antifeminism dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever mike buchanan misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam ugly feminists

Man Who Calls Women Bitches Attacks Organization That Saves Men’s Lives

Paul Elam, alleged "men's human rights" activist
Paul Elam, alleged “men’s human rights” activist

Funny story: Mike Buchanan of the Justice for Men and Boys party — you remember, the tiny British partylet that managed to win literally 0.0007% of the vote in the last UK elections — is trying to organize a men’s rights conference in London.

He recently approached Amnesty International to see if he could rent one of the rooms in their London headquarters for his little shindig. They said no, because AI is a feminist organization, and Buchanan’s little party has more or less declared war on feminism.

Paul Elam — America’s most embarrassing Men’s Rights Activist — apparently thinks that Amnesty’s “no” to Buchanan is a greater violation of human rights than police torture, political imprisonment, and all the other human rights abuses the organization has fought for decades to eliminate.

In a YouTube video, Elam — a transcontinental pal of Buchanan — has accused Amnesty International of a “pretty brazen display of bigotry.” declaring that the venerable human rights organization only cares about human rights “if you have a vagina and align yourself to the correct political ideology.”

The perpetually angry Elam informs us that

this is the moment in time when Amnesty International has gone on the record subscribing to the narrative that men are not human beings and therefore not recognized as having human rights issues. 

He urges people not to support “a human rights advocacy group that fails to recognize the humanity of half the population.”

By that he means Amnesty International, not his own hateful gang.

AI’s alleged failure “to recognize the humanity of half the population” might come as something of a surprise to these guys:

And these are just a few of the thousands of men the organization has campaigned for over the course of many decades of dedicated and diligent work. Amnesty International literally saves men’s lives.

The group also campaigns on behalf of 13-year-old girls forced to marry 70-year-old men, rape survivors forced to marry their rapists, and women sexually tortured by police officers. Because AI recognizes that, you know, women have human rights too.

Amnesty International stands up for oppressed people, regardless of gender, often at great risk.

Mike Buchanan, by contrast, used his platform as a political candidate in the last elections to inform potential voters that marriage is “slavery for men,” that feminists are “hatchet-faced miserable women” and that men groping women’s bottoms without their permission is no big deal, if you think about it. His stance on these and other crucial men’s human rights issues won him 153 votes. Not 153,000. 153.

As for Elam’s A Voice for Men gang, well, aside from calling women “bitches” and worse, slandering people on Twitter, and running a website that loses traffic and influence by the day, AVFM’s only real-world accomplishment in the last year or so has been holding a small retreat for its male “actvists” in which said activists got drunk and made a video in which they made assorted crude sexual remarks about several feminist writers.

Elam was apparently so proud of his drunken performance in this video that he posted it online. And here it is, because I never get tired of reposting this wondrous thing.

That’s the weirdest bit of “human rights activism” I’ve ever seen.

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9 years ago

Paul Elam, Amnesty International has been working tirelessly on behalf of humanity for 55 years.

You’ve been running your hate group for men for a few years now and lining your pockets with the money that miserable guys send you.

I don’t think the world will be impressed with your argument.

But by all means, keep spewing the hatred.

Bonne chance!

9 years ago

In every picture of him I’ve ever seen, Elam always looks like he’s about to literally explode.

We should be so lucky.

9 years ago

But Dave, none of those men are white, so they’re technically women. Obviously.

9 years ago

O/T but in Newz of Other Jerks:

“Liberty President Calls for an Armed Christian Campus”

Following the San Bernardino shootings, which left 14 dead, Falwell said he began carrying a .25-caliber handgun in his back pocket. He said he’s had a permit for more than year.

During his address Friday, Falwell mentioned the weapon and reached around seemingly to fetch it.

“Is it illegal to pull it out? I don’t know,” he said, laughing, drawing some hoots from the audience.

Definitely following in the footsteps of Christ.

Definitely in this world but not of it.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Fruitloopsie | December 5, 2015 at 5:30 pm
I have never seen Men’s rights activists like A Voice For Men raise money for shelters for men. Only crying that we don’t have any and it’s so hard to build them while raising and wasting thousands of dollars over nonsensical documentaries. So you know they’re lying and actually don’t care.

Of course they don’t care. They just want feminists to do it. Otherwise, we don’t care about men, and that’s just evil.

They don’t discuss about homophobia only “why gay men should not be feminists” and anyone raised by gay men are “lucky” in their stupid memes and articles.

Then they actively engage in homophobia and think gay men are somehow not men either, because eeew, who wants to fuck a dude?! Or, even worse, let a dude fuck you?! No REAL MAYUN would ever have a PENIS inserted inside him! That’s emasculating!

They never discuss about toxic masculinity and how to stop it but use it to their advantage to shut up and control feminists and others.

But they sure as fuck perpetuate it by insisting that men be REAL MEN by being violent, unable to control themselves sexually, and just straight up animals.

They never ever done anything that is remotely helpful. They only fuel men and boys to be nothing but dangerous terrorists to feminists, women and girls and everyone else when they don’t get their way.

Why actually do anything when you can just silence your opponents by inciting your hate mobs?

9 years ago

Not only most of them are white straight cis middle class abled men and boys who are afraid of losing their power but some (women and minorities) have joined in on the scams as well to get easy money and are scared as well to lose their power so they silence others as much as possible.

9 years ago

Whohoo! Navigating the site on my phone doesn’t make my phone give up on every link! Yes!

Also, every time I think AVFM’s hit rock bottom, they find a way to keep digging. I’d be impressed, but I’m really not…

shay simmons
shay simmons
9 years ago

Falwell has started carrying a .25 in his hip pocket? Hope he sits down someday and shoots himself in the assets.

Bananananana dakry
Bananananana dakry
9 years ago

Elam has the look of a man who’s spent his entire life marinating in his own hatred and bile to the point of critical mass. With luck, the detonation will be inward and not, as I fear, outward onto innocents.

The hairs on my neck stand up whenever I look at him, because he’s broadcasting “stay the fuck AWAY from this person” at megawatt levels. Gah.

9 years ago

At least this photo of Elam is a change from his avatar, the one that’s a photo of him glaring at us over his bifocals.

I always want to punch that avatar.

No, I am not the teenager who took your car without your permission, got drunk, and wrecked the car. Again.

So you can just stop looking at me that way.

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

this is the moment in time when Amnesty International has gone on the record subscribing to the narrative that men are not human beings and therefore not recognized as having human rights issues.

Yeah, funny, they were behind me with advice, signs, educational material, and publicity when I organized a rally for Saudi prisoner Raif Badawi, a man, in front of the Saudi consulate in Los Angeles last June.

Of course that doesn’t count. Not only is Raif not white, I’m a woman. And a feminist. I could never have done such a thing. It’s unpossible.

Worse even than that even, Raif’s actual wife, also a feminist woman, has been campaigning tirelessly for his release from the beginning. HIS WIFE.

Of course I’m sure she just wants him back so she can spermjack him while he pays to keep her in bon bons and scented candles.

Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

Fruitloopsie — true to form, you raise good points!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Amnesty told Mike Buchan to get lost? They really do piss off all the right people, don’t they? I think I need to get around to setting up a direct debit to give them money.

9 years ago

I have been an activist member of AI for more than twenty years. Ironically, far from failing to protect the rights of men and boys, for many years Amnesty did just about only that. Human rights abuses used against women in particular (eg rape in war, forced sterilizations/abortions) did not fall neatly into the way that AI was set up in terms of mandate (eg targeting governments and not armed opposition groups, focusing on individuals such as Prisoners of Conscience etc). It is only in the last 10-15 years, with changes in the scope of its work, that women’s human rights were campaigned for- while the older areas of focus have continued on, as can be seen in David’s post. In fact just yesterday I sent cards of support to some of those pictured… It is Write for Rights season, and you can write too. Here is some info on 12 (of which 7 are men as it happens).

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
9 years ago

Don’t you get it? It’s HuMAN Rights, not HuWOMAN Rights!

9 years ago

OT, and sorry if this has already been addressed and I missed it, but are the sidebar links coming back? In particular, I always liked how there were survivor resource links for men.

(It also occurred to me that maybe they *are* on the site, and my blockers are interfering, but I have WHTM whitelisted, so I would hope that isn’t the case.)

9 years ago

Does anyone else suspect that Mike Buchanan asked AI for a room because he knew they would say no? I suspect this was a cheap way to feed the hate machine and drum up some publicity.

Also, are all the men who work for AI otherkin?

9 years ago

OT, and sorry if this has already been addressed and I missed it, but are the sidebar links coming back? In particular, I always liked how there were survivor resource links for men.

Does AVFM have any links like that? I never been there for obvious reasons.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

Amnesty has gotten more and more explicitly feminist over the years. At one point, for intance, AI was officially had no position on abortion (though that was likely to get donations from Catholics and members of moderate non-fundamentalist Protestant churches). They eventually switched to a full defense of abortion and reproductive rights.

I think AI tends to be fairly consistent about protecting different groups of people, recognizing that human rights can be violated by people and groups other than the government, etc.

9 years ago


Nope. Nothing like that, other than Paulie’s money making scam “An Ear For Men”.

9 years ago


wow,he can’t even manage to do that much to actually help men? let me guess that only out side links that are there are to other mra hate sites right?

9 years ago


Barely even that! Most of the links are to other AVFM related things, like their own books and side projects. There’s a short blog roll at the bottom of the page linking to other woman hating blogs. No actual resources.

9 years ago

lol so a web site thats suppose to be for man hating femnazis has more resources for helping men then actual sites that say they are for helping men. That’s irony right?

9 years ago


I just think it’s baffling that Paulie can’t be bothered to at least pretend as if he’s interested in actual men’s issues.