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Members of that strange internet subculture known as Men Going Their Own Way face a bit of a dilemma: they hate women, a LOT, but at the same time most of them want very much to put their penises in them, which kind of gets in the way of the “Going Their Own Way” part of that whole “Men Going Their Own Way” thing.
But one Reddit MGTOW by the name of Isaiah4verse1 has found a solution of sorts to this little problem: He’s simply stopped seeing women as full human beings.
“I am actually no longer attracted to females,” he explains in a recent comment on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
I haven’t looked at porn in over a month. I can’t look at them without a deluge of Red Pill knowledge coming to mind. It’s great.
You’ve trained yourself to be repulsed by women. Congratulations.
I find it completely dishonourable to my mind, body and spirit to be bound sexually to such creatures therefore I took care of it with brute force and it’s done.
Wait, what? What exactly did you take care of “with brute force?” This didn’t involve a rusty steak knife and a lot of blood, did it?
Actually, it has worked too well. I don’t have any feeling towards women. I do not recognize them as complete human beings but unevolved persons.
Unfortunately, he’s not the first to arrive at this, er, enlightened position.
I am completely and utterly free and feel like a kid! (remember back before puberty when this garbage didn’t pollute your mind?)
Huh. My memories of life before puberty involve ugly cars, bad hairdos and songs by ABBA, but then again it was the 70s.
If the name Isaiah4verse1 sounds vaguely familiar to you, well, we’ve met him before. He was one of the MGTOWs who thought it was hilarious that Charlie Sheen might have passed his HIV along to a number of women.
Oh, and earlier this year he set forth his theory that women are basically a bunch of overpriced vagina buses. Maybe you remember that.
H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture
I don’t care if I get banned…why would I? It’s as if you think your taking my snickers bar away. Again pathetic and childish attitude.
Ooh I’m an abuser… I probably spead my legs on the subway and fart in public. Your a joke
You’re universalizing our opinions of you. We think you are wrong and your opinions are inferior. You. Personally.
That doesn’t mean we’re calling the opinions of men in general wrong or inferior.
Stop being hysterical, dear.
At the paradoxical thing.
Your telling me there are actual “men” on this message board insenced by my voice. If this is true these are the biggest Simps going.
No, it’s not. I can say “It’s okay to speak your mind”, and then disagree with you. That’s how conversations work.
You’re literally calling us facists for not simply agreeing with you.
That’s how conversations work. If you’re wrong, then I can, and will, point it out. If I’m wrong, I expect the same to be done to me.
However, the conversation doesn’t stop there. If I feel like you’re still wrong, I can still present my case, and maybe even change it if you convince me that I’m wrong about something.
See? It’s easy!
So, you’re mad that I, a mere feeemale, am speaking my mind? Lol.
Oh, the “I’m not really wrong because there is no wrong, but I’m still right and you’re still wrong!” fallacy.
Squirrel, please.
When the fuck did I say that?
And yeah, I do dispute the “analogy of a dictator”, because it’s laughably wrong.
Oh dear, emasculating men! Be careful darling, you might be accused of being a feminist with all this man-hate!
You’re universalizing our opinions of you. We think you are wrong and your opinions are inferior. You. Personally.”
I have no problem with that. Likewise.
@ Male Suicide
Ah, because schoolyard taunts of ‘you’re running away to tell on me! You’re just a big baby!’ are so eloquent and mature.
Oh yes, and ‘Ooh, I’m a abuser’ is too.
Why are you moaning about your Freeze Peach then? Why’ve you kicked up such a fuss about calls to ban you? You and me have very different definitions of not caring.
You’re exactly the kind of person this blog is specifically set up to mock.
Oh, and Snickers? Nah. Go eat a real chocolate bar. I want you to have a Snickers. It’ll get one more away from my own mouth.
“Oh dear, emasculating men! Be careful darling, you might be accused of being a feminist with all this man-hate!”
Any “man” that feels the need to white knight on a woman’s behalf is doing so with the expectation of gaining favour with said woman or group of women. If a man has testicles then his testicles will always be in play and they will always count in his objective with women.., unless he is gay. So if it’s gay men in here appalled by my stance then I sincerely am sorry and will look at exactly how I offended them.
And it all boils down to sex. Delightful.
“However, the conversation doesn’t stop there. If I feel like you’re still wrong, I can still present my case, and maybe even change it if you convince me that I’m wrong about something.
See? It’s easy”
Nope that is called an argument and it’s what a hell of a lot of straight couples do but even more lesbians do. What does that say.
@nparker: Of course it does, it’s apparently all he thinks about, so it must be what all men think about!
And, of course, he hates women for making him feel this way. Because it’s all us feeemale’s fault for making men like us.
“@nparker: Of course it does, it’s apparently all he thinks about, so it must be what all men think about!
And, of course, he hates women for making him feel this way. Because it’s all us feeemale’s fault for making men like us.”
Sure from the age of 14 to 18 maybe sex was on my mind a lot, like most teenagers. However I’m not white knighting myself around town am I. If I was a man on here trying to gain your favour you can guarantee sex is the objective and your a fool to think otherwise. Hey I bet the guy running the site gets a lot of feminist tail.
Oh and I don’t recall ever stating I hated women. So that would be a lie wouldn’t it and defamation.
And it all boils down to sex. Delightful.
(Needed to be said again!)
Male Suicide (actually, now I’ll just call you EE, last letters.) You are not typical of men. Many, many men do not only care for women as sexual objects and nothing else. If you think manipulating women for sex is good, then you really are in no way typical of other men, including teenagers.
The idea that men only care about women for sex is really fucking anti-male.
You can have a conversation where you’re just talking ideas to one another. Rational adults do it all the time without thinking it’s an argument and immediately trying to have a dick-measuring contest, for lack of a better phrase.
You know what you’re saying with all this “lesbians though!” bullshit? That that all couples fucking fight, and lesbians aren’t perfect just because they’re lesbians. Which anyone with a lick of common sense could tell you. Lesbians are people. People aren’t perfect.
Gay men also fight in relationships too, and that just continues to prove what I’ve been saying. All couples fight, no one’s perfect. All couples have arguments, and all couples can be abusive. This is true no matter who the fuck you’re dating/married to/living with/whatever.
I don’t see how this has anything to do with anything beyond your hatred of and desire to infantalize women by somehow trying to “prove” that women can’t get along by themselves, which apparently they can with nearly the same frequency they get along with men.
And way to ignore single/trans/bisexual/pansexual women as well.
“Women are all stupid children who believe men’s sweet lies about them, and they can’t even get along in lesbian relationships without being abusive, and men change their entire personalities just to get laid, and women are all toxic and the only reason men put up with them is for sex!” – Literally everything you’ve said boiled down to a single chestnut.
Not defamation if it’s true.
In summary I never said I hate men or women but I see both allegations have been flung my way.
I believe, from the vast number of statistics and from a reasonably large number of actual relationships of people I have known and my own.. That women ask a lot of questions of men and men don’t ask many if any in return.
The relentless questions are like a barometer of how a woman guages a mans level of satisfaction within the relationship.
A man will lie in order to bolster the woman’s confidence about how happy he is in the relationship. He may well not be very happy but will find the idea being with a woman, practically any woman, better than being alone…so he will lie to sustain that woman.
This is what I think of most married men…they are dishonest for the above reasons. And married women are as I’ve already pointed out insecure and dictatorial.
Stalin was insecure and dictatorial.
Single men and single women are however generally fine. It’s marriage and long term relationships that fuck them up.
If women are so naïve and stupid that we’ll sleep with men if they give us phony compliments, why would men need to play a long con and marry women just to get laid?
@ EE
You don’t have to outright say something for it to be painfully obvious.
What the flippety-flippety fudge has Stalin got to do with all of this?
You just said it was defamatory to accuse you of being misogynist and moments later, what do you do? Compare all married women to Stalin.
The lack of self awareness is staggering.
Penis is truth!
Shorter MS: “I view women as being this way, and Salin was this way, ergo, women are fascists!”
“I only said that men lie to women just to get sex, emasculated other men who didn’t agree with me, called women stupid and childish, and that they’re fascist dictators! Why do you think I hate men and women!? I never said that! Defamation!”
I wouldn’t say I’m “insenced” (or even incensed), but I certainly find you both tedious and vaguely irritating.
And laughably wrong in so, so many ways.
This claim – like all your others – is based on a number of false warrants.
“Look, I don’t hate women, okay? I just think they’re literally Stalin.”
Ah ha, so you must be one of the straight male feminists here. And nothing is anything to do with passyfiyng women for sex…corse not.
Well let me ask you some home truths then.
Do you ever buy women expensive gifts?
Expensive dinners?
What about paying for vacations?
Maybe you just tell them how good they look?
Now do you treat your male friends exactly the same way? Oh do tell. Because it’s nothing to do with sex and I’m sure you split all your bills with dates straight down the middle don’t you?