#gamergate antifeminism antifeminist women conspiracy theory doubling down entitled babies evil SJWs facepalm honey badgers irony alert money down the toilet MRA playing the victim

Honey Badger Legal Strategy Hampered by Propensity of Time to Run Forwards

Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin
Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is almost over! Please donate, if not for me than just for the chance to SPITE THE HONEY BADGERS! Thanks! 

The ongoing tragicomedy that is the Honey Badger Brigade’s Calgary Expo lawsuit continues to get even more tragicomical! Well, not so much the “tragic” bit, just that “comical” part.

The last time we checked in with the Brigade — that GamerGate-loving, feminist-hating gang of mostly lady YouTube blabbers — they had filed some sort of legal document charging the people in charge of the Calgary Expo with some kind of bad wrongness for tossing them out of the aforementioned Calgary Expo back in April.

They also charged The Mary Sue, a website in the United States that actually has no power over the staff of any expos in Calgary or indeed anywhere else in Canada, with somehow contributing to or causing the expulsion.

Well, The Mary Sue has responded to the Brigade’s legal filing, and the response is a doozy. Happily, the Honey Badgers have put it online for us all to enjoy.

The Mary Sue’s lawyer begins by pointing out that they are — ahem! — headquartered in New York, which is pretty clearly not located in Alberta, Canada, where the lawsuit was filed. (I am reliably informed that Canada is actually a whole other country from us.)

Then The Mary Sue’s lawyer gently reminded the court — and, more to the point, the Honey Badgers — that TIME MOVES FORWARD, not backwards, and that an article that appeared after the Honey Badgers were tossed from the Expo could not have caused them to be tossed from the Expo.

In regard to breach of contract, this claim is not just unfounded, but it is simply impossible based on the timeline of events. The Mary Sue could not have induced the Calgary Expo (“the Expo”) to evict Plaintiff because the aforementioned article was published after Plaintiff’s eviction.

Yep. Apparently the Honey Badger’s fancy disbarred lawyer got the dates mixed up. But hey, the law isn’t about these little details.

There’s more to The Mary Sue’s response, but that’s pretty much the best bit, in this Time-Space continuum at least.

Yesterday, Hannah Wallen of the Honey Badgers — she’s the one who isn’t Karen Straughan or Alison Tieman — posted their official response to the Mary Sue’s letter. It did not mention what we can only call the Honey Badger Time Paradox, but instead tried to distract readers with some new charges against the dastardly Mary Sue.

Mary Sue claims a lack of involvement in Calgary Expo’s choice to expel the Honey Badgers from the event. However, in response to questions on twitter following our expulsion, the expo’s staff referenced The Mary Sue’s article about the event.

Ok, but the Mary Sue article was published after the expulsion, so it could not have caused the expulsion.

The Mary Sue’s prior and existing relationship with Calgary Expo is further demonstrated by an April 15th article promoting the Mary Sue sponsored cosplay contest which was to take place at the event.

Ok, but the Mary Sue article was published after the expulsion, so it could not have caused the expulsion.

Mary Sue weekend editor Sam Maggs was the first person to respond to Britany le Blanc’s first tweet objecting to “MRAs in the audience” at the women into comics panel.

Ok, but the Mary Sue article was published after the expulsion, so it could not have caused the expulsion.

Sorry, Ms. Wallen, but your little sleight of hand is no more effective than this dude’s not-quite-flawless disappearing act.

Just a reminder: the Honey Badgers raised more than $30,000 to cover the legal costs of their patently ludicrous lawsuit.

In my last post I noted that

MRAs and other antifeminists … have wasted literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on causes and projects and people that have pissed away their money without accomplishing anything of value … .

This would be one of those causes.

If you’ve got money burning a hole in your wallet, here’s a much better option:

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9 years ago

As a Christian myself, There is so much I want to say and do to that no good christian but I don’t want to get banned I wish I can meet him and pray for those women and children that’s all I’m going to say. it makes me tremoudously sad to see people like this. It makes me want to open my own shelters.

I believe like some commenters here said they are a group of women who only joined the misognists cause they can be safe but one wrong move will be hell for them. I also think that some of them including JB and Erin are just in it for the money and power. All they have to do is drop a little bit of oil onto the fire and watch it burn and cha Ching they’re not only safe but rich and have control too. They really think that the men and boys there (in general) are illogical and easy so they just use them probably mocking them afterwards too. Some of them also have some bigotry against other minorities like poc and gay people so they joined a group to shut down and derail their activism, etc. so they really don’t care about anyone but the themselves.

I do have some sympathy for one her name is Karen (yeah you can all throw up now) she said the only reason she dresses and acts like a boy is because she felt like no matter what she does she just feels ugly and she felt like she didn’t belong with the girls because they were pretty and popular so she just hung out with the guys. I’m not excusing her actions whatsoever I just think it’s sad.
There is a black woman but I don’t know her very well I don’t even know her name.

I do have sympathy and I understand for anyone who would want to join the mrm (men, men of color, etc) but they are never going to get any help instead those kinds of places are just going to suck the life out of them and then will be tossed aside like trash. Only 7 out of 8 MRAs I know have turned away from the mrm (a voice for men) for how evil they are. They even used their abuse and rape as weapons against feminists and women and even been used against themselves and been called “beta” “mangina” etc so most of them left to become feminists.

So MRAs it is you and people like you is what making people become feminists

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago


Need $30,000 for legal fees.
Also need $17,000,000,000 for time machine.
Explain later.

Surely it would be “explain last Tuesday?”

9 years ago


It’s there any chance that they saw the Mary Sue logo (a woman) and the Expo logo (also a woman – in a cowboy hat, natch), got them confused, and the rest has all been an attempt to save face?

Seems unlikely considering there are a bunch of Albertans in the HBBs. Of course it is still possible, since they may not be able to see through their colons well enough to identify any distinguishing characteristics of the outside world

9 years ago


Oh, Lionel Hutz! One of my favourite characters. His scenes are always brilliant.

@ Moocow

That time zone thing is hilarious! People really can’t be that hilariously ignorant, can they? – oh wait, they are MRAs. Of course they can.

I wonder how large the Mary Sue’s legal budget is, I guessing like most online publications they are most likely already operating on a knife’s edge financially, every time they have to make a new legal filing it must cut right into the years xmas bonuses. mawhahahahahaha…

That’s part of what separates MRAs from real activists. The most terrifying thing for MRAs- no Christmas bonus. (and you just know this person’s projecting their own fears) The most terrifying thing to real activists? Not being able to spend resources on helping others.

Why yes, gamergate, i recommend you bring your army of flying monkeys to the courtroom and enjoy the show.

They couldn’t create flying monkeys! They don’t know what a soul is meant to be in the first place! Although they do wish to manipulate people… (Sorry, Wicked reference- I imagine only a few will know what I’m banging on about.)

@ David Futrelle

My personal favourite part of the article,

Ok, but the Mary Sue article was published after the expulsion, so it could not have caused the expulsion.

repeated. I laughed heartily.

Also, I too find it hilarious they actually think they have a chance of winning!

(Oh, and the four videos I got for the end of dhag85’s were Lionel Hutz, Bad Court Thingy, Best of Lionel Hutz, and… Lego Dimensions Character Reactions to Vehicles, with Shaggy Rogers, an Indominus Rex and a Tardis within. I know that’s based on my video history, but it was such a surreal picture to see I needed to share it!)

9 years ago

@ EJ (The Other One)


Need $30,000 for legal fees.
Also need $17,000,000,000 for time machine.
Explain later.

Surely it would be “explain last Tuesday?”

They said that originally, but now that reality no longer exists…
(If anyone knows how I know this… have any of you ever seen me and the Doctor in the same room? Exactly.)

(I believe that you were referencing Curse of Fatal Death, dhag85?)

9 years ago

But wait — MRAs are constantly saying that they’re rational, logic-based, factual, and removed from their emotions.

This can’t be true at all!

9 years ago

And today in 8channers being terrible

Threatening women, POC, and LQBT people is one thing, but threaten jihad and the FBI is definitely going to take that seriously. Even if it was just for the “lulz.”

I will exhibit absolutely no surprise if the person who did this turns out to be a gamergater.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
9 years ago

The Mary Sue response was beyoooootiful.

@Moocow, here are a couple of articles explaining the origin of Vivian James’s colours (Piccolo Dick):


GamerGoobers swear up and down that the colours have nothing to do with Piccolo Dick but the evidence is contained in a 4chan IRC chat log (#burgersandfries).

@WWTH, bloody hell. My first inclination was to wonder if the LA threat originated from 4chan but I quickly dismissed the idea.

9 years ago


I really have no idea what the Curse of Fatal Death is. I was definitely not referincing it, but it sounds pretty awesome! 🙂



9 years ago

@WWTH, bloody hell. My first inclination was to wonder if the LA threat originated from 4chan but I quickly dismissed the idea.

I think that these days any time there’s a threat, a channer is a pretty reasonable suspect.

9 years ago


Ah, great coincidence then!
(CoFD is a Doctor Who parody episode with Rowan Atkinson (who soon regenerates into Hugh Grant, Jim Broadbent, Richard E Grant and Joanna Lumley. ‘I’ll explain later’ is a running joke in it. I just saw time travel, and the line, I just wondered. Just to inform!)

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

the honey badgers are NOT part of AVFM. They are bloody bugger all to do with AVFM. They address that lie in this video.

9 years ago


Since I’m 1 hour ahead of the UK, is it possible that my previous comments inspired the creation of Curse of Fatal Death? (Yes.)

9 years ago

SFHC – your comments always make me laugh. Especially when they involve photoshop. So awesome.

These honey boogers make me laugh as well, just in a totally different kind of way.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
9 years ago

@orange tango drinker

You can’t fool me! That’s Kool-Aid you’re drinking.

The HBB writes articles for AVFM, they went to the 2014 conference hosted by AVFM and at least one of them gave a presentation (Karen Straughan), AVFM links and/or hosts their videos, they promote AVFM, and they’re practically sleeping together.

If Sage Gerard is still claiming to be a Honey Badger, he’s listed right on the AVFM masthead as are Karen Straughan and Alison Tieman. Nice try; no cigar.

9 years ago

Where the hell do they get all that money from?

That’s about double what the two of us made last year.


Oh. My. God.

Obama’s a time traveller?

For contributing to the rise of Hitler, yes.

But Jeb Bush went back too and killed Baby Hitler, so none of that Second World War stuff people keep having recurring nightmares about actually happened and so Obama failed to help him rise.

Unfortunately, the Depression never ended, either, so the space programme never happened and the research which led to the invention of the time machine didn’t happen either.

Who are you, anyway, and what am I doing here using a typewriter with no paper?

I always hate this dream.

9 years ago

the honey badgers are NOT part of AVFM. They are bloody bugger all to do with AVFM. They address that lie in this video.

Not going to watch the video because I don’t want YouTube recommending me anti-feminist videos for the next several weeks, but what is it with different anti-feminist sub groups so vigorously denying any association with other anti-feminist sub groups? You all have the same views and you often praise each other. Until someone outside the manosphere mixes the groups up and it’s all pearl clutching and denial.

That said, didn’t Straughn speak at the MRA conference Paul Elam put on?

ETA: Ninja’d by Auntie Alias on the conference thing. The nice thing about the edit button that I didn’t forsee is you don’t have to make a separate ninja’d! post.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

I think y’all are overthinking it when it comes to the HBB and why they are anti-feminists. They don’t at all seem to be trying to shield themselves against MRA horribleness with some kind of weird defense mechanism. Rather, they give every indication that they think they are different than (better than) feminist women. They really seem to think that when MRAs say that women are moneygrubbing gendered slurs, they are themselves exempted from that description. They seem to genuinely have this “just one of the guys” thing going on, where they don’t think of themselves as being in the same category as other women.

Friction in this kind of dynamic is inevitable. It is only a matter of time before some male-identifying MRA forgets that “present company is excepted, of course,” at which point the female-identifying MRA has a choice to either just absorb the misogynist insult, or object and risk being labeled a gendered-slur herself for daring to say something that isn’t in total agreement with him. It’s a nasty situation to be in, and one that occurs over and over as long as the “I’m not like those other [members of my marginalized group]” sticks around, and it couldn’t possibly happen to a more deserving group than the HBB.

9 years ago


Since I’m 1 hour ahead of the UK, is it possible that my previous comments inspired the creation of Curse of Fatal Death? (Yes.)

LOL. A lot.
Wonder if any lurking MRAs understand the irony of the joke?

But Jeb Bush went back too and killed Baby Hitler, so none of that Second World War stuff people keep having recurring nightmares about actually happened and so Obama failed to help him rise.

Unfortunately, the Depression never ended, either, so the space programme never happened and the research which led to the invention of the time machine didn’t happen either.

Who are you, anyway, and what am I doing here using a typewriter with no paper?

I always hate this dream.

Alternate history- I like it! Hang about- where’s my time machine gone? Oh, now its back. Nope, gone. No wait- something’s wrong… (stares dramatically into the middle distance)

Ooh, and in a twist- Obama also invented the space programme. And invented speculation on the stock market.That messes the timeline up even more.

9 years ago

So I’ve been sitting here for a few minutes musing over this…the Honey Badger Brigade* makes stuff up to the point that you need time travel to explain it and they get $30,000 to clean up their mess. YET, the directors of the movie “Primer”–which is just a great movie about time travel–were able to slap together a convincing, decent time travel story for $7,000. Now, I’m assuming those are both USD figures. Maybe I’m wrong that the HBB raised $30,000 Canadian dollars, but even with differences in exchange rates, that puts Primer at a much lower cost to make an actual time travel movie vs. a nonsensical time travel trainwreck of a lawsuit.

Maybe we can get some mangaku to make a sequel to “The Girl Who Leaped through Time” about the group of angry, anti-feminist badger-people who follow her through her various time leaps. Might be worth a giggle. 😉

* Has anyone analyzed their protofascist name? Brigades and Youth Groups smack of Fascism/Totalism to me. Creeps me out, but par for the course, I suppose as many of the things they spout line up pretty well with some of Umberto Eco’s criteria for defining fascism.

And also, “Badger” I assume was chosen for its verbal function, not as a noun: i.e. they show up and badger and harass feminists wherever and whenever they can. Why would you put that in your name? That’s such a bullheaded thing to do. Yuck!

9 years ago

@ DS

I’d pay to watch that movie.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

I think “honey badger” was chosen because that’s what Paul Elam called them, and is probably related to the actual animal called the honey badger.

As to what made him think that an awesome animal like the honey badger deserved to be saddled with the association with MRAs and feMRAs, I have no idea.

9 years ago

@DS, while I don’t doubt that the HBB does indeed enjoy badgering feminists at any opportunity, I’m fairly certain that the “Honey Badger” label is a reference to the fairly popular meme that honey badgers are relatively fearless and “don’t give a shit.”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

nparker — try checking a small diner in Nevada, I think there might be a spare TARDIS over there.

Semi on topic — orange tango drinker’s video is an hour and 45 minutes long. Why can’t MRAs ever be concise? Or pithy. I like pithy, it’s a nice word. And apparently my iOS dictionary is set to French currently, odd considering I’m definitely using the English keyboard!

9 years ago

@ Argenti Aertheri

Thanks for the tip. I’ll take my time machine to get there.

Hang on…

Why does travelling with Clara and Me sound more appealing than travelling with the Doctor all of a sudden?