alpha males creepy do you even lift emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape rape culture red pill reddit sexual abuse sexual exploitation taking pleasure in women's pain

Red Piller: Become an Alpha Sex God by Imitating a Cult Leader and Convicted Rapist

Aravindan Balakrishnan: Red Pill role model?
Aravindan Balakrishnan: Convicted serial rapist and abuser, Red Pill role model?

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Aravindan Balakrishnan was a Maoist cult leader who used psychological torture and sexual violence to keep a small group of women under his control for decades in a hellish “commune” in South London.

Earlier this month, he was convicted of multiple counts of rape and assorted other crimes — only a tiny fraction of the violence and abuse he presumably inflicted upon his female followers/captives since the late 1970s.

Over in the Red Pill subreddit, the regulars are looking at his sordid history of abuse for tips on how to become more like this “dark triad” master who had “a harem of 10 women … worshipping him as a god.”

It’s a central tenet of Red Pill thought that women swoon and “tingle’ when faced with men displaying so-called “dark triad” traits  — that is, narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. Red Pillers who aren’t already “dark triad” men to begin with often try to emulate these not-so-nice guys.

Now they’re looking, at least semi-seriously, to the abusive monster known as Comrade Bala for dating tips.

As the Red Piller Redditor no_face sees it, Comrade Bala’s story makes clear that “dark triad” traits matter a lot more than looks — and even lifting — when it comes to the ladies.

Take a look at him. He is a short, bald, bespectacled 75 year old Indian guy. I’m not a physical fitness expert, but I’m wagering money that this dude does not lift. After you read this, you have lost the right to complain about your looks. He doesn’t even have a lot of money either.

How did he manage this? Oh, did he tap into that Indian mystical mumbo-jumbo? No! This guy gets laid by preaching … gasp …. communism! At redpill, we know that the validity of the actual stuff he preached does not matter in the slightest. Its all about his intense dark triad characteristics.

And these he apparently had in spades. No_face, evidently an aspiring Dark Traid-er himself, quotes extensively, and sort-of, kind-of approvingly, from a Daily Telegraph article  detailing Bala’s abuses. [You may wish to stop reading at this point; it only gets worse from here.]

Even the detailed and explicit description of Bala’s sexual abuse of his “followers” doesn’t seem to phase him. No_Face suggests that the rapes Bala has now been convicted of were probably just instances of “rough sex.”

And after quoting a passage in the Telegraph article noting that the victims of Bala’s sexual assaults “were ordered to swallow when he ejaculated as it was the ‘the elixir of life,'”no_face suggested that they probably wanted it.

I’m guessing the saying “woman gladly swallows for an alpha” has some bearing here. Think about this while you guys are emptying elixir into old socks.

So edgy, these Red Pillers.

No_face sums up the “Lessons Learned’ from Bala’s disgusting story:

Raw [Dark Triad] charisma can overcome almost any physical limitation.
Eventually your plates will crash, some even after 47 years.
You can literally be a god to women.
Your women can and will turn against you, even if you were their fucking god for most of their lifetime.

Apparently it’s news to Red Pillers that even the most demoralized and beaten-down abuse victims may come to see their abusers as something less than a godlike figures.

Some of the Red Pill regulars responded to the story with jokes.

“Hey fellas, I’m just saying – a little alcohol and dancing close to rhythmic music also works,” wrote one.

Of course, most of the jokes still managed to suggest a certain admiration for Comrade Bala’s “achievements.”

“Is it safe to say that Balla was a balla?” asked one. “Filthy dirty old man, I like him ☺” wrote another.

But others saw Bala’s story as just more evidence that men need to become ever more ruthless towards women. Eugenics2015 declared:

This is what i’ve been saying forever, men have the power to control womens minds if you do it right.

As troghin2 saw it,

That dude either is insane or a genius at human interaction.

For a few, the story was proof that Asian men, allegedly despised by all the hot babes of the world, can only succeed with women by becoming abusive assholes. As imsfncy2 wrote,

This article teaches that an indian guy must be dark triad to make up for his ethnic disadvantage unlike other white guys that can just rely on social status and beta game.

The game IS rigged for everyone, especially for asian guys, so only the dark triad guy of any race thrives.

At this point, the Red Pill subreddit is basically a school for abusers, with occasional jokes.


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9 years ago

Let this be the one thing we need to show the world that TRPers are proto-rapists. Hell, I’d go as far as to report that post and all its comments to the FBI, for all the encouragement to copy a hideous abuser.

9 years ago

This article teaches that an indian guy must be dark triad to make up for his ethnic disadvantage unlike other white guys that can just rely on social status and beta game.

The game IS rigged for everyone, especially for asian guys, so only the dark triad guy of any race thrives.

Oh for sure man, Indian/Asian men don’t have sex. That’s why there are no more Indian/Asian people left in the world.

r/TheRedPill is a support group for manbabbies who are collectively encouraging each other to rape people.

9 years ago

These red pill people are sickening. I can’t even understand how these people, with this admiration for a abuser and torturer of women, even exist. Some of the MRAs you can in a way feel sorry for, but these guys- they really are beyond redemption. They are beyond any sort of pity. I hate to be dehumanising here, but they have no understanding of how to act as a human being.

I also notice they are both ableist and racist- not a surprise at all. Really, I’m kind of disappointed that the authorities can’t track these people through the subreddit, to see if they can save any women from these monsters.

9 years ago

Are all of TRPers like this? I know all of their “philosophy” is hideously misogynist at worst and misguided at best, but how many of these losers are actually abusers and rapists? That just scares the hell out of me. Most of them seem like just a bunch of douchebags angry about women having agency, but it seems like so many of their theories lead into this shit. How could a person come to hate women (and other men) so much?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Apologies for the levity in such a fucking horrific thread, but… Bloody hell, I can’t get over how much that picture of Balakrishnan looks like Evil!Bilbo about to lunge for the ring.

9 years ago

Actually, would reporting it to the FBI yield results? Even if not, in seriousness it might be an idea with worth. It is, after all, a clear indication that the RP are encouraging the behaviour they discuss.

9 years ago

Good lord. I mean, how do you reply to this? I went to the reddit thread to read the original, though I didn’t wade into the comments. Every single fucking sentence deserves to be torn apart. Nauseating. I agree, @sunnysombrera, that should be linked to the FBI.

I just want to ask – this guy, claiming,

Raw [Dark Triad] charisma can overcome almost any physical limitation

Do… do they really think that narcissism, selfishness, greed, abuse and dehumanization are synonyms for charisma? How in Hel do you get to that sort of a mind-state?

9 years ago

They’re so very obsessed with the idea that women go for assholes, and so very obsessed with “conquering” women as a source of their own self worth, that they’ve now upped the ante and are aiming to be not just assholes but pure distilled evil. In order to attract women.

I can’t even.

Re: reporting to the FBI. IF they can’t track these dudes maybe it’s not worth the effort, but I believe that we should put this on the authorities radar at least so they know that these people exist. It might be something of interest, it might not.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Gawd, where to start?

If you think Stockholm Syndrome is a legitimate basis for a relationship then you probably need to do some re-thinking.

One thing the article doesn’t mention is that when one of the women did escape the police allowed her to return after he’d made contact with her and persuaded her to do so. I can’t blame the police for that; they have no power to prevent victims from talking to their abusers, but perhaps it’s something that needs to be addressed.

In ‘good’ news my sources tell me that the police are now re-opening the enquiries into the suspicious deaths.

9 years ago

Raw [Dark Triad] charisma can overcome almost any physical limitation.

Um. What? You can’t gain charisma by becoming more of an asshole. That’s not how it works.

Oh for sure man, Indian/Asian men don’t have sex. That’s why there are no more Indian/Asian people left in the world.

That struck me too. Presumably though, they are thinking only of the preferences of white western women. Interesting how they care so much about our preferences when we’re (according to them) all so fat, ugly, and ruined by feminism and the alpha cock carousel.

I’m also wondering if I should run next door and tell my neighbor who is an Asian man that he doesn’t really have conventionally attractive white wife (spoiler alert: he does) and will have to develop dark triad traits to help him with the white ladies. I’m sure he would agree!

9 years ago

I keep hearing this nonsense about the sexy Dark Triad, yet the proponents of Dark Triad dating fail to realize that the most “successful” psychopaths are successful because they can skillfully feign empathy and charisma. In other words, they don’t act like psychopaths when they’re trying to woo people. So why the hell do they think acting like psychopaths is going to allow them to seduce women when actual psychopaths don’t even do that?

P.S. I made posts here under a different name many moons ago, but I can’t remember what name I used, so I apologize…

Wicked Witch of Whatever
Wicked Witch of Whatever
9 years ago

Eugenics2015 declared:
This is what i’ve been saying forever, men have the power to control womens minds if you do it right.
As troghin2 saw it,
That dude either is insane or a genius at human interaction.

I could probably scam people if I wanted. I could beat up kids and elderly people and steal their money. I could manipulate vulnerable men into giving me control over them. If I picked marginalised-enough people I could get away with it for years.

Most of us could. That we don’t isn’t because we are too stupid to think of it, or don’t have the “charisma”. Its because most people have a sense of empathy and basic human decency.

I hear a watered-down version of this from minor scammers and ruthless climbers of corporate ladders so often – they hurt people to their own advantage and think the rest of us don’t because we didn’t see those opportunities, not because we’d never take them anyway. Just like these morons think everyone else is too weak to develop “dark triad” traits, not realising that most people are strong enough not to.

9 years ago

WWofW – pretty much everything you said, especially this:

these morons think everyone else is too weak to develop “dark triad” traits, not that everyone else is strong enough not to

9 years ago

I think the whole “Asian men are undesirable/unsexy” is merely proof of the toxic stereotypes encouraged by Hollywood and even more proof that Red Pillocks, MRAssholes and various misogynists/racists think that TV accurately represents real life.

There have been quite a few articles on the subject

Glenn, from TWD, is the only notable counter-example that I can think of. We need more guys like him!

Wicked Witch of Whatever
Wicked Witch of Whatever
9 years ago


Are all of TRPers like this? I know all of their “philosophy” is hideously misogynist at worst and misguided at best, but how many of these losers are actually abusers and rapists? That just scares the hell out of me.

Yeah – I’m sure most of them are just socially isolated fantasists, but there are so many of them, even mainstream comment sections of things like the Guardian are just full of rabid MRA’s now. With that many people justifying such sick ideas, even if a small percentage have translated that into real world violence… that’s a lot of violence. And even if we are not talking about rape and assault, they day-to-day interactions with their families, parents, partners and, eeugh, some of them most have children; well some of this bitterness and hatred must be leaking through to that and emiserating everyone.

9 years ago

December 14, 2015 at 11:57 am
Are all of TRPers like this? I know all of their “philosophy” is hideously misogynist at worst and misguided at best, but how many of these losers are actually abusers and rapists? That just scares the hell out of me. Most of them seem like just a bunch of douchebags angry about women having agency, but it seems like so many of their theories lead into this shit. How could a person come to hate women (and other men) so much?

It’s basically a long spiral inward. In Western (particularly American) culture, there’s a lot of misogyny and sexism that everyone gets exposed to. Men who are frustrated at a lack of romantic success, status, etc, thus have a built-in scapegoat for their seeming failures.

Now, in ages past, the frustrated youth would grow up, get some more experience, and in most cases, figure out what was going wrong, or get some perspective. In particular, we learned that the world doesn’t actually reflect the portrayal in teen rom-coms and daytime TV. Today, however, the internet, for all it’s advantages (and seriously, in terms of affecting the culture in a positive fashion, the internet has been a godsend), does have one downside–the echo chamber.

A guy who goes out and looks for posts about “why girls all like jerks” or “why can’t a nice guy get a date” will very likely find one aspect or another of the manosphere–even faster if he’s already on Reddit or 4Chan for completely unrelated reasons.

Once on r/RedPill or a similar shithole, of course, he gets a lot of feedback from other guys who all blame women and feminism for their issues. This is a fringe view, but it’s a concentrated dose. Say r/RedPill has 300K American users (I doubt it’s anywhere near this high, actually, but I decided to pad it out). That’s literally less than one-tenth of percent of 1 percent of the American population as a whole. In a small town, there might be three people that extreme; even in a good-sized city, you’d have less than thirty people show up at a meeting. But because they all go to one location for affirmation and support, it’s easy to end up hearing nothing but the more extreme views.

And of course, they also share other interests, just by virtue of being male and young and Western. Pop culture, hobbies, media–these things form the basis of friendships that they rely on for emotional support. But that support ends up being always laced with their toxic views.

This closed environment radicalizes them (and yes, I’m using the same word that we use to describe the process of adopting more extreme forms of Islamism deliberately–the whole procedure is very similar), turning them from ‘no worse than you’d expect in this culture’ to ‘resentful of women’ to ‘anti-feminist’ to ‘proud misogynist’. Some, of course, go that next step out, taking actual violent action, which the bulk who remain safe behind their keyboards simultaneously disclaim and adulate.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Freeman

the whole procedure is very similar

I’d say (and often have done) that the procedure is identical.

Small group of leaders with their own agenda reach out to younger people at a loss and say that all their problems can be blamed on a particular group and provide a surrogate family leaving the recruit totally open to further indoctrination.

9 years ago

I’m guessing the saying “woman gladly swallows for an alpha” has some bearing here.

That is absolutely not a saying.

9 years ago

I think the whole “Asian men are undesirable/unsexy” is merely proof of the toxic stereotypes encouraged by Hollywood and even more proof that Red Pillocks, MRAssholes and various misogynists/racists think that TV accurately represents real life.

There have been quite a few articles on the subject

Glenn, from TWD, is the only notable counter-example that I can think of. We need more guys like him!

That’s definitely part of it. Asian men are almost always portrayed as sexless nerds. I can think of a couple of other counter-examples though. There’s Aziz Ansari’s new Netflix show Master of None. I was also just this morning watching the Australian YA show Dance Academy* and thinking how nice it was that one of the male characters who is most sought after by the female characters is Asian. So maybe things are changing bit by bit?

* It’s a cheesy show but for some reason, despite my usual preference for horror and dark gritty stories I have a huge soft spot for cheesy ballet stories and Center Stage is perhaps my favorite “chick flick.”

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


It may be something to do with the long Anglo-Indian relationship and the Raj etc. but over here the Indian man stereotype is more of exotic sexiness. You might like to track down the classic Brit TV series “The Jewel in the Crown” for instance as a nice change from what you appear to get over the Pond.

9 years ago

“Think about this while you guys are emptying elixir into old socks.”

Yeah, and your elixir won’t even transform old socks into young socks. (Young, tight, shiny socks, the kind that stay up all the time.) Life is so unfair…

9 years ago

@WWTH: OH MY GOD I LOVE DANCE ACADEMY. I LOVE IT WITH ALL THAT I AM. I discovered it when I was so sick last year as to be almost delirious. I figured a silly show for young teens would be all that I could handle. Watched the first season in about 3 days. After I got better I devoured the other two. Gave it the rare 5 star Netflix rating.

I’m currently re-watching the first season to catch all of the stuff I missed when I was half conscious XD.

9 years ago

I am sick right now and watching it! Although I started it awhile ago. I tend to rotate between a handful of shows on Netflix. I’m just finishing up season two and due to being emotional when I’m sick,

Spoilers if anyone actually cares

I’m having so many feels at Sammy’s death and the aftermath. The tribute dance is getting me all teary

9 years ago

I cried so much D:

9 years ago

Just like these morons think everyone else is too weak to develop “dark triad” traits, not realising that most people are strong enough not to.


But because they all go to one location for affirmation and support, it’s easy to end up hearing nothing but the more extreme views.

This is also very true. It also gives them the perception that these extreme views are more common than they actually are. They basically assume that the small, self-selected population on that site is representative of the entire population.

@WWTH & Viscaria
You watch Dance Academy?!? I was fairly certain that I was the only adult who actually watched that show. Netfilx recommended it and I started watching for the dancing, but then I got sucked into the cheesy teenage drama. The show is still incredibly white, but they do introduce another POC in the second season. Now that I think about it, they never really mention race, which is kind of refreshing. They’re not portrayed as the “Asian guy” or the “Black guy.” They’re just other dancers.

I still tear up watching Tara’s solo from the season 2 finale. I actually though they did a really good job portraying the grieving process in those last few episodes. They had so many different characters and each one responded in a different, but still realistic way. For a cheesy teenage drama, I was not expecting that.

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