#gamergate antifeminism antifeminist women conspiracy theory doubling down entitled babies evil SJWs facepalm honey badgers irony alert money down the toilet MRA playing the victim

Honey Badger Legal Strategy Hampered by Propensity of Time to Run Forwards

Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin
Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is almost over! Please donate, if not for me than just for the chance to SPITE THE HONEY BADGERS! Thanks! 

The ongoing tragicomedy that is the Honey Badger Brigade’s Calgary Expo lawsuit continues to get even more tragicomical! Well, not so much the “tragic” bit, just that “comical” part.

The last time we checked in with the Brigade — that GamerGate-loving, feminist-hating gang of mostly lady YouTube blabbers — they had filed some sort of legal document charging the people in charge of the Calgary Expo with some kind of bad wrongness for tossing them out of the aforementioned Calgary Expo back in April.

They also charged The Mary Sue, a website in the United States that actually has no power over the staff of any expos in Calgary or indeed anywhere else in Canada, with somehow contributing to or causing the expulsion.

Well, The Mary Sue has responded to the Brigade’s legal filing, and the response is a doozy. Happily, the Honey Badgers have put it online for us all to enjoy.

The Mary Sue’s lawyer begins by pointing out that they are — ahem! — headquartered in New York, which is pretty clearly not located in Alberta, Canada, where the lawsuit was filed. (I am reliably informed that Canada is actually a whole other country from us.)

Then The Mary Sue’s lawyer gently reminded the court — and, more to the point, the Honey Badgers — that TIME MOVES FORWARD, not backwards, and that an article that appeared after the Honey Badgers were tossed from the Expo could not have caused them to be tossed from the Expo.

In regard to breach of contract, this claim is not just unfounded, but it is simply impossible based on the timeline of events. The Mary Sue could not have induced the Calgary Expo (“the Expo”) to evict Plaintiff because the aforementioned article was published after Plaintiff’s eviction.

Yep. Apparently the Honey Badger’s fancy disbarred lawyer got the dates mixed up. But hey, the law isn’t about these little details.

There’s more to The Mary Sue’s response, but that’s pretty much the best bit, in this Time-Space continuum at least.

Yesterday, Hannah Wallen of the Honey Badgers — she’s the one who isn’t Karen Straughan or Alison Tieman — posted their official response to the Mary Sue’s letter. It did not mention what we can only call the Honey Badger Time Paradox, but instead tried to distract readers with some new charges against the dastardly Mary Sue.

Mary Sue claims a lack of involvement in Calgary Expo’s choice to expel the Honey Badgers from the event. However, in response to questions on twitter following our expulsion, the expo’s staff referenced The Mary Sue’s article about the event.

Ok, but the Mary Sue article was published after the expulsion, so it could not have caused the expulsion.

The Mary Sue’s prior and existing relationship with Calgary Expo is further demonstrated by an April 15th article promoting the Mary Sue sponsored cosplay contest which was to take place at the event.

Ok, but the Mary Sue article was published after the expulsion, so it could not have caused the expulsion.

Mary Sue weekend editor Sam Maggs was the first person to respond to Britany le Blanc’s first tweet objecting to “MRAs in the audience” at the women into comics panel.

Ok, but the Mary Sue article was published after the expulsion, so it could not have caused the expulsion.

Sorry, Ms. Wallen, but your little sleight of hand is no more effective than this dude’s not-quite-flawless disappearing act.

Just a reminder: the Honey Badgers raised more than $30,000 to cover the legal costs of their patently ludicrous lawsuit.

In my last post I noted that

MRAs and other antifeminists … have wasted literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on causes and projects and people that have pissed away their money without accomplishing anything of value … .

This would be one of those causes.

If you’ve got money burning a hole in your wallet, here’s a much better option:

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9 years ago


Yaaaaay! Kitties!!

And if your debating skills IRL are anything like what I’ve seen you post here, I assure you, you’re great at debating!

Some people just react very poorly to being proven wrong and especially *shudders* by a woman. If someone resorts to calling you that crap, IMO, consider it a victory on your end. They couldn’t refute your argument, so they resorted to discrediting you or insulting you.


Thanks! My approach ended up being “fuck this socializing shit, I’m gonna play some video games”. It kind of worked, I made friends with people who played games and I’ve always enjoyed JRPGs which often feature male characters who have feminine traits, like Tidus.

Also, totally off topic, but how do I make an avatar? Do I need to make a whole wordpress account?


I approooooooooooooooooooooooove!!


Thank you! That’s encouraging. In some of these memories I’m still at the “oh yeah, that was abuse” stage. Going through it, I thought it’s just what life, school or socializing was ‘supposed’ to be like.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

@EJ (The Other One):

I’m pretty sure Walter would be slashing it too. I can see it from here: you’re the one offering hugs, which implicitly puts you in a superior position, because you’re the comforter rather than the comforting. But then, as you hug, gasp! It becomes clear that Moocow possesses the Penis of All Penises™! Clearly you cannot be in the superior position! The shift in hierarchy turns out to be arousing. Violins begin to swoosh. Dewy-eyed you stare at one another. Bluebirds sing. Awkward negotiations begin. As Moocow’s trousers fall, in the distance the jaws of his former bullies crack as they hit the floor, their eyes staring in awe as they slowly back away, kneeling, kow-towing, begging to be forgiven. With a sneering lip Moocow refuses. Turning back to one another, you embrace. The bullies’ minds implode in a confused cloud of “Look! The Lord of Large Dongs is among us! We must worship!” and “OMG, gay.” Rates of hyperventilation and sales of fans among straight nerd women skyrocket. Even photos of kittens cannot distract them. Its business model lost, WHTM goes under. The power of the Lord of Large Dongs is once again confirmed.

ETA: Umm… well, that went a bit further than anticipated. My apologies to both Moocow and EJ for putting them in this… slightly awkward spot. (I will not, however, apologize to any hyperventilating straight nerd women.)

9 years ago

Hey, it’s not just straight nerd women who slash! Some of us are pan. Though I think I may be more of a dork than a nerd.

Nevertheless, I look forward to the EJ/moocow/Walter shipping wars.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Also putting my eggs in the pan(sexual) basket here.

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

However, it is not a mutilation. It is an operation that is barely ever dangerous and nothing much is lost

sorry but you must be circumcised yourself if you think nothing much is lost, I am uncircumcised and I know I would be missing out on a lot.

As for their show, well, a couple months back I decided to give an episode of HBB a listen. Not that long into the show, to my great surprise, they were all talking about how terrible they imagined my sex life to be. Is this a regular feature of their shows?

No its not a regular feature, i’ve never heard it before. They do make fun of you sometimes though.

Having interacted with you, I can see you’re not stupid, I don’t think you’re arguing in bad faith (people who argue in bad faith seldom concede points or stick to the topic, as you’ve done) and I don’t want to think of you as naive. However, those really are the only options. This is why I am disappointed in you for the PRATT.

I wanted to know if that individual was talking about true MRAs or all the non MRAs that get lumped together.

The HBB talk to a bunch of feminists on this episode

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

9 years ago

You can’t really claim you’d lose a lot without actually getting the surgery. It causes some degree of loss of sensitivity, which for many people ends up being an improvement, and it lowers the risk of some diseases and raises the risk of others. However, it is a painful surgery and we should really stop doing it to infants.

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

Skeptorr, Bane666au and Spinosauruskin are 3 MRAs on youtube who I like apart from the HBB and they are not misogynists

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

You can’t really claim you’d lose a lot without actually getting the surgery.

Of course I can because I know what its like to have a foreskin

Imperator Kahlo
Imperator Kahlo
9 years ago


Perhaps, OTD, you could point us to a particular issue or segment of a particular video in which their totally-not-misogynistic attitudes are best displayed? Or explain to us what about their views make them non-toxic?

Vague assertions ain’t going to convince anyone here, and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in saying there is no way I’m watching more than 5 minutes of a HBB or HBB-adjacent video.

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

have you ever listened to any of the HBB shows?

9 years ago

And we’re back to orange troll trying to convince us to listen to honey badger radio

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

none of you have even listened to the shows but you know the shows are bad.

9 years ago

@OTD, you know what it’s like to have a foreskin.

A guy who got circumcised as a baby knows what it’s like to not have a foreskin.

Neither of you can really compare it, because you each only know one side.

You don’t know how much you’d actually lose because you’re just imagining what you think it would be like.

I’m against circumcision too, but I don’t really think you’re helping by basically saying that circumcised guys are broken.

9 years ago

Are there any MRAs who write that aren’t toxic? Watching videos is more time consuming than reading, and it’s harder to track down citations and do general fact-checking with them, too.

9 years ago

none of you have even listened to the shows but you know the shows are bad.

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

Are there any MRAs who write that aren’t toxic? Watching videos is more time consuming than reading, and it’s harder to track down citations and do general fact-checking with them, too.

The HBB has lots of articles on their website, I don’t read them though, I only listen to the shows.

9 years ago

I don’t need to listen to it to know it’s bad, because their views are bad. It didn’t take long to find proof of that

Anyone who says something like this

“A rapist is a very damaged man (usually damaged by women) or a man who really really really wants sex but can’t convince a woman to willingly lie down with him.”

is bad.

9 years ago

Jumping Jehoshaphat. That video is more than two hours!!???!

I apologise and explain the important points and give the relevant time steps when I link to videos, on other sites, when that vid is more than 8 minutes or so long. And those links are to science presentations.

Who listens to stuff for more than 2 hours unless their sight is limited/dodgy/tiring, or they like something other than music to listen to while they work or clean out the fridge or drive long distances?

OTD. Nobody, nobody at all, is going to put in 2 hours for your video unless you give some pointers to relevant time slots for the point you want to get across. (I count David out of that nobody because he’ll sometimes do it for particular videos because he’s writing/ reporting about it.) The rest of us won’t bother unless someone is overtaken by some weird impulse of curiosity.

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

Yes its an episode of one of their shows. The had a discussion with a group of feminists

Imperator Kahlo
Imperator Kahlo
9 years ago



And they release these two hour videos five times a week? I actually give them sincere props for their prolific work.

@Orange Tango Drinker

But yeah, OTD, what WWTH said. I have a low tolerance for video as an informative medium – my brain just doesn’t absorb info well that way – but I am aware of the HBB’s views from their written work. There is no reason for me to believe their views as presented in video format are any different.

But I am wildly interested* in the idea that there are, in fact, non-misogynistic self-identified MRAs, and would 100% watch a segment of video that demonstrates that. By, for example, discussing fathers’ rights or curcumsicion with degenerating into women blaming, or – and this would be the holy grail – suggesting that feminists could be and in fact ARE allies on many issues affecting men.

The Badgers deigning to exchange words with their ideological opponents is not, in fact, an example of the non-toxicity of their views.

* seriously, I cannot overstate how interested I would be in discovering such a unicorn in the wild.

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Skeptorr, Bane666au and Spinosauruskin are 3 MRAs on youtube who I like apart from the HBB and they are not misogynists

Bane666au? This Bane666au? Seriously?

9 years ago

I thought that name sounded familiar. Thanks.

Orange troll,
comment image

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

Yes thats right. He is Australian, they don’t use the C word the same way Americans do.

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