evil overpriced women evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny red pill reddit

Life is so much better now that I’ve stopped seeing women as human beings, loathsome manbaby explains

Seeing women as objects: Not actually a new idea
Seeing women as objects: Not actually a new idea

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Members of that strange internet subculture known as Men Going Their Own Way face a bit of a dilemma: they hate women, a LOT, but at the same time most of them want very much to put their penises in them, which kind of gets in the way of the “Going Their Own Way” part of that whole “Men Going Their Own Way” thing.

But one Reddit MGTOW by the name of Isaiah4verse1 has found a solution of sorts to this little problem: He’s simply stopped seeing women as full human beings.

“I am actually no longer attracted to females,” he explains in a recent comment on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.

I haven’t looked at porn in over a month. I can’t look at them without a deluge of Red Pill knowledge coming to mind. It’s great.

You’ve trained yourself to be repulsed by women. Congratulations.

I find it completely dishonourable to my mind, body and spirit to be bound sexually to such creatures therefore I took care of it with brute force and it’s done.

Wait, what? What exactly did you take care of “with brute force?” This didn’t involve a rusty steak knife and a lot of blood, did it?

Actually, it has worked too well. I don’t have any feeling towards women. I do not recognize them as complete human beings but unevolved persons.

Unfortunately, he’s not the first to arrive at this, er, enlightened position.

I am completely and utterly free and feel like a kid! (remember back before puberty when this garbage didn’t pollute your mind?)

Huh. My memories of life before puberty involve ugly cars, bad hairdos and songs by ABBA, but then again it was the 70s.

If the name Isaiah4verse1 sounds vaguely familiar to you, well, we’ve met him before. He was one of the MGTOWs who thought it was hilarious that Charlie Sheen might have passed his HIV along to a number of women.

Oh, and earlier this year he set forth his theory that women are basically a bunch of overpriced vagina buses. Maybe you remember that.

H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture


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9 years ago

Even the NYT list can be gamed, unfortunately. Conservative books always outsell liberal books by a wide margin, because right-wing think tanks, magazines, and book clubs buy them in bulk (at a steep discount) and distribute them for free. Sarah Palin’s PAC gave away copies of her book in exchange for donations. Mitt Romney did the same. HarperCollins (which publishes a lot of right-wing punditry) is owned by Rupert Murdoch, so many of those books get promoted heavily by Fox News. So much for letting the free market do its job.

Oh, I know. Another common trick is for an organization to mass purchase its own book back. Still, it’s more meaningful than Amazon bestseller lists.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@katz- Yeah, I don’t think the NYT takes returns into account, just initial sales. In theory, as an author, you could vault to the top of the list by bulk-ordering a million copies of your Hogwarts Castle/Lake Squid slash fic, waiting a week, then sending it back to the publisher. I’m sure it’s been tried.

When I’m in a bookstore, sometimes I level the playing field again by turning around the latest right wing screed so just the spines are facing out, instead of the covers. For all I know they were probably rearranged in the first place by a previous Tea Party customer hoping to goose sales.

9 years ago

Hogwarts Castle/Lake Squid slash fic

*sob* I miss Fan Fiction Fridays on Topless Robot so much.

Cerulean (Miss A)
Cerulean (Miss A)
9 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:

I hadn’t known that! I always suspected something along those lines; my parents watch Fox News every night, and all their talking heads with books always gloat about how their latest screed is a NYT bestseller. I had always felt it was kinda fishy, now I know why it seemed that way.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Buttercup

It’s an old trick, but still fun, to grab some of the “Signed by the author” stickers and go to the religious texts section.

9 years ago

@ Gosuamakenatek

I really hope you stay here. You sound like a really thoughtful, good person. We’ve got tonnes of thoughtfulness here, but more certainly won’t hurt!

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
9 years ago

@Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie:

Let me recommend the late, great Warren Zevon who never achieved wide acclaim because he wrote way fewer songs about romance (and none about religion.)

Well, the album Mutineer‘s title track is a relatively romantic one, and the tracks ‘Jesus was a Cross Maker’ and ‘Monkey Wash, Donkey Rinse’ have a good bit of religious imagery in them; heck, you could probably slip ‘Jesus was a Cross Maker’ into a hymnal and people would have to listen to the words to realize it wasn’t what it sounded like. They all stick pretty firmly to Zevon’s rather dark sense of humour, though. (‘The Indifference of Heaven’ is on the same album, but not really any religious imagery despite the name.)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@Alan – Ha! Love it!

I worked in a bookstore during college. I may or may not have helped myself to some extra Newberry Medal Award Winner stickers, taken them home, and applied them to various inappropriate surfaces.

9 years ago

Ooh ooh I did kick a hornets nest evidently.
Whoever looked up the article in the guardian thanks, as I had no intention of looking for it. Needless to say I was initially accused of making it up. Then when it turned out to be an actual article, another poster claimed it was satire. How convenient. I wonder if a man wrote the same article but flipped the script and “satirically” said women should be put into concentration camps, how well that would that go down? Hum? I do wonder if even to suggest that concept as a joke would be considered funny? Please fuck off with the double standards, it has made feminism the laughing stock it is. If something is unacceptable hate speech it shouldn’t be down played as satire because it wouldn’t even be printed in a national and now international newspaper, if someone was sick enough to make comment like that on women.
And if a “troll” is someone that has a valid opinion that just so happens not to be in tune with your choir then you really need to reevaluate what a troll is. Apparently having a cheerleading, back patting load of sycophants is the norm here and any deviation is a troll. Isn’t that the definition of fascism???. To me that doesn’t sound like healthy discourse between adults more like a bunch of spoiled bratty narcissists that can’t handle outsider opinion. Yes coming from the “troll” and “poor baby” the kind of name calling I’d expect in kindergarten and exactly why modern feminists get derided for being immature. And you think MGTOW is full of basement dwelling virgins…well this brand of feminism must be full of obese dragons, in that case.
Yes men lie to get laid, call it seduction if you want, but it’s doubtful that if a man ever told you “your the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met” or “I love you” that he was telling you the truth, oh wow, what a shocker. Do women really need to be told the obvious or are they that naive? No! women are not that bloody naive they just like hearing sweet lies, knowing full well they are lies. Then they can act shocked when it turns out their boyfriends and husbands are confounded lairs and lie about everything under the sun. Just like me being an alleged “troll” when I speak my honest opinion. It’s the same treatment men get in relationships if they dare step out of line. women don’t want a man who will tell them his actual opinions, so most men just bullshit their way through relationships until they get caught out for “being a typical man”. It makes feminists sound a bit like dictators doesn’t it, but isn’t it women that want to change the men they live with and marry, yes it is. We must be moulded into “real men” or “domesticated” husbands… Well no thanks.
Go ahead and copy and past my post and disect it with your ridiculous scrutiny and you might even find some spelling mistakes to grab hold of, that evidently is the level here.
To the poster that claimed more women attempt suicide than men.. Well an attempt on goal is not a goal is it, so it’s not counted. Also are you trying to say that women are inept at killing themselves? Probably one of the easiest things to get right? Is that the argument now, as to why more women fail at suicide? Oh because I thought more women failed at suicide because they actually were not really trying to do themselves in, just crying out for attention or in some actual cases genuine help.
Men kill themselves vastly more than women now more than ever and they are not “attempting” to do it. A win for feminism perhaps. So no need for the concentration camps after all.
And it’s not just Julie BInell given air time in the guardian… Try Jessica valenti and Julie birchill…etc…and yes I’ve likely spelt names wrong, I am a lazy but honest man and can’t be bothered checking.
Now throw your flip flopping arguments my way, anything will do the more contradictory the better, as long as it serves the agenda…isn’t that how feminists argue…yes.

9 years ago

And for what it’s worth I’m not MGTOW, red pill or a feminist (shocker).
I know men and women can get along but this counterproductive group think and mental segregation is not the way to do it, as I’m sure you all know full well already.
Also you can look up this one statistic to prove how well women get along by themselves.
Which type of relationship couples have the most domestic violence?
Gay men

Look it up and then come back and fudge that reality too.

9 years ago

@ Male Suicide

There’s this thing you can give paragraphs, this new innovation… its called ‘shortness.’ You might want to try a little out.

Oh, and by the way- barely anyone’s going to read an incoherent wall o’ text like this. I tried, but there was so much mock-able wrong- in fact, all of it- so I’m not really going to bother refuting it, because some things are so strange and sad they don’t deserve it.

Such logik. Much cleverness, you have! Do you how do?

9 years ago

That nym is vile. Would it be an overreaction to email David and ask if he can be banned on that basis alone?

9 years ago


I’ll get no thanks for giving you this advice because the fact your behaving subservient and grovelling for acceptance indicates your a “man” and the kind of guy that would probably sell his own granny for the acceptance of semi decent looking women (AKA most men)…which by the way there is no proof exists here and even if they do exist here it’s totally idiotic to think any appeasing them would ever result in any action..but the mental strategy is hard wired in modern man even when it is clearly pointless.

So I strongly suggest to you…that in future… If you feel feminists are trying to undermine you or humiliate you..they will only put their size nine, steel toed boots in even further if you try to apologise.

So don’t..just treat them as you would another man because that’s what they want, right! Equality. Just say loud and clear


Corse you’ll probably diss me for suggesting you grow some balls because having balls is evil and mysoginistic and “real women” only like effeminate men, because effeminate men really turn them on… So fucking true bro. Lol.?

9 years ago


Oh I’ve been discredited by your dismissal of me… Boo hoo. I must win back your approval like a typical man.

Oh you classic feminist you.

Oh yeah, fuck you too.

9 years ago


You sound like one of those liberals that support Donald trump. Ban anyone you don’t agree with.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

MaleSuicide | December 10, 2015 at 3:33 pm
Ooh ooh I did kick a hornets nest evidently.

Aw, you’re cute. Lookit you, thinking you’re making us mad. <3 Adorable.

Whoever looked up the article in the guardian thanks, as I had no intention of looking for it. Needless to say I was initially accused of making it up. Then when it turned out to be an actual article, another poster claimed it was satire.

That would be weirwoodtreehugger. And she said she found it via the manosphere, and that feminists criticized the fuck out of it.

How convenient. I wonder if a man wrote the same article but flipped the script and “satirically” said women should be put into concentration camps, how well that would that go down? Hum? I do wonder if even to suggest that concept as a joke would be considered funny? Please fuck off with the double standards, it has made feminism the laughing stock it is.

Ah, irony, thy name is context.

The reason why it would be considered “worse” if a man wrote an article about women being put in concentration camps is that there’s a history of women being oppressed by men through violence, harassment, and silencing.

There’s no such history of women doing it to men, so the idea of women putting men into concentration camps is still gross, but doesn’t have the weight of history behind it.

So, please do fuck off with the double standards. It has made the manosphere the laughingstock it is.

If something is unacceptable hate speech it shouldn’t be down played as satire because it wouldn’t even be printed in a national and now international newspaper, if someone was sick enough to make comment like that on women.

Did anyone here call it “satire”? I do believe that weirwoodtreehugger did say that feminists criticized the fuck out of it, and I think that they were right to do so.

And if a “troll” is someone that has a valid opinion that just so happens not to be in tune with your choir then you really need to reevaluate what a troll is.

“I’m not a troll, you’re all just afraid of the truth!”

Pull the other one, it’s got bells on it.

Apparently having a cheerleading, back patting load of sycophants is the norm here and any deviation is a troll. Isn’t that the definition of fascism???. To me that doesn’t sound like healthy discourse between adults more like a bunch of spoiled bratty narcissists that can’t handle outsider opinion.

You must be new here. We argue amongst ourselves all the time, sometimes dooming threads to the point where David has to shut them down.

And, no, that’s not the definition of “facism???.” This is.

Yes coming from the “troll” and “poor baby” the kind of name calling I’d expect in kindergarten and exactly why modern feminists get derided for being immature.

Actually, women get derided for being “immature” no matter what we do, so damned if we do, and damned if we don’t.

We’re “immature” if we won’t fuck men, we’re “immature” if we’re “over-emotional” when we get angry. Everything we do is infantilized and in some cases sexualized. Our anger is “sexy”, our desire to not be raped is “naive”, our desire to be equals is seen as “cute”.

So yeah, damned if we do, damned if we don’t.

And you think MGTOW is full of basement dwelling virgins…well this brand of feminism must be full of obese dragons, in that case.

No one here calls MGTOWs “basement dwelling virgins”. We try not to shame people for being virgins (like the manosphere likes to do) or shame them for either choosing or having to live in a basement in their parent’s house (like the manosphere likes to do).

Oh, and there’s the “lol ur fat” joke! Yeah, I’m fat. I own a mirror, dude. I wouldn’t look this fucking cute if I didn’t. Problem?

Yes men lie to get laid, call it seduction if you want, but it’s doubtful that if a man ever told you “your the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met” or “I love you” that he was telling you the truth, oh wow, what a shocker. Do women really need to be told the obvious or are they that naive? No! women are not that bloody naive they just like hearing sweet lies, knowing full well they are lies. Then they can act shocked when it turns out their boyfriends and husbands are confounded lairs and lie about everything under the sun.

Remember what I just said about women being constantly infantilized? Case in point. You literally called women “naive” because we “like hearing sweet lies”.

And again, way to project onto all men everywhere. Just because you like to think all men are awful, doesn’t mean they all are. Way to misandry.

Just like me being an alleged “troll” when I speak my honest opinion. It’s the same treatment men get in relationships if they dare step out of line. women don’t want a man who will tell them his actual opinions, so most men just bullshit their way through relationships until they get caught out for “being a typical man”.

There’s a difference between “women don’t like men saying what they really mean!” and “your opinion’s really fucking abhorrent”.

We like it when men speak their minds. The only problem is that we don’t like what’s on yours. That’s what we’re taking exception to with all this “men are all liars! Women are naive! You’re all facists and fat!” talk.

We’re allowed to say “Yeah, men! Speak your minds!”, and then say “Thanks for speaking your mind, but you’re wrong, and here’s why”. These two statements in no way contradict one another.

It makes feminists sound a bit like dictators doesn’t it, but isn’t it women that want to change the men they live with and marry, yes it is. We must be moulded into “real men” or “domesticated” husbands… Well no thanks.

It’s almost like he’s trying to call us nazis, isn’t it?

And way to go with the unfounded generalizations again, broseph. Do yourself a favor: Stop watching Hallmark movies. They aren’t real.

That helped me feel a lot better about my life. Those movies are gross as hell with their “I can make him a better man!” ideology.

Go ahead and copy and past my post and disect it with your ridiculous scrutiny and you might even find some spelling mistakes to grab hold of, that evidently is the level here.

Dude, my mom’s dyslexic, and I’m slightly dyslexic myself. I don’t give a shit about your spelling errors, I make plenty myself, I just also make sure I use spell-check. Many browsers come with it. I’m using Opera, but it’s also a standard feature on Chrome and Firefox.

But, I will gladly take your invitation to dissect the fuck out of this post.

To the poster that claimed more women attempt suicide than men.. Well an attempt on goal is not a goal is it, so it’s not counted. Also are you trying to say that women are inept at killing themselves? Probably one of the easiest things to get right? Is that the argument now, as to why more women fail at suicide? Oh because I thought more women failed at suicide because they actually were not really trying to do themselves in, just crying out for attention or in some actual cases genuine help.

Oh my sweet summer child. Actually, women attempt suicide at the same rate as men.

However, women just choose methods that are less inconvenient to others and are thus less effective, while men tend to choose more flashy, messy ways to kill themselves and are thus more effective.

For instance: women tend to overdose on pills, men tend to shoot themselves. Neither of these are 100% perfect, you can survive being shot in the head, but the pills are less effective because we’ve developed stomach pumps and the like.

And yeah, it could have something to do with women being able to ask for help more than men, because men are, unfortunately, taught that asking for help is “weak”. Toxic masculinity in action, which is also something that feminists do talk about.

On the other hand, the only time that the manosphere talks about Toxic Masculinity is when they’re whinging about feminists talking about it, and then completely misconstruing it as an attack on masculinity in general, rather than the things that are toxic.

It’s almost like someone getting mad that someone’s saying “cancer cells are bad”, and then trying to say that the first statement actually means that the first person hates all cells, because cancer cells are just part of being cells!

Men kill themselves vastly more than women now more than ever and they are not “attempting” to do it. A win for feminism perhaps. So no need for the concentration camps after all.

That’s the most insensitive fucking thing I’ve ever heard. Sincerely, fuck you for trying to use men’s suicides as a way to “score points”. That’s really fucking gross of you, especially coming from someone who seems to care so fucking much about male suicides.

And it’s not just Julie BInell given air time in the guardian… Try Jessica valenti and Julie birchill…etc…and yes I’ve likely spelt names wrong, I am a lazy but honest man and can’t be bothered checking.

Did you come here from AVfM? Because Jessica Valenti is one of their pet targets.

So, what did she say that got your undies of choice in a knot?

Now throw your flip flopping arguments my way, anything will do the more contradictory the better, as long as it serves the agenda…isn’t that how feminists argue…yes.

Who’s flip-flopping? And I don’t see anyone here being contradictory?

And what agenda? I don’t have a planner or anything. We were talking about planners in one of the older threads though.

And maybe that’s how feminists argue in some spaces, but I’ve honestly never seen that be the case for all feminists everywhere.

9 years ago

@ Viscaria

I think the name’s vile too. Emailing David’s probably the right thing to do.

The illogical arguments, the fact they are barely comprehensible, and the strawmanning is one thing, but the ‘nym’ is just plain vile.

9 years ago

@paradoxical intention

Ohh they are emailing david on me. Reminds me of infant school, go run and tell teacher. Pathetic. Worse still teacher is a man haha…I thought these were strong women here.

As far as me thinking all men are bad… Nope… You misunderstand.
It’s men in relationships with women that are predominantly bad. Because they typically sell their souls, opinions and life in order to maintain a sham.

9 years ago

Today I learned that calling someone who is obviously here to pick a troll is fascism. Talk about 1st world problems. Troll boy thinks being called a troll on a feminist blog he voluntarily posted on is just like living in Mussolini’s Italy or something. And he thinks feminists are immature?

One point about male suicide, if someone makes a post here wishing an MRA would die/kill himself. That post gets deleted. But MRAs, the ones who supposedly care so much about male suicide, have no problem telling David he should kill himself. Hmm.

9 years ago

Shorter Male Suicide –
A man being a lying asshole is proof that women are bad!

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

MaleSuicide | December 10, 2015 at 3:46 pm
And for what it’s worth I’m not MGTOW, red pill or a feminist (shocker).

Kay. Whatever you say, Felipe.

I know men and women can get along but this counterproductive group think and mental segregation is not the way to do it, as I’m sure you all know full well already.

“If you all just do what I say, then we could all have equality, you stupid feminists! Men lie to get sex, and women believe them because they’re stupid children! See, we can all get along!”

Also you can look up this one statistic to prove how well women get along by themselves.
Which type of relationship couples have the most domestic violence?
Gay men

Look it up and then come back and fudge that reality too.

I don’t see how this has anything to do with anything, but…Here’s a link.

However, I don’t see any distinction between lesbians and gay men. Only between heterosexual couples and homosexual couples, which means that gay men are just as likely to engage in or be victims of domestic violence as gay women. Unless someone can find another statistic?

Though, let’s “fudge this reality” too, huh?

– One out of three same-sex couples experiences domestic violence, in comparison to one out of four heterosexual women.

– Same-sex couples have different kinds of abuse to deal with than heterosexual couples, such as being outed to family members who could abuse the victim further, as well as being forced into isolation within the LGBTQA+ community, which is very, very small in some areas (yes, isolation is a common abuse tactic, forcing the victim to rely on the abuser).

– Same-sex couples are more likely to fight back, leading police to think the fighting was mutual.

– Same-sex couples are more likely to not go to police, for fear of being outed, or a fear of being shunned by the community for “not showing solidarity”.

– A lot of places don’t allow same-sex couples to have/adopt children (despite the fact that studies show that there’s a less likely chance of a child being abused in a same-sex family than a heterosexual family), so an abuser can threaten to out their victim and have their kids taken away.

So, if we count all the different ways that same-sex couples can be abusive to their partners, as well as all the ways that any couple can engage in domestic violence, then yeah, same-sex couples have a (slightly) higher rate of domestic violence.

However, this doesn’t change the fact that there are so many very happy and healthy same-sex relationships, nor does it disprove that women are almost just as likely to be abused in a heterosexual relationship, so I have no idea what you’re trying to prove by talking out of your ass like this.

9 years ago

@ Male Suicide

You do understand what the point in banning is, don’t you? Oh, wait, of course you don’t. People like you never do. That’s why the people (like you) we mock on here are called the ‘abuser’s lobby.’ Well, one part of it anyway.

You’re tedious, troll. Must be hard being uncaring about male suicides, because no one actually wants to know you. Oh, but you don’t hate men, do you?

9 years ago

By the way this is a facist mentality
“Speak your minds!”, and then say “Thanks for speaking your mind, but you’re wrong, and here’s why”. These two statements in no way contradict one another.

So we can speak our minds as long as it’s an agreeable opinion for you and if it’s not an agreeable opinion you will educate us how it’s wrong. I’m afraid no, all your doing there is overriding a mans opinion with your own allegedly superior opinion. There is no right or wrong in most instances outside what the law of the land states is law, anything else is “open to opinion”. Your clearly stating that a woman’s opinion should, without exception, be the dominant opinion in a male female relationship. Did you dispute the analogy of dictator!

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

MaleSuicide | December 10, 2015 at 4:19 pm
@paradoxical intention

Ohh they are emailing david on me. Reminds me of infant school, go run and tell teacher. Pathetic. Worse still teacher is a man haha…I thought these were strong women here.

And yet you called us “immature”. Pot, meet kettle.

What a schoolyard taunt. “You’re just too scared to fight me! Yeah, you go run and tell teacher that I’m being a complete asshole! That means you’re chicken!

“Strong women” does not mean “willing to put up with your bullshit”.

Oh, and a few of the people who are emailing David about you are men. So, yeah.

As far as me thinking all men are bad… Nope… You misunderstand.
It’s men in relationships with women that are predominantly bad. Because they typically sell their souls, opinions and life in order to maintain a sham.

So, women are bad because men want to sleep with them and some of them will not be assholes in order to get laid?

Yeah, you still hate men and think the worst of them, broseph. And you hate women too! Bonus!

9 years ago

@ Male Suicide
You don’t quite understand logic, do you? You’re going all Freeze Peach on us.