antifeminism dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever mike buchanan misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam ugly feminists

Man Who Calls Women Bitches Attacks Organization That Saves Men’s Lives

Paul Elam, alleged "men's human rights" activist
Paul Elam, alleged “men’s human rights” activist

Funny story: Mike Buchanan of the Justice for Men and Boys party — you remember, the tiny British partylet that managed to win literally 0.0007% of the vote in the last UK elections — is trying to organize a men’s rights conference in London.

He recently approached Amnesty International to see if he could rent one of the rooms in their London headquarters for his little shindig. They said no, because AI is a feminist organization, and Buchanan’s little party has more or less declared war on feminism.

Paul Elam — America’s most embarrassing Men’s Rights Activist — apparently thinks that Amnesty’s “no” to Buchanan is a greater violation of human rights than police torture, political imprisonment, and all the other human rights abuses the organization has fought for decades to eliminate.

In a YouTube video, Elam — a transcontinental pal of Buchanan — has accused Amnesty International of a “pretty brazen display of bigotry.” declaring that the venerable human rights organization only cares about human rights “if you have a vagina and align yourself to the correct political ideology.”

The perpetually angry Elam informs us that

this is the moment in time when Amnesty International has gone on the record subscribing to the narrative that men are not human beings and therefore not recognized as having human rights issues. 

He urges people not to support “a human rights advocacy group that fails to recognize the humanity of half the population.”

By that he means Amnesty International, not his own hateful gang.

AI’s alleged failure “to recognize the humanity of half the population” might come as something of a surprise to these guys:

And these are just a few of the thousands of men the organization has campaigned for over the course of many decades of dedicated and diligent work. Amnesty International literally saves men’s lives.

The group also campaigns on behalf of 13-year-old girls forced to marry 70-year-old men, rape survivors forced to marry their rapists, and women sexually tortured by police officers. Because AI recognizes that, you know, women have human rights too.

Amnesty International stands up for oppressed people, regardless of gender, often at great risk.

Mike Buchanan, by contrast, used his platform as a political candidate in the last elections to inform potential voters that marriage is “slavery for men,” that feminists are “hatchet-faced miserable women” and that men groping women’s bottoms without their permission is no big deal, if you think about it. His stance on these and other crucial men’s human rights issues won him 153 votes. Not 153,000. 153.

As for Elam’s A Voice for Men gang, well, aside from calling women “bitches” and worse, slandering people on Twitter, and running a website that loses traffic and influence by the day, AVFM’s only real-world accomplishment in the last year or so has been holding a small retreat for its male “actvists” in which said activists got drunk and made a video in which they made assorted crude sexual remarks about several feminist writers.

Elam was apparently so proud of his drunken performance in this video that he posted it online. And here it is, because I never get tired of reposting this wondrous thing.

That’s the weirdest bit of “human rights activism” I’ve ever seen.

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9 years ago

Yeah it seems the only time he brings up mens issues is when he’s trying to shout down feminists.

Feminists:Rape is a issue that needs to be addressed


Male rape victim: Sir I was raped, could you help me with my problems?

Paul: you got raped? well you must be a sissy little girly man then.loser

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
9 years ago

I’m watching the video of Paul Elam and crew for the first time because the other times I just thought it would be too stupid.

Yes, yes it was too stupid.

My head hurts just from watching it. These guys are dumber than those guys on youtube who hurt themselves on Failarmy and cause property damage.

9 years ago

The foolproof plan

Woman haters attempt to rent a room from a feminist organization.

Are they refused?


Are they successful?

Strut, brag, and gloat.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Why do they need to use Amnesty’s facilities? The irony is that, in its early days, Amnesty managed perfectly well meeting in a pub.

This one:

The lack of premises didn’t seem to hinder AI, so as an aspiring human rights organisation why don’t they emulate the Amnesty model?

9 years ago

Alan – I expect Buchanan had an idea that Amnesty would refuse and did it to claim victim status.

Though I suppose it is POSSIBLE that he actually thinks that his org is a genuine human rights org.

9 years ago

I actually work in AIUK’s London office, in the same department as the team who book our conference spaces out. In fact I’m here right now, avoiding looking at the mountain of post I have to sent out today because the other volunteer is off sick. As soon as I find out which one of them it was who sent this email, I’ll going to give her* the biggest high five ever.

*That’s right, her. The three members of that team are women, all because of how much Amnesty International UK hates men just so much.

9 years ago

Clicking the link brings you to Buchanan’s site, where he reproduces his (polite enough) initial request, AIUK’s unambiguous refusal, and then his follow up emails, which are the best part. He ignores the no, demands to be contacted promptly, uses the press as a threat, uses legal action as a threat, asks to be passed up the chain, asks for a proforma invoice as if the booking is a given and they are inconveniencing him with their delays. What’s incredible to me is that he’s posting these on his own site because he thinks they make him look like the good guy.

9 years ago

He urges people not to support “a human rights advocacy group that fails to recognize the humanity of half the population.”

Self-awareness. How does that work?

9 years ago

Why do they need to use Amnesty’s facilities? The irony is that, in its early days, Amnesty managed perfectly well meeting in a pub.

I strongly suspect he’s already tried that, and that Mikey is that guy all the pubs keep having to throw out because he gets drunk off a single whiff of the bartender’s apron, starts yelling obscenities, and tries to motorboat random women.

9 years ago

Also, Paulie’s eyes in that video are giving me premonitions of the nightmares I’m gonna be having tonight. Brrrrrrr.

Deborah Hitchens
Deborah Hitchens
9 years ago

I have this sneaking suspicion that Paul Elam and the MRA really don’t like women?
Anyone else get that feeling?

Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard
9 years ago

In every picture of him I’ve ever seen, Elam always looks like he’s about to literally explode.

If only…

9 years ago

Lol, I think it’s funny how feminists call men’s rights activists ‘angry’. Feminists are just as angry. Stop projecting your own faults onto each other. I guess that the two groups end up looking angry when both of their ideologies are designed around hating the other 50% of the human race that isn’t your gender…
Have fun with this comment ;p