a woman is always to blame antifeminism gloating mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit red pill

Concerned MRA warns women that feminism will ruin their lives by making them bitchy

Just so you know, ladies!
Just so you know, ladies!

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Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, one thoughtful and considerate MRA has decided to do the women of the world a giant favor — warning them of the sneaky ways that feminism will actually end up harming them! 

Mostly by making them such terrible people that no man will ever want them.

Here are bullet points 4 through 7 in mikesteane’s list of Ten Ways Feminism Has Harmed Women, a post so important that the r/MensRights mods have stickied it to the top of their front page.

4. Very many women can no longer find husbands because the western men can see that feminist laws and applications have made marriage a bad deal for men.
5. Many others cannot find husbands because the toxic views feminism has led them to has made them unmarriageable.
6. Still others cannot get married because the sexual liberation ideas pushed by feminism has led them to ride the carousel until their market values have fallen off a precipice.
7. Then there are those who, believing that being rude and bossy indicates strength and independence, in keeping with feminist polemic, have destroyed their own relationships, including marriages.

Not only that, but feminism will make women so rude and uppity that they will end up annoying each other with their uppity rudeness:

9. The ignorant rudeness that women are commonly taught is empowerment rebounds when they find themselves forming groups with other ignorant rude women.

Also, ladies, now you have to work outside of the home. Did you know that? Ha ha.

But nobody will hire you because you have some dumb non-STEM college degree instead of a PhD in Sitting on Your Ass at Work Posting Dumb Lists to the Men’s Rights Subreddit When You Should Be Working on a Computer Program or Something.


H/T — r/AgainstMensRights

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9 years ago

Man, I’ve been a feminist for years, and I still haven’t been able to ditch all the mens and get an invite into the feminist harpy commune. I must be doing it wrong.

a PhD in Sitting on Your Ass at Work Posting Dumb Lists to the Men’s Rights Subreddit When You Should Be Working on a Computer Program or Something

I had a former co-worker like this. Don’t know if he’s an MRA, but he’s a gater and I heard he once posted a GWW video to a work chat (they have an in-office IM program for teams to chat on). His supervisor, a friend of mine, tried to gently get him to stop surfing reddit during work hours and do some work, so dude announced he was going to file a complaint with HR that he was “being attacked for [his] browsing”.

9 years ago

They don’t mention bon-bons even once! I demand my bon-bons!

9 years ago

I’ll be sure to inform my husband…

9 years ago

Very many women can no longer find husbands because the western men can see that feminist laws and applications have made marriage a bad deal for men.

Actually, it’s more like this: The laws are not feminist at all, so we can’t rely on them to help us very much. Feminism, luckily, has taught us what a bad man looks like, and what a bad deal certain guys (like this one!) are for us, so we can avoid marrying them. If that means we have to look a bit longer and harder to find Mr. Right, well, so be it. (Also, some of us are gay, so it’s Ms. Right for them.)

Many others cannot find husbands because the toxic views feminism has led them to has made them unmarriageable.

See above. It’s this dude who’s toxic and unmarriageable. Women are fleeing him in droves because he’s an asshole. And feminism just opened their eyes to that fact.

Still others cannot get married because the sexual liberation ideas pushed by feminism has led them to ride the carousel until their market values have fallen off a precipice.

First off, “sexual market value” is a myth. There is no sex market, outside of maybe brothels and red-light districts. If you’re thinking of it as a commodity you can buy, or her as being for sale, ur doin it rong.

Secondly: what’s so bad about sexually experienced women? It’s not like they become worse for it; only more knowledgeable. And often, a lot more fun, and more likely to want a guy who’s fun too.

Maybe that’s what’s bugging him? He doesn’t want a woman with knowledge and a basis for comparison, because then she’d see what a sack of shit he is?

Then there are those who, believing that being rude and bossy indicates strength and independence, in keeping with feminist polemic, have destroyed their own relationships, including marriages.

Actually, if those relationships were based on false (patriarchal) premises to begin with, they were begging to be destroyed. Otherwise, it’s the woman who gets destroyed in them. Dude, why U no want women to be whole people?

And what’s with calling women “rude and bossy” for having standards and expectations of their own? Dude, you’ll never get a wife with THAT attitude!

(And on the off chance that you do, she’ll probably leave you when she realizes that you’re a gaslighting weirdbeard.)

9 years ago

He seems pretty obsessed with marriage. The thought of getting married just isn’t even on my radar. I have 2 amazing sons, a job I adore, my own place. I love that feminism has empowered me to not be dependent on someone else. Not that I think people shouldn’t have the option to stay home with kids but there are not enough imaginary bon bons in the world to make that attractive to me.

And thanks to enjoying single life, when I do eventually meet someone who makes commitment seem attractive, that person will be extremely special and is more likely to be right for me. Which I think is this guy’s real problem with feminism, it gives us options and standards which he doesn’t want to have to try to meet.

9 years ago

I don’t comment often, but as soon as I saw that list I knew I wanted to – but NicolaLuna said exactly what I wanted to say!

Thanks to feminism, I do not feel that I HAVE to be married. I have other options that enable me to still have a rewarding life and lifestyle, and none of them involve scrubbing skidmarks out of some dude’s tighty-whiteys.

I am not married, yet I have a job I enjoy, friends, a wonderful child, I own my own home. I have my own car (late-model, even!) AND a dog! AND a cat! I don’t knit but I do enjoy crocheting.

I’ve been married. It has it’s benefits. But I am very very content being single.

Also, I don’t know where he gets his information, but I have still received proposals, even at my advanced age (50+) and even though I have had far, far more than 3 partners for sexy-times.

Basically his list is just a riff on their usual “SOMEDAY THEY’LL ALL BE SORRY!!” fantasy.

9 years ago

I thought the ‘carousel’ was such a transparently bigoted concept that it was only used in RedPill(ock) circles and disdained by /r/mensrights types, who like to see themselves as rational egalitarian intellectuals. Seems it’s acceptable there after all if that post was stickied.

Talking about the ‘carousel’ so clearly signals a desire to police female sexuality that they might as well just start spewing Rooshian outrage-bait. Any pretence is over.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

And, once again, the MRM does our advertising for us!

“Wimmens, don’t become a feminist! Because then I won’t want to fuck you because you’ll be empowered and shit, and no real man (by my own standards, of course) can get a boner if you’re busy being, you know, human!”

9 years ago

It is really cute when these guys try to convince us that we don’t want to be feminist.

When I was in my late teens-early 20’s, I was a very angry person. It wasn’t until a friend of mine introduced me to feminist thought that I then had the vocabulary to explore where my anger was coming from and the tools to then analyze the possible solutions that I was able to become a considerably calmer and more grounded person. Plus, I’ve been married for 27 years and raised 3 sons, so my feminism didn’t keep me from finding anything.

This is why I think most of these guys are teenagers. They just don’t seem to have a clue as to how things work in the real world.

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

So basically he’s saying, feminism is bad for women because no man will want you!

It’s a popular threat with them. Characteristically they haven’t noticed that it’s

1) About two hundred years out of date (people have been using that cliche on uppity women since forever)

2) Inaccurate (there are lots of happily married feminists)

3) Not much of a threat after all (single women do just fine, thanks. Better than single men, by most measures)

4) Seriously, son, when you and guys like you say *you* don’t want to marry feminists, that’s a feature. Not a bug. A feature.

(I won’t bother to point out the heteronormativity because they’re redpillers, ho hum.)

9 years ago

5. Many others cannot find husbands because the toxic views feminism has led them to has made them unmarriageable.

Hmm. I’ll have to tell Hubby. Of course feminism is what made him #2–#1 decided to go all conservative Christian on me.

9 years ago

This is why I think most of these guys are teenagers. They just don’t seem to have a clue as to how things work in the real world.

This may be, but in meatspace all of the MRAs and MRA-adjacents I’ve had the misfortune of meeting are adults, most of them divorced. I can’t imagine why. *eyeroll*

erica, ascendant
9 years ago

So lemme get this straight: I’m supposed to believe that someone who works for my subjugation and for my having fewer rights has my best interest in mind?

This is basically a creeper telling you to smile in internet form. Except it’s “smile, and don’t work for equality.”

9 years ago

@myriad and Flora – I usually tend to think they are teenagers, too, although I think that is more because of the unbelievable immaturity they show.

I really don’t know how the MRA demographics break down, but I feel certain there are probably a much wider range of ages than I like to believe.

Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

I think that most non-feminist women would be tempted to publicly proclaim themselves feminists just to keep these MRA losers away.

9 years ago

Feminism will make me unattractive and unmarriageable to sexist guys?

Where is the downside? Riddle me that, Mr. Manospherian.

I’ve seen plenty of women in marriages to jerks. I especially saw this when I was a child and feminism was less of a thing. Happy marriages seemed to me to be quite rare. Women were seriously devalued all the time. It was frightening.

Why in the name of Katie would I want that?

And I’ve got to add this to any feminist who is thinking, Whew! I’m safe from those jerks. It’s just not true! I don’t think my feminism scared off one jerk. So please be cautious. Some MRAs would never in a million years call themselves MRAs. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t MRAs. Not every guy with ill intentions identifies with a stinkin’ acronym. Some of them see themselves as politically progressive, peaceful feminists. Ha ha ha ha ha!

9 years ago

This may be, but in meatspace all of the MRAs and MRA-adjacents I’ve had the misfortune of meeting are adults, most of them divorced. I can’t imagine why. *eyeroll*

A lot of the MRA talking points are stereotypes that misogynists have used against women for centuries, so yes men of varying ages will also believe theses things. What I was referring to is most of the loudest on line seem to be teenagers (maybe I should have been more specific in my post).

Yes, I can’t imagine either why the are divorced. They’re nice guys after all. 😉


True, very true.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

Ha! My introduction to feminist spaces happened years ago, when a sad, angry troll kept spewing “thoughts” exactly like this on a daily basis at a forum I used to chat on. It opened my eyes to the online presence of misogyny (this was way, waaaayyyy before twitter or facebook even existed). I mean, I was a feminist already, I was just so young that I called it ‘egalitarianism’ (again, waaaayyyy long ago in the way back when). I was also so young I couldn’t buy my own booze so there was no way to numb the pain of discovering so much oozing puss in humanity.

Lists like this do very little to repel women from feminism, but I bet the list maker felt a release of anger with such much projection and did a wee self-satisfied *oh snap* after posting it. Behold, my fellow intellectuals, I have maked The List.

9 years ago

4. Very many women can no longer find husbands because the western men can see that feminist laws and applications have made marriage a bad deal for men.

Citation needed.

5. Many others cannot find husbands because the toxic views feminism has led them to has made them unmarriageable.

Citation needed

6. Still others cannot get married because the sexual liberation ideas pushed by feminism has led them to ride the carousel until their market values have fallen off a precipice.

This is not a thing. Most people don’t think of others in terms of “SMV.” And considering that there are dating sites out there that exclusively cater to people who are 50+, if there was such a thing as SMV than there clearly is a market for women over 50 who most likely going to be sexually experienced and probably divorced or widowed with kids. Also MILF porn is one of the most popular categories.

9. The ignorant rudeness that women are commonly taught is empowerment rebounds when they find themselves forming groups with other ignorant rude women.

Why is that I suspect “ignorant rudeness” means that women have the right to say no to sex despite the fact that above he was just whining about women saying yes to sex? Once again these entitled asshats just think that all women they desire should have to say no to every other man but them.

This Handle is a Test
This Handle is a Test
9 years ago

>>Secondly: what’s so bad about sexually experienced women? It’s not like they become worse for it; only more knowledgeable. And often, a lot more fun, and more likely to want a guy who’s fun too. <>Also MILF porn is one of the most popular categories.<<

Really? I always thought that people who bought into that nonsense were, to put it politely, not very bright. Then again, I have no way of knowing, nor desire to find out, what's popular in porn.

This Handle is a Test
This Handle is a Test
9 years ago

*ARGH* the internet ate the first part of my comment!

What I was going was this at the beginning:

>>Secondly: what’s so bad about sexually experienced women? It’s not like they become worse for it; only more knowledgeable. And often, a lot more fun, and more likely to want a guy who’s fun too. <<

This isn't a bad thing but I'll point out that, as a guy, unless someone has a particular kink, the man doesn't particularly get more out of the act if the woman has experience past a certain point (experience to the point of not being afraid, which is a relatively small amount? Good. Experience past that point? Not a negative, as long as everyone takes STD prevention/has test, but not really adding all that much either).

Having said that, feminism has been incredibly beneficial to the world as everyone deserves the opportunity that their skills provide them and the inherent dignity and respect that all human being should have. To slightly alter a quote from The Sandman "people belong to no one, except perhaps to themselves" (this would be from The Dollhouse graphic novel).

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Random hilarious fact? I poked into fetlife’s fetish finder thing, and it’s “most popular”…want to guess? Anyone?

Oral sex.

I don’t recall MILF making the top page, but I was too gobsmacked by that really. But yeah, that’s definitely one skill that gets better with practice.

9 years ago

This handle is a test,
There is a big difference in the lay I am today vs the lay I was in my 20s. Just because you aren’t aware of a difference does not mean there isn’t one.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
9 years ago

I fully expected this list to end with, “So don’t leave, Suzy! You’ll never find another man if you don’t accept my domineering, hostile, entitled ways! Put the suitcase down for your own good! Nooooo don’t goooooooo!!!!!!!”

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Jackie; currently using they/their, he/his pronouns)
9 years ago

Random hilarious fact? I poked into fetlife’s fetish finder thing, and it’s “most popular”…want to guess? Anyone?

Oral sex.

The question is is this more popular among people with penises or vaginas? I hope it’s pretty even. ,’:3<

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