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Members of that strange internet subculture known as Men Going Their Own Way face a bit of a dilemma: they hate women, a LOT, but at the same time most of them want very much to put their penises in them, which kind of gets in the way of the “Going Their Own Way” part of that whole “Men Going Their Own Way” thing.
But one Reddit MGTOW by the name of Isaiah4verse1 has found a solution of sorts to this little problem: He’s simply stopped seeing women as full human beings.
“I am actually no longer attracted to females,” he explains in a recent comment on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit.
I haven’t looked at porn in over a month. I can’t look at them without a deluge of Red Pill knowledge coming to mind. It’s great.
You’ve trained yourself to be repulsed by women. Congratulations.
I find it completely dishonourable to my mind, body and spirit to be bound sexually to such creatures therefore I took care of it with brute force and it’s done.
Wait, what? What exactly did you take care of “with brute force?” This didn’t involve a rusty steak knife and a lot of blood, did it?
Actually, it has worked too well. I don’t have any feeling towards women. I do not recognize them as complete human beings but unevolved persons.
Unfortunately, he’s not the first to arrive at this, er, enlightened position.
I am completely and utterly free and feel like a kid! (remember back before puberty when this garbage didn’t pollute your mind?)
Huh. My memories of life before puberty involve ugly cars, bad hairdos and songs by ABBA, but then again it was the 70s.
If the name Isaiah4verse1 sounds vaguely familiar to you, well, we’ve met him before. He was one of the MGTOWs who thought it was hilarious that Charlie Sheen might have passed his HIV along to a number of women.
Oh, and earlier this year he set forth his theory that women are basically a bunch of overpriced vagina buses. Maybe you remember that.
H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture
Unevolved? How does that… work? How can one sex of a species be less evolved than another sex? Biologist Mammotheers, your input is gratefully accepted on this enigma.
He sounds so happy, so carefree. No, really. No, REALLY. HE’S REALLY HAPPY DAMMIT.
Future serial killer in the making.
Okay, now I’m just morbidly curious. How exactly does one train oneself to be repulsed by half the human race? Did he tie himself to a chair Clockwork Orange-style and marathon Girls boxsets while injecting capsaicin into his ballsack?
@Miss Andry
Do you think we could start a betting pool on which frequent subject here will turn out to be a serial killer first? If so I’ve got £50 on Peter Nolan.
I can’t help but think of these men as quitters. People who had one or a few bad experiences and are now “so over ALL women”.
I wonder how misanthropic they really are. Because if they aren’t, after the early happy beginnings of a life as a lonely stud, they might become very lonely. It’s just a human condition to desire company.
And other men around them will eventually find partners for themselves.
I’d also appreciate any input on whether there were ever any very big carnivorous llamas (unrelated project)
Isn’t that true of literally every single MRA?
Isn’t that also true of literally every single MRA?
Well… there are men who have undergone voluntary castration. That’s honestly kind of what the “brute force” thing sounds like.
I’m sure there are valid reasons to undergo such a procedure, and I’m even more sure that they’re none of my business – but if this really is what he did, his hatred of women is probably not the best motivator.
Very lonely indeed, I imagine. Just look at people like Roosh or Heartiste – I wonder how much actual pleasure they get from their lives now that they’re fast approaching middle age?
I’d also appreciate any input on whether there were ever any very big carnivorous llamas (unrelated project)
Heads up for UK mammotheers (or anyone else who can view BBC iPlayer)
There’s that dynamic, but I can’t help but think that there is also a component of blaming others as a way to avoid looking at themselves and their own actions in causing a relationship to go sour. I mean, it’s far more comforting for someone to say “it’s all the other person’s fault” when a couple breaks up that it is to take a long hard look at oneself, which might be profoundly uncomfortable and may indicate that some attitudes and behaviours need to change drastically.
I’d venture a guess that they’re deeply misanthopic. Without resentment to fuel their “movement”, my guess is it would run out of steam within a week. That’s why they have to constantly go online and work one another into a hate frenzy. You can see it not only in how they view women in general and men who want no part in their movement, but also in their desire for domination that all the talk about “alpha” and what not gives away, IMHO.
When people say shit like that, I am very afraid.
Then again, my country had its liberal left party litteraly say they want to suspend human’s rights in a failed bid to prevent voters to vote for far right racist extremist. Maybe MGTOW aren’t that far from the average human.
@ David N-T
My theory has always been that MGTOWs/MRAs etc sole raison d’etre is hatred. They don’t actually *want* anything (hence the MRA disinterest in actual ‘men’s issues’ and the refusal of MGTOW’s to actually do any ‘going’).
The mindset always reminds me of this bit from “Conspiracy”.
If there were, we haven’t found them yet (I don’t mean that in a snarky way, there’s all kinds of weird-ass crap out there).
Yup, but we said that about the Coelacanth (what I love about that story is that, after the announcement had been made, it transpired that the locals had pretty much been eating coelacanth and chips for as long as they could remember)
Ooh, perfect. Mind if I steal that as a tagline?
Oh, that’s definitely a part of it too. But even if they think everything is somebody else’s fault, they are still quitters. Very alpha!
Agreed. But it’s hard to spend your whole life online. You can function for some time with this attitude, feeling enlightened and happy about yourself, thinking how your boss or your client is actually miserable because he has a nasty wife, but after a while the enthusiasm wears off. How bad is the loneliness then? The “I want to be alone all my life” mantra is pretty harsh. Sure some people can handle it and are happy, but there’s a reason why there’s so many suicides in this time of the year. Loneliness is a terrible condition.
Or perhaps they are happy because they convince themselves they are alone on their terms, not because they just were not picked by a partner or because their attitude chases everybody away. In that case, this attitude can be life-saving.
God I hope so. That sounds awesome.
Sure, if you want. It might not be professional, but it’s bloody accurate. =P
It works as a motto for everyone from NASA to David Attenborough; I love it (hence nicking it).
If my biology class serve me well, llamas like almost all herbivorous animals, can live pretty well with mostly meats and a small bit of herbs for some vitamins and stuff. Meat is actually a lot easier to digest than plants, so most plant eaters are already equiped to eat meat.
That’s why you can have deers eat corpses. And boars too, but I don’t think people are as amazed by boar eating birds than by deers eating corpses.
Stellar physics already has a tagline (“gas falls in / light comes out / that’s what stars / are all about”) but if they were somehow to lose that one, this would be an excellent replacement.
Does this call for brain bleach at all? I’m asking because I just caught my cats in this predicament:
Edit: How do we embed pictures now?
@ EJ
Some of my particle physics friends claim that the ‘real’ CERN motto is:
“Where we tell the laws of physics to sit in a corner and shut the f**k up“.