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MGTOW wonders: Why do women see us as “breeding stock for making babies based on racial traits”

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We here at We Hunted the Mammoth often wonder why the so-called Men Going Their Own Way don’t just GO already.

But maybe we’re being unfair. Because it seems clear that a lot of them don’t live on the same planet as the rest of us.

Take this, well, unexpected critique of women I found in the MGTOW subreddit the other day.

Just when I thought women couldn't disgust me more. (self.MGTOW) submitted 7 days ago by Grant_The_King_Cheeb I know women who think of men as breeding stock. Now let me explain a bit: I work in a small town and never actually spent any real time living in a city but I notice this conversation with dozens of women every day. "I'd totally fuck a black/asian/native/latin/white guy just to have a kid with his skin/eyes/hair/genes." This just disgusts me especially when I'm somehow fit into the conversation. I already knew that women fuck guys to get child support but I really didn't see the day when we were viewed as breeding stock just for making babies based on racial traits. Any guy willing to fall into that sort of trap can make his own choices (like they have much free will in the first place) but still, or fucks sake...

For my reaction to this post, let me refer you to the following gif.


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9 years ago

I would totally pitch a sitcom set in this small town of his, where you can hear dozens of women saying not just that, but precisely that on any given day. Mayberry’s changed since Andy Griffith was Sheriff, I tell you what.

9 years ago

Are you sure, guy? Are you sure you’ve heard multiple women say this all the time? Are you sure you didn’t hear one group of women saying something kinda weird and gross one time that you ran through your misogyny filter?

Also points for referencing the Great Female Conspiracy: we will produce tiny humans that we are responsible for, just so that we can milk you for that sweet, sweet, generally less than half of childcare costs, man money.

9 years ago

“I didn’t have to hear it with my own two ears, everybody knows that’s the only thing they talk about!”

9 years ago

Dozens of women.

A day.


9 years ago

Of course, it’s not impossible that he knows a group of super racist women who see MOC as a collection of features to donate to their children; but if that is the case, the problem is the racism, dude.

9 years ago

Okay, I’m going to make the assumption that most women who would have this kind of conversation would probably be having it with other women… so he’s saying that every day he personally witnesses, in real life, at least 12 pairs of women talking about this…


No. No, that isn’t happening. No matter where you live. That’s one of the most ludicrous things I can imagine, worthy of an episode of the Twilight Zone or something.

9 years ago

@Viscaria: it’s not about people of color. He included “white” at the end of his list of types of men. this obviously bullshit scenario, if it actually existed, would really only be about “misandry” not racism. Or, I guess, only about racism in the specifics not the generalities.

But no. There’s no way this is actually happening.

Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

The utter lack of self-awareness in the MGTOW community is simply breathtaking.

9 years ago

I mean people fetishizing biracial babies is definitely a thing but it’s a racism thing; not a misandry thing.

Also, I suspect “dozens” might be something of an exaggeration.

Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago


Are you sure you’ve heard multiple women say this all the time? Are you sure you didn’t hear one group of women saying something kinda weird and gross one time that you ran through your misogyny filter?

Actually, I’m fairly certain that the entire thing is a product of his fevered misogynist imagination.

9 years ago

@Brian, yeah I’m definitely not trying to suggest that his version of events has anything to do with reality. I just didn’t want to, as a white woman, be all “that never happens lol” when of course it does. But not about white guys, and not dozens of people a day. That’s just absurd.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Sure, people might be attracted to particular physical attributes, fantasize about kids, fall in love, and get excited at the prospect of seeing their beloved’s features mirrored in their children. But mostly, the people you see crassly evaluating potential partners as “breeding stock” are redpillers and MGTOW. Look how much time they spend earnestly discussing hip-to-waist ratios and the ideal zygomatic arch slope and the general uselessness of women for anything except birthin’. Look at the way they constantly discuss women as if they’re discerning cattle ranchers at a livestock auction. That’s a lot different than “I really love cheekbones”.

This is another one of those things where it’s totally understandable when done by men, but cravenly evil when done by women, isn’t it?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I have seen it happen before, and heard from many PoC about it and how gross it is, so I know it’s a thing.

What’s worse is that sometimes the white parent can also be hella racist to their own kids if they don’t pop out as perfect as they were imagined, which is 99.999999% of the time, and then turn around and say that that child they’re being racist to has “too much” of the other race, making them undesirable. It’s super fucking gross.

However, I do agree that it’s racism, not misandry. It’s fetishizing PoC and their “features”, not just “feeemales want to use us as breeding stock!!!!!1!Eleventy!”

I would also like to point out that there are so many fucking manospherians who want to fetishize Asian women and pick women they’re into on some really disturbing, specific shit like hair color, eye color, BMI index, whether or not we have a fucking eating disorder and so fucking on, so:

comment image

It appears to be another case of “It’s totally okay when we do it!”

9 years ago

Why does this disgust him especially when he is “fit into the conversation somehow”? And how did he get from women talking about having a child with the features of a particular man of a particular race to women having babies with the guy, not for the genetic features of the child, but rather for child support?

I have, many times in my checkered past, said things to friends like: “I’d let him eat crackers in my bed.” Or, “I’d have his baby.” All in jest, of course, and about some guy that took my fancy for a moment. Obviously, I was joking, but I could really see a situation where he heard a woman one time joke that a particular guy would make beautiful babies, and twisted it into this being dozens of women daily trying to milk the poor menz for child support.

The Census data shows that less than half of custodial parents received their full amount of child support each year. Custodial mothers are twice as likely to live in poverty than custodial fathers. But child support is the clear way for women to live in luxury while the fathers drown in poverty.

Yeah. Right.

9 years ago

Haven’t there been posts here about manospherians saying you should only have kids with thin pretty women so as not to have ugly babies. And don’t these guys always spout off evo psych about how young pretty women are the only acceptable fuck partners because fertility and quality eggs? Why is it that when men take an unemotional and transactional approach to sex, relationships, and reproduction it’s a-ok but when women do it, it’s evidence of feeeeemales being evil?

ETA: Ninja’d by Buttercup!

9 years ago

Forget the sitcom, how about an ’80s standup routine:

“Guys, don’t you hate being surrounded all day by women talking about going to bed with men of various races in order to cook up designer babies in their wombs? What’s up with that?”

Tears of laughter from all the men in the audience going “it’s funny because it’s truuuue!”

9 years ago

What’s worse is that sometimes the white parent can also be hella racist to their own kids if they don’t pop out as perfect as they were imagined, which is 99.999999% of the time, and then turn around and say that that child they’re being racist to has “too much” of the other race, making them undesirable. It’s super fucking gross.

I was hate watching Toddlers & Tiaras and this white woman had a biracial son she entered into pageants. She kept talking about how when she was pregnant she was so scared he’d have black textured hair and was relieved that he had good white textured hair. It was even more appalling than that show usually is.

9 years ago

Maybe he was just a very earnest fan of Harry Enfield.

Professor Fate
Professor Fate
9 years ago

So he lives in a small town with dozens of women talking about having babies like they were breeding race horses –

Malice W Underland
9 years ago

Next time I’m trying to back up an argument, I’m going to use anecdotal evidence that I completely made up.

9 years ago

Ironic, since manosphere types literally only view women as “breeding stock.”

9 years ago

On an unrelated note, thanks for mentioning The Breeders. Great band.

9 years ago

I’ve lived in large cities and in small college towns and in the ‘burbs. I’ve traveled across the United States of America. And I do recall one conversation — and only one conversation — along these lines. It went like this:

My black coworker: Jose Feliciano and I would make beautiful babies together.

Me: Ha, ha, yeah.

I think that this kind of innocent conversation is what this guy is talking about.

9 years ago

I have overheard that kind of talk before, but that was in high school and very rarely even then. I highly doubt he’s hearing dozens of women have that kind of conversation as an adult.

He’s just insecure and projecting his insecurities onto women.

Malice W Underland
9 years ago

@Kat I’ll bet you anything that’s what it was.

Also…Can anyone tell me how to embed videos here?

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