a woman is always to blame antifeminism gloating mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit red pill

Concerned MRA warns women that feminism will ruin their lives by making them bitchy

Just so you know, ladies!
Just so you know, ladies!

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Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, one thoughtful and considerate MRA has decided to do the women of the world a giant favor — warning them of the sneaky ways that feminism will actually end up harming them! 

Mostly by making them such terrible people that no man will ever want them.

Here are bullet points 4 through 7 in mikesteane’s list of Ten Ways Feminism Has Harmed Women, a post so important that the r/MensRights mods have stickied it to the top of their front page.

4. Very many women can no longer find husbands because the western men can see that feminist laws and applications have made marriage a bad deal for men.
5. Many others cannot find husbands because the toxic views feminism has led them to has made them unmarriageable.
6. Still others cannot get married because the sexual liberation ideas pushed by feminism has led them to ride the carousel until their market values have fallen off a precipice.
7. Then there are those who, believing that being rude and bossy indicates strength and independence, in keeping with feminist polemic, have destroyed their own relationships, including marriages.

Not only that, but feminism will make women so rude and uppity that they will end up annoying each other with their uppity rudeness:

9. The ignorant rudeness that women are commonly taught is empowerment rebounds when they find themselves forming groups with other ignorant rude women.

Also, ladies, now you have to work outside of the home. Did you know that? Ha ha.

But nobody will hire you because you have some dumb non-STEM college degree instead of a PhD in Sitting on Your Ass at Work Posting Dumb Lists to the Men’s Rights Subreddit When You Should Be Working on a Computer Program or Something.


H/T — r/AgainstMensRights

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Spinster Threat
9 years ago

In typical, narrow-minded fashion, their list doesn’t consider all the women (and men) who WANT to be single and childfree. Staying unmarried is a conscious lifestyle choice for many women, not a punishment for being feminist.

9 years ago


Secondly: what’s so bad about sexually experienced women? It’s not like they become worse for it; only more knowledgeable. And often, a lot more fun, and more likely to want a guy who’s fun too.

Maybe that’s what’s bugging him? He doesn’t want a woman with knowledge and a basis for comparison, because then she’d see what a sack of shit he is?

It’s more evidence that to these guys (including Roosh, as the recent post about him showed), sex isn’t a fun\pleasurable experience between participants, it’s simply a competition between men.

From the original Post:

5. Many others cannot find husbands because the toxic views feminism has led them to has made them unmarriageable.

I dunno… I think this is a positive for women who like men. It’s already filtering out guys who think feminist views are toxic. Score!

9 years ago

I love that these guys still believe that the ultimate terror for all women is the suggestion they won’t be able to snag a man.

It’s one of the things I love too. It makes some weird sense though, doesn’t it? They truly believe that all women want/need to find “beta-bucks” to survive in the style to which we’ve become accustomed.

In fact, I think they truly believe that even though a woman might possibly survive without a man, it isn’t nearly as fulfilling nor as comfortable as surviving while also sticking it to some poor schlub.

After all, bon-bons are only enjoyable if you eat them while laying around NOT cleaning some poor “beta” guy’s house.

9 years ago


That Sunday Times article (or at least, the bit visible from outside the paywall) is hardly a citation. It’s an interview with a MGTOW, containing the usual MRA talking points: false rape accusations, fathers’ rights, system “stacked against” men. The only datapoint given is the number of marriages ending in divorce (42%[1], rounded up to “half”). Nothing about women being unable to find husbands. Was there more below the cut?

[1] Sunday Times, so UK data probably relevant:

(Sorry if this is a duplicate.)

9 years ago

Okay, most of this points are ridiculous, but what is wrong with point number 4? If divorce courts disfavor men, then that obviously harms the institution of marriage.

That’s a big if. Alimony used to be fairly common because middle and upper class women didn’t have jobs and therefore no source of income after a divorce. Nowadays, alimony is pretty rare because women often do have a source of income. Hey! That’s thanks to the feminism these guys loathe so much!

Child support, contrary to what these guys think is not a racket designed to take money from men. The money is not for the mothers, it’s for the children.

So, how do divorce courts disfavor men? Actually, men become richer after divorce

[Meet the men giving up on women]( was the cover story on the Sunday Times which is hardly an MRA publication

I disagree with number 6 however

The whole article is behind a paywall, so I can’t read it. But it appears to be nothing more than a profile of MGTOW which I obviously already know exists since I’m on this site. That doesn’t mean so many men are MGTOW that women who want to be married can’t find husbands. It’s a small fringe group that is surely balanced out by the number of women who don’t want to marry. A group that is frequently ignored by the media because it doesn’t fit into gender norms and because women who are single by choice don’t tend to form online communities obsessively detailing how terrible men are. I also noticed from the one paragraph I could access that they were interviewing an 18 year old MGTOW. A lot of 18 year olds say they never want to get married and then later in life change their minds. Mid twenties to early thirties is when most people marry. A 25 year old woman looking to settle down isn’t going to look at the existence of an 18 year old college student proclaiming that he’s MGTOW and reevaluate her life choices.

Although there are individuals of all genders and orientations who want a partner and can’t find one, for the most part people who prioritize marriage will find someone to marry. Feminism hasn’t changed that. Just because people marry later and cohabitate first, doesn’t mean feminism has made women unmarryable.

Also, any decline in marriage rates that do exist have to do with income inequality and the shrinking middle class.
Lower income people often can’t afford to marry. If people can’t find a spouse, the capitalism MRAs love so much is far more to blame than the evil feminism.

9 years ago

It makes some weird sense though, doesn’t it? They truly believe that all women want/need to find “beta-bucks” to survive in the style to which we’ve become accustomed.

I actually think that it’s got more to do with a projection of their own fears. They say it’s all about teh wimmens eating bon-bons and freeloading, but I think that they use the threat of “you’ll never find a man” because they’re all terrified that they’ll never find a partner of their own.

9 years ago



“citation needed”

[Meet the men giving up on women]( was the cover story on the Sunday Times which is hardly an MRA publication

I disagree with number 6 however

This is a very interesting “citation” as it goes the opposite direction. You seem to equate “a group of men being pissed with feminism that they don’t want to get married at all” with “a group of women supporting feminism have crossed a line that they can’t get married at all.”

Can you explain how these are the same? They seem contradictory to me. It takes men out of the marriage pool rather than women. And do you think these feminist women want the type of men who would be MGTOW?

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

The secretive MGTOW movement

Eh? They never fucking shut up about it.

Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
9 years ago


Maybe that’s what’s bugging him? He doesn’t want a woman with knowledge and a basis for comparison, because then she’d see what a sack of shit he is?

The sad thing is, IMHO, that not being terribly experienced isn’t a big deal as long as everyone involved is interested in having a good time and also invested in the other(s) involved having a good time as well. IME, this is all that is required for great sexytimes!

Well, after the desire for sexytimes has been mutually established, natch!

Selfish (and abusive) behavior make one a pariah. And bitter, apparently.

9 years ago

I think you kinda buried the lead, David:

#2 on this awful list:
“Feminists have scared women by lying about the way rape accusers are treated.”

Let’s break that down.

Feminists are lying about rape victims being mistreated. Yet he cant even call them actual victims; he has to imply that rape victims are lying about being raped by calling them “accusers” – in the exaxt same fucking sentence on which he is attempting to deny that anyone could possibly mistreat rape victims, he implicitly insults them… and, like, trying to pass off this idea that women werent afraid of rape until modern feminists came along…?!

I’d comment further but my rage is making me incoherent.

Lost in Lindsey
9 years ago

This man is hilarious; he really believes this nonsense? Dude, feminism isn’t even on the list of reasons for why I’m not getting married. The list is very short, it has just one item: I don’t want to. The fact that I’m a feminist doesn’t have any connection – I’ve never wanted to marry. He conveniently ignores the population of humans who either choose not to marry or have no interest in the institution. But in his world I suppose we don’t exist, or aren’t ‘real’ people.


Wow, this man gets worse. Rape ‘accusers’? At least he’s signalling his utter contempt for women early enough for us to avoid him.

Generally, I like to think of these catch words the manurasphere use as a learning exercise. If I hear any of them I can avoid that person like the plague.

9 years ago

Feminism will make MRA’s not want to marry me? Promise?

Julotte Galocci
Julotte Galocci
9 years ago

you seem, unless this site is a parody of feminism, to be providing them evidence as they provide you what you need. maybe it’s because of the season, but I for one am happy you’ve found each other. you’re both filling a void that you share between you as well as the penetrative mass that reduces the emptyness. like two creatures sharing both organs. it’s beyond normal heterosexuality so much as to be truly egalitarian.

9 years ago

@ Julotte Galocci

Julotte, could you kindly explain exactly what it is you mean? I have literally no idea what you’re saying.

9 years ago

^ It’s a troll who’s saying that we confirm MRA’s assertions by reacting “bitchily” and they confirm our assertions by being MRAs – that it’s a symbiotic relationship.

My reaction: “Oh, honey, bless your heart. This isn’t bitchy.”

And then, “Wow, this seems remarkably similar to another troll we had buzz by recently.”

9 years ago

@ mockingbird

Ah, now I understand. It was so badly written, the only thing I got out of it was cluelessness.

9 years ago

Well, that was word salad but I’m glad we found each other too. Mammotheers are the best!

9 years ago

Julotte: That’s some amazing word-salad you’ve concocted there. Set your online dictionary to ‘random’ and just went for it, did you?

9 years ago

ah but thats the point; feminism allows more women to choose not to marry, to support themselves. Men who see women as objects hate that…


This may have been written by a randomizing bot and put back and forth through translator a few times?

“unless this site is a parody of feminism”

This blog is quote obviously a catalog of misogynistic hate groups. Ive actually never seen a good parody of feminism that wasnt a massive straw(wo)man tbh.

“You seem…to be providing them evidence as they provide you what you need.”

you could write this more coherently:
you seem to be providing them with evidence [of X]; in the same way that they [etc]

You didnt specify what “evidence” we (commenters or the blog?) are providing or what “need” MRAs are providing; however I assure you that no one needs to be hated. Victims of hate might find catharsis in exposing, criticizing. and riduculing hate, however.

“you’re both filling a void that you share between you as well as the penetrative mass that reduces the emptyness.”

So feminists and anti-feminists share both a void AND a “penatrative mass”… that reduces the void…? I think youre trying to make a sexual innuendo while evoking both cosmology and biology (simbiosis):

“like two creatures sharing both organs.”

I guess as a feminist there are things “missing” in my life – real protection from rape and harassment, equal pay, etc. However unwanted oppression is the problem, not the solution.

“it’s beyond normal heterosexuality so much as to be truly egalitarian.”

Just straining that awakward sexual metaphor further in the wierdest way;
“Normal” heterosexuality is not intrinsically oppressive to women. Being “not [hetero]normative” sexually doesnt mean you are treating everyone equally… there is no equality or enjoyment coming from sexist dudes insulting and oppressing women…

9 years ago

Stoopid question time:

Am I the only one who saw that graphic at the top and saw those X’s (especially the ones over the eyes) as cartoon bruises at first? Like, something along the lines of what Bluto would look like after he gets Popeye’s knockout punch. That kind of cartoon violence.

Or am I reading too much into that?

9 years ago

Well, I have bad teeth and my hair’s not much better, so I guess I have nothing to lose anyway.