The Great Penis Size Freakout Debate continues. On the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, one of the regulars has dug up a Youtube video from a random woman who doesn’t like small dicks.
Never mind that men worry a lot more about the size of their dicks than women do — hell, one survey found that women tend to be far more concerned with proper pubic-hair grooming than the length of their partner’s dingle dangles. Reddit’s MGTOW army saw this video as an example of rare female honesty on this perilous topic.
“[T]his is just proof if you’re not above average you are nothing,” one Reddit MGTOW moaned.
[I]f she complains and you aren’t small, next the bitch, she’s either got something wrong with her pussy or she got her head filled with some of her girl group bullshit, and it’s not worth the trouble.
Naturally, it didn’t take long for someone to blame feminism for the size queens of the world. ShitfacedBatman reassured his fellow MGTOWs that only sluts and feminists complain about small penises.
Date short and cute feminine women and you’ll never need to worry about your penis size. Date a woman prone to getting FAT, a woman close to your height, a woman with a big-ass ass, or a sex-industry woman who’s been cored out a few times and it’s “possible” size is a factor in those cases.
You know, women being “cored out” by large penises isn’t actually a thing. The sturdy vagina can recover from childbirth, and there aren’t really a lot of men out there whose penises are literally larger than a baby.
But, as ShitfacedBatman sees it, size queens are only lashing out because they are losers in the “tight vagina” contest that apparently all women are competing in.
Here’s the dealio tho: women that say size matters are saying they have sexual liabilities. To be submissive, pretty, and feminine is actually a competitive sport racing towards female smallness. Women by nature should be competing to be small, tight, and “innocent” – which means size should never matter and if it does it’s her problem. (Western feminism producing masculine women is incredibly likely to be at the root of the problem.)
Apparently the most “masculine women” are the ones with huge vaginas.
I think the whole “huge vagina” argument made a lot more sense when Larry David explained it on Curb Your Enthusiasm.
I’m just thankful he came up with the design, pouches and all. Most of what makes Deadpool Deadpool came from writer Fabian Nicieza, who came up with his mannerisms and backstory and the like.
And of course, as is the case with every comic book character ever, Deadpool has evolved with input from so many talented writers and artists, so much so you could argue that there’s not much Liefeld or Nicieza left in him.
That’s one of my favorite things about comics: Don’t like the way a run’s going? Wait a few weeks, or months at most. It won’t even matter.
Rob Liefeld is a bad artist and not reallu creative, but he was one of the most popular creators of his era and totally changed the comics industry for the better by creating Image comics. He deserves better than these petty insults.
Oh cry me a river, Penistopia Man.
And did you just say that he’s “not creative” and a “bad artist”, and then said he deserves better than “these petty insults”?
Hypocrisy, thy name is Penistopia Man.
Yeah, cause he’s not a good artist or very creative. That’s a fact. But to harp on his artistic failings from 20 years ago, imply that he’s never earned your respect and downplay his role in creating Deadpool is overly harsh. Liefeld was at worst a product of his time. The 90s were a time of style over substance and his wacky designs fit that era perfectly. His art wasn’t technically correct, but it had a dynamic energy that appealed to people. That should be respected.
No matter his artistic failings, he helped take Marvel to new heights and then was part of the biggest pro creator event in the history of American comics. That should be admired.
Liefeld was very lucky and probably more successful than his talent should have allowed, but he’s still an important figure in the history of American comics and deserves more respect than you’re giving him.
@Walter: All he did was create Deadpool’s design give some basic traits, and make a few jokes when Nicieza pointed out that Rob’s “idea” was pretty much DC’s Deathstroke. They made a few jokes about it, and then tweaked it a bit, and it stayed an inside joke.
And yeah, that’s as far as it went. Liefeld created Deadpool alongside Nicieza, but the fact remains that whenever a comic book character gets a new writer and/or a new artist, a little bit of them goes into the character, thus making them different in some way.
And it’s not just true for Deadpool, but for every comic book series that has more than one author and/or artist. Hell, The Sandman comics, which were all written by Niel Gaiman, all have different artists, and each of their iterations of Dream himself are different in their own unique ways, even if they stick to one basic setup of pale skin, black hair, black eyes.
It’s not “downplaying” anyone to say that the renditions change with each person who brings their own unique perspective to the table.
As for his “artistic failings from 20 years ago”: I wouldn’t harp on it so fucking much if the man actually showed some desire to get better, instead of just resting on his “professional” status and not listening to anyone.
Oh, and you want current things that Liefeld has done to piss people off: He recently (April of this year) said that fans were “crucifying” an artist because fans raised concerns about a Spiderwoman variant comic cover being sexist, and even tried to recreate the cover so it wasn’t anatomically impossible. (Also: See here and here.)
So yeah, misogynist as well as “not creative or talented”.
@Imperator Kahlo
I’ve written a version about tits, but as this post is about penes….:P Very creative though!
The Anti-Big Dick conspiracy in action? (Warning, link NSFW)
A lot of people deserve credit for Deadpool. That’s true, but I think you’re being dismissive towards Liefeld’s contributions. There’s no need to say that Liefeld just drew some pouches while everything good came from Fabien. We don’t know how they influenced each other’s work. Deadpool was a collaberation and should be treated as such. People shouldn’t be trying to give one more credit than the other.
The Spider-Woman cover outrage was totally justified. It was a horrible cover for that comic and that kind of art shouldn’t have a place in mainstream super hero comic books.
Liefeld didn’t come out and talk about that cover though. He was defending Frank Cho who was under “attack” for drawing a parody of of the Milo Manara cover. I think Liefeld’s defense of Cho was a bit misplaced, since I didn’t really see anyone demanding for Frank Cho to change his style so much as saying that his parody was in bad taste. Although to be fair I didn’t pay much attention to the controversy when it first hit so maybe more was said than I realized.
Is Liefeld a misogynist? I have no idea. His defense of Cho seems more hypersensitive than anything else.
Except I didn’t.
Added emphasis for the important words and bits.
I never said all Liefeld did was “draw a few pouches”, and I also never said that this was his only addition to the character. I did say he created Deadpool ALONGSIDE Nicieza, and they worked TOGETHER to make other additions and tweaks.
No where did I say that Liefeld didn’t do anything to create Deadpool beyond “draw a few pouches”. I said that’s where he started.
Yes, Deadpool is a collab, no that doesn’t mean that I need to give Liefeld equal credit to Nicieza, especially since most people don’t even give Nicieza credit to begin with.
Y’all, y’all. Why are you arguing with a troll about comics?
If you actually saw yourself and men in general as people with value you wouldn’t be so gloomy or make others gloomy as well.
Go out and find hobbies like photography or something if you keep obsessing over penises then you’ll get even more depressed and no one will like you becuase all you do is talk about your penis and put other men down too.
Because I’m bored, and at least this way, Walter isn’t talking about cocks or being stupid about BLM.
I’ll take an argument over the dubious anatomy of 90’s comics over hearing more about the thing in Walter’s pants any day.
No one likes me regardless. So I think I’ll continue focussing on dicks. At least then I’m being honest about reality.
I honestly haven’t written about my dick though. I think one or two people asked and I replied, but that’s it.
Paradoxical Intention
We’re not going anywhere with this talk about Liefeld. Let’s just agree that Fabien and Liefeld created Deadpool and leave it at that.
Dude, Pokemon is probably 50% of my life and 75% of my personality, but there’s no denying that the entire monster-raising genre is just alternate reality
cockfightingdog fighting. And that’s not even accounting for the evil teams, who murder people and Pokemon alike within the storylines, or how some species behave in the wild, which would make David Attenborough blanch.Social justice 101: Just because you enjoy something doesn’t mean it’s not problematic, but it’s okay to enjoy problematic things as long as you’re willing to acknowledge them.
Walt, Walt, Walt…
Why the obsessive need to be liked? You aren’t Five anymore. You are allowed to not care if people don’t like you.
What’s important is that you like yourself, Walter – normal-sized penis and all.
I’m sorry you don’t actually have a horse wang, but comfort yourself with this knowledge: human ears have already been grown in labs, so, provided you survive the next decade unscathed, you should be able to custom-order your own Giant Dong eventually.
We’ll all have a celebratory party, and LindsayIrene will do some interpretive dance with her own Giant Dong, and Anarchonist will do Charades with his.
… And I got so hung up on Pokemon that I didn’t even notice the boxing comment. Bro. If you think boxing is safe and nonviolent, I’d like you to meet a couple of unknowns named Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson.
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Pokemon is not dog fighting. Pokemon is insect fighting. The difference is that in the insect fights, specifically the beetle fights in Japan, the fights are not to the death, the bugs aren’t being beaten to whip them into a frenzy and the insects aren’t even really getting hurt because the worst thing that happens is that it falls off a stick. Beetles fall off sticks all the time in nature. It’s not a big deal.
We only think of Pokemon as being violent because we’re associating it with dog/cock fighting, mostly because that’s the closest thing we have in our culture to compare it to, but that’s not the real cultural context of Pokemon or how we should judge it.
In terms of boxing, it is about as safe a way to get hit in the head as you’re going to find. It’s dangerous, you’re going to get hit in the head, but you know that coming in.
I don’t know if you’ve ever tried a combat sport, but the feeling you have when you’re sparring, is totally different from the feeling you get in a street fight. Or at least it is for me. Maybe its different for other people. But to me a street fight is a violent act, it’s uncontrolled, has no rules and your opponent is really trying to hurt you. It’s different than a sport.
Frank Torpedo
I don’t care about being liked. I really don’t care at all if other people like me.
I don’t think you should like yourself, because if you don’t hate yourself, who will?
Okay, let’s discuss Pokemon instead. Now, I did not grow up with Pokemon. I was a teeny bit too old for it to appeal to me when it came out, but I could certainly see what made it so popular at the time. The show was colorful and action-packed, the games looked like a lot of fun, and together, all the marketing elements created this world where every kid knew and accepted the premise, wonky as it may be when thought of critically. What does a Pokemon ecosystem look like? Is the whole world vegan? We know that Pokemon can die, since there are Pokemon graveyeards, but they rarely die on-screen, despite being hit by a lethal amount of electricity and whatnot. And anyway, how does Pokemon biology harness world-changing powers? But there will always be elements in most fantasy worlds that don’t make a lot of sense until explicitly explained.
As Scented Fucking Hard Chairs put it, you can like the show, no one is saying that. But really, the whole “we have these amazing animals that have these amazing powers, and we use them to fight each other?” Not only is that a perfect example of human cruelty, it is also a perfect example of human lack of creativity. There is so much that could be done with this, but no, fighting is the way to go.
Funny that you would mention boxing, as I think it’s one of the laziest ideas for a sport in existence. And still, most people go into boxing voluntarily. Pokemon are trapped and trained to do that. What are the living conditions inside a Pokeball, anyway? Is it safe for Pokemon to be turned into energy repeatedly? Are the Pokemon let out to do what Pokemon do naturally, or would that be too much of a hassle to their owners? And why would you use such a revolutionary technology on collecting animals, for fuck’s sake?
And dude, have you seen Pokemon: The First Movie? They explained very carefully that Pokemon don’t actually want to fight, they just do it because their masters order them to. And you’re calling it a sport? It’s cruelty to animals, plain and simple. Where are the Pokemon Rights organizations of this world? The anti-violence message in the movie clashed so badly with the basic premise of the show that they had to come up with a hackneyed “lose their memory” plot twist in order for the main characters not to learn the very message the movie was trying to get across. Doesn’t that just teach kids that staying ignorant about the fucked up things society does is okay? You don’t have to worry about the harm you may be doing to others as long as you don’t think about it too hard? That’s a terrible message.
I mean, Ash is already one of the most ethical Pokemon trainers, why can’t the writers take the next logical step and show him having a final change of heart, quitting the fights and instead, turning into an outspoken defender of Pokemon rights? What a twist, yet completely true to Ash’s personality! Such drama! I would watch the living shit of a Pokemon story that had such an intense, self-aware turn of events. Ash would free all his Pokemon, though at least a few of them would stay by his side (Pikachu obviously), since he’s always been one of the nicer trainers on the show. We would meet other Pokemon trainers who would try to stop him, as their whole reputation and livelihood depends on the existence of Pokemon fights. We would meet those who agree with Ash to various degrees. We would see the impact Ash’s actions has on society, the little changes that snowball into something bigger. That would be a great message to send to kids: Society can change for the better, sometimes it just takes someone to put the wheels into motion.
We would see many sides to the issue. We would have an analogy to the many ethical problems inherent in traditional sports involving animals, like bull fighting and fox hunting. We could discuss the consequences of Ash’s actions on the human society, as many people have jobs in the Pokemon exploitation industry. How will they feed their families if his plans go through? How different would the society have to become from what it is now in order to treat Pokemon ethically? Yet we know that some human societies in the world can both treat Pokemon ethically and use their powers to their advantage. The difference is that it’s based on cooperation, not competition, and the Pokemon actually want to help humans, as opposed to being bullied and guilted into doing so. Maybe the change wouldn’t actually have to be that drastic, too many people are just hung up on the idea that Pokemon exist for the sake of fighting. In the context of the story, we could even still see Pokemon fights, only now, Pikachu and pals would be protecting Ash voluntarily from the unethical Pokemon trainers and their brainwashed pets.
That’s not what we have, but man, I would love to see such a radical spin on the story.
But again, all this doesn’t mean you can’t like the show as it is. You don’t need to defend the ethical implications of a thing you like in order to justify liking it. For instance, I love the works of Lovecraft and Tolkien to pieces. They both created very unique fictional worlds and memorable ideas that continue to inspire people to this day, but I can still be critical about the various, various problems with them.
Say, isn’t this much more fun than discussing penises?
That sounds like Defeatism to me, Walter, which I disagree with on principle.
And, anyway, I should think we all have enough enemies around us without also being at odds with the person you see in the mirror, and those similar to one’s self.
Synchronisity strikes.
We’ve been talking about Julie Bindel and boxing and now Julie has written an article about boxing.
It does seem the sub editors have it in for her though. Her thesis is that boxing should be banned because all participants are poor and stupid. The subs have illustrated the article with a picture of a boxer who has a PhD and is a multi millionaire from his non boxing projects.
re: boxing: I’ve heard it argued by a few fams of the sport that middle or welter weight down is more of a sport and less of a race to brain damage than heavy weight and larger.
Any thoughts from those with more knowledge than I have (little to none)?
So they get offended and whiny when a woman says something about dick size yet the want “cute, feminine and small” girls? It seems they want “hot” women but can’t stomach the thought of women having physical preferences in men..? Bunch of insecure hypocrites.