evil overpriced women evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny red pill reddit

Life is so much better now that I’ve stopped seeing women as human beings, loathsome manbaby explains

Seeing women as objects: Not actually a new idea
Seeing women as objects: Not actually a new idea

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Members of that strange internet subculture known as Men Going Their Own Way face a bit of a dilemma: they hate women, a LOT, but at the same time most of them want very much to put their penises in them, which kind of gets in the way of the “Going Their Own Way” part of that whole “Men Going Their Own Way” thing.

But one Reddit MGTOW by the name of Isaiah4verse1 has found a solution of sorts to this little problem: He’s simply stopped seeing women as full human beings.

“I am actually no longer attracted to females,” he explains in a recent comment on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.

I haven’t looked at porn in over a month. I can’t look at them without a deluge of Red Pill knowledge coming to mind. It’s great.

You’ve trained yourself to be repulsed by women. Congratulations.

I find it completely dishonourable to my mind, body and spirit to be bound sexually to such creatures therefore I took care of it with brute force and it’s done.

Wait, what? What exactly did you take care of “with brute force?” This didn’t involve a rusty steak knife and a lot of blood, did it?

Actually, it has worked too well. I don’t have any feeling towards women. I do not recognize them as complete human beings but unevolved persons.

Unfortunately, he’s not the first to arrive at this, er, enlightened position.

I am completely and utterly free and feel like a kid! (remember back before puberty when this garbage didn’t pollute your mind?)

Huh. My memories of life before puberty involve ugly cars, bad hairdos and songs by ABBA, but then again it was the 70s.

If the name Isaiah4verse1 sounds vaguely familiar to you, well, we’ve met him before. He was one of the MGTOWs who thought it was hilarious that Charlie Sheen might have passed his HIV along to a number of women.

Oh, and earlier this year he set forth his theory that women are basically a bunch of overpriced vagina buses. Maybe you remember that.

H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture


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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

If David can change his nym, please change it to Veruca Salt’s Squirrel.

No reason other than it would just make me giggle.

weirwoodtreehugger | December 10, 2015 at 5:40 pm
Straight women tell each other they look all the time.

Hell, we women stare at each other’s butts too, and tell cis women if their tampon/pad is leaking. It’s just common courtesy.

Maybe straight men would do the same if toxic masculinity didn’t have so many of them scared of seeming gay. It is possible to think someone is hot without being sexually attracted to them.

Yup. There are three kinds of attraction: Sexual, Romantic, and Aesthetic.

Sexual Attraction: I want to fuck that person.
Romantic Attraction: I want to fucking snuggle that person.
Aesthetic Attraction: I think that person’s super fucking pretty.

It is possible to have more than one attraction to the same person, but it’s also possible to just to have one attraction.

For instance: I think WWE superstar Roman Reigns is super fucking pretty, and I find him sexually attractive.
(side note: HNNNNG. Also: That hair could be in a Pantene commercial holy shit.)

But I’m not romantically attracted to him, and I recognize that. I’m not “in love” with him.

9 years ago

@ David

Ah, that’s interesting. Thanks! Oh, and I just wonder how the troll’s feeling about all this!

Oh, I can’t wait to find out what the comments he made that aren’t up yet were!

I just bet he starts going along the Freeze Peach route again if he resumes posting.

9 years ago


*raises a glass*

You’re all better people than I am. There’s no way I have the patience for this guy.

And, INSERT INTENTIONALLY PROVACTIVE NAME HERE, people aren’t banned from here for disagreeing.
They’re banned for being tiresome.

The Commentariat seem to agree that you’re good for some more fun, though, so enjoy the time you have.

9 years ago

I was thinking he could be called ‘EE,’ because I started to call him that when I no longer wanted to use his moniker, and it would be ironic!

9 years ago

I wonder what unoriginal derogatory name “Mr. Edgy” would (will?) call me once I mention the fact that since my wife makes twice as much money as I do, she’s basically paying two-thirds of every romantic dinner, expensive gift, and vacation.

I’m guessing either something he thinks is emasculating or something implying I’m done variation of feminine.


9 years ago

If I were to change my nym, I would become… The Controllinator!

9 years ago

The thing that bothers the me the most about him – yes, perhaps even over and above his being a loathsome human being – is that that he can’t get your and you’re straight.

Typos happen, but, dude – there’s an edit button now.

9 years ago

@Gaebolga – Right?

And my being the breadwinner while my husband was in grad school was all part of a long con.

And his liking children and babies, honestly, more than I do is either all a part of his long con of me or means he’s a pedo.

Because men obvs can’t be nurturing.

Why do these guys consistently seem to hate men so much?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

This is the one and only reason men get married. I guarantee it. Women get married to have kids.

Ah, so nice to see that I, a woman who wants to get married but not have kids, doesn’t exist to men yet again.

But, I must not count because something, something, “lesbians”.


Uh no! I’d rather be banned that change the name. Forcing me to change a name that is neither obscene or defamatory is just your way of controlling me. Much as I’ve stated all along, it’s what feminists do.

Asking me to change an insensitive username that I put up to try to cheaply score points against feminists by using the lives of men who committed suicide is fascist!


Also splitting bills with alleged feminists girlfriends is fine, until they change their mind and get super pissed off about it. That’s feminist girlfriends for you. Last one I had accused me of treating her like a man when I wouldn’t take my coat off to keep her hair dry when it drizzled with a bit of rain. Bearing in mind she had her own coat on. Strident feminist that girl was by the way.

One, your anecdote has nothing to do with splitting bills, so that was a weird tangent.

Two, your experiences are not universal, so one feminist doing something shitty (of course, your experiences are biased quite a bit) does not all of feminism make.

9 years ago

Those posts are hilarious!!! He just repeats himself.

For my part, he tried to trick me in admitting I was like him, and when that doesn’t work he… tries to convince me to be like him.

Is this a named logical fallacy or something? Well, not a fallacy, but you know- is this a named part of an argument?

Anyway, listen, troll, if you’re reading- I don’t care if I ever have sex or not. Being a virgin is what you and your ilk are afraid of, remember? If the only way towards sex is to manipulate women like you’d like to, then I’d rather stay as I am, thanks.

Also, bragging about how much sex you’ve had is invariably going to reveal your sexual insecurity.

As well, I’m extremely sorry about your uncle, that must have been horrible for your family to go through, but this makes your moniker even more obscene than it already was. Do you actually have such a little amount of shame? In all seriousness, I now implore you to reconsider your attitude.

To top it all off, apparently only kids eat pizza. I hope this isn’t the start of some new toxic masculinity thing- ‘never eat pizza as a man, you’ll become just like a child!’

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

I’ve been reading this blog for much longer than I’ve been commenting, but I think they may actually be the first time I’ve witnessed two high-quality trolls come in to battle it out for Troll of the Year live. It’s not as legendary as the days of Pell, MRAL and NWOSlave (sorry, can’t remember if any of those were actually the same person), but it’s still much more entertaining than it has been for a while.

So far, I think Walter’s still in the lead for my vote, but that’s only because he was funny, at least for a while.

9 years ago

I’ve recently found myself in the position of encouraging men with low self-esteem (they’re the ones who tell me this is how they feel about themselves…not me deciding it’s the case.) and providing them various tips on how to have better interactions with the ladies. Mostly it comes down to showing them it’s not that hard to talk to us when they consider women their friends.


*fans self* Yeah, he’s pretty.

Hell, we women stare at each other’s butts too, and tell cis women if their tampon/pad is leaking. It’s just common courtesy.

I’ve done this in situations where there’s a group of men and women, and been shocked that I was the sole individual who bothered. In the past I would have thought it a universal act of courtesy and kindness worth feeling awkward doing because it reduces someone else’s embarrassment level – to this end I gave up a favored sweater.

9 years ago


You do amazing takedowns, and have once again made my day

@Everyone but the trolls

Please never stop mammothing!

Reading here can get a bit too much from time to time, and usually I cant think of anything interesting to say.

Just know I read it all, and you all have helped me through a kinda rough depression.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Lanariel: D’awww. Bless your face.

9 years ago

What planet does MS live on? HisAnus?

Men like MS think they’re not misandrists they just excusing men’s behavior. If men can’t control themselves then why don’t they just lock themselves up or remove whatever chemical or whatever from their body so they won’t be so “emotional and violent”?

The real misandry to these guys is men not getting whatever they want and doing whatever they want without consequences. They accuse of feminists hating men, taking their rights and wanting them to die because that’s how they feel about women it all boils down to projection. They are terrified of being treated the way they treat us.

Just like the homophobes who complain about gay people forcing others to be like them and racists who are afraid that POC will come after them, nothing but projection.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

My eye twitch appeared somewhere around his little rant about male vs female suicide attempts and how apparently attempts don’t count or some shit. So yeah, good riddance.

9 years ago

Seriously f*** MS and him using mens’ suicides, etc as weapons and then turn around and accuse us of misandry.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

And a double “Fuck MS” when he tried to say that lesbians are awful people because same-sex couples have more ways to engage in domestic violence against one another, and thus trying to justify women being awful people.

9 years ago

Triple F*** him and hopefully he’ll step on Legos forever.

9 years ago

Ooh ooh I did kick a hornets nest evidently.

Wow, Masturbating Schmucko, you seem…excited. Did you type all your drivel today one-handed? I bet you did…

And count me in with the “Fuck MS” faction. You do NOT get to exploit ANY suicides here, especially not for cheap (and fucking fallacious!) political points. As a woman who’s been suicidal (in part because of a shitty boyfriend, who did nothing about my major depression except make light of it and thus aggravate it), I say FUCK THIS NOISE. You won’t be missed at this end, and I say this after having waded through five straight pages of your shit. Goddess give me strength…

Count me, as well, among the women who wouldn’t mind marrying (if I could find a dude I wanted to spend the rest of my days with) but don’t want children. Cats are fine with me. I’m not going to put my neck out and manipulate a man into wanting me, though, and I refuse to be manipulated into wanting him, either. (And no, I don’t want an immature manbaby, either. Been there, done that, damn near threw myself under a train over it. NOPE.)

Also, I don’t for an instant believe Masturbating Schmucko is NOT an MRA/MGTOW/RedPillock/insert other masculist faction here. If it waddles like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then waddle waddle quack quack, it’s a fucking DUCK.

Or DRAKE, as it were. Wouldn’t want to be accused of misandry, after all.

9 years ago

@ Mockingbird

Everybody has to conform to their narrow little worldview with these guys.

Sometimes I feel bad for them; it must really suck to live in a world where everything is transactional and manipulative, with no genuine emotion, connection, or security in relationships. But then they open their mouths, and I’m reminded why they only ever seem to meet and interact with terrible people: decent people can tell that they’re selfish, vapid assholes and avoid them like the plague.

Ian Clarke
Ian Clarke
9 years ago

While some MGTOW forgo all kinds of relationships others have limited relationships with women from dating to seeing prostitutes as each sees fit.

Marriage is out of the question as is cohabitation but sex is not unless its how a particular MGTOW wants to live.

Most are simply guys who either have been or do not wish to be screwed over by the court system etc.

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