antifeminism crackpottery dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about evil fat fatties MGTOW misogyny penises reddit vaginas

Worried about your penis size? Blame feminism, MGTOW explains

Not everyone has a giant wiener
Not everyone has a giant wiener

The Great Penis Size Freakout Debate continues. On the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, one of the regulars has dug up a Youtube video from a random woman who doesn’t like small dicks.

Never mind that men worry a lot more about the size of their dicks than women do — hell, one survey found that women tend to be far more concerned with proper pubic-hair grooming  than the length of their partner’s dingle dangles. Reddit’s MGTOW army saw this video as an example of rare female honesty on this perilous topic.

“[T]his is just proof if you’re not above average you are nothing,” one Reddit MGTOW moaned.

[I]f she complains and you aren’t small, next the bitch, she’s either got something wrong with her pussy or she got her head filled with some of her girl group bullshit, and it’s not worth the trouble.

Naturally, it didn’t take long for someone to blame feminism for the size queens of the world. ShitfacedBatman reassured his fellow MGTOWs that only sluts and feminists complain about small penises.

Date short and cute feminine women and you’ll never need to worry about your penis size. Date a woman prone to getting FAT, a woman close to your height, a woman with a big-ass ass, or a sex-industry woman who’s been cored out a few times and it’s “possible” size is a factor in those cases.

You know, women being “cored out” by large penises isn’t actually a thing. The sturdy vagina can recover from childbirth, and there aren’t really a lot of men out there whose penises are literally larger than a baby.

But, as ShitfacedBatman sees it, size queens are only lashing out because they are losers in the “tight vagina” contest that apparently all women are competing in.

Here’s the dealio tho: women that say size matters are saying they have sexual liabilities. To be submissive, pretty, and feminine is actually a competitive sport racing towards female smallness. Women by nature should be competing to be small, tight, and “innocent” – which means size should never matter and if it does it’s her problem. (Western feminism producing masculine women is incredibly likely to be at the root of the problem.)

Apparently the most “masculine women” are the ones with huge vaginas.

I think the whole “huge vagina” argument made a lot more sense when Larry David explained it on Curb Your Enthusiasm.

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Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
9 years ago

This system has nothing to do with kinks or fetishes. It’s about making a perfect world.

I’m not the sharpest bulb on the tree, but this is where I started picturing the trololol meme.

9 years ago

The sharpest bulbs were the ones we broke while trying to untangle the messy string. We’d usually have to get out some pliers to unscrew them. I tried the potato trick once but it just broke off the remaining glass.

Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
Hambeast, Social Justice Beastie
9 years ago

Ah. I was trying to mix the metaphor and failed.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Walter | December 7, 2015 at 5:43 pm

We will have to agree to disagree. I thought it was rude and more importantly counterproductive because it turns people away from BLM.

Those students in that library had nothing to do with any kind of police brutality and bothering them wasn’t going to fix anything. It just made the movment look bad.

BLM is the most important political movement to me. I agree with them on all points, but they really do seem more concerned with causing a ruckus than actually pushing any kind of legislative solutions.

“A riot is the language of the unheard.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

They have tried other ways to get people to listen. You have to get people to actually listen to you before you can push any “legislative solutions”, and sometimes to do that, you have to be disruptive.

You can talk about “legislative solutions” until you’re blue in the face, and it won’t matter unless you can get those in charge to actually fucking listen. And to do that, you need to get other, more privileged people to listen and also raise their voices. Because the truth of the matter is, those in power aren’t listening to those who have none.

There are so many people who can and do just ignore them.

“Not my problem”, “They’re just causing a ruckus”, “Why can’t they just be civil?!”, “Stop being in the way!” and so on. All of this is an excuse to ignore them, whether you agree with them or not.

That’d be like saying “I won’t support feminists until they stop doing slut walks”, or “I won’t support Indigenous Peoples until they stop protesting”, or “I won’t support LGBTQ+ rights unless they stop protesting for their rights”.

All of these are “disruptive” in a way, all of these deal with people who have “nothing to do with it”. All of these get the attention of people who aren’t in power, but can help do something about it by raising their voices as well.

You’re essentially saying “I won’t support BLM until they do things the way I want them to”, and that’s some Grade-BS Bad Allying.

You’re holding your allyship over their heads and demanding they do things your way, and that’s essentially blackmail, and no one has time for that shit.

9 years ago

How can BLM be “the most important political movement” to you, if all you care about is all dicks being sorted according to size?

Why do I feel like the answer is going to be “Black people have big dicks?”

9 years ago

Paradoxical Attention

People have been listening. They are getting a lot of media attention and have given the black population an important issue to rally around. But BLM hasn’t done anything with that energy and attention.

Right now its primary season. This would be the perfect time for BLM to flex its muscle! Black people make up over 20% of the democratic party. They are an important voting block that a democratic candidate needs if they want to win. If BLM was to throw its support behind Bernie Sanders, it would totally change the outlook of this election. BLM should use this fact to its advantage and try to influence the candidates. Get them to state their stance on police violence and the prison industrial complex and how they plan to fix it. Get them to sign a pledge promising to address the issue within their first 100 days in office. I know a pledge isn’t binding, but at least it gives you something to hold them to.

That’s what I think BLM should be doing. But BLM won’t even endorse a candidate. They haven’t shown an interest in doing anything productive. They just want to shout at people.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Walter | December 7, 2015 at 10:36 pm
Paradoxical Attention

Ironic little slip there, considering you don’t seem to be paying much of that.

People have been listening. They are getting a lot of media attention and have given the black population an important issue to rally around. But BLM hasn’t done anything with that energy and attention.

You mean like getting a presidental canidate to sit down and talk to them, or organizing protests, or raising money for the family of a person murdered by police, or keeping people aware of what’s going on via a huge network of social media?

Yup. They’ve done nothin’, am I right?

And the thing is, there are still so many people who won’t listen, because they, like you, believe that they’re just out to make noise and cause trouble, and thus aren’t worth listening to.

So you sit behind your keyboard and tone police them instead. What a good ally you are! [/sarcasm]

Right now its primary season. This would be the perfect time for BLM to flex its muscle! Black people make up over 20% of the democratic party. They are an important voting block that a democratic candidate needs if they want to win. If BLM was to throw its support behind Bernie Sanders, it would totally change the outlook of this election.

Uh, they already did. And then Bernie Sanders did the sensible thing and sat down and talked with them and discussed their cause. Thus, they’ve been backing Bernie.

Unlike you, I’ve been paying attention to the news over the past few months, considering this happened in September.

Been too wrapped up in “cocktopia” to pay attention to the primaries, huh?

BLM should use this fact to its advantage and try to influence the candidates. Get them to state their stance on police violence and the prison industrial complex and how they plan to fix it. Get them to sign a pledge promising to address the issue within their first 100 days in office. I know a pledge isn’t binding, but at least it gives you something to hold them to.

They’ve. Been. Doing. That.

That’s what I think BLM should be doing. But BLM won’t even endorse a candidate. They haven’t shown an interest in doing anything productive. They just want to shout at people.

And you don’t have any interest in using Google to fact-check yourself before you stick both your feet in your mouth and pull them out of your ears, you just want to sit behind your keyboard and wave your allyship in their faces and demand they do things they’ve already done to somehow get your support.

The thing is, Black Lives Matter have been doing all this shit you want them to do! They’ve endorsed Bernie Sanders, they’ve organized protests and raised awareness for a very prolific problem in the US, they’ve helped families of victims of police violence by raising money for them and giving assistance to the families.

What the fuck have you done that makes you so fucking important then?

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

*pops in* Fuck yeah Bernie Sanders *pops back out*

9 years ago

Paradoxical Intention

The thing is, Black Lives Matter have been doing all this shit you want them to do! They’ve endorsed Bernie Sanders,

No they haven’t.

BLM has not endorsed anyone. The link you gave didn’t state that they endorsed Sanders, just that they met him and liked what he said.

BLM had the same kind of meeting with Hillary Clinton. Aside from Clinton supposedly promising to end for-profit prisons, they didn’t get much from either meeting.

I want them to make the politicians sign written pledge not make promises behind closed doors.

they’ve organized protests and raised awareness for a very prolific problem in the US,

Cops have been harassing black people for the entirety of American history. This isn’t a problem that needs awareness. Everyone knows about it already. It needs concrete action.

they’ve helped families of victims of police violence by raising money for them and giving assistance to the families.

I didn’t know they did that. Doesn’t change my earlier complaints, but it’s great that they’re doing that.

After pissing on BLM for a few posts, I’ll tell you what they did recently that I do like. They’ve investigated police-union contracts in multiple cities and have noted the most dangerous parts of those contracts. That’s great work which could lead to some fundamental changes to the system.

9 years ago

I know. I ran with it though because it was more amusing to talk about than Walter’s penis obsession.

9 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

No problem, I know how expensive vet bills can be – for reptiles even: story from Katie’s life… I had a friend’s ball python I watched for a few months while he was on his 6 month cruise (navy), right before he left there was an issue with the type of substrate used on the bottom of the cage and I had to give the snake injections, baths, and apply some kind of cream; after a few weeks the snake apparently didn’t want any more baths but had to have them anyway so a ‘sweater storage box’ had to be used instead of the bathtub. I ended up with a pet rat named Lucky from the experience, it seemed like it would have been too cruel to just keep putting the rat into the feeding box with the snake until it was finally eaten after trying twice, so the rat received a pardon from Governor Katie and bestowed with the name “Lucky” for its experiences. Didn’t find out until later that ball pythons (and perhaps other snake species too) aren’t known for being very hungry during the winter, and the snake had been fed a few times before arriving at my house. My friend, thankfully, had arranged for all fees and vet costs to be paid by his credit card for the 6 months plus had made sure to fill out some paperwork to make sure the vet knew I was the temporary snake guardian and not trying to fraudulently use someone else’s credit card. 😛 He said it was very expensive and that’s back in the early 2000’s before the recession by a few years, in California – everything seems to be more expensive here. 😛

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

And that’s just meds! Diagnosing a cold blooded animal is its own little hell. I’ve gotten damned good at spotting the most common fish issues but having people call and ask what I recommend? Ok, white spots? Specks or stringy? Fuzzy or solid? Do they shine a bit? …and that’s sorting three *common* issues, get into the less common ones and Ow My Head (I am not a vet, clearly, but fish vets basically don’t exist and I have a reputation among friends and friends of friends)

And now I must put a cat in a carrier, wish me luck!

9 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

Ahhh…the putting of a cat in a carrier is its own special kind of hell. When I had a cat, the preparation started 24 hours before carrier, with putting it onto the back wall so the little gate-door faced the ceiling, this was to allow enough time for her to forget about it and have it in the right position when step 2 and 3 came. Second step, get large beach towel and throw over cat, wrap cat in towel burrito. Third step pour cat burrito into carrier and quickly slam the gate-door shut before cat realizes it can get out of towel and tries to escape. There is sort of a 4th step involving steeling oneself for the cat-siren which will be sounding the entire time cat is in carrier because carrier makes cat unhappy. Good times. 😉

Good luck! 😛

9 years ago

The trick that works best for me even on cats I fear upsetting because I value my blood is to set the carrier up on its end so the gate is facing up, then drop them in back legs first. You have to position yourself right so they can’t just immediately jump out, but they squirm less when they can’t actually see the carrier even though they’re smart enough that they’ve figured it out.

Good luck. 🙂

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Walter | December 8, 2015 at 12:56 am
No they haven’t.

BLM has not endorsed anyone. The link you gave didn’t state that they endorsed Sanders, just that they met him and liked what he said.

“Hey, we met with this guy, and we like what he says.”

1. an act of giving one’s public approval or support to someone or something.

How is this not endorsement? It’s literally them saying “Hey, this guy is willing to listen to us and we think he’ll do things that would help our cause”.

Literally every person I see who supports BLM also supports Bernie Sanders, mostly because of this meeting. There are BLM supporters who support Clinton, but that’s to be expected when BLM is such a large group as it is.

Though, I will also call you out on goalpost-shifting.

BLM had the same kind of meeting with Hillary Clinton. Aside from Clinton supposedly promising to end for-profit prisons, they didn’t get much from either meeting.

Sounds like they got a bit out of it to me.

I want them to make the politicians sign written pledge not make promises behind closed doors.

And how would you propose that they do that? Or better yet, why the fuck don’t you do it then if it’s so important to you?

Why do you want to insist that it’s BLM’s job to do all this stuff, and saying “I can’t support them unless they do this very specific thing”?

Cops have been harassing black people for the entirety of American history. This isn’t a problem that needs awareness. Everyone knows about it already. It needs concrete action.

No, not everyone is aware of it. We’ve always just been told that the cops are “just doing their jobs”. Us white folk have a hell of a lot to unlearn, especially if members of my own family are anything to go by.

There are people still insisting that the school cop who drug a child out of her chair in school for “disrupting class” was “just doing his job” and it was “reasonable” for him to do so.

There are people still insisting that Michael Brown stole cigars despite the fact that the clerk said he’d never seen him before, and that meant that Darren Wilson was justified in shooting him just for suspecting he was the same guy.

There are still people who say that George Zimmerman was justified in shooting Trayvon Martin because he “looked like a thug”.

So, no, we aren’t all already aware that this is police brutality. We white folks have been told it’s just “police doing their jobs”, and we do need to have people get loud and disruptive sometimes to bring our attention to things we can safely ignore because of our white privilege.

I didn’t know they did that. Doesn’t change my earlier complaints, but it’s great that they’re doing that.

Your earlier complaints of “They’re being loud and disruptive instead of protesting in a manner I approve of!” and “They’re not doing this specific thing I think they should be doing!”?

The reasons you claim you can’t support them, so you just tone police from behind your keyboard instead of joining them and trying to make suggestions?

Or, wait, let me guess: “It’s not my place to tell them to do these things, so I’m just going to sit by and criticize them instead of actually trying to push for legislation on my own by raising awareness and trying to get into contact with people who are in BLM.”

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Holy crap, she was an absolute dream at the vet! Tried just taking the top off the carrier and then putting it back on over her, but that failed so I scooped and my brother lifted the carrier and we slid her in. Spent the car ride, both ways, either petting herself against my fingers or just watching out the window, was friendly with all the techs and the vet, only yelp she made was about getting her vaccines and then was right back to “you pet me now please”.

It went absolutely swimmingly, and no FIV or FeLV! The dental estimate is, uh, a lot. But otherwise? Fucking stellar!

9 years ago

How is this not endorsement? It’s literally them saying “Hey, this guy is willing to listen to us and we think he’ll do things that would help our cause”.

That was not an endorsement. In fact, in the article you linked to BLM representatives expessed doubts that Sanders would follow through with his promises if elected. Here’s the quote, “She pointed out that while Sanders needs the black vote, it’s unclear whether he’d be as eager to listen to the black community after being elected.”

Yeah, that’s an endorsement. lol

Black Lives Matter said they weren’t going to endorse a candidate months ago. This hasn’t changed.

If the goal of BLM is to educate whites on the plight of black people, then antagonizing people in a library isn’t helpful to that cause. In fact its detrimental because it turns people against BLM.

9 years ago

Argenti, that’s awesome news!

My parents got the strays (Momcat and Spook) indoors and they’ve also gone to the vet. Spook is a confirmed girlcat and both Spook and Momcat are now spayed.

The sedation helped with the taming of the Spook, and Spook now sits in laps. Spook’s also decided being cuddled and held is okay, which is better than she was when Mom first got her inside. Think angry mobile cactus.

Both Momcat and spook are on dewormers, because they found tapeworms in Momcat’s stool and both of them have a couple more days of quarantine before the vet clears them to start interacting with pre-existing housecats and barncats.

We’ve had to split them up, though.

Spook’s found a good home with a local ranch owner. The barncats all stay indoors in the winter, because cold, so the ranch owner has a solid 4 months in which to convince Spook home is a good place to come back to. Spook can then spend the summers eating food and sleeping at home and putting her early life practical experience mousing with Momcat to good use.

Momcat is currently staying with my folks. Dad is really, really trying hard to pretend he doesn’t totally adore her sweet fluffiness. We’ll worry about introducing her properly to pre-existing cat later. After quarantine ends.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Walter, in plain and simple terms, go fuck yourself. I could spend more time and energy (and pixels) explaining to you why your views are just as toxic as straight up “blacks are inferior” racism, but frankly, I’d rather talk cats.

Contrapangloss — yea for indoor kitties! Sucks that they have to be split up, but at least they have nice warm indoor accommodations for the winter! Cali, unsurprisingly, had fleas, so I had to treat the mammals of the house, but that went exceptionally well (caught cranky cat while she was napping, by the time she realized things were happening she was already wearing the treatment)

*kitty high fives all around!*

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

If the goal of BLM is to educate whites on the plight of black people, then antagonizing people in a library isn’t helpful to that cause. In fact its detrimental because it turns people against BLM.

Darn those black people! Why won’t they just be quiet and polite, and let regular folk go about their business?

Obviously privileged white people who know absolutely zip about what it’s like to be black in the United States are far better positioned to decide what black people need to do in order to get whites to listen to them. And what do you know, what they need to do is be RESPECTABLE, because being RESPECTABLE in the eyes of white people has gotten black Americans soooooo far in the past, I mean, wow, they were 100% equals to whites before they started getting uppity and talking too loudly and disrupting white folks’ concentration and shit. It was only after black people started to be loud and unruly that Jim Crow became a problem! As long as they were quiet and didn’t make any noise, Jim Crow was completely sublime for everyone involved.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Walter | December 8, 2015 at 5:47 pm
That was not an endorsement. In fact, in the article you linked to BLM representatives expessed doubts that Sanders would follow through with his promises if elected. Here’s the quote, “She pointed out that while Sanders needs the black vote, it’s unclear whether he’d be as eager to listen to the black community after being elected.”

Yeah, that’s an endorsement. lol

And yet still their members support him and campaign for him via social media and other outlets. Hmm. Do you need them to come and spell it out for you?

Good luck with those shifty goalposts though.

Black Lives Matter said they weren’t going to endorse a candidate months ago. This hasn’t changed.

I thought that was one of your problems with them that they haven’t endorsed a candidate yet or thrown their weight around, and now you’re saying you knew they weren’t going to in the first place?

Sounds to me like you’re just looking for things to complain about.

If the goal of BLM is to educate whites on the plight of black people, then antagonizing people in a library isn’t helpful to that cause. In fact its detrimental because it turns people against BLM.

Again with the tone policing. I’ll say what I told you before: They have been trying to get people to listen, and people are not. There are still people out there who refuse to listen, there are still people out there who believe that they “brought this on themselves”.

Just look at Fox News on the subject. Or hell, look at how any mainstream news outlet reported any of the incidents that lead up to BLM. Look at how they paint the innocent victims as “thugs” and post pictures of them throwing up “gang signs”, if not actual fucking mugshots, and bring up every fucking thing they’ve ever done wrong as some sort of weak fucking justification, when they post school pictures of actual (white) mass murders, or say that they were “gentle”.

And then look at the story of the “adorable” drug dealer.

And tell me that people are listening.

Us white folks have the advantage of ignoring this stuff. We get to sit quietly in a library and study and focus on finals and all that noise while this is going on. People of color don’t have that advantage. They have to constantly be aware of their surroundings, much like women have to be constantly aware of ours or else we’ll be blamed for being raped, or trans people have to be aware of their surroundings, or else they’ll be murdered and blamed for it.

You obviously don’t understand what that’s like.

If the only way they will get attention is by disrupting a library then good. It’s making noise. It’s getting heard.

Had they attacked and assaulted someone, then yes, I would agree that that’s not right, but I won’t stop supporting them. And I don’t agree with the people who shoved students. But I do still agree with what they were trying to do.

However, as far as I’m concerned, the only people who would be “turned against” BLM because they are making a little noise in a library are the people who were looking for an excuse to not stand with them in the first place.

I’m agreeing with Argenti. Your tone policing bullshit is just as toxic, if not moreso, than the straight up racist attitudes of “they deserved it!”. At least those bigots are honest.

You’re trying to dictate to them how they can protest before you’ll bother with them. You don’t give a shit about what they’re trying to do or their cause, you’re more concerned with how they’re acting and how it effects us poor white people. You can’t honestly say you give a shit about BLM or agree with them if your biggest complaint is “They disrupted a library” and “they’re not endorsing a candidate”.

I’m also going to agree with one more statement from Argenti: Fuck off, Walter. I’m not wasting more of my time on this shit.

9 years ago

The only reason white people are even talking or thinking about police brutality and racism in the criminal justice system is because people in BLM have made a big stink. Before that, we were mostly just ignoring it. Arguing that BLM is counterproductive is ridiculous when you consider that they are the reason this is a hot topic in the first place.

9 years ago

So going up to people in a library and shouting obscenities and racial slurs is going to convince people that your movement is worthwhile? I’m sure all those people they shouted at came away having a lot of empathy for black people and the problems we face. I’m sure the girl they cornered and called a “white b*tch” is now going to be very concerned with how black people are treated by the cops.

Give me a fucking break.

There was no excuse for what they did. They’re angry. I get that. They’re in a mostly white school and have to deal with all the bullshit that comes with it. The assumption that you’re there thanks to affirmative action. The conservative idiots who never met a black person before and now want to test out all their favorite racial talking points. The casual racism and sheer amount of white arrogance is suffocating. So I understand their anger, but to act like invading a library and harassing students is good or somehow makes things better is ridiculous.

The non-violent resistence of the civil rights movement showed the savagery of the southern racial caste system. How did this protest show any innate racism or issues with the university?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

I always love it when people take this completely ahistorical view that the non-violence of the civil rights movement means that said movement was totes polite and quiet and never overstepped the bounds laid out for it by whites in power.

And by “love” of course I mean “so fucking tired of this easily-disproven trope.”

Walter, stop talking about shit you clearly know less than nothing about. Yes, your level of knowledge here is literally negative, less than zero. It is causing me physical pain to know that someone who exists within that kind of black hole of ignorance feels completely comfortable broadcasting that ignorance. You should be ashamed of how uninformed you are, and silently listening and learning from those who actually know shit.

9 years ago

Oh FFS Walter, they didn’t set fire to the library, they didn’t go in with guns and hold all the white people hostage or kill a few in the process just to make things clear on wanting to be heard.

You were more entertaining with your penis obsession, until you went on too long (heh) with it. This new topic of your feelings about BLM is only demonstrating that you are one of the people that BLM is TRYING to get through to in regards to their concerns.

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