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Members of that strange internet subculture known as Men Going Their Own Way face a bit of a dilemma: they hate women, a LOT, but at the same time most of them want very much to put their penises in them, which kind of gets in the way of the “Going Their Own Way” part of that whole “Men Going Their Own Way” thing.
But one Reddit MGTOW by the name of Isaiah4verse1 has found a solution of sorts to this little problem: He’s simply stopped seeing women as full human beings.
“I am actually no longer attracted to females,” he explains in a recent comment on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
I haven’t looked at porn in over a month. I can’t look at them without a deluge of Red Pill knowledge coming to mind. It’s great.
You’ve trained yourself to be repulsed by women. Congratulations.
I find it completely dishonourable to my mind, body and spirit to be bound sexually to such creatures therefore I took care of it with brute force and it’s done.
Wait, what? What exactly did you take care of “with brute force?” This didn’t involve a rusty steak knife and a lot of blood, did it?
Actually, it has worked too well. I don’t have any feeling towards women. I do not recognize them as complete human beings but unevolved persons.
Unfortunately, he’s not the first to arrive at this, er, enlightened position.
I am completely and utterly free and feel like a kid! (remember back before puberty when this garbage didn’t pollute your mind?)
Huh. My memories of life before puberty involve ugly cars, bad hairdos and songs by ABBA, but then again it was the 70s.
If the name Isaiah4verse1 sounds vaguely familiar to you, well, we’ve met him before. He was one of the MGTOWs who thought it was hilarious that Charlie Sheen might have passed his HIV along to a number of women.
Oh, and earlier this year he set forth his theory that women are basically a bunch of overpriced vagina buses. Maybe you remember that.
H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture
This comment contains mild levels of TMI
So much yes (I’m more demi-sexual, but yeah). No, actually, I really do just want to cuddle, why can’t cuddles be a nice thing without them involving sex? Or worse, oh, you’re monogamous and we aren’t gonna fuck so we can’t cuddle? But I think you’re awesome… 🙁
This is how I have an ex not actually FWB. It’s a thing that happens when poly bi genderqueers folks decide they really like each other’s company, and that feels good, may I touch there next? And then you move 500 miles. Life, it’s complicated.
Oh! Guys! Ze’s a full fledged pharmacist now! With a nice apartment and two cats that warily accept each other and all these things are way more interesting to me than whether there will ever be sexytimes!
I had no idea that the word “female” is some kinda insult, I specifically said “the only person I blame for my problems is me”, and I also specifically said “Not to side with this guy or anything, because I won’t, because he’s a disgusting creep”.
Are you sure the problem here is me, and not just you reading too much into things? Because people do this to me constantly, assume there is some deeper subtext to what I said, then explain to me what I REALLY meant by it and why it makes me a terrible person. It’s incredibly frustrating because I’m autistic and subtext is a foreign concept to me, when I say something it’s as simple as it gets, but nobody believes me. I once got banned from a place on the spot for saying “meat juice”, they assumed it was a sexual metaphor, but it wasn’t, it was literally just juice from some grilled chicken. I had no idea it sounded that way till after they pointed it out, I tried to explain that it wasn’t like that but they wouldn’t listen, they never listen. I’ve spent my whole life trying to get better and improve my social skills, but I still have to put up with crap like this weekly because I don’t know how a normal person would talk and I can never manage to say the right things.
So can you just not assume things about me so quickly? If you think I meant something else by what I said, you could just ask me, you could have done that in the first place.
The issue being brought up here is that “female” is an adjective, not a noun, and using adjectives that describe minorities *as* nouns in that way is a very common method used to “other” those minorities. “He is a gay” instead of “He is gay”, for example. It is additionally troubling to use “females” as there’s already words available to describe female people – the preferred one obviously being “woman.”
And adding even further is the very common habit of misogynists (et al) of using “men” at the same time as “females” which means it is often taken as an indication of a lack of respect towards women as people (or at least a lack of critical thought put towards gender issues).
While I feel that your original post wasn’t necessarily made in bad faith, your use of such a term while also expressing opinions tangential to those being discussed in the main post – plus some fairly swift defensiveness – has raised some red flags.
Really? Because we say as much every second thread.
I take you at your word that you didn’t mean things the way they came out. I apologize for being harsh.
If you’re interested in learning how to avoid misunderstandings like this in the future, we can help. But please stop doubling down and getting defensive. It’s very difficult to learn when defensive, and it sends the message that your intent is more important than the impact your words have.
That biology rant was amazing. Thank you. I would post an applause gif except we don’t get to embed them any more with the new site.
No fempope?
*Hides my Greta Christina shrine.*
I feel bad for agreeing with Bindel, but the following is actually something I’m glad someone said because I haven’t heard it stated so explicitly before.
I can’t approve of her gender essentialism, her separatism, her transphobia or anything like that; but that up there? Yeah, I think that makes a lot of sense.
You really don’t understand feminism… or life… or word. Women don’t need men. Men don’t need women. They are both quite capable of existing without the other. People of all genders can survive without others of any gender in particular. That expression you don’t seem to understand is saying that women are capable of supporting themselves. A man isn’t a necessity for their survival in society and the world in general (which is a concept that was quite contrary to the general consensus of society at the time the expression was first spoken). Now, Straight and bi women may want/desire a man, or even men. None of this requires or even implies hatred of men. IN FACT! It’s even it’s better. These women aren’t in relationships out of a selfish survival instinct, but because they want the men! They value them as people!
That is why MGTOW will never be like feminism (seriously, I almost snorted out every fluid in my body when I read that). They don’t value women as people. MGTOW hate women.
They want women. They desire them. But they want power over the women in their life, and thanks to pesky feminism, women are less likely to take that kind of power trip. This leads to the above mentioned hatred, AND because of their hatred of women, they try to separate from them… In the loudest way possible.
You really don’t like the Guardian…
Yeah, someone who says, “I don’t have any feeling towards women. I do not recognize them as complete human beings but unevolved persons,” is toooootally a feminist’s dream. (Well, maybe… but it would be one of those bad kinds of dreams. You know the kinds I mean.)
Where the heck did the “you stop looking at porn and you’re a misogynist” come from? That’s definitely a new one for me. As for the looking at porn part, eh, I doubt the issue is “perversion.” Generally there’s the issue of the aggressive domination over women portrayed in mainstream porn, and how this can affect guys’ views towards women (and even women’s self perception.) (TMI time! Skip to next blockquote if you don’t wanna see : I watch way too much porn, but I avoid mainstream stuff like the plague (mainly because it’s amazing how misogynistic even their “lesbian” porn is.)). Personally I think mainstream porn could do with a feminist revolution. (But this is a pretty hot topic within feminism.)
There isn’t only porn for straight men…
Buuuuut, I don’t think that’s really how you quit drinking or smoking. I guess it’s a way… But disdain for porn or even sex, shouldn’t translate to a disdain of women.
I’m always amazed at how much guys like you hate men. Do you actually have any respect for the people of your gender? You are saying men are incapable of talking honestly with women because they are so overpowered by crotch tingles that they must lie.
Thanks kupo, I was starting to think I should just give up on this place too like I do everywhere else because I screwed up and made another group of people hate me. Maybe I should, I’m just gonna do this again, I always do, this happens to me all the time and that’s why I get so defensive. To me, everything is simple and exactly what it looks like, but to normal people, everything “implies” something, and I’ll never be able to get the hang of that, I can’t even pick up on the most obvious symbolism. So, I should probably just go back to only posting in places where I couldn’t care less what they think about me, that never makes me feel like worthless garbage.
I’m going to try to say this in the nicest way possible. I think the problem is the lack of listening to what others are saying and perhaps a lack of self reflection. If you look at it as “people are mad at me! I better go” you’ll just keep doing it over and over (as it seems you have been doing).
So at some point, I suggest you look at what people say they are mad about, or how they interpret your words, so in the future you can better communicate what you want to say to the particular group you’re talking about.
Nobody’s born with perfect social skills. Don’t feel that you’re worthless just because of that. Instead, take this as what it is: feedback to help you develop. Like any other skill, talking to people involves a lot of falling down at first. Getting despondent because you weren’t perfect the first time isn’t fair on yourself.
Have you read Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow? You might enjoy it: it’s a very perceptive look at the mechanics of how people think, and expounds a theory about how one can approach problems that are difficult for people on the spectrum by transforming them from intuitive problems into analytic problems, which are much easier.
I’m sorry. I realize some things can’t be fixed.
I hope things get better.
And, I hope you keep commenting here–if you feel like it.
I’d also appreciate any input on whether there were ever any very big carnivorous llamas (unrelated project) @AlanRobertshaw
God I hope so. That sounds awesome.
Only if they’re never cloned from any discovered DNA and you don’t like petting zoos, or want petting zoos to be restricted to only animals that are 100% herbivores. Goats will attempt to eat just about anything – they’ve eaten buttons off my shirts FFS. A petting zoo without goats is no petting zoo at all! Llamas are nice but they’re no goats.
Strangers’ problems can’t be accurately diagnosed over the internet. The problem could just as well be a tendency to police language at the expense of reading and listening charitably to others. I’ve been guilty of that myself.
Just because they might not see me as a human being (since I’ve got female reproductive parts internal and external) doesn’t mean I don’t see them as human. I disagree with their views, their decisions, their actions…but they are still humans. Just humans I disagree with wholly and recognize as potentially a threat to the well -being of others of either gender that they interact with on any level.
Why is it that every time a MGTOW gets upset because people are calling them out as ‘potential future serial killers’, their response is that EVERYONE ELSE hasn’t done something to ‘fix’ their own group so why should the MGTOW bother until that’s happened? This “It’s not ME it’s ALL OF YOU” is precisely why the redpillians keep having difficulties with maintaining friendships and in finding/staying in romantic relationships. Telling other people to ‘clean house’ and ‘fix the problems they have’ and *then* they’ll consider a bit of self-searching, or act differently is ridiculous. For people to want fuck all to do with them, they’re going to have to change, not the other way around.
@ contrapangloss
Thank you ever so much for that; both the specific llama stuff (been scribbling notes) and the general evolutionary biology stuff.
The biology of herbi/omnivores becoming carnivores is very interesting. It’s also a bit controversial in the animal rights circles I dwell in. Most of my friends are pretty hardcore vegans (won’t even drive through a town with ‘Ham’ in the name sort of thing) so I get some stick for my bacon loving tendencies. But look at pandas for an example of someone with a carnivore biology trying to get by on a vegan diet.
In one of the first drafts of “2001” the monolith was intended to turn the man apes into carnivores. Arthur Clarke got Isaac Asimov to examine the changes that would be necessary.
@ msexeption
Last time I was at the petting zoo I had to lean over the fence to pick up a bag of feed I’d dropped. A couple of the goats took the opportunity to use me as a handy springboard and ended up making an escape bid (somehow that was my fault).
Re: Julie Bindel
Julie is a bit of a controversial figure. She’s one of the classic ‘political lesbians’ so perhaps not a representative of mainstream feminism, to the extent that she’s been ‘No platformed’ by a lot of student unions. (She blames that on men, by which she means trans women). She also believes that sexuality is a choice. She’s still allowed to write for the Guardian but less frequently now as the Guardian moves away from its previous TERFy brand of feminism (a few regular trans writers now; although still pretty supportive of Germane Greer but she is a bit of an icon here still).
Even the NYT list can be gamed, unfortunately. Conservative books always outsell liberal books by a wide margin, because right-wing think tanks, magazines, and book clubs buy them in bulk (at a steep discount) and distribute them for free. Sarah Palin’s PAC gave away copies of her book in exchange for donations. Mitt Romney did the same. HarperCollins (which publishes a lot of right-wing punditry) is owned by Rupert Murdoch, so many of those books get promoted heavily by Fox News. So much for letting the free market do its job.
One suspects most of these books are never actually read, just passed around and regifted.
It’s interesting that most of the other current paid ebook Political Philosophy bestsellers come from the standard Dark Triad syllabus: Ayn Rand, Machiavelli, Mein Kampf, The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of War, more Vox Day, etc. Is it because libertarian bigots have a narrower reading list, or is there some sort of coordinated brigading going on there as well?
I’ve always assumed they all stick to the same ten books because they see everything else as being LIBERAL COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA!!! Capslock included.
We are talking about the people who think Star Wars is an evil Jewish plot, after all.
@Alan Robertshaw
Smart goats. 🙂
Let me recommend the late, great Warren Zevon who never achieved wide acclaim because he wrote way fewer songs about romance (and none about religion.) “Werewolves of London” was his only real hit (late 70’s) and he also wrote the oft-covered “Mohammed’s Radio” and even his ‘love’ songs were kind of quirky. He had a few more mainstream songs like “Poor, Poor Pitiful Me” covered by other artists.
/Zevon derail
You mean it’s not?
*puts down Dreidle of Doom*
*skulks away*
@Gosu –
Im not sure what you mean by saying there are some things you cant legally talk to a psychologist about. Psychs are there to prescribe meds primarily, but talk therapists can talk to you about your depression and social issues. The only thing they would have to report is if you want to harm other people or yourself. And if you truly are a danger (rape, murder, suicide), you have a responsibility to do something about it even if it means involuntary hospitalization, which isnt so bad, Ive been hospitalized and it helped me.
I’m sorry I made you feel like worthless garbage. I’m usually better about giving new people the benefit of the doubt instead of jumping to conclusions, and I’m sorry. I’ll work on that.
You should continue commenting here if you’re not too uncomfortable about it now. If you’re open to learning, people here are usually pretty nice.
I’m a pretty literal person, too. Problem is, there are more meanings to words than just the dictionary definition(s), and what seems plain to you as a meaning will be read differently by someone else who has a different context they’re coming from. Maybe if you spend dome time here reading the posts you’ll understand the context around how the MRM and misogynists in general use “female” and better understand our culture. Language is heavily influenced by culture, after all.
Don’t see your communication difficulties as a reason to avoid communication. No one hates you here, and we’re willing to continue the conversation. I suggest reading up on the ableism section of the comment policy if you haven’t already, because that can be a hot button issue around here, as well.
Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay.
Kupo kupo! ^o^
I haven’t even read the article or comments, I’m so hung up on the picture.
What the fuck.
What the actual fuck.