#gamergate antifeminism antifeminist women conspiracy theory doubling down entitled babies evil SJWs facepalm honey badgers irony alert money down the toilet MRA playing the victim

Honey Badger Legal Strategy Hampered by Propensity of Time to Run Forwards

Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin
Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is almost over! Please donate, if not for me than just for the chance to SPITE THE HONEY BADGERS! Thanks! 

The ongoing tragicomedy that is the Honey Badger Brigade’s Calgary Expo lawsuit continues to get even more tragicomical! Well, not so much the “tragic” bit, just that “comical” part.

The last time we checked in with the Brigade — that GamerGate-loving, feminist-hating gang of mostly lady YouTube blabbers — they had filed some sort of legal document charging the people in charge of the Calgary Expo with some kind of bad wrongness for tossing them out of the aforementioned Calgary Expo back in April.

They also charged The Mary Sue, a website in the United States that actually has no power over the staff of any expos in Calgary or indeed anywhere else in Canada, with somehow contributing to or causing the expulsion.

Well, The Mary Sue has responded to the Brigade’s legal filing, and the response is a doozy. Happily, the Honey Badgers have put it online for us all to enjoy.

The Mary Sue’s lawyer begins by pointing out that they are — ahem! — headquartered in New York, which is pretty clearly not located in Alberta, Canada, where the lawsuit was filed. (I am reliably informed that Canada is actually a whole other country from us.)

Then The Mary Sue’s lawyer gently reminded the court — and, more to the point, the Honey Badgers — that TIME MOVES FORWARD, not backwards, and that an article that appeared after the Honey Badgers were tossed from the Expo could not have caused them to be tossed from the Expo.

In regard to breach of contract, this claim is not just unfounded, but it is simply impossible based on the timeline of events. The Mary Sue could not have induced the Calgary Expo (“the Expo”) to evict Plaintiff because the aforementioned article was published after Plaintiff’s eviction.

Yep. Apparently the Honey Badger’s fancy disbarred lawyer got the dates mixed up. But hey, the law isn’t about these little details.

There’s more to The Mary Sue’s response, but that’s pretty much the best bit, in this Time-Space continuum at least.

Yesterday, Hannah Wallen of the Honey Badgers — she’s the one who isn’t Karen Straughan or Alison Tieman — posted their official response to the Mary Sue’s letter. It did not mention what we can only call the Honey Badger Time Paradox, but instead tried to distract readers with some new charges against the dastardly Mary Sue.

Mary Sue claims a lack of involvement in Calgary Expo’s choice to expel the Honey Badgers from the event. However, in response to questions on twitter following our expulsion, the expo’s staff referenced The Mary Sue’s article about the event.

Ok, but the Mary Sue article was published after the expulsion, so it could not have caused the expulsion.

The Mary Sue’s prior and existing relationship with Calgary Expo is further demonstrated by an April 15th article promoting the Mary Sue sponsored cosplay contest which was to take place at the event.

Ok, but the Mary Sue article was published after the expulsion, so it could not have caused the expulsion.

Mary Sue weekend editor Sam Maggs was the first person to respond to Britany le Blanc’s first tweet objecting to “MRAs in the audience” at the women into comics panel.

Ok, but the Mary Sue article was published after the expulsion, so it could not have caused the expulsion.

Sorry, Ms. Wallen, but your little sleight of hand is no more effective than this dude’s not-quite-flawless disappearing act.

Just a reminder: the Honey Badgers raised more than $30,000 to cover the legal costs of their patently ludicrous lawsuit.

In my last post I noted that

MRAs and other antifeminists … have wasted literally hundreds of thousands of dollars on causes and projects and people that have pissed away their money without accomplishing anything of value … .

This would be one of those causes.

If you’ve got money burning a hole in your wallet, here’s a much better option:

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orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

Yes you are right actually, I just reread the article as well. It does call AVFM their parent organisation which is what the Alison objected to.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I read “parent” in the sense that the Honey Badger Brigade was an offshoot of AVFM (which it was) rather than than in the sense that they’re a chapter of AVFM (which it appears that Elam also says they’re not, ish.)

You’re right that Pless could have been clearer and that her language can be read ambiguously. However, accusing her of being dishonest is a fairly strong and offensive term. The term implies that she knew the truth and she avoided it out of malice, which I think we both accept was not the case here.

I get that you’re a fan of the Honey Badgers, and while that means you’re my ideological enemy that doesn’t mean that we can’t be nice about it. In particular, I know that Pless reads this forum sometimes, and it would mean a lot to me if you would apologise and take back your repetition of the Honey Badgers’ accusation of dishonesty.

After that, you’re welcome to stay around and chat about cats and video games if you like.

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

I agree, I take back my accusation of Margaret Pless being a liar on that issue and apologize to her.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Thank you.

9 years ago

Having more feminists on the show still wouldn’t change that MRA views are toxic.

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

Having more feminists on the show still wouldn’t change that MRA views are toxic.

which MRA views are toxic?

9 years ago

@ Orange Tango Drinker

Seriously? You’re- you’re actually asking that? This… isn’t a joke, is it?

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

i’m not joking, I think a lot of feminists don’t know much about MRA views. Even the ones on this website

9 years ago

I know you weren’t joking. Look on practically any article here for the answer that, for most of the population of this planet, would be incredibly obvious.

9 years ago

@orange tango drinker – I’ve only had time to skim through this thread as its grown, but I wanted to pop in and say that your ability to keep things civil and to change course when presented with conflicting information is heartening.

This is how ideological opponents can have constructive conversations.

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

thank you mockingbird.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

@orange tango drinker

I wrote an essay about that question actually. Let me retrieve it.

This is in answer to a message I received, and grew to essay length. I am unapologetic about my longwindedness.

I was born with a penis and a Y chromosome, and for these reasons my parents decided to raise me as male. I’ve questioned my sexuality and my kink extensively, but not my gender: inasmuch as “male” has a meaning, I seem to be one. I’m very fortunate that I currently live in a society which allows people to question their gender and to explore concepts such as intergender and queer, and I’m even more fortunate that I was born to a comfortable enough existence to have the privilege to do such things without getting beaten up or shunned. While I have an immense respect for those who do, personally, I’ve never felt the need to identify as any other gender.

This does not mean that because I identify as male, I mean the same things by the word as anyone else does. I don’t care about the football, I really don’t. I will politely pretend to follow the rugby and the cricket because I’m of a culture which is expected to do so, but politeness is as far as it goes. I’ve never owned an Xbox or fired a gun, and I hope to go my entire life without doing either. I choose not to grow a beard, and only in the last few years began to cut my hair short. I choose not to engage in aggressive testosterone-measuring contests during conversation. I do not regard my career as being something that I can “win.” I have no difficulty feeling or discussing my emotions, and have been known to cry when upset. In short, I may not fit anyone else’s definition of a typical man.

This is where I differ from a lot of people: I don’t see these as being intrinsically male traits. I see them as being traits that men in our society are taught, from a very young age. The difference between the two is subtle but significant: we’re taught as boys that we should aspire to develop some traits and shun others, while girls are taught that they should develop and shun different traits. Boys are trained to compete against one another, not to feel emotions, and to have wish-fulfilment power fantasies based around money, violence and dominance. Girls, meanwhile, are trained differently (I wasn’t raised as one so I can’t speak for what they’re taught). In neither case are we given a choice. In neither case are we asked to consent to the role that we’re being trained for.

Consent, as every good citizen knows, is key. And this is why I reject both the concept of gender roles in their entirety, and also the concept of the men’s rights movement.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but in my experience it wasn’t women who brought me up to deny my own feelings and see obedience and discipline as admirable. It wasn’t women who taught the “boys will be boys” attitude of laxity towards violence. It wasn’t women who portrayed sex as being a matter of doing something to someone rather than doing something with them. These are things that men teach one another. We act as distant, unapproachable fathers because that’s what our fathers were like. We act aggressively towards our friends because that’s what boys do. We hide our weaknesses from people who admire us, and so they learn that admitting to one’s weaknesses is a fault.

I wasn’t bullied as a child because I had my growth spurt hard and early and so I was always one of the bigger kids, but I’ve seen people get bullied, and it isn’t a thing inflicted on boys from without. It’s a thing we do to one another, a sickness of our society that never gets cured because we don’t see it as a problem.

That sickness has a very simple core: we see being male as an all-or-nothing affair. You are either strong and silent and motivated by power, or you are a faggot. You are either heterosexual and strong and smart and cruel, or you are a sissy. You are either obedient and disciplined and aggressive, or you need to man up and grow a pair. At no point do we allow ourselves to take a step back and look at the entire list of traits that we’ve been trained to display, and pick and choose our own definition of being male from it. We keep each other in line, but more importantly we keep ourselves in line. We’ve been taught to panic at anything which differs from the script even slightly, as if losing one of the list of traditional male attributes necessarily means that we’re no longer allowed to excel – or even participate – in another. There’s a very telling word for this: emasculation. If we see a man in a movie who’s henpecked by his wife, or who panics at the sight of blood, or who owns a smaller car than his neighbour, we think of him as being somehow less of a man, and start to suspect him of vacillating in all the other male traits too.

This is a suicide pact. It’s madness. It’s absurdity. I will have no part in it. More importantly, I will have no part of any movement which does not recognise that this is not inflicted by any outside agency. We are not an oppressed group. This is a self-inflicted poison.

This is why I reject the concept of the men’s rights movement. We do not need to win rights. We have all the rights we need. We have no enemy apart from ourselves. What we need to do is to release one another from the suicide pact. You get to be male, I get to be male, your sons and my sons get to be male, and none of us get to dictate what being male means to anyone else. We need to stop treating maleness as being an all-or-nothing affair, and start behaving as though it’s a la carte.

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

well about half of the articles here are not about MRAs and even when it is about MRAs, couldn’t you also find feminists saying nasty things ? or stupid things? there are anti feminist sites that compile terrible things said by feminists.

Cherry picking some nasty things said by MRAs doesn’t mean its an MRA view does it? I know there are a lot of horrible MRAs like Paul Elam and Tommy Sotomayor and AVFM but I think HBB are a good group and lots of other MRAs on youtube who make sensible points and are not misogynistic.

Yes I am curious what MRA views you think are toxic to see if they are even MRA views. Many feminists use MRA as a general all purpose term for a sexist, David Futrelle even said so in an article called “sorry MRAs you are kleenex” or something like that. Also many feminists call anybody who is anti feminism an MRA even if they don’t advocate for mens rights and are very anti MRA. I even see feminists call other feminists MRAs as a slur because they don’t believe they are go far enough in their feminism. To me the only people you should take into account when talking about MRA views are people who self identify as MRAs.

There is a youtube channel called the skeptic feminist, it is a collab channel of 3 people who live together and identify as radical feminists. 2 women and 1 man. They say they are not anti MRA but that they are anti anybody who is anti feminist. Obviously the vast majority of MRAs are anti feminist but the skeptic feminist say that MRAs should be MRAs without being anti feminist. What do you think about that?

9 years ago

Orange Tango Drinker

Of course you could find some feminists saying reprehensible shit. That has been discussed numerous times on this website, and David tells us sometimes that he has both banned feminist commenters for violent language and the like.

However, this is a few drops in an entire ocean of compassionate, thoughtful and respectful people we call feminism.

MRAs constantly accuse us and other feminists of ‘cherry picking,’ and whether you consider yourself one or simply similar, or even not at all, you are exactly the same in this regard. This has been discussed, debunked, and mocked already. David is not ‘cherry picking.’ Go onto any MRA site. Look at the posts- practically all of them contain bile and hate. Are we cherry picking a few bad article-writing apples (cherries?) No, because look at the comments. They all contain the same bile.

Here’s a challenge- Your charge we are ‘cherry picking’ would be much more plausible if you could just name for us 3 MRAs who are not misogynists. Mammotheers have asked this of numerous trolls, and they never, ever, provide us with what we’ve asked for. David chronicles the true nature of the MRM- there are no non-misogynists in there. David shows us their views in their own words- the MRM have to resort to making things up.

Oh, and ‘if they are MRA views?’ Don’t try pulling a No True MRA here- people here have seen it often enough.

9 years ago

i’m not joking, I think a lot of feminists don’t know much about MRA views. Even the ones on this website

I think plenty of feminists on the Internet have had more than their fill of MRA views, given the insistence on the part of the MRAs to intrude into any and all conversations that are not about them, wherever such may be found.

well about half of the articles here are not about MRAs

David doesn’t spend all of his time talking about MRAs, therefore what he does say about them doesn’t count. Checkmate, feminists!

and even when it is about MRAs, couldn’t you also find feminists saying nasty things ? or stupid things? there are anti feminist sites that compile terrible things said by feminists.

“Both sides” doesn’t fly with me, neighbor. Notwithstanding, MRAs have very few if any positions that aren’t toxic. And so we resort to our old refrain, where are the reasonable MRAs?

EDIT: nparker has this well in hand, I’ll just leave it to them.

9 years ago

‘there are anti feminist sites that compile terrible things said by feminists.’

Why yes, that is true, apparently.

9 years ago

I challenge you to describe a single commonly held MRM position that isn’t fucking repellent. Even the stuff that seems reasonable on the surface – opposition to medically uneccesary infant circumcision, for example – gets nasty when you look closer. All this talk about FGM is taking away from the more important topic of circumcision! Women want to circumcise babies because something something emasculation female supremacy! And blah blah blah etc.

9 years ago

Obvious sealion is obvious.

I’m not sure why people are still being nice to orange and taking them remotely seriously after they’ve been sealioning for days now.

Seriously, orange tango, what is it that you’re trying to accomplish?

Anyway, seconding the request for an example of an MRA who isn’t a misogynist.

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

I challenge you to describe a single commonly held MRM position that isn’t fucking repellent. Even the stuff that seems reasonable on the surface – opposition to medically uneccesary infant circumcision, for example – gets nasty when you look closer. All this talk about FGM is taking away from the more important topic of circumcision! Women want to circumcise babies because something something emasculation female supremacy! And blah blah blah etc.

Circumcision is male genital mutilation and should be illegal unless it is medically necessary. FGM is illegal in western societies and rightly so, MGM should also be illegal.

I think what you have said is actually the other way around, from what I have seen discussion about circumcision quickly get derailed with “but fgm is worse!”

I live in the UK and here only muslims and jews are circumcised and that is the case for the whole of Europe i think. I don’t think religion should be an excuse though.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I tried to be patient and engage openly with orange tango in the hope that xe would be open to not sealioning and not bringing up PRAAT.

I see that I was foolish. One catches more flies with vinegar than honey, after all.

WWTH, you were and are (as always) right.

9 years ago

feminist[s]. . . are anti . . . anti feminist.

Film at 11?

9 years ago

@ David Futrelle

Hello, Dave;

I have a question. Could you write an article on the phenomenon of “Honey Badgers” and feMRAs? It’s very morbidly fascinating that some exist. I would love an article on “What the heck are these weird women thinking?!”.

Likewise, a general article about the occasional “Fake Male Feminist Ally Who Turns Out To Be A Rapist-Mole”.

People like the above are ridiculous and I would love to see these examined.

By the way; Awesome site!

orange tango drinker
orange tango drinker
9 years ago

what is PRAAT? I don’t think you were foolish, I still think it was worthwhile to point out that HBB and AVFM were separate because a lot of people don’t know that but I hadn’t realised that they started off as an AVFM subgroup and you help me realise I was wrong in a lot of what I had said and I admitted that and apologized.

Anyway I am not troll trying to wind people up on purpose

9 years ago


Check the tags at the bottom of this post. Try “honey badgers” and “antifeminist women.”

9 years ago

Nth-ing the request for an MRA who’s not also a misogynist.

“I’m not a misogynist – there are women in my life who I love – but [horrible generalizations about women]…” don’t count.

re: Give me examples of awful MRA-stuff: *points to entirety of the manosphere*

Granted, not every single thread or every single comment – as another poster here pointed out in another thread (can’t remember who :-/ ), there is a mass of relatively innocuous content out there, but it’s nestled up against all manner of horrors – but I have yet to find a self-professed MRA, Redpill, etc site that decries it when it occurs.

And I’ve come back around to agreeing with WWTH, et al, and will bow out of the convo.

Thank you for being civil, though.

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