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Red Piller: Become an Alpha Sex God by Imitating a Cult Leader and Convicted Rapist

Aravindan Balakrishnan: Red Pill role model?
Aravindan Balakrishnan: Convicted serial rapist and abuser, Red Pill role model?

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Aravindan Balakrishnan was a Maoist cult leader who used psychological torture and sexual violence to keep a small group of women under his control for decades in a hellish “commune” in South London.

Earlier this month, he was convicted of multiple counts of rape and assorted other crimes — only a tiny fraction of the violence and abuse he presumably inflicted upon his female followers/captives since the late 1970s.

Over in the Red Pill subreddit, the regulars are looking at his sordid history of abuse for tips on how to become more like this “dark triad” master who had “a harem of 10 women … worshipping him as a god.”

It’s a central tenet of Red Pill thought that women swoon and “tingle’ when faced with men displaying so-called “dark triad” traits  — that is, narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. Red Pillers who aren’t already “dark triad” men to begin with often try to emulate these not-so-nice guys.

Now they’re looking, at least semi-seriously, to the abusive monster known as Comrade Bala for dating tips.

As the Red Piller Redditor no_face sees it, Comrade Bala’s story makes clear that “dark triad” traits matter a lot more than looks — and even lifting — when it comes to the ladies.

Take a look at him. He is a short, bald, bespectacled 75 year old Indian guy. I’m not a physical fitness expert, but I’m wagering money that this dude does not lift. After you read this, you have lost the right to complain about your looks. He doesn’t even have a lot of money either.

How did he manage this? Oh, did he tap into that Indian mystical mumbo-jumbo? No! This guy gets laid by preaching … gasp …. communism! At redpill, we know that the validity of the actual stuff he preached does not matter in the slightest. Its all about his intense dark triad characteristics.

And these he apparently had in spades. No_face, evidently an aspiring Dark Traid-er himself, quotes extensively, and sort-of, kind-of approvingly, from a Daily Telegraph article  detailing Bala’s abuses. [You may wish to stop reading at this point; it only gets worse from here.]

Even the detailed and explicit description of Bala’s sexual abuse of his “followers” doesn’t seem to phase him. No_Face suggests that the rapes Bala has now been convicted of were probably just instances of “rough sex.”

And after quoting a passage in the Telegraph article noting that the victims of Bala’s sexual assaults “were ordered to swallow when he ejaculated as it was the ‘the elixir of life,'”no_face suggested that they probably wanted it.

I’m guessing the saying “woman gladly swallows for an alpha” has some bearing here. Think about this while you guys are emptying elixir into old socks.

So edgy, these Red Pillers.

No_face sums up the “Lessons Learned’ from Bala’s disgusting story:

Raw [Dark Triad] charisma can overcome almost any physical limitation.
Eventually your plates will crash, some even after 47 years.
You can literally be a god to women.
Your women can and will turn against you, even if you were their fucking god for most of their lifetime.

Apparently it’s news to Red Pillers that even the most demoralized and beaten-down abuse victims may come to see their abusers as something less than a godlike figures.

Some of the Red Pill regulars responded to the story with jokes.

“Hey fellas, I’m just saying – a little alcohol and dancing close to rhythmic music also works,” wrote one.

Of course, most of the jokes still managed to suggest a certain admiration for Comrade Bala’s “achievements.”

“Is it safe to say that Balla was a balla?” asked one. “Filthy dirty old man, I like him ☺” wrote another.

But others saw Bala’s story as just more evidence that men need to become ever more ruthless towards women. Eugenics2015 declared:

This is what i’ve been saying forever, men have the power to control womens minds if you do it right.

As troghin2 saw it,

That dude either is insane or a genius at human interaction.

For a few, the story was proof that Asian men, allegedly despised by all the hot babes of the world, can only succeed with women by becoming abusive assholes. As imsfncy2 wrote,

This article teaches that an indian guy must be dark triad to make up for his ethnic disadvantage unlike other white guys that can just rely on social status and beta game.

The game IS rigged for everyone, especially for asian guys, so only the dark triad guy of any race thrives.

At this point, the Red Pill subreddit is basically a school for abusers, with occasional jokes.


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9 years ago

Thanks for pointing out that story about Bala’s daughter. She is indeed remarkable. And she forgives her dad, citing Nelson Mandela as an example–stunning.

Her face is hidden. I found myself wondering about her blonde, very, very curly hair. It’s so distinctive that I’m guessing it’s a wig, meant to mislead so as to protect her anonymity.

She reminds me of the Austrian woman Elisabeth Fritzl, imprisoned in a basement by her father for 24 years, forced to give birth to six children–all his, of course. She raised three of the kids in the basement. The other three her father raised upstairs. Elisabeth told the basement kids that what they saw on TV was happening on a different planet. The children thought that the basement world was the entire world. As you might imagine, when the kids (and Elisabeth) emerged from the basement, they were as white as a piece of paper. Unlike this woman, Elisabeth is said to hate her father with an unbelievable passion. Totally understandable.

Both of these women seem to be unbreakable.

On a lighter note, I got a kick out of this very British sentence in the extremely sad article about Bala’s daughter:

On one occasion, she was so desperate to see an unfamiliar face she fabricated a water leak in an airing cupboard in the hope someone would come to fix it.

I don’t even know what that means, but Google is my friend.

9 years ago

@Wicked Witch of Whatever

I could probably scam people if I wanted. I could beat up kids and elderly people and steal their money. I could manipulate vulnerable men into giving me control over them. If I picked marginalised-enough people I could get away with it for years.

Most of us could. That we don’t isn’t because we are too stupid to think of it, or don’t have the “charisma”. Its because most people have a sense of empathy and basic human decency.

Thanks for putting it so well!

9 years ago

*Eyes cross from concentrating really super extra hard*
(this will take a while)

hmmm….nope, don’t seem to be able to summon any sort of natural disaster-inflicted vengeance against those who might violate the code of Katie-dom, in word or in deed. This discovery was not nearly as upsetting as that one time involving telekinesis.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Yeah, no, sorry, cats are out of my jurisdiction.

Well damn. Today’s accidental encounter went, basically: I see another cat, HISS!! From both of them. Our newcomer then went just barely out of our resident’s sight and chilled, while our resident, well, tried to eat me from the feet up. But we’ve reached “have to see each to flip out”! I may start leaving the door open, with the gate up, when I’m around to supervise… and sprinkling the ‘nip all over the damned place 🙂

9 years ago

I am disgusted by this, but I am not surprised. They are Red Pillers after all. They have proven themselves to have dangerous views regarding women and have desire to control and abuse us Them idolising abusers is the next logical step from that. I hope that they do not abuse people in the real world, but these fucked up attitudes do reflect in their interactions with people offline. Many of these people are probably abusers already. At the very least they are encouraging potential abusers. I hope the FBI will take this seriously.

Lost in Lindsey
9 years ago

It’s disturbing but unsurprising that red-pillers would consider ‘Comrade Bala’ a hero. I’ve been avoiding the news recently because my mental state hasn’t been good so I missed the details when this story was reported by the BBC. I’m still not sure I’m up to reading the details, so I appreciate everyone else reading it and commenting.


An airing cupboard is where the boiler tank is kept, and is used to store bedding and towels.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

@Thanks David
Congratulations on leaving, and welcome to the world outside of shitty relationships. I’m glad you survived. Thank you for sharing that, reading it just gave me a little smile and now the day looks brighter.

9 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

But we’ve reached “have to see each to flip out”! I may start leaving the door open, with the gate up, when I’m around to supervise… and sprinkling the ‘nip all over the damned place.

In my experience, catnip can make cats more aggressive. They love the stuff. But I don’t try to groom them while they’re high.

9 years ago

@Thanks David
Wow! Congratulations on breaking free. Yeah, David is doing great work.

9 years ago

@Lost in Lindsey

An airing cupboard is where the boiler tank is kept, and is used to store bedding and towels.

Thanks! It’s ho-hum to Brits, I’m sure, but an airing cupboard (which could leak!) is new news to me.

Snork Maiden
9 years ago

OT, but I thought you guys might want to know that Bill Cosby is suing seven of his alleged victims for defamation:

I expect AVFM et al to have a field day.

9 years ago

Lost in Lindsey:

An airing cupboard is where the boiler tank is kept, and is used to store bedding and towels.

And sometimes cats. When I was a kid, one of our cats loved to sleep in the airing cupboard (because warm, dark, and comfy). Letting a cat sleep on your clean towels probably isn’t the greatest of ideas, but my parents could never say no to cats.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

@Snork Maiden:

…does that make him a false false rape accuser accuser?

9 years ago

Oh, all kinds of bad from the Red Pillers, again! There really is no depth they will not plumb.

It does get me wondering about the trajectory of grooming and enabling – how people who might be just minor arses initially, or have slight arsey tendencies, could get encouraged to become really major ones by getting in with such prime arsehole company.

We’re all very concerned about “radicalisation” happening online and producing terrorists – the kind everyone agrees are terrorists – but guys who brag about and share how-to pointers about terrorising women and keeping them in subjection are no less terrorists. Literally domestic terrorists. And busy trying to grow some more terrorists as hard as they can.

In other news, UK crime overall is down (apparently) but domestic abuse is up up up, just as most refuges are closing for lack of funds.

Julotte Galocci
Julotte Galocci
9 years ago

It really makes my pussy wet just thinking about all these angry men out there. If only they were more aggressive.

9 years ago

He looks like Immortan Joe

Well, he certainly seems to be a fellow traveller.

@Thanks David – That’s wonderful news.

9 years ago

re: Julotte Galocci:

comment image

9 years ago

Julotte Galocci shows up here too. Garden variety troll.

9 years ago

Ah, and I see Julotte Galocci is the ‘unoriginal troll’ form of troll. You know, the one who spouts the exact same kind of thing in the exact way as the hundreds of regular trolls on the internet.

Trolls here are no fun any more, but Julotte takes the cake.

Julotte? Unoriginal. -2 / 10. Must try harder (or you know, not.)

9 years ago

Why would thinking about angry men make you throw your cat in the bathtub? That’s not nice.

9 years ago

nparker: I think you’re being unfair to Julotte. They are clearly no one-trick pony; in the other thread, they resorted to unintelligible word-salad, while here they just went for over the top offense and vulgarity. That’s two tricks. I mean, neither one is very good, or effective, or original. But they are distinct.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago

I’ll take “Things people with a pussy would never say” for 500.

What is exactly what Julotte said.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Yes, any comments troll who uses more than one “trick” deserves an award.

Seriously, it looks like TRP has completely crossed the line from misogynistic rants into being an advice board for abusers (if it wasn’t already).

9 years ago

@ Freemage

Of course. One was a typical Youtube troll comment, the other was a typical Reddit troll comment.

I must apologise to Julotte with all my heart. Sorry, Julotte. But you are unoriginal.