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Members of that strange internet subculture known as Men Going Their Own Way face a bit of a dilemma: they hate women, a LOT, but at the same time most of them want very much to put their penises in them, which kind of gets in the way of the “Going Their Own Way” part of that whole “Men Going Their Own Way” thing.
But one Reddit MGTOW by the name of Isaiah4verse1 has found a solution of sorts to this little problem: He’s simply stopped seeing women as full human beings.
“I am actually no longer attracted to females,” he explains in a recent comment on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
I haven’t looked at porn in over a month. I can’t look at them without a deluge of Red Pill knowledge coming to mind. It’s great.
You’ve trained yourself to be repulsed by women. Congratulations.
I find it completely dishonourable to my mind, body and spirit to be bound sexually to such creatures therefore I took care of it with brute force and it’s done.
Wait, what? What exactly did you take care of “with brute force?” This didn’t involve a rusty steak knife and a lot of blood, did it?
Actually, it has worked too well. I don’t have any feeling towards women. I do not recognize them as complete human beings but unevolved persons.
Unfortunately, he’s not the first to arrive at this, er, enlightened position.
I am completely and utterly free and feel like a kid! (remember back before puberty when this garbage didn’t pollute your mind?)
Huh. My memories of life before puberty involve ugly cars, bad hairdos and songs by ABBA, but then again it was the 70s.
If the name Isaiah4verse1 sounds vaguely familiar to you, well, we’ve met him before. He was one of the MGTOWs who thought it was hilarious that Charlie Sheen might have passed his HIV along to a number of women.
Oh, and earlier this year he set forth his theory that women are basically a bunch of overpriced vagina buses. Maybe you remember that.
H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture
I remember the vagina bus! I don’t think this guy has quit women. I think he’s one of those MGTOW who are young and haven’t dated much and get all their ideas for what dating women is like from bad stand up and movies.
See I agree with you with the whole loneliness thing. There are guys I know who are happily single, but they are that way in a manner that is profoundly incompatible with MGTOW. They enjoy being single because of its perks, do not resent women, and will gladly socialize with them. Most of all, they haven’t sworn off the opposite sex, they just won’t settle for being in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship, but will require that their criteria be met before making that commitment. By comparison, the MGTOW approach strikes me as flipping the middle finger and feeding into a positive feedback cycle of bitterness, alienation, and lashing out.
I can’t seriously believe that there ever WAS a time when this man ever saw women as human beings.
His repeated need to dehumanise is certainly disturbing. Women have only ever represented the means to sexual ‘satisfaction’ – now that he has decided that he is over that we are unevolved beings. As others have pointed out he is showing signs of future serial or spree killer.
As ever I would dismiss this as sick trolling but for its prevalence all over the Manureosphere – PUAs see us as things to be used sexually, Mgtows see us as things because they cannot use us sexually and MRAs of the Elam type see us as the fitting receptacles for their frustrations and hate.
I don’t think any of them see women as human .
I love the “I AM MORE ENLIGHTENED AND FREE THAN THE REST OF HUMANITY” rhetoric, coupled with the obsessive foaming hatred and fear of women. Self-awareness 404.
I feel like the train wreck of MGTOW is what you get with guys who don’t fit into the toxic masculinity success box, but also don’t dare question its assumptions. There are plenty of legit reasons why someone might not want or be capable of a heterosexual relationship, but the only thing toxic masculinity has to say to men who don’t fit the mold is “Loser!!!”. (Toxic masculinity never graduated from middle school.)
The mistake MGTOWs is to hot-potato the “Loser!!!” accusation over to the women who won’t sleep with them, instead of just rejecting the label. They think they’ve risen above the winner-loser framework, but actually they’re still trapped in it.
So, he achieved this transcendental state by reverting back to the latency period of childhood.
But it’s women who are the “unevolved persons”.
I cannot read this as anything that does not involve a knife and genitalia. Well, maybe a knife and brain matter.
He definitely does still have feelings towards women, if he is heterosexual. You can’t control who you’re attracted to – even if you feel contempt for someone because of their gender, you still cannot help whether you’re attracted to them or not. Moron.
I read that as a really horrible euphemism for “I masturbate a lot”.
Thinking about the motivations of the OP – I just don’t understand how people can have no empathy for others. I truly do not get how someone could grow up to be so callus and cold to the world. How could you not see half of the world’s population as anything but your equal or better?
It feels like the mgtow and MRAs and others are the kind of people who only begin to care about something when it directly affected them. Everyone else is an “other”, not even worth caring about. So closed off and insulated from the rest of the world that they cannot see from anyone else’s prospective. Then they join toxic groups like mgtow and mra and just feed that cycle even worse.
That belief is why I really am glad places like here and people like David exist. Hopefully someone from those toxic groups will come here to read what we are saying about them and maybe, just maybe start to think “what if that happened to me? to my mom? to my sister?” and break the cycle. Or at the very least, stop someone from starting the toxic cycle.
He “took it by force”, he doesn’t see women as humans, he’s as gleeful as a child over the realization?
Ok, I don’t want to armchair psychoanalyze but I also want to get across why I’m incredibly disturbed.
I hope that I’m not breaking the ToS, if I am then I’m sorry and feel free to either torch the comment or remove the offensive parts.
This sounds like a guy that’s going down a really dark path.
Yea, I know, he’s in the mrm, but this is so much worse.
It sounds like he’s either a rapist or he’s testing the water and plans on committing rape.
Hell, that’s the least worst interpretation.
If that was a description of someone then it would sound like something a profilers description of a serial murderer that collects body parts.
Did anyone over there say “You sound like a serial killer” or were they just clapping like seals over his “red pill realization”?.
As to which one is a potential serial killer, I think Governments Get Girlfriends still has that one in the bag.
Do these guys actually have any kind of brain between their head? Human beings are human, and once you realize that sex isn’t the most important thing in the world, life will be better.
But then again, I’m talking about a group “men” who are probably less than human…
I really really really wish there was a different term than ‘MGTOW’ for this kind of talk.
Too much sharing time: I’m a guy who hasn’t (for one reason or another, mostly internal) done too well in the relationship arena pretty much my entire life. Some of it’s bad luck; a lot of it is self-esteem issues and an unwillingness to engage that only gets stronger as I get older. There’s a difference, though, between guys like me who just gave up and guys like this who just frigging HATE.
Well, there’s also the added effect of him going online and finding the MGTOW echo chamber, filled to the brim with men who have the exact same experiences with (a handful at the most) of women.
Which is something that I’ve never quite understood. I mean, even if you put together all the “bad” (I’m not quite sure all of them were because “WIMMENS ARE AWFUL”, some of them might have been misinterpreted and/or willfully misconstrued), that’s still a drop in the bucket compared to the roughly 4 billion women alive on the planet today.
If we assume that each one of the MGTOWS averaged about five attempted relationships before GTOW, and we (generously) estimate that there are 2,000 MGTOW or so on that subreddit or online in general, that’s still only 10,000 women out of 4 billion.
And even if someone were to come in here and say that there’s more MGTOWs than 2,000 or that MGTOWs have had, on average, more relationships, it would still take an obscene number of either relationships undertaken by MGTOWs (2 million relationships per MGTOW) or an obscene number of MGTOWs (Less than or equal to 800 Million, but no lower than roughly 400 million) to make their claims statistically possible if my math’s right. And considering that the first is pretty much impossible without some kind of Guinness world record feat, and the second would mean that MGTOWs would be ‘mainstream’ and thus would be more heard of, I’m thinking that these aren’t the case.
But hey, I’m an artist, not a mathematician.
TL;DR: MGTOWs: Your sample sizes are small, and you should feel bad.
Technically they only need a sample size of all women to get a 100% confidence level and can hit a 95% level with some smaller sample size, the exact number depending on modelling assumptions and technically independent of the total number if randomly sampled. Ten thousand is often good enough.
But of course at a confidence level of less than 100% it’s possible to get a false result. Hence any test that conflicts with the result of a large number of other tests can be disregarded even at a high confidence level.
That Cardkey Systems advert really puzzles me. What does a woman in a bikini have to do with a parking system?
In other news, I learned that Theodore Beale just jumped on the Trump bandwagon and released a new “non-fiction” book, the ever-so charmingly titled Cuckservative: How “Conservatives” Betrayed America.
Not even trying to hide his racism any more. Beale thinks playing up his Native American ancestry somehow makes him immune to racism charges.
Where did the picture at the top of this post come from? Is it an actual ad, or was it altered by some MRA-y type? I’m hoping the latter, if for no other reason than that I’m used to their stuff making very little sense and I spent WAY too long looking that over and asking myself things like “How is a foot a ‘vehicle detector’? How is hair, or the side of the head, or whatever, a ‘pre-set cash register’?” and, more generally “What the fuck is this?”
I wonder how many more times MGTOWs will have to say to themselves that “life without women is SO AWESOEM!!!!1!!1” before even they are convinced.
From the archaeologist’s perspective:
19th C thinking made men responsible for the evolution of ‘anatomically modern’ bodies and human culture, by the manly activities of hunting and eating meat, which led to brain growth and stone tools. The women were cowering in a cave with the kids while evolution was going on.
Sadly there’s still many in the 21st century who believe this, even among academics. One of the feminist critiques is that it makes women passive recipients of evolution, riding on male coattails. This is clearly nonsensical.
Needless to say there’s lots of other evidence that undermines this charmingly androcentric view of human evolution too.
But…even if 100% of the evolutionary pressures were on men because of their manly mammoth-hunting, their daughters would inherit those same genes.
How do they explain nipples on men, then?
Or slugs! Can’t think…can’t speak…can’t operate machinery! I would have started with lazers! 8o’clock day one!
Again, I’m an artist, not a mathematician.
However, I did mention that this would only be assuming that the data isn’t biased and/or straight up falsified, and considering that MGTOWs tend to fall under the category of Misogynists, I’m willing to bet they are.
Pretty sure this guy stopped seeing women as people a long time ago. This announcement on his part is just him coming to that realization that he sees women as objects but in a different (and more vile) way
Basically this is him realizing that women aren’t just objects, but objects he has no ‘use’ for.
It’s true, a lot of so called MGTOW are not very articulate and clearly some are sexist. Having said that, the same can be said of feminists.
If I dismiss all feminists based on some of their commentators, like the guardian writer who would like to see all males sent to concentration camps..then you would say I’m a misogynist?
MGTOW (and I do so hate that acronym) is nothing more than male feminism. It aspouses the same basic gender centric principles.
The idea that men are better off without women is no different to what society in general has been fed for the last 30 + years, except the other way around.
Why do feminists now choose to call men playing by the same rules bad or more humiliating “sad”?
If women needed men like a fish needed a bicycle and this was socially accepted within pop culture, then what’s the issue with the bicycle not needing a fish?
And this is the real issue. Clearly our mainstream media allows feminist voices to be heard including the more extremist ones, such as you’ll see in the guardian… this normalises within the culture a abnormal extremists misandry. For all the complaints about extremism within MGTOW, it’s limited to Reddit message boards. It’s not considered socially acceptable and no matter how hard feminists protest against MGTOW it is still a fringe culture. It may be a growing culture but you can blame the socially acceptable insanity promoted in the likes of the guardian for its growth.
Yet I don’t see many “reasonable” feminists taking stock or cleaning house within their own ranks. No, much easier to take pot shots at men who openly say they no longer want women. If anything the MGTOW should be a feminists dream come true so why the animosity? It only makes it appear that women really do need men. So my advice is just to completely ignore MGTOW especially as that’s what they say they are doing with you.
Oh, Beale. Calling his ebook a “bestseller” because it briefly topped its narrowmost category on Amazon is adorable. By that measure, my husband’s book on the history of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a bestseller several times over. (It did pretty well). Heck, I had a story in a sci-fi anthology that was a top seller on the Amazon main page, so I must be a mega-mega-bestselling author.
On the other hand, I am a mathematician. Well, a physicist, but certain skills transfer. I can confirm Paradoxy’s point as being valid.
A 10,000 person sample is something that you absolutely can generalise to the whole of humanity about, so long as you stratify the sample properly. This means that since one-seventh of the world are Indian and one-quarter are Muslims, then one-seventh of your sample needs to be Indian and one-quarter needs to be Muslim. Similarly it needs to be stratified by age, by religion, by income and so on. If you do this properly then it is possible to draw fairly accurate conclusions about the parent population.
This is not easy: I gather that social scientists spend enormous amounts of time and money ensuring that their samples are properly representative of the parent population. In this case, the MTGOWs have not done so. Their sample is white and English-speaking, and has internet access; this means that they’re overrepresenting those parts of the world and underrepresenting others. They can’t speak with any confidence about “all women.”
Most egregiously, however, their sample is from failed relationships. (If the relationship succeeded, after all, they wouldn’t be MTGOWs, except for Dean Esmay and what’s up with that anyway?) The average westerner has slightly over two relationships in her life (like many averages, this means that half of people have more than that and half have less) but in most of the world, people will settle down and marry their first boyfriend; or else stay single until they meet Mr Right. People who’ve come out of a failed relationship are therefore not representative of the whole population.
In other words, the MGTOWs haven’t been studying the sum of all human women: they’ve been studying western women who’ve been through failed relationships. Of course those women are going to be the sort who dump people: they all dumped at least one misogynistic asshole, after all. The MGTOWs never met the happy people who found the right person and are content with them, or even the people who stayed in an imperfect relationship to make it work. Drawing conclusions based on such a sample is like standing in a puddle and announcing that the whole world has wet feet. It’s straight-up bullshit.
It’s also vile misogynistic and misanthropic trash, of course; but that’s hardly news. What may be news to the MGTOWs is that for all their talk about being the superior and rational gender, they fail at simple things like drawing a properly stratified sample. You’d have thought that their manbrains would have allowed them to do that. Evidently not.
(If a MGTOW wants to step up and quote some Elizier Yudkowsky bullshit at me about Bayes’s Formula, then I will absolutely throw down in a Bayes fight. Until then, all I’m going to say is that Paradoxy is right.)