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It’s a fairly common belief, at least in the fetid swamp of humanity known as the manosphere, that mass shooters become mass shooters mainly because they can’t score with the ladies.
Had so-called “permavirgin” killers like Elliot Rodger or Adam Lanza managed to master pickup artistry, or simply been provided with a girlfriend from the US Government Department of Girlfriends, this theory goes, we would have been spared countless deaths.
Despite the weird obsession that so many in the manosphere have with this facile and ridiculous argument, you might think that even the most creative manosphere ideologues would have trouble applying this particular theory to the recent tragedy in San Bernardino, given that it was carried out by a married couple, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik.
But never doubt the tenacity of a manospherian with an idée fixe stuck in his head like a bad song. In a post last week with the self-explanatory title Mass Shooters Are Men With Limited Sexual Market Options, the proudly racist pickup artist who calls himself Heartiste wondered if the San Bernardino shootings were the result of Farook’s resentment over his alleged inability to score with the (white) babes:
Not all men who have few options with women will go out in a blaze of jihad, but most blazing jihadis are men who have few options with (White) women.
Several days later, after the media finally got hold of several photos of Malik, Heartiste returned to the subject, proudly announcing that his thesis had been proved correct — because Malik was so terribly, terribly ugly that anyone married to her would be happier dead.
A photo of the San Bernardino female Muslim terrorist was finally released to the public, and, judging by her resemblance to Mohammed Atta of 9/11 infamy, it appears her husband, the primary shooter Syed “we’re Farooked” Farook, had a motive for prematurely releasing himself from this mortal coil: going home every evening to gaze upon his wife’s asiatic pulchritude.
Heartiste was so pleased to have an opportunity to slag on Farook and his allegedly ugly wife that he momentarily set aside his longstanding hatred of American women.
The [Chateau Heartiste] hypothesis that Farook’s limited sexual market options contributed to his Islamist terror attack is gaining some traction. Farook had to get a mail order bride… who looked like this. And that’s while living in a country side by side with cute White women. That’s gotta sting.
These days, apparently, Heartiste’s white supremacism trumps his misogyny.
In the comments, Heartiste’s fans — or at least the minority of them who weren’t too busy spewing racist hate so virulent it might cause a Klansman to blush — tended to agree with Mr, H’s assessment.
Random Guy suggested that most Muslim men in the west resent their
lack of sex and availability of the highest value women. They want white women but can’t get them without money and what women they can get are basically mail order brides.
Youalreadyknow added that
the reports are that he wanted a devout Islamic wife and he got a beast of a bitch. Dude was a little bitch who lashed out because he was easily bullied and he was also sexually frustrated. All male terrorists are sexually frustrated.
Lost in Moderation, meanwhile, after claiming that he had “lived for years as a Muslim among Muslims,” declared that Mr.H’s insinuation that Farook was a sexually frustrated beta obsessed with white women
may be the truest thing you’ve ever written. They are utterly consumed by it, even though they never say it. The little greaseballs know white women won’t give them the time of day, period. …
I used to score a lot of points with the Muslimahs (who are easier than you may think) just by making fun of the boys’ obsession with little white girls in bikinis, they would be so shocked that I’d even dare say out loud what they all knew, and so tingly, too.
It always comes back to these imagined “tingles” for these guys, doesn’t it?
Falconer, your babies are always the cutest.
Thank you, everybody, for your kind comments about my babies.
We put up our Christmas tree this week, so that’s been the major topic of discussion. My boy gets out of bed after bedtime because he’s concerned that the lights are still on. And they both rearrange the decorations, which leads to three or more Festive Plastic Spheres hung from one branchlet.
Those were my thoughts, too. All right, so she’s not blond, not blue-eyed, and not wearing more makeup than clothing. But hideous she isn’t. She’s just not these guys’ painfully narrow and subjective idea of beautiful. Boo fucking hoo! Everything in femaledom does not revolve around MRA/MGTOW/RedPillock/PUA boners.
(And in other news, neither does everything else in the world, save maybe the palms of these wankers’ hands.)
My suspicion is that it has something to do with the whole white American male cult of hypermasculinity, in which suitably manly men are rewarded with southern belles. In other words, women so improbably fragile and in need of “protection” from supposedly rapacious Big Black Men (with Big Black Muscles and Big Black Wangs!™) that an entire Confederate Army and the KKK had to be built around the premise of “protecting” them from that Fate Worse Than Death™. It was all about creating the “perfect” helpless, dependent woman…and then corralling and sequestering her with all manner of ridiculous social norms, the Second Amendment, and even with military and quasi-military force. Women like that get held up as trophies for rich white men to this day, and so it is commonly assumed that non-white, non-rich men must also desire them as Manhood Prizes™.
And the man who doesn’t, of course, gets put down as a Henpecked, Castrated Mangina™. By men who are secretly insecure that their stuff will never be a match for that of a Big Black Man™.
Not only do we have to have sex with aspiring mass-murderers to make them non-murdery with our vagina magic, if they commit mass murder anyway it’s our fault for not being hot enough? I’m starting to think this game is rigged.
Wait, is the violence committed by Malik actually Farook’s fault for not being handsome? Let’s face it, dude’s no underwear model.
@shaenon – yep. On the ‘conventional attractiveness’ scoring, I’d definitely put her above him. Maybe she was pissed off because his ‘beard’ wasn’t big enough.
Ughhh…so disgusting. So vile. As if the discussion around this weren’t disgusting enough.
In all of these mass slayings and I mean all, there’s rarely a single factor in its commission. Like Fort Hood, there’s probably a co-mingling of Islamism and disgruntled employee. Most Islamist inspired dudes don’t shoot up their own workplaces or even their own neighbourhoods. But whatever the balance of pissed-off employee and radicalised Islamist, I’m willing to bet that not-getting-laid by a white girl* was low down the list of inspiring issues for this couple.
Fort Hood aside (where I’d expect people to be able to lay hands on weapons), in the US these things happen, in part, because people are able to easily get their hands on and stockpile weapons. Imagine how the Islamist inspired London tube stabbing would have gone down if the guy had had access to guns. He was absolutely no doubt Daesh inspired. He was also apparently suffering from a mental health crisis (yeah, yeah I know, but sometimes mental health conditions ARE related to violent actions to self or others – certainly more often than not getting laid). But he wasn’t able to get his hands on guns.
*I’ve heard that some people -including men – are actually more attracted to darker skin and non-Causcasian features. Apparently PUA haven’t.
After the rash of MRA-inspired school shootings… No, not getting laid (or, more accurately, male entitlement, toxic masculinity and misogyny) is the more common reason. Of course, it’s completely irrelevant to this shooting, but still.
To quote JonTron – “WHAT?! WHAT THE FUCK?!”
Don’t be ridiculous SFHC. That’s not the actual reason. Nobody, but nobody, shoots up a school solely because they’re horny. People may say that’s the reason, but it isn’t and you know it. The two shootings that spring to mind as ‘horn-dog driven’ Umpqua and Isla Vista actually had perpetrators with long -standing histories of mental health disorders. To downgrade all mental illness to the state of harmless but unpleasant is the same as downgrading all physical illness to the common cold.
I think they’ve gotten cause and effect backwards (wouldn’t be the first time for these guys). It’s not that no sex leads to being a mass murderer, it’s that being a mass murderer makes no sex a lot more likely. Not every person who has trouble getting laid picks up an AK-47. On the other hand, mass murderers are commonly socially isolated, rigid, deeply immersed in arcane ideology, enamored with violence, and seething with rage/entitlement – a combination which tends to repel potential sexual partners.
It’s definitely not on women that these men (and, occasionally, women) go on shooting sprees. Heartiste and ilk are looking for something tangible to connect their free-floating rage and life failures to. These killers are doing in real life what they’d like to do to women in their fantasies. Scary stuff.
If the FBI are to be believed the San Bernando suspects (probably safe to say perpetrators now) contacted a number of Jihadist groups prior to the attack (including a number of groups that are actually opposed to each other) but received no replies. So it seems they just acted on their own accord for whatever reasons.
As to the London Underground chap his family say they’d tried to get him ‘sectioned’ as they were concerned about his mental health but to no avail. He”s reported to have said “this is for Syria” after his arrest but who knows what drove him. The comments by one of the onlookers though has lead to the ‘you’re no muslim bro’ hashtag which has really caught on here.
As to radicalism generally, there’s no one cause nor any particular ‘profile’ as to who may be more susceptible. It’s interesting to read the various groups’ own material, especially the English language stuff. This gives some insight into the groups’ motives and the way they appeal to people. There are some remarkable parallels between the Jihadi stuff and the MRA themes “At a loose end, life not going too well? Join us and we’ll explain why it’s all the fault of women/mushrikin”
I’m actually really impressed that Heartiste hasn’t just othered Farook and Malik as being evil Muslim terrorists intent on destroying America. He’s put religion behind him and has embraced them (at least, embraced Farook) as being his ideological brethren. He must have been listening to us.
Well done, Heartise. Now that you’ve gotten over your xenophobia, let’s talk about your misogyny.
Just because the couple in question didn’t hear back from any groups, doesn’t mean they weren’t inspired by them. Social networking on line relies on distributed influence. White supremacists and woman-haters and religious extremists can all be influenced by reading or participating in fora (or just reading them).
The model itself isn’t a bad one. When I was responsible for the uptake of certain best practices, I deliberately copied some of my comms methods from al Qaeda – although I didn’t credit them in my project plan. 🙂 Some people were directly engaged with me personally, but many more people were influenced by our planned work and what our lively community was doing online and offline. But obviously I was promoting really dull professional practice and not using hate and bloodshed and the promise of better sex here or in the hereafter as motivation. I did a pretty good job with a much tougher gig, if I do say so myself.
@ rubyyogi
The original AQ staff handbook is interesting reading. You got 8 weeks paid holiday and a bonus for every (male) child you produced. No paternity leave though and no pension provision.
Part of me is tempted to volunteer as a Mass-Shooter Prevention Girlfriend…I’ve dated some pretty awful people and survived. If it would prevent this kind of violence, sure, I’ll come and watch TV with you and make dinner and call you cute names and let you shower with me with all that pent-up affection. Of course, I’m 46 and short and round, so even given the mitigating factors of a sense of humor, creative mind, high IQ and willingness to put up with BS for the good of humanity, I don’t think my offer would solve the problem anyway…
Does Heartiste know that “pulchritude” means beauty?
@Axaeo – I’m guessing he thought that the word sounded like it described something ugly (H to self: “Pulchritude sounds like ‘pucker’ and ‘putrid’ had a baby – and it throws ‘-tude’ on at the end!”).
Or he’s really bad at sarcasm.
Did you read the bit in parentheses? “Or, more accurately, male entitlement, toxic masculinity and misogyny.” I only worded it as the obscenely-simplified “Not getting laid” because you did first and figured that you were simplifying it too. Or did I give you too much credit?
Ah, I see. You’re just that desperate to be an ableist shitstain. Should have figured, given how many times you’ve been warned about it (which, before the “YOU’RE A MEANIEPANTS” snipers arrive, is many, many, many times). Fuck off.
*And I figured that. Five minute edit window, still managed to not notice a missing word.
Barf. Just because their own obsession with white women makes them terrorists does not mean every terrorist is obsessed with white women.
Whenever anyone mentions pick up artists all I can ever think of is The Prince of Persuasia
Sarcasm or not, I bet most of Heartiste’s followers don’t know what “pulchritude” means, so they’re trying to guess it from context. They’re going to be badly misled.
Ah well, semantic accuracy is misandry. Everyone already knows what you’re trying to say is, that women suck.
I LMAO at the Prince of Persuasia. But my favorite pickup artist is Harold Lloyd from Girl Shy.
Only sorta on topic, but as someone with one of those “severe mental illnesses” I gotta say that I despise this whole sort of ranking system (in general, not just this “not all mental illness is a common cold” thing).
Bipolar depression => severe mental illness
Unipolar depression => not?
Guess when I’m actually a danger to myself? Hint, it isn’t when sleep and food are unnecessary distractions from the Very Important Things I Must Do. But apparently that shifts it from what, ordinary mental illness? to severe mental illness.
I guess my point here is that it’s never a common cold that everyone has had and can sympathize with and will be a nice polite person about. And that you can have one of those supposedly common disorders and still be completely unable to function, or one of those “severe” disorders and actually blend right in asymptotically, or anything in between, regardless what diagnosises are on the insurance forms.
Oh and bigotry and assholery are neither disorders nor correlated with mental health issues. And even when it is, that’s no excuse — whether you stepped on my foot intentionally, because you were distracted, or because you’re blind, you still stepped on my fucking foot. The reaction, and solution, may differ, but the problem doesn’t (get off my damned foot!)
TL;DR: there’s no such thing as a class of mental disorders that are automatically “severe” as that implies that there is another “not severe” class, and drawing lines like that is belittling.
This reminds me of one dipshit who claimed that they were allowed to call MRAs “Crazy” because they had magical mind-reading powers and could just tell, y’know. So I dared them to mind-read which Mammotheers were mentally ill. They couldn’t, they called me an asshole, I laughed for a week straight.
… Actually, that might have been RugbyYogi again. *Googles* Yeah, it was.
Hey, Rugby? I might be an asshole, but you’re a bigot.
(Also: *applauds Argenti*)