#gamergate antifeminism antifeminist women conspiracy theory doubling down entitled babies evil SJWs facepalm honey badgers irony alert money down the toilet MRA playing the victim

Honey Badger Legal Strategy Hampered by Propensity of Time to Run Forwards

Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin
Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is almost over! Please donate, if not for me than just for the chance to SPITE THE HONEY BADGERS! Thanks! 

The ongoing tragicomedy that is the Honey Badger Brigade’s Calgary Expo lawsuit continues to get even more tragicomical! Well, not so much the “tragic” bit, just that “comical” part.

The last time we checked in with the Brigade — that GamerGate-loving, feminist-hating gang of mostly lady YouTube blabbers — they had filed some sort of legal document charging the people in charge of the Calgary Expo with some kind of bad wrongness for tossing them out of the aforementioned Calgary Expo back in April.

They also charged The Mary Sue, a website in the United States that actually has no power over the staff of any expos in Calgary or indeed anywhere else in Canada, with somehow contributing to or causing the expulsion.

Well, The Mary Sue has responded to the Brigade’s legal filing, and the response is a doozy. Happily, the Honey Badgers have put it online for us all to enjoy.

The Mary Sue’s lawyer begins by pointing out that they are — ahem! — headquartered in New York, which is pretty clearly not located in Alberta, Canada, where the lawsuit was filed. (I am reliably informed that Canada is actually a whole other country from us.)

Then The Mary Sue’s lawyer gently reminded the court — and, more to the point, the Honey Badgers — that TIME MOVES FORWARD, not backwards, and that an article that appeared after the Honey Badgers were tossed from the Expo could not have caused them to be tossed from the Expo.

In regard to breach of contract, this claim is not just unfounded, but it is simply impossible based on the timeline of events. The Mary Sue could not have induced the Calgary Expo (“the Expo”) to evict Plaintiff because the aforementioned article was published after Plaintiff’s eviction.

Yep. Apparently the Honey Badger’s fancy disbarred lawyer got the dates mixed up. But hey, the law isn’t about these little details.

There’s more to The Mary Sue’s response, but that’s pretty much the best bit, in this Time-Space continuum at least.

Yesterday, Hannah Wallen of the Honey Badgers — she’s the one who isn’t Karen Straughan or Alison Tieman — posted their official response to the Mary Sue’s letter. It did not mention what we can only call the Honey Badger Time Paradox, but instead tried to distract readers with some new charges against the dastardly Mary Sue.

Mary Sue claims a lack of involvement in Calgary Expo’s choice to expel the Honey Badgers from the event. However, in response to questions on twitter following our expulsion, the expo’s staff referenced The Mary Sue’s article about the event.

Ok, but the Mary Sue article was published after the expulsion, so it could not have caused the expulsion.

The Mary Sue’s prior and existing relationship with Calgary Expo is further demonstrated by an April 15th article promoting the Mary Sue sponsored cosplay contest which was to take place at the event.

Ok, but the Mary Sue article was published after the expulsion, so it could not have caused the expulsion.

Mary Sue weekend editor Sam Maggs was the first person to respond to Britany le Blanc’s first tweet objecting to “MRAs in the audience” at the women into comics panel.

Ok, but the Mary Sue article was published after the expulsion, so it could not have caused the expulsion.

Sorry, Ms. Wallen, but your little sleight of hand is no more effective than this dude’s not-quite-flawless disappearing act.

Just a reminder: the Honey Badgers raised more than $30,000 to cover the legal costs of their patently ludicrous lawsuit.

In my last post I noted that

MRAs and other antifeminists … have wasted literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on causes and projects and people that have pissed away their money without accomplishing anything of value … .

This would be one of those causes.

If you’ve got money burning a hole in your wallet, here’s a much better option:

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9 years ago

@Alan – If you’re willing to try off beat work, I’ll recommend Wax Fang. Probably start with their album “La La Land” and/or their song “The Majestic”.

The music they do is so not “in” right now, but they do the hell out of it and with bracing sincerity.

I heard them for the first time recently – will never be a rabid fan, but what I’ve heard so far has been fun.

9 years ago



EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Thanks David. That’s fairly hard to refute.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Mockingbird

Being “in” is so overrated 😉

Cheers for the recommend, I’ll Defford be checking them out.

9 years ago

I also think the honey badgers are more high brow than AVFM

Two dogs sniffing butts are more highbrow than AVFM.

9 years ago

David Futrelle wrote:

I mean, heck, if Elam can get away with putting them on the AVFM masthead without their permission, maybe I should put them on my masthead just for the heck of it. I mean, I don’t have a masthead, but I guess I could come up with one pretty quickly, especially if I’m allowed to include people who have “bugger all” with me.

Hell, you should go one better and include Elam, Doosh, Heartiste, and other “luminaries” of the MRA in your masthead.

After all, they are a fairly important part of WHTM’s success….

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Gaibolga

After all, they are a fairly important part of WHTM’s success

Oh, I would so love David to do that; just to wind them up. I did something similar once. I had some success in a case that resulted in Greenpeace publishing an article saying “This demonstrates what eco terrorists can get away with when they have clever lawyers”. My colleagues and I put “‘Clever lawyers’ – Greenpeace” in the review bit of our website and named them as a reference for Legal 500.

[I don’t approve of eco terrorism (it wasn’t anyway) but as a committed Sea Shepherd supporter anything that annoys Greenpeace is ok in my book]

happy cat
happy cat
9 years ago

Nice article, as always. 🙂

By the way, have you heard of Ehsan Abdulaziz? Trigger warning rape if you look for his name.

Sometimes I just want to live on another planet…

9 years ago

OT: please check out this powerful “Dear Daddy” ad made by a Norwegian women’s rights organization:

P.S. You may want to skip the comments, though.

9 years ago

Your honor, I believe that it is only right and just to rule in our favor on account of those evil feminazi timelords.

Also isn’t canada one of americas territories?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

The arrow of time is a misandrist construct; everyone knows that.

9 years ago


Halp. My eyes are leaking.

9 years ago

Tengger Cavalry. I’m currently listening to The Expedition; for my money it’s their best album. I don’t know Kontrust or Russkaja; I’ll look them up.

So I’m currently drafting a fantasy novel based on the Golden Horde. Now I know what to put on the soundtrack!

9 years ago

Now, here’s a question for you: Why are you so concerned if people say that they’re similar groups or that they’re related to one another because of staff and moral overlap?

This is my big question, and the one our mighty goalpost-mover hasn’t even tried to answer. Like if someone said “Kitten Rescue is a subsidiary of Best Friends,” sure, I’d correct you and explain that Kitten Rescue is a coalition partner in the NKLA initiative, which is run by Best Friends, and they pull from the Best Friends shelter, and I foster for both of them, but they’re separate organizations.

But I wouldn’t throw a huge shitfit about it, nor would I consider anyone who said that immediately discredited, and if that was the whole lynchpin of my argument, that would be a good sign that the other person was pretty much right in principle and I really didn’t have a meaningful point to make. Because those groups are pretty damn close to each other and most statements that apply to one also apply to the other.

And Best Friends and Kitten Rescue are way more distinct in membership and ideology than AVFM and the Honey Badgers.

9 years ago

@ EJ (The Other One)

Those two articles which you reference, orange tango drinker, were posted in November of 2013 and April of 2015 – that is, many months ago, at which time the word on the street was that Straughan, Tieman and Wallen were still very much members of the AVFM clubhouse. They may have since left, but that does not affect the historical accuracy of Futrelle’s earlier articles.

They really do have a problem with the passage of time. I’m beginning to think we’re living in the Doctor Who ‘verse or something. (And I was trying to avoid making too many Who references. Shows me right.)

@ Orange Lemon Mango or whatever your name is, for someone who claims to care about accuracy, you don’t seem to have any yourself. I’m not giving your ridiculous video a view, why can’t you tell us what your case is? The HBB is related to AVFM, there’s no denying it. They are affiliated- no one is saying HBB is an official sub-group, but they are related and no amount of repeating the same statement will make that untrue. Reality doesn’t bend to your will, just like we don’t bend to your charge that you are ‘striving for accuracy’ or whatever.

9 years ago

Dear N, Parker

And I was trying to avoid making too many Who references.

Point of clarification: There is no such thing as too many Who references.

9 years ago

I don’t get Orange lemon mango, s/he goes back and forth with “They were never associated with AVFM” to “They’re not associated with AVFM anymore”

9 years ago

@ contrapangloss

Very true. Very, very true. I’m sorry for this grave, grave error. Now imagining the Fourth Doctor shouting, in the middle of a quarry, something such as ‘NParker is an imbecile!!’ It’ll provide curly haired UNIT personnel no end of joy to have someone who is not them on the receiving end (of the shouting, and not the scarf.)

Technically, every time I comment I make a Doctor Who reference because of my corner image.

Oh, and would Harry Sullivan really make a gas that turns Zygons inside out? Or was that fake? I couldn’t really tell from the last Zygon story.)

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

I mean, being a regular contributor to AVFM does tend to suggest to people that one is connected to AVFM.

I know Hannah is still involved with AVFM. But out of the 3 women who founded the HBB, she is the only one still involved with AVFM.

Hannah told me on twitter that there are over 30 people involved in the HBB and she is the only one still involved with both groups.

She did say to me that you could consider AVFM and HBB as sibling organisations though.

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

no one is saying HBB is an official sub-group,

Margaret Pless keeps saying that in her articles and on twitter and youtube.

Now, here’s a question for you: Why are you so concerned if people say that they’re similar groups or that they’re related to one another because of staff and moral overlap?

I’m not concerned about people saying they are similar groups, but the honey badgers are not part of AVFM. I don’t think they are similar groups though.

9 years ago

Melon Lemon Tinker, so they’re associated then? Congratulations for just proving exactly what we’ve been saying. They have overlap. We were accurate. Half your posts were not, and the other half contradicted your own points.

See how ‘truth’ works?

9 years ago

Oh, and Margaret Pless is, wait- nothing to do with this website.

9 years ago

I don’t think they are similar groups though.

You don’t think they are similar, even though you can’t give a single example of how they differ from each other. Whoa.

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

Oh, and Margaret Pless is, wait- nothing to do with this website.

She comments here sometimes, and David promotes her articles on this site. So they overlap too.

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