This is, sadly, not the first time Vox has suggested that violence may be the most “rational” response to women and girls demanding the same educational opportunities as boys and men. In an earlier post (discussed here), Vox asserted that

[F]emale independence is strongly correlated with a whole host of social ills. Using the utilitarian metric favored by most atheists, a few acid-burned faces is a small price to pay for lasting marriages, stable families, legitimate children, low levels of debt, strong currencies, affordable housing, homogenous populations, low levels of crime, and demographic stability.

When antifeminists attack Western feminists for allegedly ignoring the injustices faced by women and girls in the developing world, it’s worth remembering that more than a few in the antifeminist army would prefer that these injustices remain unchallenged, whether by Western feminists, by Malala Yousafzai, or by the girls in Ethiopia’s Yegna.

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9 years ago

@ Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Even more evidence they both lack any care for people who aren’t themselves, and make up whatever will fit their current narrative.

9 years ago

A discussion on how to create an Actual Men’s Rights organization, rather than the sh***y ones we have right now:

9 years ago

Brilliant article David, thank you. I second Fnoicby’s toughts on you writing a book.

9 years ago


Some men do. Ironically MRAs are just as shitty to them too.

My apologies, I was thinking of only cis men when I wrote the post (obviously). No offense meant to trans or other.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Funny, and here I thought I’d been donating to UNICEF for 20 years, trying to help girls and boys to the best of my monetary abilities without stepping into White Saviour territory. Must’ve been imagining it.

(If this sounds like I’m bragging, my apologies, I’m absolutely not. It’s just something I roll my eyes about every time the “Feminists don’t care about Africa!” chestnut gets trotted out.)

9 years ago

Excellent post, David!
But I’d like to point out a typo, as I often do… possibly your most… interesting one to date: “unfghanihappy”
I… kind of wish it was a real word, though I’m not sure what it would mean…

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago

I bet if men bled out of an orifice for 4-7 days each month the MRAs would be on board with distribution of sanitary products.

Some men do. Ironically MRAs are just as shitty to them too.

Not that they would acknowledge them anyway, I don’t think. I’m not sure cis men with their heads so far up their asses would think trans men existed, unless used for proof of “masculine woman”.

9 years ago

@Pandapool, judging from the abundance of hateful “But he’s a MAN!” comments that appear on any story mentioning Caitlyn Jenner, it seems there are plenty of dumbasses who sincerely believe trans people don’t exist, or are just mentally ill.

9 years ago

Frootloopsie: While I understand your frustration with the “What if it was your [wife/mother/sister]?” approach, it does have a place. Empathy is an instinct, but one that initially applies very much to our own in-group, at least for many people. (I’d say ‘most’, actually, but that’s just been my experience, and is thus anecdata.)

Learning to apply it to those outside those circles is something we have to practice. Thought-exercises like the “What if” scenarios can help push the bounds. In particular, it helps when you’re dealing with white/straight/middle-class men who have the privilege of playing thought-games about real-world problems in the first place. Ie, the ones who ask, “Well, why was she…” whenever they hear about a rape, for instance. Getting them to realize that if it was someone close to them, they wouldn’t give a damn about why she whatever, they’d only care about wanting to help her and see the perpetrator brought to justice, is a first step in cracking open the wall.

Obviously, it’s very much not the end-point. But it can be a useful starting-point, and sadly, one of the key lessons I’ve taken from David’s blog is how many people still need that Empathy 101 course.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago

Hey, do MRAs even talk about trans men? I think pretty much the only famous (known) trans man is Chaz Bono? And there’s one or two non-binary peeps out there, too. Do they even talk about them or even remember they exist? Or is it all Caitlin Jenner and Lavern Cox for them?

Do I even wanna know.



Yeah, I figured as much. It’s good in a way because they can just continue fucking not thinking trans and non-binary people exist. The less they think about us, the better. We are ninjas. We are the night. We fly under their radar per the usual.

And then we attack.

9 years ago

Pandapool: Hell, they can barely remember trans women except when they’re making horrid jokes. I sincerely doubt even the big names like Chaz Bono make even a dent in their awareness.

9 years ago

Buttercup Q. Skullpants:
Also of course there was “lasting marriages, stable families, legitimate children” or more accurately, women not being allowed to get a divorce, no matter how she’s treated by the men. It gives me the same eyerolly reaction I get when people talk about how stable arranged marriages are. Gee, when divorce isn’t really a viable option, of course there’s going to be less of it!

As for the “homogenous populations” and “demographic stability.” If that was any more transparent, he’d have just said, “Those women going out after those black guys, ruining the ‘white race,'” while shaking his fist.

9 years ago

@Pandapool, I live near Houston and recently there was a big uproar over a proposed LGBT equal rights bill. Among the provisions was that trans people could use whichever bathroom they felt comfortable using. Plenty of hysteria about “men violating women’s bathrooms”. I saw some MRA type posts amid the general bigotry, though I think they skewed toward hating on trans women and posted less vitriol toward trans men.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
9 years ago

“[I]n light of the strong correlation between female education and demographic decline, a purely empirical perspective on Malala Yousafzai, the poster girl for global female education, may indicate that the Taliban’s attempt to silence her was perfectly rational and scientifically justifiable.”

That is the nastiest thing I’ve read in a long time. Absolutely evil that anyone would argue along such lines. Given how awful MRAs are, this shouldn’t be shocking, I guess.

Glad that so many people rejected Vox Day’s rabid puppy gate nonsense.

9 years ago

Keep this story in mind the next time you hear the MRAs whining about the lack of men’s shelters. Or just when you want to rage-vomit. At least, that’s the reaction I’m having.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago

Pandapool: Hell, they can barely remember trans women except when they’re making horrid jokes. I sincerely doubt even the big names like Chaz Bono make even a dent in their awareness.

@Pandapool, I live near Houston and recently there was a big uproar over a proposed LGBT equal rights bill. Among the provisions was that trans people could use whichever bathroom they felt comfortable using. Plenty of hysteria about “men violating women’s bathrooms”. I saw some MRA type posts amid the general bigotry, though I think they skewed toward hating on trans women and posted less vitriol toward trans men.

They’re aware that unisex bathrooms exist, right? Do some of these cis people just have “men” and “women’s” bathrooms in their homes and forgot about them or something?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago

Keep this story in mind the next time you hear the MRAs whining about the lack of men’s shelters. Or just when you want to rage-vomit. At least, that’s the reaction I’m having.

Gay people also exist.

Straight cis people forgetting a lot of stuff up in here.

9 years ago


Gay people also exist.

Straight cis people forgetting a lot of stuff up in here.

Considering the type of dude that director is, I’m actually grateful for that

9 years ago

They’re aware that unisex bathrooms exist, right? Do some of these cis people just have “men” and “women’s” bathrooms in their homes and forgot about them or something?

They were up in arms because if the bill passed it would allow trans women to use women’s restrooms in businesses, parks, and other public places if they chose. They argued that male pedophiles would be free to put on dresses and hang around in the ladies room at the local playground creeping on little girls and there would be no way to stop them. That’s not an exact quote but that type of argument was definitely used. The language used for trans men using the men’s restroom was less fear-based but still irrational and ridiculous.

9 years ago

Admittedly, in the US most public unisex bathrooms only have space for one person at a time. There are exceptions, but not many.

That said, it honestly seems like a pretty weird concern. I’m given to understand that women’s bathrooms have stalls. And they don’t even mention locker rooms, where large numbers of people stand in the open removing their shirts.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago


Yeah, I’m aware of all the arguments about it and aware of the specific bill you’re talking about because it’s pretty well known in online trans circles. I just mask my outrage with humor because I can’t slap people upside the head in Texas while in California.

The same arguments are used by many people all over the place and aren’t new. From TERFs to Republicans, the talking points are all the same and also completely ignore trans men because anyone with a penis is automatically a predator in their eyes, especially if they deviate from society standards which is white, straight, cis, mostly Christian values.

9 years ago

Oh, locker rooms were mentioned. Also witty comments like “if a woman wants to come into the men’s room and look at my big johnson that’s fine with me, heh heh heh”. It was a whole thing, and it would have been amusing except that they successfully lobbied to vote down the bill.

9 years ago

Why did I read the comments?

Inez Milholland
Inez Milholland
9 years ago

A few acid-burned faces?

Vox Day: truly a shit stain on the face of humanity.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago


I also don’t need you to tell me, a pansexual non-binary individual, what happened to my trans peeps, thank you. I am happy you follow the news and care, but for future reference, 98% of the time, you don’t need to tell me what is happening in the LGBT+ community. I am pretty well plugged into it. In multiple ways. Even before I knew I wasn’t cis. Or gay.

I mean, you wouldn’t know, because I don’t talk about me being part of the trans community and stuff much, I guess. It seems I do now, though. But, you know, you can’t just assume people know stuff about you that you haven’t divulged in much, so lesson learned for me.

December 15, 2015 at 1:56 pm
Why did I read the comments?

I’m suddenly happy I didn’t scroll down further.