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Racists Wonder: Did Syed Farook Turn to Terror Because He Couldn’t Score a White Babe?

Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook
Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook

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It’s a fairly common belief, at least in the fetid swamp of humanity known as the manosphere, that mass shooters become mass shooters mainly because they can’t score with the ladies.

Had so-called “permavirgin” killers like Elliot Rodger or Adam Lanza managed to master pickup artistry, or simply been provided with a girlfriend from the US Government Department of Girlfriends, this theory goes, we would have been spared countless deaths.

Despite the weird obsession that so many in the manosphere have with this facile and ridiculous argument, you might think that even the most creative manosphere ideologues would have trouble applying this particular theory to the recent tragedy in San Bernardino, given that it was carried out by a married couple, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik.

But never doubt the tenacity of a manospherian with an idée fixe stuck in his head like a bad song. In a post last week with the self-explanatory title Mass Shooters Are Men With Limited Sexual Market Options, the proudly racist pickup artist who calls himself Heartiste wondered if the San Bernardino shootings were the result of Farook’s resentment over his alleged inability to score with the (white) babes:

Not all men who have few options with women will go out in a blaze of jihad, but most blazing jihadis are men who have few options with (White) women.

Several days later, after the media finally got hold of several photos of Malik, Heartiste returned to the subject, proudly announcing that his thesis had been proved correct — because Malik was so terribly, terribly ugly that anyone married to her would be happier dead.

A photo of the San Bernardino female Muslim terrorist was finally released to the public, and, judging by her resemblance to Mohammed Atta of 9/11 infamy, it appears her husband, the primary shooter Syed “we’re Farooked” Farook, had a motive for prematurely releasing himself from this mortal coil: going home every evening to gaze upon his wife’s asiatic pulchritude.

Heartiste was so pleased to have an opportunity to slag on Farook and his allegedly ugly wife that he momentarily set aside his longstanding hatred of American women.

The [Chateau Heartiste] hypothesis that Farook’s limited sexual market options contributed to his Islamist terror attack is gaining some traction. Farook had to get a mail order bride… who looked like this. And that’s while living in a country side by side with cute White women. That’s gotta sting.

These days, apparently, Heartiste’s white supremacism trumps his misogyny.

In the comments, Heartiste’s fans — or at least the minority of them who weren’t too busy spewing racist hate so virulent it might cause a Klansman to blush — tended to agree with Mr, H’s assessment.

Random Guy suggested that most Muslim men in the west resent their

lack of sex and availability of the highest value women. They want white women but can’t get them without money and what women they can get are basically mail order brides.

Youalreadyknow added that

the reports are that he wanted a devout Islamic wife and he got a beast of a bitch. Dude was a little bitch who lashed out because he was easily bullied and he was also sexually frustrated. All male terrorists are sexually frustrated.

Lost in Moderation, meanwhile, after claiming that he had “lived for years as a Muslim among Muslims,” declared that Mr.H’s insinuation that Farook was a sexually frustrated beta obsessed with white women

may be the truest thing you’ve ever written. They are utterly consumed by it, even though they never say it. The little greaseballs know white women won’t give them the time of day, period. …

I used to score a lot of points with the Muslimahs (who are easier than you may think) just by making fun of the boys’ obsession with little white girls in bikinis, they would be so shocked that I’d even dare say out loud what they all knew, and so tingly, too.

It always comes back to these imagined “tingles” for these guys, doesn’t it?



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9 years ago

David Futrelle,

I think this shows what sex obsessed losers racist sexist “Men’s Rights Activists” really are.

9 years ago

Soooo, I’m betting Heartiste’s all “Trump 2016!”, then.

9 years ago

They’re so obsessed with sex that they have come to believe that everyone else must be, too.

9 years ago

Asiatic pulchritude

Yeah, that phrase doesn’t mean what you think it means, Heartiste, and when you can’t even get the words right, it’s no wonder your ideas are garbage, too.

9 years ago

Goodness, I couldn’t even make it near the end for this one, because I was about to cringe way too much.

How do these people even sleep at night coming up with these disgusting things?

9 years ago

They really try so very hard to make everything about them.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

I think some of them probably prefer non-white women, but they’re incredibly insecure about their sexuality and need everything to line up with a white nationalist worldview. They probably don’t see any value in themselves other than not being female or non-white.

9 years ago

I have to wonder if there’s anything other than sheer possessiveness behind CH’s (and his cohorts’) desire to keep all POC away from “their” precious white women. I mean, considering their mindboggling misogyny I’d have to say that they’re not that interested in doing anything with women of any race, yet they’re also staggeringly fixated on keeping members of any “other” group away from said women. Very curious.

9 years ago


Nice catch, I missed it. These guys are really S-M-R-T, huh.

9 years ago

I don’t wanna talk about the overt hate, so let me talk about the only vaguely “PUA” bit of this discussion from an alleged PUA site. I love it because it’s a great example of the way PUA’s attribute anything good in their life to masterful dark triad game tactics even when it would have happened anyway.

“I used to score a lot of points with the Muslimahs (who are easier than you may think) just by making fun of the boys’ obsession with little white girls in bikinis, they would be so shocked that I’d even dare say out loud what they all knew, and so tingly, too.”

Assuming for the moment that he did in fact pick up a lot of (nonwhite) Muslim women (and that he is white), let me suggest that “shocking” them had little to do with it. I’d say it’s more relevant that

–Women from places where men associate whiteness with beauty probably also associate whiteness with beauty. It’s like men and women are part of the same culture, and like the hegemony of post-colonial mores and American media has enforced a white beauty standard across the globe.

–Women who feel neglected by the men of their in-group are likely to be more receptive to advances from out-group men.

So yeah, his “game” has nothing to do with it. If he’s scoring, he’s scoring with women who like white men and are being ignored by men of color.

Snork Maiden
9 years ago

Hang on, aren’t these people constantly excoriating white American women and fetishizing Asian women? They can’t even be consistent in their irrational hatred.

9 years ago

@Monzach, white women in the hands of the Lesser Races, or even animals, has been a racist trope for a long time. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s gotten to be a reflex for some people by now.

Hell, the US even cast Imperial Germany in the role during WWI:

comment image

9 years ago

“what women they can get are basically mail order brides”

Now wait a minute…weren’t the mail order brides supposed to be the exotically beautiful submissives of whom the little white girls in bikinis were expected to live in fear? Not for the first time, I register confusion, and experience no faith that the mystery will ever be cleared up.

Edit: (Or, what Snork Maiden said.)

9 years ago

@bekabot: It’s my experience that the only consistency I can expect from the MRAs and CH and Roosh, et al., is that they will take whatever position is necessary for them to attack whatever women they’ve decided to target.

9 years ago

@Snork Maiden

They simply really, REALLY desire dominance in all things.

Probably why they joined these racist and sexist ideologies in the first place (“IM BETTER THAN YOU CAUSE A GUY WHO SPOKE MY LANGUAGE AND HAD MY SKIN COLOR INVENTED *INSERT INVENTION*)

9 years ago

Roissey is very concerned with what he imagines is the truest way of modeling the world, the Hobbesian state of nature, where life is “nasty, brutish, and short.” Any changes in the lifeways people follow that deviate from the Hobbesian norm are unnatural, degenerate, and in short “Western”. He, and fellow travelers in the “dark enlightenment” such as Roosh and Matt Forney, harken back to some kind of pre-Western West, when men were men and women and sheep were scared, and see modern whites as by-and-large unworthy of their illustrious forebearers. Roissey differs from the RoK crowd (most of them, anyway: Mr. A. V. Yader can approach the same level of nihilistic hatred) in that he openly revels in his ability to objectively worsen the lives of everyone around him, bringing them into painful contact with the Hobbesian ideal, no matter what race or gender they may be. In true Fourteen Words fashion, he believes that White Women are the most beautiful women in the world, and that their preservation from the taint of multiculturalism should be the highest priority of every White Man. On the other hand, White Women are still Women, and thus the rightful victims of the White Man’s boundless capacity to warp and destroy, the same as any other object.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

@Orion Many PUA’s attribute ANYTHING good happening to them to dark triad personality traits. They think everyone else thinks and acts that way also. When you have a generally misanthropic worldview, it’s easier to be a deceptive jerk.

9 years ago

So Western women are bad and we don’t want them, but nobody else can have them either. These people are officially five year olds.

9 years ago

I’m confused, Ben and Falconer, what do you think he meant by “asiatic pulchritude”? Because it works with everything else, if you read it as sarcastic. I figured he was just trying to sound smart by dropping a ten dollar word in there.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

If people are truly that corrupt and deceptive and everything is a “might is right” power game, then it would make sense to assume feminism is just a ploy women use to deceive and control people.

9 years ago

@brian: I wasn’t reading it as particularly sarcastic, but you’re right, it probably was.

9 years ago

Brian, I know the use is probably sarcastic, but it’s just such a misjudged attempt that I felt like calling it out anyway. It’s a sudden choice to distance oneself with sarcasm in a passage that’s already swinging wildly in tone between outrage, relish, and pearl-clutching. The choice to throw in a ten-dollar word and an incorrect (and obsolete) racial descriptor just makes the whole thing seem like word salad.

9 years ago

Ben, I think that’s because, despite (possibly) having a good enough of a vocabulary to know “pulchritude,” he isn’t a good writer. 🙂

9 years ago

I think it’s sad that they see everything through the lens of sex.

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