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Racists Wonder: Did Syed Farook Turn to Terror Because He Couldn’t Score a White Babe?

Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook
Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook

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It’s a fairly common belief, at least in the fetid swamp of humanity known as the manosphere, that mass shooters become mass shooters mainly because they can’t score with the ladies.

Had so-called “permavirgin” killers like Elliot Rodger or Adam Lanza managed to master pickup artistry, or simply been provided with a girlfriend from the US Government Department of Girlfriends, this theory goes, we would have been spared countless deaths.

Despite the weird obsession that so many in the manosphere have with this facile and ridiculous argument, you might think that even the most creative manosphere ideologues would have trouble applying this particular theory to the recent tragedy in San Bernardino, given that it was carried out by a married couple, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik.

But never doubt the tenacity of a manospherian with an idée fixe stuck in his head like a bad song. In a post last week with the self-explanatory title Mass Shooters Are Men With Limited Sexual Market Options, the proudly racist pickup artist who calls himself Heartiste wondered if the San Bernardino shootings were the result of Farook’s resentment over his alleged inability to score with the (white) babes:

Not all men who have few options with women will go out in a blaze of jihad, but most blazing jihadis are men who have few options with (White) women.

Several days later, after the media finally got hold of several photos of Malik, Heartiste returned to the subject, proudly announcing that his thesis had been proved correct — because Malik was so terribly, terribly ugly that anyone married to her would be happier dead.

A photo of the San Bernardino female Muslim terrorist was finally released to the public, and, judging by her resemblance to Mohammed Atta of 9/11 infamy, it appears her husband, the primary shooter Syed “we’re Farooked” Farook, had a motive for prematurely releasing himself from this mortal coil: going home every evening to gaze upon his wife’s asiatic pulchritude.

Heartiste was so pleased to have an opportunity to slag on Farook and his allegedly ugly wife that he momentarily set aside his longstanding hatred of American women.

The [Chateau Heartiste] hypothesis that Farook’s limited sexual market options contributed to his Islamist terror attack is gaining some traction. Farook had to get a mail order bride… who looked like this. And that’s while living in a country side by side with cute White women. That’s gotta sting.

These days, apparently, Heartiste’s white supremacism trumps his misogyny.

In the comments, Heartiste’s fans — or at least the minority of them who weren’t too busy spewing racist hate so virulent it might cause a Klansman to blush — tended to agree with Mr, H’s assessment.

Random Guy suggested that most Muslim men in the west resent their

lack of sex and availability of the highest value women. They want white women but can’t get them without money and what women they can get are basically mail order brides.

Youalreadyknow added that

the reports are that he wanted a devout Islamic wife and he got a beast of a bitch. Dude was a little bitch who lashed out because he was easily bullied and he was also sexually frustrated. All male terrorists are sexually frustrated.

Lost in Moderation, meanwhile, after claiming that he had “lived for years as a Muslim among Muslims,” declared that Mr.H’s insinuation that Farook was a sexually frustrated beta obsessed with white women

may be the truest thing you’ve ever written. They are utterly consumed by it, even though they never say it. The little greaseballs know white women won’t give them the time of day, period. …

I used to score a lot of points with the Muslimahs (who are easier than you may think) just by making fun of the boys’ obsession with little white girls in bikinis, they would be so shocked that I’d even dare say out loud what they all knew, and so tingly, too.

It always comes back to these imagined “tingles” for these guys, doesn’t it?



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9 years ago

Falconer, you have gorgeous babies with lovely smiles. I’m sure you know that, but thank you for letting us know too.

I read “pulchritude” as sarcasm too.

Basically there is nothing at all that can’t be used to denigrate women (any women: any ones that get praised at all are only praised in order to provide the contrast with the ones currently being put down) and men they don’t approve of.

That is a sad and lonely corner they are painting themselves into.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Walter | December 10, 2015 at 2:42 pm
I think it’s sad that they see everything through the lens of sex.

Walter, you literally were in the other thread advocating for a penis-centric society where cismen would be categorized by the size of their dicks.

Pot, meet kettle.

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
9 years ago


outrage, relish, and pearl-clutching

You know, these jerks sound oh so much funnier if you read them in your heads in the voice of a Southern Belle. Try it and tell me I’m wrong!

9 years ago

Paradoxical Intention

Two things.

1. Penises are super important.

2. I don’t go so far as to blame everything on dick size. At best only 30% of your life is deterkined by your dick.

9 years ago

So even when it’s a terrorist couple committing a mass shooting, it’s still all about the terrible Western women turning men down. Gotcha. So because manosphere denizens think exclusively with their dicks, all men must think exclusively with their dicks?

9 years ago

Get out and take your misanthropy and transphobia with you.

9 years ago

A good many Arab, South Asian, and/or Muslim men have married “cute white girls”… and attractive grown Western women. And, on the other hand, I don’t believe Muslim women would give this guy the time of day, because no woman would.

9 years ago


I am a misanthrope, but I have nothing against transgender people.

9 years ago

@Walter You are thinking about penises all the time in order to make yourself think about penises less?

9 years ago

Not all men who have few options with women will go out in a blaze of jihad, but most blazing jihadis are men who have few options with (White) women.

Meanwhile, Daesh has women (some of them even pretty darn white!) delivered to their door, and they’re STILL murderous terrorist bastards, supposedly jonesing for 72 more in heaven. Funny how that works!

A photo of the San Bernardino female Muslim terrorist was finally released to the public, and, judging by her resemblance to Mohammed Atta of 9/11 infamy, it appears her husband, the primary shooter Syed “we’re Farooked” Farook, had a motive for prematurely releasing himself from this mortal coil: going home every evening to gaze upon his wife’s asiatic pulchritude.

Actually, HE looks more like Atta than she does.

And just think, just a little over a year before the massacre, though she was no Victoria’s Secret model, he even managed somehow to get it up enough to make her pregnant! They had a six-month-old! Funny how that works!

The [Chateau Heartiste] hypothesis that Farook’s limited sexual market options contributed to his Islamist terror attack is gaining some traction. Farook had to get a mail order bride… who looked like this. And that’s while living in a country side by side with cute White women. That’s gotta sting.

And yet, he lived (and even grew up in) in a country where he probably knew he could have ordered himself a Russian or Ukrainian bride by mail, if he were really so dead keen on having a white one. Or could have pulled a Roosh and just gone over there to try and see how many impoverished locals he could “bang” — sexually slumming, so to speak. Funny how that works!

lack of sex and availability of the highest value women. They want white women but can’t get them without money and what women they can get are basically mail order brides.

Project much?

Dude was a little bitch who lashed out because he was easily bullied and he was also sexually frustrated. All male terrorists are sexually frustrated.

Well, by that reckoning, we should be hit with a suicide terrorist wave of PUAs. Any day now.

They are utterly consumed by it, even though they never say it.

Projection, yeronner! Only difference here is, PUAs can talk of little else. They think everyone else is as dick-ruled as they are.

I used to score a lot of points with the Muslimahs (who are easier than you may think) just by making fun of the boys’ obsession with little white girls in bikinis, they would be so shocked that I’d even dare say out loud what they all knew, and so tingly, too.


I’m guessing that the real story goes more like this: This dude tried and failed to pass himself off as “a Muslim among Muslims”, and the girls all laughed at him and his obsession with little white girls in bikinis. Which caused all HIS tingles to go bye-bye. Awwww, bonersadz!

9 years ago

You don’t need to be against transgender people just saying “penis=man” is transphobic becuase you are erasing the existence of trans people. Not all men have penises (trans men) and not all women have vaginas (trans women)

9 years ago

Meanwhile, when a white woman dates a non-white man, this happens.

9 years ago

How the h*** are saying racial slurs and attacking people not a hate crime!? That couple got attacked and only one of those thugs gets time!? Well the good news is the comment section gave me some hope for humanity.

9 years ago

How the h*** are saying racial slurs and attacking people not a hate crime!?

This is what gets me, too. Here in Canada, there’d be no doubt about it, and the attackers would be charged with that. The US is in deep denial, and that ain’t no river in Egypt.

9 years ago

Soooo, I’m betting Heartiste’s all “Trump 2016!”, then.

Yep, he’s been on the Trump bandwagon from basically day 1.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

What is it with manospherians and completely made up stories from their equally made up lives?
“I make women cry tears of joy after they’ve been bullied by feminazis”
“I impress WoC by judging their men, they are so easy!”
“In my experience, the world is exactly the way I claim it to be”

It’s not good fiction if the premise is unrelatable to anyone else and the plot isn’t even remotely believable.

Also, an anecdote is not a testimony unless you’re in a religious gathering.

Falconer: Is it creepy to suggest I want to omnomnom those cute chubby legs and arms? Because awwww!

Also, can this thread not be about Walter? Bored now.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
9 years ago

Interesting how Heartiste and company think everyone in the world wants a White woman. Such a fantasy world they live in.

9 years ago

Your babies are waaay cute. Thanks for sharing their photos.

9 years ago

Yep, he’s been on the Trump bandwagon from basically day 1.

I’m not sure which of them that makes look worse.

It’s like one of those paintings of paintings of paintings, but with racist asshats.

9 years ago

She’s conventionally attractive… obviously beauty is subjective but seriously, how can you just casually label her objectively ugly when she clearly fits the conventional standards of attractiveness? beauty isnt important, of course, her actions were ugly….

not to mention this story may be a case – like, say, Ruby Ridge – where the woman radicalized the man. I know it is shocking but sometimes women are leaders.

I havent read every comment – did Walter get banned yet? I mean its getting insulting…

9 years ago

Anyone got a good example of a man with plenty of access to sex that was a mass killer? Off the top of my head, most cult leaders such as Manson, Waco dude, Jones…

(ed:) I mean, some killers did have a hard time, erm, hooking up but I think thats a correlation-causation fallacy, if you like Rodgers hate women and are jerks to them they certainly wont want to date you, and if you are already a jerk and thats why you were rejected you cant blame women

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

@ kale

Besides cult leaders, I’m sure there’s plenty of examples of men who killed in spite of having ‘access’ to lots of sex.

The worrying thing is that these honeybunnies automatically connect the ‘no sex’ bit to murder, in spite of most mass killers being outsiders in every other way too. I mean, we don’t hear accounts of them having many male friends or other healthy social life either. This is NOT to say people who don’t have good social lives are somehow prone to killing people, it’s just that clearly the not having sex is not the only issue some mass murderers were suffering, and being unable to relate to women in a satisfactory way is not the only social failing related to their issues.

I know making a list of killers who had sex might seem like something to throw as a reply to one of these… sweeties. I just don’t think it would help them to logic, as the killers often accused the no sex and evil wimmin thing. They’ll always grasp at straws to keep their thesis going.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Falconer — they’ve gotten so big! And look at those little noses, still as adorable as ever!

Walter — nope, not this thread, go back to one of the penis related ones.

Frank Torpedo
9 years ago

You chaps ever notice that the MRA’s are always posting “EASY GUIDES FOR NON-WHITE MALES TO GET WHITE WOMEN”?

Why is that even a thing?

And by “non-whites”, I should clarify that they usually mean Asian and Indian men. You can see that crap all over Roosh’s website. Naturally, there’s no need for any such guide for black males, because race cuck interracial blah blah blah etc.,.

I mean, what’s the psychology behind that? What makes them think that all non-white men want white women?

And I don’t mean anything bad to any of the white women who post here! I’m sure you’re all very nice and you are more than welcome to date me if you want, but I just don’t see what the IMPERATIVE is that one simply must acquire a white woman by any means necessary!?

How does that work? Is there a letter you receive upon turning a certain age that dictates one simply MUST acquire a white woman, or one has failed some directive issued by MRA’s?